Rapport annuel 2013-14 anglais.pub - Course de bateaux


Rapport annuel 2013-14 anglais.pub - Course de bateaux
Annual Report
2013 - 2014
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
Only one life to live
Comments from the President, Jean Duchesneau, and the Executive Director, Ronald Davidson
here are currently more than 17,000 in Montreal, close to 13,000 in the Montérégie area, and well
beyond 5,000 in Quebec. In total, if you add them all in each region of Quebec, 65,000 children and
youngsters under the age of 24 must come to terms on a daily basis with an activity limitation imposed
by a chronic disease, an intellectual disability, a pervasive development disorder, a sensory deficit, or a
learning disability.
This number alone justifies the presence of the Quebec Society for
Disabled Children in each of the regions of Quebec, as well as joint
efforts with countless community associations that share the same
concerns, and who are fuelled by the same ambitions. Beyond the
statistics, there is the intolerable awareness that so many young lives
should not always slip under the radar of the child care system, the school
system and the labour market.
Disabled children’s basic needs - to learn, to develop, to integrate, to play,
to love and be loved - the Quebec Society for Disabled Children will
make these claims on their behalf. Because, essentially we have only one
life to live.
You will discover as you peruse the following
urgency of living life to the fullest, of not falling
prey to complacency and of demonstrating
audacity is the operating mode of the volunteers
and employees of the Society in each of its
educational, stimulation, inclusion, recreational
and respite programs. All of this on behalf of the children and their families.
pages that the sense of
The number of disabled
children and youngsters
under the age of 24 in
For the past 84 years, the Society has remained attentive to the families, and has Quebec.
shown compassion and integrity in the selection, the planning, and the delivery
of quality programs and services. It strives to look ahead and meet the
constantly changing needs of the children and their families. It defends the rights of children to access
specialized resources at the daycare and at school. It displays concern with the protection of the family
unit by granting the parents moments of respite. It manages the contributions it receives in a transparent
and responsible way. And, by cooperating with other organizations that share similar objectives, the
Society values volunteer work and favours the commitment of volunteers and employees towards a
common vision.
These values provide the backdrop for the Society’s governance and action plan, exercised in the pursuit
of excellence and motivated by the feeling that, for the children and their parents, time is of the essence.
We only have one life to live.
The mission
ounded in 1930, the Quebec Society for Disabled Children is a non profit organization dedicated to
defending the rights of children with disabilities and to the promotion of integration and equal
opportunities. The Society offers adapted services that enable disabled children to achieve their full
potential, and addresses the special needs of the families.
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
A place for all the children
nclusion at the Papillon Daycare is an
undisputable norm that has been guiding its
mission for close to forty years. It promotes
learning, and it enables disabled
children, like all other children, to
take their first steps in society.
Inclusion is also the best way to
reduce negative attitudes towards
disabled people. In this context, the
Papillon Daycare is an environment
conducive to learning individual
differences and to discover what the
power of diversity can bring to
The fourteen educators who
welcome the Papillon Daycare’s 72
children every day, offer learning
conditions adapted to the children.
They enable the children to evolve
in an environment where they are
active collaborators recognized by their peers, to
contribute to the development of the group’s
intellectual and social life and to reap significant
benefits in all spheres of their development.
Meantime, at Jardin des Papillon Stimulation
Centre, thanks to the assistance of specialized
educators and student trainees from McGill
University and from France, 22 children from the
Papillon Daycare, the Montreal Children’s
Hospital and from external sources, received
specialized services for a total of
471 sessions in order to favour, if
not accelerate their growth and
their development. For a period of
eight weeks in the summer 2013,
Jardin des Papillons Day Camp
welcomed children who could not
attend a regular day camp because
of their special needs.
A second day camp for children
with a tracheostomy with or
without ventilation was piloted by
the Papillon Daycare last summer
thanks to the financial support of
the Montreal Children’s Hospital
Foundation that enabled the hiring
of three nurses.
Finally, one of the highlights of the past year, the
Papillon Daycare received the wonderful donation
of eight iPads, a portable computer and a power
cart, courtesy of the Starlight Foundation.
iPad apps favour the social and cognitive
development of the children.
