Welcome to Adobe GoLive 5 - The Clay and Glass Gallery


Welcome to Adobe GoLive 5 - The Clay and Glass Gallery
Welcome to Adobe GoLive 5
11-03-18 2:11 PM
New works from Laurent Craste from His tenure as Winifred Shantz Award winner for
September 23 to January 3, 2005
Petit Necessaire 2003
95 x 47 x 47 cm
Vase Olympian 2003
67 x 59 x 18cm
Where science meets the sacred
Providing a reinterpretation –both formal and symbolic- of historical
archetypes, as well as a reflection on the challenges and discoveries in biomedicine (genetics in
particular), my sculptures offer a double level of interpretation. I base the architecture of my work
on that of ritual objects, such as the Greek kylix and the Christian chalice, which are structured
according to the principles of symmetry and elevation. Conversely, their iconography, which
evokes our genetic heritage, brings us back too much more contemporary concerns – concerns
of a scientific and ethical nature. In our quest to explain life, has science nor superseded
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Welcome to Adobe GoLive 5
11-03-18 2:11 PM
Laurent Craste
1996 – 1997 Professional degree in ceramics. Centre de Céramique / Poterie Bonsecours Montreal, Quebec.
1991- 1993 Master in Physiology and Anatomy, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec.
1987 – 1991 Degree in veterinary medicine. École Nationale Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort France.
Group Exhibitions
2004 : SOFA – Chicago – USA (to come in november)
‘’Raku – Espace – Feu’’, Gallery of the Centre de Céramique Bonsecours, Montreal.
‘’Coexistence’’, Galerie du Conseil des Métiers d’Art (Quebec Craft Council Gallery), Montreal.
Canadian Forum on Cultural Enterprise, Conference Centre of the Cité des sciences et de
l’industrie of la Villette, Paris, France.
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