Bibliography for the lecture of S. Davis
Bibliography for the lecture of S. Davis
Recent Work in Coptic History and Historiography: A Select Bibliography Stephen J. Davis, Yale University Table of Contents 1. General History and Historiography: Surveys, Sources, Studies [1–4] 2. Chronological, Geographical, and Regional Studies [4–6] 3. Language and Education in Late Antiquity [6–8] 4. Cultural Contexts & Encounters: Judaism, Hellenism, Local Egyptian Religion [9–11] 5. Piety, Hagiography, and the Cult of the Saints [11–16] 6. History of Egyptian Monasticism [16–21] 7. Church Leadership and Administration [21–22] 8. History of Theology and Biblical Interpretation [22–31] 9. Coptic Christianity in Medieval Egypt (7–15th cent.) [31–34] 10. The Coptic Church from the Ottoman Period to the Present (16th–21st cent.) [34–36] 1. General History and Historiography: Surveys, Sources, Studies An>ūnīyūs al-Antūnī, Watanīyat al-kanīsa al-qib>īya wa tarīkhiha (The National Identity and History of the Coptic Church). Second edition. Cairo: Shirkat al->abā`a al-mi#rīya, 2004. Antūniyūs al-Antūnī, Watanīyat al-kanīsa al-qib>īya wa tarīkhiha al-ma`ā#ir (The National Identity and Contemporary History of the Coptic Church). Second edition. 4 volumes. Cairo: Shirkat al->abā`a al-mi#rīya, 2004. Bagnall, Roger S. Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300–700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Bagnall, Roger S. Hellenistic and Roman Egypt: Sources and Approaches. Aldershot and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2006. Bagnall, Roger S. “Women’s Petitions in Late Antique Egypt.” In: La pétition à Byzance, edited by Denis Feissel, and Jean Gascou, 53–60. Centre de Recherche d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, monographies 14. Paris: Association des amis du Centre d’histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2004. Bagnall, Roger S., and Raffaella Cribiore (with Evie Ahtaridis). Women’s Letters from Ancient Egypt, 300 BC – AD 800. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 2006. Bagnall, Roger S., and Peter Derow. The Hellenistic Period: Historical Sources in Translation. Oxford and Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2004. Baumeister, Theofried. “Geschichte und Historiographie des ägyptischen Christentums: Studien und Darstellungen der letzen Jahre.” In Huitième congrès international d’études coptes (Paris 2004). I. Bilans et perspectives 2000–2004, edited by A. Boud’hors and D. Vaillancourt, 37–67. Cahiers de la Bibliothèque copte 15. Paris: De Boccard, 2006. 1 Behlmer, Heike. “The Recovery of the Coptic Sources for the Study of Gender in Late Antiquity.” Orientalia 73 (2004), 255–269. Behlmer, Heike. “Women and the Holy in Coptic Hagiography.” In: Acts du huitième congrès international d’études coptes, Paris, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2004, edited by N. Bosson and A. Boud’hors, volume 2, 405–16. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Boochs, Wolfgang, ed. Geschichte und Geist der koptischen Kirche. Langwaden: Bernardus-Verlag, 2004. Bosson, Nathalie, and Anne Boud’hors, eds. Acts du huitième congrès international d’études coptes, Paris, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2004. 2 volumes. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Boud’hors, Anne, and Denyse Vaillancourt, eds. Huitième congrès international d’études coptes (Paris 2004). I. Bilans et perspectives 2000–2004. Cahiers de la Bibliothèque copte 15. Paris: De Boccard, 2006. Buzi, Paola. “The Borgia Coptic Manuscripts Collection Preserved in Naples: A New Catalogue.” In: Acts du huitième congrès international d’études coptes, Paris, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2004, edited by N. Bosson and A. Boud’hors, volume 1, 41–50. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Buzi, Paola. Il Cristianesimo copto. Egitto, Etiopia, Nubia. Storia, letteratura e arte. Bologna, ESD, 2006. "Settereligioni" 16 (2006) = L'Oriente Cristiano, 3 Calament, Florence. “L’énigme de la caisse d’Orléans: Prolégomènes à l’étude d’ostraca orphelins.” In: Acts du huitième congrès international d’études coptes, Paris, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2004, edited by N. Bosson and A. Boud’hors, volume 1, 51–62. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Camplani, Alberto. “Lettere episcopali, storiografia patriarcale e letteratura canonica: a proposito del Codex veronensis LX (58),” Rivista di storia del cristianesimo 3 (2006), 117–164. Chaillot, Christine. The Coptic Orthodox Church: A Brief Introduction to Its Life and Spirituality. Paris: Inter-Orthodox Dialogue, 2005. Delattre, Alain. “La collection papyrologique copte des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire de Bruxelles.” In: Acts du huitième congrès international d’études coptes, Paris, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2004, edited by N. Bosson and A. Boud’hors, volume 1, 79–84. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Elli, Alberto. Storia della Chiesa copta. Studia Orientalia Christiana - Monographiae 12, 13, 14. Cairo-Jerusalem: The Franciscan Centre of Christian Oriental Studies, 2003. Emmel, Stephen. “Coptic Studies before Kircher.” In: Coptic Studies on the Threshold of a New Millenium: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, August 27 – September 2, 2000, edited by M. Immerzeel, J. van der Vliet, and 2 C. van Zoest, volume 1, 1–14. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 133. Louvain: Peeters, 2004. Emmel, Stephen. “Die Kopten zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft.” In: Geschichte und Geist der koptischen Kirche, edited by Wolfgang Boochs, 193–203. Langwaden: Bernardus-Verlag, 2004. Field, Lester L., Jr. On the Communion of Damasus and Meletius: Fourth-century Synodal Formulae in the Codex Veronensis LX, with Critical Edition and Translation. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medaeval Studies, 2004. Fluck, Cäcilia. “Die Sammlung spätantiker und frühchristlicher Denkmäler aus Agypten im Berliner Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum.” In: Acts du huitième congrès international d’études coptes, Paris, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2004, edited by N. Bosson and A. Boud’hors, volume 1, 85–98. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Gabra, Gawdat, and Gertrud J. M. van Loon. The Churches of Egypt: From the Journey of the Holy Family to the Present Day. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2007. Gabra, Gawdat, ed. The Historical Dictionary of the Coptic Church. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, forthcoming. Gabra, Gawdat. The Illustrated Guide to the Coptic Museum and Churches of Old Cairo. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2006. Gabra, Gawdat. The Treasures of Coptic Art in the Coptic Museum and the Churches of Old Cairo. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2006. Goehring, James E., and Janet A. Timbie, eds. The World of Early Egyptian Christianity: Language, Literature, and Social Context. Essays in Honor of David W. Johnson. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007. Hamilton, Alastair. The Copts and the West, 1439–1822: The European Discovery of the Egyptian Church. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. Jones, Lindsay, ed. The Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. Kim, David W. “The Wind-Blowing Desert: Thamasine Scholarship,” Journal of Coptic Studies 8 (2006), 87–101. Louis, Catherine. “Nouveaux documents concernant l’ « affaire des parchemins coptes » du monastère Blanc.” In: Acts du huitième congrès international d’études coptes, Paris, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2004, edited by N. Bosson and A. Boud’hors, volume 1, 99–114. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Mikhail, Maged. “An Historical Definition for the ‘Coptic Period’.” In: Coptic Studies on the Threshold of a New Millenium: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, August 27 – September 2, 2000, edited by M. Immerzeel, J. van der Vliet, and C. van Zoest, volume 2, 971–83. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 133. Louvain: Peeters, 2004 3 Mikhā’īl Maksī Iskandir, Tārīkh al-masī< īya wa āthāruhā fī al-khamas mudun algharbīya. 2nd edition. Cairo: St. Mark Foundation for Coptic History Studies, 2005. Moawad, Samuel. “Untersuchungen zum Panegyrikos auf Makarios von Tkōou und zu seiner Überlieferung.” Ph.D. dissertation, Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität zu Münster (Westf.), 2005. Moawad, Samuel. “Zur Datierung des Panegyrikos auf Makarios von Tkôou.” In: Acts du huitième congrès international d’études coptes, Paris, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2004, edited by N. Bosson and A. Boud’hors, volume 2, 459–62. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Nuffelen, Peter van. Un héritage de paix et de piété. Étude sur les Histoires ecclésiastiques de Socrate et de Sozomène. Leuven: Peeters, 2004. Orlandi, Tito. “The Coptic Ecclesiastical History: A Survey.” In: The World of Early Egyptian Christianity. Language, Literature, and Social Context, Essays in Honor of David W. Johnson, edited by James E. Goehring and Janet A. Timbie, 3–24. Washington, Catholic University Press, 2007. Orlandi, Tito. ed. Corpus dei Manoscritti Copti Letterari. Orlandi, Tito. “Presidential Address: The IACS and Coptic Studies, A Report.” In Huitième congrès international d’études coptes (Paris 2004). I. Bilans et perspectives 2000–2004, edited by A. Boud’hors and D. Vaillancourt, 15–36. Cahiers de la Bibliothèque copte 15. Paris: De Boccard, 2006. Papaconstantinou, Arietta. “Aux marges de l’empire ou au centre du monde? De l’Égypte des Byzantins à celle des historiens.” Journal of Juristic Papyrology 35 (2005), 195–236. Robinson, James M. “The French Role in Early Nag Hammadi Studies,” Journal of Coptic Studies 7 (2005), 1–12. Smith, Bonnie G., ed. Encyclopedia of Women in World History. 