Answers for parents
The number of disabled
children integrated in
child care services in
(Data 2006)
he lack of available places in daycare is without a doubt one of the major
concerns of the parents and is certainly not unrelated to their frustration of
not being able to obtain the services their children require. It will always be
incumbent upon the parents to fight their battles on every front through the
various stages of their child’s life. Whether it is a matter of obtaining financial
aid, rehabilitation services, educational resources, child care, or home
adaptation, resources are scarce and require very specific selection criteria that
further limit accessibility therefore disqualifying countless families.
It was in this spirit that the Quebec Society for Disabled Children created
Carrefour Papillon, a personalized assistance service, free of charge, for parents seeking resources. Our
mandate is to provide support to the parents in their endeavours, regardless of where they live in Quebec.
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
The longest of journeys
aking care of children, raising them, educating them and providing
them with everything they need is already a difficult task, so you can
imagine the trial of taking care of a disabled child. To be the parent
of a disabled child is to embark upon the longest of journeys, in a
universe where the healthcare needs of their child are not always met,
where waiting lists are never-ending and where the services are too
expensive, if by chance they are available.
Denied support and resources, the parents are often forced to reduce
their working hours, to modify their schedule or to refuse a promotion.
Thus, grappling with a high financial burden, accentuated by low
income, a number of studies suggest that many parents suffer from
various types of stress related disorders. The cause-and-effect
connection as to the child’s disability and the parents’ health was
No need for further reasons to justify the necessity of a respite program
that provides the parents with the opportunity to catch their breath, to
grant valuable time to the other children of the family, to spend quality
time together, to live moments that any other couple offer themselves on
occasion. However, this respite is not requested at any price: the
parents must be sure that their children are entrusted to a dynamic, and
The number of overnight stays
professional team, attentive to the children’s every need. In short, they
the youngsters enjoyed at
Residence and Auberge Papillon must be convinced that their children will be loved as much as they love
This has been Residence Papillon’s signature for close to 28 years.
In 2013-2014, Residence Papillon, Auberge Papillon and the day camp offered 1,607 respite stays to the
families of disabled and multi disabled youngsters aged
from 5 to 35 years old. In total, 124 youngsters enjoyed
3,855 days of respite and 2,320 overnight stays.
Auberge Papillon was forced to relocate in June 2013
because the Lisette-Dupras Centre needed the space that
housed until then our Verdun facilities. We undertook a
complete reorganization of Residence Papillon in
downtown Montreal. We have also implemented an
accompaniment program available daily or weekly. In
addition, in order to satisfy the requests for respite, we
have taken advantage of the recreational weekends at
Camp Papillon by offering to the youngsters of the
Residence a new transportation service.
Percussion, cooking, circus, and
painting workshops
Zoo therapy
Halloween party, costumes and dinner
Arts & crafts
Stimulation games
Papillon Rock Café
Thanks to the City of Verdun who generously offered us •
some space at Arthur Therrien Park, a wonderful place
equipped with water jets, an adapted swimming pool, and •
a shelter in case of rain, and with a lot of work and
resourcefulness, we were able to set up a temporary day
camp under awnings which we will always remember.
Thematic weeks: medieval, latino,
countries and continents
Christmas and Christmas tour
Adapted Activities
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
Camp Papillon’s 75th summer
amp Papillon was founded in 1938 by the Quebec Society for Disabled Children. The site occupies 43
acres on the shores of Lake Pierre in Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez and on which stand 71 buildings,
including a clinic, a cafeteria, a library and a multimedia room, a sports pavilion,
a chapel, and an administration building. Forty-six buildings are used to lodge
the campers and counsellors, 9 buildings are reserved for adapted activities, and
10 buildings are used for the maintenance and quality of the infrastructures.
In 2013-2014, on its 75th anniversary, Camp Papillon welcomed during regular staysofferedatCamp
summer and winter stays approximately 1,010 campers from the four corners of Papillontodisabled
Quebec. It employs each year 175 counsellors and has a medical team
comprised of 20 professionals in nursing, nutrition, and physiotherapy.
