Jean-Louis Pujol, MD, Ph.D, Psy.D. Head of Montpellier


Jean-Louis Pujol, MD, Ph.D, Psy.D. Head of Montpellier
CV : Jean-Louis Pujol, MD, Ph.D, Psy.D.
Head of Montpellier Academic Hospital
Thoracic Oncologic Department
– age: 55
Montpellier Adacemic Hospital
Hôpital Arnaud de Villeneuve
Thoracic Oncology Unit
Avenue du Doyen Giraud
34295 Montpellier CEDEX
Tel et Fax 33 4 67 33 61 36
Port : 33 6 71 22 47 64
Email address: [email protected]
• PsyD Psychopathologie – neuropsychologie étude doctorale 60. Montpellier 3 Paul
Valéry, Sept 2012: Tltle : « The announcement of cancer: Between somatic
symptoms and language disorder»
• Senior professor of medicine: 2008
• Professor of medicine : 1994
• Competent in oncology (1995).
• Professor of medicine (1994)
• Accreditation to supervise researches: Montpellier University Feb1992. Title
"Phenotypic heterogeneity of lung cancer: from biologie to therapy ".
• MD 1986
• Chest physician (1985)
• Chairman of scientific committee of IFCT (since September 2011)
• Responsible of researches in the Academic Insititute for clinical research (department
of biostatistics) Montpellier.
• Chairman of studies on small cell lung cancer sponsored by the French intergroup of
thoracic oncology (IFCT).
• Responsible of researches in the Epyslon laboratory EA 4556
• Member of the pulmonary board of French NCI until 2009
• President of the Cancer Coordination Committee (3C) of the Montpellier academic
hospital (since dec 2004 to Feb 2011).
• Coordinator of the Inter-academic diploma for thoracic oncology.
• Head of the department of thoracic oncology of the Montpellier Academic Hospital.
• Associate editor of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology (impact factor 4.54)
• Editor in chief of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology in french.
• Upgraded to the 1st degree of professorship in September 2008
• Member of the IASLC since 1988
• Jean-Louis PUJOL studied medicine at the Montpellier University, France, since
1975, then became resident in the Strasbourg Academic hospital, France, from 1981
to 1985.
• Since 1985, Jean-Louis PUJOL is working in the Montpellier Academic Hospital
Chest Department and initiated the Thoracic Oncologic Department of the Montpellier
Academic Hospital in 1987.
• Laboratory experience from 1988 to 1993 with first paper on lung cancer published in
1989 in cancer research.
• Ph D degree in 1991 / Assistant professor in 1991
• Training experience in the chest and pathological department at the Mayo Clinic
(Rochester, Minnesota) in 1992 and publication in the JNCI of work in the Mayo in
H index : 32
Medline publications in English : 184
Google scholar citations : 452
Past five-year publications
1: Pujol JL, Pirker R, Lynch TJ, Butts CA, Rosell R, Shepherd FA, Vansteenkiste
J, O'Byrne KJ, de Blas B, Heighway J, von Heydebreck A, Thatcher N. Meta-analysis
of individual patient data from randomized trials of chemotherapy plus cetuximab
as first-line treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer.
2014 Feb;83(2):211-8. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2013.11.006. Epub 2013 Nov 16.
PubMed PMID: 24332319.
2: Pujol JL, Plassot C, Mérel JP, Arnaud E, Launay M, Daurès JP, Boulze I.
Psychology (PSYCH) 2013; No.6A1, June 2013
3: Bommart S, Bourdin A, Marin G, Berthet JP, Pujol JL, Serre I, Molinari N,
Marty-Ané C, Kovacsik H. Impact of preoperative marking coils on surgical and
pathologic management of impalpable lung nodules. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014
Feb;97(2):414-8. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2013.09.041. Epub 2013 Dec 7. PubMed
PMID: 24315138.
4: Pujol JL, Di Mercurio JP, Carlander B. [Anti-Hu antibodies: a remarkable
immulogical phenotype for several paraneoplastic syndromes]. Rev Mal Respir. 2013
Sep;30(7):521-3. doi: 10.1016/j.rmr.2013.05.006. Epub 2013 Jun 21. French. PubMed
PMID: 24034454.