4 volumes. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Available online at Wilfong, T. G. "Gender and Society in Byzantine Egypt.” In: Egypt in the Byzantine World 300-700, edited by Roger S. Bagnall, 309–27. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 2. Chronological, Geographical, and Regional Studies Bagnall, Roger S., and Klaas A. Worp. Chronological Systems of Byzantine Egypt. 2nd edition. Leiden: Brill, 2004. Bagnall, Roger S., and Klaas A. Worp. “Dating the Coptic Legal Documents from Aphrodite.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 148 (2004) 247–252. 4 Bagnall, Roger S., and Dominic W. Rathbone, eds. Egypt from Alexander to the Copts. London: The British Museum Press, 2004. Repr. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2008. Dijkstra, Jitse H. F. Philae and the End of Ancient Egyptian Religion. A Regional Study of Religious Transformation (298-642 CE). Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 173. Leuven: Peeters, 2008. Dijkstra, Jitse H. F. “Religious Encounters on the Southern Egyptian Frontier in Late Antiquity (A.D. 298–642).” Ph.D. diss., Groningen, 2005. Dijkstra, Jitse H. F., and Klaas A. Worp. “The Administrative Position of Omboi and Syene in Late Antiquity.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 155 (2006), 183–187. Förster, Hans. “Die älteste marianische Antiphon eine Fehldatierung? Überlegungen zum ‘ältesten Beleg’ des Sub tuum praesidium.” Journal of Coptic Studies 7 (2005) 99– 109, pl. 4. Gabra, Gawdat, ed. Christianity and Monasticism in the Fayoum Oasis: Essays from the 2004 International Symposium of the Saint Mark Foundation and the Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society in Honor of Martin Krause. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005. Gabra, Gawdat, and Hany Takla, eds. Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt: Sohag and Akhmim. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, forthcoming. Keenan, James G. “Byzantine Egyptian Villages.” In: Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300– 700, edited by Roger S. Bagnall, 226–43. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Kiss, Zsolt. “Alexandria in the Fourth to Seventh Centuries.” In: Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300–700, edited by Roger S. Bagnall, 187–206. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Langener, Lucia. “Chronologie der koptischen Kirche.” In: Geschichte und Geist der koptischen Kirche, edited by Wolfgang Boochs, 205–228. Langwaden: BernardusVerlag, 2004. Minnen, Peter van. “The Other Cities in Later Roman Egypt.” In: Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300–700, edited by Roger S. Bagnall, 207–25. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Nakano, Chièmi. “Indices d’une chronologie relative des manuscrits coptes copiés à Toutôn (Fayoum),” Journal of Coptic Studies 8 (2006), 147–59. Richter, Siegfried G. “The Importance of the Fayoum for Coptic Studies.” In: Christianity and Monasticism in the Fayoum Oasis: Essays from the 2004 International Symposium of the Saint Mark Foundation and the Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society 5 in Honor of Martin Krause, edited by Gawdat Gabra, 1–9. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005. Wipszycka, Ewa. “La Vita Antonii confrontée avec la réalité géographique.” In: Aegyptus Christiana. Mélanges d’hagiographie égyptienne et orientale dédiés à la mémoire du P. Paul Devos bollandiste, edited by Ugo Zanetti and Enzo Lucchesi, 135–148. COr 25. Geneva: Patrick Cramer Éditeur, 2004. Youssef, Youhanna Nessim. “The Calculation of Our Glorious Church.” Saint Shenouda Coptic Quarterly 2.2 (January 2006), 11–14. Youssef, Youhanna Nessim. “Old Cairo / New Alexandria.” Saint Shenouda Coptic Quarterly 2.2 (January 2006) 15–19. 3. Language and Education in Late Antiquity Bagnall, Roger S. “Introduction.” In: In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 3–7. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Brune, Karl-Heinz. “Schooldays in the Fayoum in the First Millennium.” In: Christianity and Monasticism in the Fayoum Oasis: Essays from the 2004 International Symposium of the Saint Mark Foundation and the Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society in Honor of Martin Krause, edited by Gawdat Gabra, 34–43. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005. Bucking, Scott. “Scribes and Schoolmasters? On Contextualizing Coptic and Greek Ostraca Excavated at the Monastery of Epiphanius,” Journal of Coptic Studies 9 (2007), 21–47. Cavallo, Guiglielmo. “Places of Public Reading in Late Antiquity.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 151–6. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Cribiore, Raffaella. “The Coptic School Exercises in the Collection of Columbia University.” In: Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologen-Kongresses, Wien 22.–28. Juli 2001, edited by Bernhard Palme, 127–30. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences Press), 2007. Cribiore, Raffaella. “P.Col.inv. 179c (2): The Letter of a Teacher to an Old Student.” In: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 1–7 August, 2004. Volume 1. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 122:1. Edited by Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola, and Erja Salmenkivi, 199–204. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2007. Cribiore, Raffaella. “Spaces for Teaching in Late Antiquity.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz 6 Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 143–50. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Derda, Tomasz, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, eds. Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Falivene, Maria Rosaria. “On Labyrinths, Lies and Libraries.” In: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 1–7 August, 2004. Volume 1. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 122:1. Edited by Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola, and Erja Salmenkivi, 309–20. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2007. Fernández Delgado, José-Antonio. “The Fable in School Papyri.” In: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 1–7 August, 2004. Volume 1. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 122:1. Edited by Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola, and Erja Salmenkivi, 321–30. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2007. Fournet, Jean-Luc. “L’enseignement des belles-lettres dans l’Alexandrie antique tardive.” In Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 97–112. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Haas, Christopher. “Kôm el-Dikka in Context: The Auditoria and the History of Late Antique Alexandria.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 85–96. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Haggag, Mona. “Some Remarks on the Function of the Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 135–9. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Majcherek, Grzegorz. “The Late Roman Auditoria of Alexandria: An Archaeological Overview.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 11–50. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. McKenzie, Judith S. “The Place in Late Antique Alexandria ‘Where Alchemists and Scholars Sit (...) Was Like Stairs.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 53–83. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. McNamee, Kathleen. “Finding Libraries.” In: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 1–7 August, 2004. Volume 1. Commentationes 7 Humanarum Litterarum 122:1. Edited by Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola, and Erja Salmenkivi, 693–707. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2007. Mugridge, Alan. “What is a Scriptorium?” In: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 1–7 August, 2004. Volume 1. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 122:1. Edited by Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola, and Erja Salmenkivi, 781–92. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2007. Papaconstantinou, Arietta. “Dioscore et le bilinguisme dans l’Égypte du VIe siècle.” Forthcoming in Les archives de Dioscore d’Aproditè cent ans après leur découverte. Histoire et culture dans l’Égypte Byzantine, edited by Jean-Luc Fournet. Paris 2008. Renaut, Delphine. “The Influence of Alexandria on the Intellectual Life of Gaza.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 169–75. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Shenouda Maher Ishaq, and Youhanna Nessim Youssef. Turāth al-adab al-qib>ī: Tārīkh al-lughah al-qib>īya wa lahjātiha—ma#ādir al-adab al-qib>ī wa mabādi’ihi (The Heritage of Coptic Literature: The History of the Coptic Language and Its Dialects—Sources and Elements of Coptic Literature. With an introduction by Gawdat Gabra. Cairo: Saint Mark Foundation for Coptic History Studies, 2003. Sidarus, Adel. “Multilingualism and Lexicography in Egyptian Late Antiquity.” Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 44 (2007), 173–95. Szabat, Elżbieta. “Teachers in the Eastern Roman Empire (Fifth-Seventh Centuries): A Historical Study and Prosopography.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 177–345. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Vössing, Konrad. “Scholae et bibliothecae: Uberlegungen zum Zusammenhang von Schulen und Bibliotheken im römischen Reich.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 157–67. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Welch, Katherine E. “Some Architectural Prototypes for the Auditoria at Kom el-Dikka and Three Late Antique (fifth century AD) Comparanda from Aphrodisias in Caria.” In: Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education, edited by Tomasz Derda, Tomasz Markiewicz, and Ewa Wipszycka, 115–33. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement Volume VII. Warsaw: Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration and Institute of Archaeology, 2006. 8 4. Cultural Contexts & Encounters: Judaism, Hellenism, Local Egyptian Religion Bagnall, Roger. “Linguistic Change and Religious Change: Thinking about the Temples of the Fayoum in the Roman Period.” In: Christianity and Monasticism in the Fayoum Oasis: Essays from the 2004 International Symposium of the Saint Mark Foundation and the Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society in Honor of Martin Krause, edited by Gawdat Gabra, 11–19. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005. Behlmer, Heike. “Christian Use of Pharaonic Sacred Space in Western Thebes: the Case of TT85 and 87.” In: Sacred Space and Sacred Function in Ancient Thebes. Occasional Proceedings of the Theban Workshop, edited Peter F. Dorman and Betsy M. Bryan. SAOC 61, 165–77. Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2007. Beltz, Walter, and Jürgen Tubach, eds. Expansion und Destruktion in lokalen und regionalen Systemen koexistierender Religionsgemeinschaften. Leucorea-Kolloquium 2004. Halle (Saale) : Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2006. [= Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 41 (2006)] Boyarin, Daniel, and Virginia Burrus. “Hybridity as Subversion of Orthodoxy? Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity,” Social Compass 52.4 (2005), 431–41. Brakke, David, Anders-Christian Jacobsen, and Jörg Ulrich, eds. Beyond Reception: Mutual Influences between Antique Religion, Judaism, and Early Christianity. Frankfurt am Main and New York: Peter Lang, 2006. Brune, Karl-Heinz. “Die Koptische Kunst – eine Brücke zwischen Heiden- und Christentum.” In: Geschichte und Geist der koptischen Kirche, edited by Wolfgang Boochs, 75–113. Langwaden: Bernardus-Verlag, 2004. Cameron, Alan. “Poets and Pagans in Byzantine Egypt.” In: Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300–700, edited by Roger S. Bagnall, 21–46. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Dunand, Françoise. “Between Tradition and Innovation: Egyptian Funerary Practices in Late Antiquity.” In: Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300–700, edited by Roger S. Bagnall, 163–84. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Emmel, Stephen. “Shenoute of Atripe and the Christian Destruction of Temples in Egypt: Rhetoric and Reality.” Forthcoming in: From Temple to Church: Destruction and Renewal of Local Cultic Topography in Late Antiquity, edited by Johannes Hahn, Stephen Emmel, and Ulrich Gotter. Religions in the Graeco-Roman World. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Frankfurter, David. “Christianity and Paganism I: Egypt.” In Cambridge History of Christianity, vol. 2, Constantine to c. 600, ed. Augustine M. C. Casiday and Frederick W. Norris, 173–188. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Frankfurter, David. “Hagiography and the Reconstruction of Local Religion in Late Antique Egypt: Memories, Inventions, and Landscapes.” In: The Encroaching Desert: 9 Egyptian Hagiography and the Medieval West, edited by J. Dijkstra and M. van Dijk, 13– 37. Leiden: Brill, 2006. [= Church History and Religious Culture 86.1–4 (2006), 13–37] Frankfurter, David. “Illuminating the Cult of Kothos: The Panegyric on Macarius and Local Religion in Fifth-Century Egypt.” In: The World of Early Egyptian Christianity. Language, Literature, and Social Context, Essays in Honor of David W. Johnson, edited by James E. Goehring and Janet A. Timbie, 176-188. Washington, Catholic University Press, 2007. Hahn, Johannes. Gewalt und religiöser Konflikt. 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