A stimulating donation from
Best Buy
Best Buy has equipped 12 adapted camps
from coast to coast with a complete set of
technological products to stimulate
learning among youngsters while they
have fun.
Cameras, computers, tablets, television
sets and karaoke machines, for a total
value of $10,000, were donated to Camp
Papillon and to Colonie Les Bosquets
The 75th summer at Camp Papillon was celebrated in a Wild
West atmosphere where cowboys and Indians fought
bravely and without mercy to capture the Papillon Fortress
and its huge palisades which overlooked the Enchanted
Forest. Tipis, campfires, the long wail of the coyotes
piercing the night air in the background, and horses riding
off into the sunset completed a scene from an epic which
will always be fascinating. And when an occasional truce
was declared, several of our faithful partners such as the
Sûreté du Québec and the Teamsters took over with their
annual activities. Some 5,000 people from community and
school groups also benefited from Camp Papillon’s adapted
facilities in 2013-2014.
Finally, the 4th edition of Noël des Papillons was visited by more than 2,000 youngsters and adults in
December. A team of some 50 volunteers ensured the success of this highly colourful event, with lights
and magic.
Les Bosquets a beehive of activity
ver the past year, under the leadership of Emergo Respite Services, Colonie Les Bosquets hosted 1,289
autistic campers and their counsellors during the summer regular stays and the school respite stays that
followed. In addition to regular attendance at the Otterburn Park site, 1,779 people
were welcomed within the framework of its group stays program. Lastly, the 5th
edition of the annual day camp enabled ten disabled children to benefit from our
camp facilities for a period of eight weeks. In total, 3,078 people stayed at Les
Thenumberofpeople Bosquets over the past year.
whobene itedfrom
The International Order of Alhambra financed the replacement of beds and
mattresses, as well as the kitchen range hood and enabled us to purchase 3 new
swings. The Jump Start Foundation, through Canadian Tire’s Beloeil branch, made
a $3,000 contribution bringing a total amount of $25,000 donated to us since seven
The $25,000 financial participation of the City of Otterburn Park was used for the preservation, the
enhancement and the restoration of the Colonie’s woodlands and to favour the recreational use of the site by
its citizens.
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
A 83rd exceptional drive
ia its large-scale appeals, public campaigns and special events, the Quebec Society for Disabled
Children raised, in 2013-2014, close to $2.8 million at the end of its 83rd annual fundraising drive.
The highlight of the year was no doubt the third
edition of the Cabaret on Mount Royal where five
leading business executives literally brought the
house down at Chalet Mount Royal in front of an
emotionally charged crowd of 600 people who
attended one of the top social events of the Fall
2013 of the cultural and business scene in
Presented by the National Bank, the Cabaret on
Mount Royal, that raised the net amount of
$495,000 for the Society, featured the President of
Quinn Sport Management Group, Tom Quinn, the
President and Founder of Tristan Boutiques, Gilles
Fortin, Managing Partner at BCF, Mario
Charpentier, President and CEO of FlexGroup, Jean R. Fabi, and the President of BFL Canada, Barry
The Louis Coutu Open
resented by Groupe Jean Coutu, the success of the
2013 edition of the Louis Coutu Open was confirmed
by the announcement of a $200,000 donation to the
Held under the chairmanship of Mr. François Jean Coutu,
President and CEO of Groupe Jean Coutu, this annual
event was held at Le Mirage Golf Club with the
participation of some 160 golfers. Louis Coutu and the
President of the Society, Mr. Jean Duchesneau, were right
in holding the official presentation cheque high.