5: Paz-Ares LG, de Marinis F, Dediu M, Thomas M, Pujol JL, Bidoli P, Molinier O,
Sahoo TP, Laack E, Reck M, Corral J, Melemed S, John W, Chouaki N, Zimmermann AH,
Visseren-Grul C, Gridelli C. PARAMOUNT: Final overall survival results of the
phase III study of maintenance pemetrexed versus placebo immediately after
induction treatment with pemetrexed plus cisplatin for advanced nonsquamous
non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2013 Aug 10;31(23):2895-902. doi:
10.1200/JCO.2012.47.1102. Epub 2013 Jul 8. PubMed PMID: 23835707.
6: Bommart S, Kovacsik HV, Pujol JL. Management of part-solid nodules. Radiology.
2013 Jul;268(1):306. doi: 10.1148/radiol.13130293. PubMed PMID: 23793596.
7: Westeel V, Quoix E, Puyraveau M, Lavolé A, Braun D, Laporte S, Bigay-Game L,
Pujol JL, Ozenne G, Rivière A, Douillard JY, Lebeau B, Debieuvre D, Poudenx M,
David P, Molinier O, Zalcman G, Lemarié E, Morin F, Depierre A, Milleron B;
Intergroupe Francophone de Cancérologie Thoracique. A randomised trial comparing
preoperative to perioperative chemotherapy in early-stage non-small-cell lung
cancer (IFCT 0002 trial). Eur J Cancer. 2013 Aug;49(12):2654-64.
8: Pujol JL. [Specificity of the psychological undertaking of a patient in
thoracic oncology]. Rev Mal Respir. 2013 Apr;30(4):302-8. doi:
10.1016/j.rmr.2012.12.012. Epub 2013 Jan 23. Review. French. PubMed PMID:
9: Laporte S, Squifflet P, Baroux N, Fossella F, Georgoulias V, Pujol JL,
Douillard JY, Kudoh S, Pignon JP, Quinaux E, Buyse M. Prediction of survival
benefits from progression-free survival benefits in advanced non-small-cell lung
cancer: evidence from a meta-analysis of 2334 patients from 5 randomised trials.
BMJ Open. 2013 Mar 13;3(3). pii: e001802. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001802.
PubMed PMID: 23485717; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3612819.
10: Gridelli C, de Marinis F, Pujol JL, Reck M, Ramlau R, Parente B, Pieters T,
Middleton G, Corral J, Winfree K, Melemed S, Zimmermann A, John W, Beyrer J,
Chouaki N, Visseren-Grul C, Paz-Ares LG. Safety, resource use, and quality of
life in paramount: a phase III study of maintenance pemetrexed versus placebo
after induction pemetrexed plus cisplatin for advanced nonsquamous non-small-cell
lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2012 Nov;7(11):1713-21.
11: de Fraipont F, Levallet G, Creveuil C, Bergot E, Beau-Faller M, Mounawar M,
Richard N, Antoine M, Rouquette I, Favrot MC, Debieuvre D, Braun D, Westeel V,
Quoix E, Brambilla E, Hainaut P, Moro-Sibilot D, Morin F, Milleron B, Zalcman G;
Intergroupe Francophone de Cancérologie Thoracique. An apoptosis methylation
prognostic signature for early lung cancer in the IFCT-0002 trial. Clin Cancer
Res. 2012 May 15;18(10):2976-86. Epub 2012 Mar 20. PubMed PMID: 22434665.
12: Levallet G, Bergot E, Antoine M, Creveuil C, Santos AO, Beau-Faller M, de
Fraipont F, Brambilla E, Levallet J, Morin F, Westeel V, Wislez M, Quoix E,
Debieuvre D, Dubois F, Rouquette I, Pujol JL, Moro-Sibilot D, Camonis J, Zalcman
G; Intergroupe Francophone de Cancérologie Thoracique (IFCT). High TUBB3
expression, an independent prognostic marker in patients with early non-small
cell lung cancer treated by preoperative chemotherapy, is regulated by K-Ras
signaling pathway. Mol Cancer Ther. 2012 May;11(5):1203-13. Epub 2012 Mar 12.