Special events of 2013-2014:
Baie d’Urfée Charitable Campaign Agency
Cabaret on Mount Royal
Défi Vélo Lanaudière
Dollard Old Timers Hockey Tournament
Dragon Boat Race
Friends of We Care Classic
Golf Tournament APCHQ
Golf Tournament of the Marie-Ève Allard Foundation
Golf Tournament of the Sûreté du Québec Social Club
Kuper Academy Walk-A-Thon
Louis Coutu Golf Classic
Louise Guertin Benefit Brunch
McDonald Restaurants’ McHappy Day
National Dream League
Papillon Adventures—Everest Base Camp
Pointe-Claire Old Timers Hockey
Richelieu-Harnois Classic
SkyVenture 24–Hour Challenge
Teamsters Quebec Open
Teva Canada Prescription-For-Happiness
VPP Soiree
The Drop Zone
New Zealand Wines
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
An awesome challenge
nder the honorary chairmanship of
songwriter-composer and singer, France
D’Amour, and the Mayor of Saint-CharlesBorromée, André Hénault, the 8th edition of Défi
Vélo Lanaudière brought together no less than
565 participants in August 2013.
The activity enabled to raise the amount of
$63,272 while the objective was $55,000.
The dragons of Lake Pierre
n September 7, 2013, some 160 rowers participated
in the 4th edition of the Dragon Boat Race of the
Quebec Society for Disabled Children on the site of
Camp Papillon in Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez. This
annual activity enabled to raise $21,600 to ensure further
funding for the renovations of the new Richelieu-Harnois
Sports and Arts Pavilion.
The big leap
he Drop Zone was held on September 26 on the
facade of 1981 McGill College in Montreal, a 21story building. Some sixty bold adventurers such as
Joannie Rochette, Lori Graham, Luc Vincent and the
show hosts from Les Nerdz, rappelled down the building
to raise funds for children with disabilities. The event
enabled to raise the amount of $125,000, dedicated to
welcoming children at Camp Papillon.
Great friends
o celebrate its 25th anniversary, Les Amis de Nous
Aidons held the 25th edition of the Fall Classic at
Le Fontainebleau Club in Blainville.
Presented by Benny & Co, who contributed $25,000 to
the event, Les Amis de Nous Aidons Classic donated
$87,000 to the Society to fund the vacation stays of
children from the four corners of Quebec at Camp
Volunteer Work
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
Rémy Girard
Board of Directors
Jean Duchesneau / Centre de l’auto Beaumont
Vice-President of the Board
Alain Picard / Metro Inc.
Closing their doors and
opening their hearts
n a Friday in September, the silos, the presses and the
production lines of Plastiques GPR, a family-owned
company in Saint-Félix-de-Valois, fell silent so as to allow
some 130 employees to take part in a work bee at Camp
John A. Penhale / Gowlings
Marc Rousseau / LVR Capital
Louis Coutu/ Groupe Jean Coutu
Anita David / Gustav Levinschi Foundation
Mario DelPinto / YourBarFactory
Jean-François Fabi / FlexGroup
Lyne Guérer / Papillon Adventures
Marc-Antoine Laporte / Standard Life Investments
Germain Lévesque / Valeurs Mobilières Desjardins
Alexandre Sami / Gowlings
François St-Louis / ALB Global Solutions
An-Lap Vo-Dignard/National Bank Financial
Jean Beaudry, FCPA, FCA
Jean Béliveau
Marc-André Coallier
Henri Dorion
J. Jacques Élie
Lise Hébert Lamarre
Tony Shorgan
Jacques Viau
Executive Director
Ronald Davidson
This publication was designed and printed in June 2014 at
the Quebec Society for Disabled Children
2300 René-Lévesque Boulevard West
Montreal (Quebec) H3H 2R5
514 937-6171
1 877 937-6171
[email protected]
This bold initiative of owners Dany and Gino Belleville
was repeated over the past two years, the most recent one
with the participation of Marie-Anne School in Rawdon.
Plastiques GPR drew its inspiration from an old tradition of
nearly 30 years to gather, every year, hundreds of
volunteers to chase away the winter, to restore our facilities
to their original beauty therefore ensuring the campers a
high quality environment. A tradition timidly proposed by
the Telephone Pioneers of America at the beginning of the
‘80’s, officially established in 1985 by the Sûreté du
Québec and Hydro-Québec, and consolidated by the
Société de transport de Montréal in the early ’90’s.
The Quebec Society for Disabled Children’s work bees
have become, over the course of time, proverbial magnetic
poles for many groups, associations and companies. The
best example is the Clubs Optimistes work bees who, over
the past seventeen years brought about the renovation of
fifteen chalets.
Today, whether at Camp Papillon, at Colonie Les Bosquets
or at the Society’s headquarters, no less than ten work bees
take place every year with the participation of employees
and members of Intact Insurance, Videotron, Club
Richelieu de Joliette, KPMG, Encan H. Grégoire, the Blue
Knights, BNP-Paribas, Montreal’s Palais des Congrès and
many others.
Financial Report
The 84thAnnual Report 2013-2014
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
$50,000 and over
Banque Nationale
Desjardins Sécurité financière
Fondation Jean Béliveau
Fondation Marcelle et Jean Coutu
Friends of We Care Foundation Inc.
Les Amis de Nous Aidons
Succession Laurette Lachapelle
Succession Madeleine Brosseau-Ferland
$25,000 to $49,999
Benny & Co.
Coutu Louis
Fondation Charles Cusson
Groupe Jean Coutu
Gustav Levinschi Foundation
Jean R. Fabi & Cie Ltée
Quinn Sport Management Group Inc.
TEVA Canada
Zolov Jack
$10,000 to $24,999
Fondation & Club Richelieu Joliette
Fondation Yunik
Gaz Métropolitain Inc.
Groupe Canam Inc.
Groupe Germain Inc.
Guérin Alain
Hewitt Equipement Limitée
Industrielle Alliance
Investissement Québec
Jadier International Inc.
Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch (Canada)
Metro Inc.
Québécor Média
$5,000 to $9,999
APCHQ / Région Mauricie-Lanaudière Inc.
BCF s.e.n.c.r.l. / LLP
BMO marché des capitaux
Cloutier Jérôme
Colomer Canada LTD
Estate Jeannette Lewis O'Reilly
Excavation St-Pierre Inc.
Fidelity Investments Canada Ltd
Fondation Fournier-Ethier / Trust Général
Fondation Ultramar
Groupe R3D conseil
Groupe TVA Inc.
Intact Assurances Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Montréal St-George Inc.
La Presse/Gesca
Lareau & Fils Assurances
Larry and Cookie Rossy Family Foundation
Leroux Martin
Order of Alhambra Charity Fund Inc.
Pro-Doc Ltée
Quincaillerie Richelieu Ltée
The Mildred Clare Foundation
Ville d'Otterburn Park
$2,500 to $4,999
A. Bourque acier & métaux Inc.
Advanceit Financial Corporation
Bell Média Inc.
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Caisse Desjardins Joliette
Chevrier Robert
Club Social Sureté du Québec
Construction Breton & Fils Inc.
Financière Manuvie
Fondation Alhambra Québec Inc
Fondation Bon Départ de Canadian Tire
du Québec
Fondation Jacques et Michel Auger
Lalonde Mylène
Larochelle Groupe Conseil Inc.
Layette Minimôme Inc.
Metro Richelieu Inc.
Moreau Électrique Inc.
Morin Danielle
Omnium Teamsters Québec
RBC Fondation
Sauvé Marcel
TD Waterhouse
TVA productions II Inc.
$1,000 to $2,499
3249531 Canada Inc.
9092-1651 Québec Inc.
9206-8543 Québec Inc.
Alvin Segal Family Foundation
AMG Médical Inc.
AON Groupe Conseil
Aréna des Canadiens
Assurance Dalbec
Axor Inc.
Baie d'Urfé Charitable Campaign Agency
Barakett William
Bayer Inc.
Bélanger Jean
Bell Canada
Belleville Philippe
Bob Communications
Bombardier Jeanine
Borden Ladner Gervais, s.r.l.
Bourget Stéphane
Brodeur André
Brodeur Pierre
Brûlé Louise
Capital NDSL Inc.
Cartes Carlton
Cascades Groupe Tissus
Cégep du Vieux Montréal
Centre Funéraire Côte-des-Neiges
CI Investments
Colas Canada Inc.
Comité Paritaire des Boueurs de Montréal
Compagnie d'embouteillage Coca-Cola
Conair Consumer Products ULC
Côté Michel
Dione Appleton Investments Inc.
Doris Hosiery Mills Ltd
Équipement Boni
Équipement Pinso
Express Scripts Canada
Fempro Inc.
Fitzpatrick Pharmacy Ltd
Fondation de Bienfaisance T.A. St-Germain
Fondation Denise & Robert Gibelleau
Fondation Desjardins
Fondation J. Rodolphe La Haye Inc.
Fondation Jacques Lessard
Fondation Libermont
Fondation Martineau-Drapeau
Fondation Normand Fortier
Fondation St-Germain Kavanagh Foundation
Fondation Yvon Lamarre
Fonds de Solidarité FTQ
Fontaine Claude
Fortier Jean
Foucault Sonia
Frenette Guy
Garda Security Group Inc.
Gélinas Martin
Gestion Cristallin Inc.
Gilbert Pauline
Gosselin Kneppert Denise
Gouvernement du Québec
Groupe Tiru
Guérer Lyne
Guertin Louise
Huis Clos Ltée
J.M.C.L. Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Jolicoeur Savard Assurance
Lajeunesse Yvette
Lalande Sylvie
Latour Carole
Le Bouyonnec Stéphane
Le Holding Angelcare Inc.
Legault François
Les déménageurs AMJ Campbell
Logistec Corporation
L'Oréal Paris
Massicotte René
Média Ranch
Michaud Pierre
MLC Associés Inc.
Montréal Auto Prix Inc.
Morency François
Mutuelle Wawanesa
Nivel Inc.
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
Ordre honorable de L'Oie bleue international
PBI Conseillers en Actuariat Ltée
Pharmacie Y. Frank Majeau Inc.
Picard Alain
Piché Louise
Pointe Claire Oldtimers Hockey Club
Produits Kruger Limitée
R. Raymond Assurances Inc.
Raymond Réal
RCI environnement Inc.
RGA Compagnie de réassurance-vie du Canada
Roussin Olivier
Saine Marketing
Schering Plough Inc.
Sena ventes et marketing
Sœurs de la Présentation de Marie
Soutien à L'action bénévole / Assemblée National
Téléperformance Canada
Télésystème Limitée
Terrassement BLR Inc,
Travelers Insurance Company of Canada
Trudeau Corporation 1889 Inc.
VCCP Valeant Canada produit de consommation
Verreault Laurent
Vins Philippe Dandurand Inc.
Vogue international Organix
Wilson Machine Co. Limited
Zeller Family Foundation
$500 to $999
9066-8823 Québec Inc.
9181-9227 Québec Inc.
A. Rainville & Fils Inc.
Accès location d'équipements Inc.
ACJ Communication
AGF Management Limited
Amazink Tattoo
Aménagements Fleurs-O-Pavé Inc.
Arbour Christine
Association medecins urgence
Au coin du pédaleur Inc.
B.O.H.A. / A.H.A.B. in trust
Bakemark ingrédients Canada limitée
Bronstetter Michael
Carrier Paul
Century 21 Excel
Chagnon Jean-Claude
CIBC Head Office
Club Optimiste Fatima Longueuil Inc.
Club Richelieu St-Basile-Le-Grand
Cob Christina
Coderre Lise
Constellation Brands
Coulombe Sylvie
Croteau Steve
CTC Inc.
Demers Michel
Dentons Canada
Devo Électrique Inc.
Distributeck électrique Inc.
Ducharme Benoit
Dupont Judith
Duranceau Mathieu
E.N.R. Asset Management Inc.
Élie Hélène-Louise D.
Elie J. Jacques
Eustache Jean-Marc
Familiprix Inc.
Fastfrate Consolidée Inc.
Fondation corporation concessionnaires
Fondation Sibylla Hesse
Fontaine Nicolas
Franklin Templeton Inv.
Frechette, Avocats en fideicommis
Gaggino Avocat
Garderie éducative Enfantastique du Plateau Inc.
Gaudet Mathieu
Gaudet Robert
Gaudet Sébastien
Gecasy Inc.
Gestion Darras David Inc.
Girardin Jean-Guy
IGA Jean Cousineau
Krishnamoorthy Preetha
Lachapelle Jean
Laperle Jean
Laverdière Yves
Le Support
Leblanc Pierre
Leboeuf François
Léonard Alexandre
Les Entreprises Christian Arbour
Les Industries Fil Métallique Major Ltée
Léveillée Catherine
Maçonnerie M.C. / 3091-1846 Québec Inc.
Magu Limited
Maison des Futailles S.E.C
Marin Michel
McConnell Elspeth
McMahon distribution pharmaceutique Inc.
Millington Roy
More Time Moms Inc.
Office du Tourisme Laval
Perron Claude
Polymères technologies
Portes Métalliques Jacob
Quincaillerie Architecturale Capsol Inc.
Raymond Louise
Raymond Marcel A.
Roberge Jocelyne
Rochette Guylaine
Rolls Irene
Roussin Louis-Olivier
Roussin Marie-Claude
Roux Sophie
Santerre Carole
Seccareccia Pierre
Sentier Pavé Inc.
Société de gestion Sogefor Inc.
Soeurs Sainte-Anne du Québec
Sport et Loisir de l'île de Montréal
St-Jean Réal
Tarr David
The Hay Foundation
Trudeau Paul-Emile
Vasseur Marie-Josée
Vitrerie Joliette
Less than $500
1,874 donors
For $150,983.93
The 84th Annual Report 2013-2014
Louise Guertin and Alain Beaudry, Personalities of the year
A passion rises from the ashes
ouise Guertin spent all her childhood summers in the cottage her grandfather and her father built in
1948, on a point of Lake Pierre, a few steps from Camp Papillon. A huge log cabin where, every
summer with her parents, she arrived at the end of the school year and went back to town on Labour
Some fifteen years ago, she was entrusted with the keys of
this corner of paradise.
The story would be idyllic if, six or seven years later,
tragedy had not struck the house that held Louise’s fondest
childhood memories. A few days before the Holidays, the
Christmas tree caught fire. It was violent, uncontrollable
and showed no mercy. Louise and Alain narrowly escaped.
Only the foundations would testify of the happy and
carefree days that this log chalet, proudly overlooking Lake
Pierre, retained within its walls, furniture, paintings, and
photo albums.
Six months later, still in shock, resigned to the idea that
their house would never rise from its ashes, Louise and
Alain initiated the reconstruction of the cottage, an adventure that lasted close to five years but, in the
end, the house did not lose anything of its former glory.
However, from one day to the next, when there was nothing else to draw, to plan, to saw, to sand and to
varnish, there was a huge void. The heart was seeking a new passion.
While out for a stroll one day around Camp Papillon, Louise’s heart started beating wildly. A small and
setback little chalet, the Mafalda, constructed at the end of the
fifties on the shores of Lake Pierre, immediately captured her
attention. Certainly not because of its appearance but because of
the potential it was hiding under its linoleum and asbestos tiles.
With a modest budget, a lot of fundraising and courage, today the
P’tit Louis, the name of the boy of the first family who stayed in
the freshly inaugurated chalet, has the vocation of welcoming the
parents of severely disabled children who chose to entrust them to
the good care of the Camp Papillon staff, but who prefer to stay
close by. The chalet’s function is to give some respite to the
families while we look after their little ones for them, close by.
Louise could not just stop there. As soon as the P’tit Louis was
completed, she and Alain embarked on the renovation of the Beauregard with, as a bonus, the addition of
a magnificent veranda. It took Louise great fundraising efforts, she even organized a benefit brunch.
This year, it is the turn of the counsellors-in-training pavilion that she and Alain will renovate thanks to
the support of the Yunik Foundation. Next year, it will be the Deblois chalet.
From an organization who will forever be grateful, the Quebec Society for Disabled Children awarded
the title of ‘Personalities of the Year’ to Louise Guertin and Alain Beaudry.