PubMed PMID: 22411898.
13: Paz-Ares L, de Marinis F, Dediu M, Thomas M, Pujol JL, Bidoli P, Molinier O,
Sahoo TP, Laack E, Reck M, Corral J, Melemed S, John W, Chouaki N, Zimmermann AH,
Visseren-Grul C, Gridelli C. Maintenance therapy with pemetrexed plus best
supportive care versus placebo plus best supportive care after induction therapy
with pemetrexed plus cisplatin for advanced non-squamous non-small-cell lung
cancer (PARAMOUNT): a double-blind, phase 3, randomised controlled trial. Lancet
Oncol. 2012 Mar;13(3):247-55. Epub 2012 Feb 16. PubMed PMID: 22341744.
14: Soria JC, Márk Z, Zatloukal P, Szima B, Albert I, Juhász E, Pujol JL,
Kozielski J, Baker N, Smethurst D, Hei YJ, Ashkenazi A, Stern H, Amler L, Pan Y,
Blackhall F. Randomized phase II study of dulanermin in combination with
paclitaxel, carboplatin, and bevacizumab in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 2011 Nov 20;29(33):4442-51. Epub 2011 Oct 17. PubMed PMID:
15: Brodowicz T, Ciuleanu T, Crawford J, Filipits M, Fischer JR, Georgoulias V,
Gridelli C, Hirsch FR, Jassem J, Kosmidis P, Krzakowski M, Manegold Ch, Pujol JL,
Stahel R, Thatcher N, Vansteenkiste J, Minichsdorfer C, Zöchbauer-Müller S,
Pirker R, Zielinski CC; Central European Cooperative Oncology Group (CECOG).
Third CECOG consensus on the systemic treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer.
Ann Oncol. 2012 May;23(5):1223-9. Epub 2011 Sep 22. PubMed PMID: 21940784.
16: Jacot W, Pujol JL, Chakra M, Molinier O, Bozonnat MC, Gervais R, Quantin X.
Epirubicin and ifosfamide in relapsed or refractory small cell lung cancer
patients. Lung Cancer. 2012 Feb;75(2):213-6. Epub 2011 Aug 9. PubMed PMID:
17: Makinson A, Tenon JC, Eymard-Duvernay S, Pujol JL, Allavena C, Cuzin L,
Poizot-Martin I, de la Tribonnière X, Cabié A, Pugliese P, Reynes J, Le Moing V.
Human immunodeficiency virus infection and non-small cell lung cancer: survival
and toxicity of antineoplastic chemotherapy in a cohort study. J Thorac Oncol.
2011 Jun;6(6):1022-9. PubMed PMID: 21512403.
18: Solassol J, Maudelonde T, Mange A, Pujol JL. Clinical relevance of
autoantibody detection in lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2011 May;6(5):955-62.
PubMed PMID: 21415775.
19: Makinson A, Pujol JL, Le Moing V, Reynes J. Lung cancer: an emerging epidemic
in the human immunodeficiency virus-infected population. J Thorac Oncol. 2010
Nov;5(11):1721-3. PubMed PMID: 20975371.
20: Quantin X, Bozonnat MC, Pujol JL. Recursive Partitioning Analysis Groups
II-III brain metastases of non-small cell lung cancer: a phase II randomized
study comparing two concurrent chemoradiotherapy regimens. J Thorac Oncol. 2010
Jun;5(6):846-51. PubMed PMID: 20421817.
21: Pujol JL, Quantin X. Time to diagnosis of lung cancer: technical and
pyschological factors that slow down diagnostic and treatment timelines. J Thorac
Oncol. 2009 Oct;4(10):1192-4. PubMed PMID: 20197732.
22: Makinson A, Pujol JL, Le Moing V, Peyriere H, Reynes J. Interactions between
cytotoxic chemotherapy and antiretroviral treatment in human immunodeficiency
virus-infected patients with lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Apr;5(4):562-71.
Review. PubMed PMID: 20195169.
23: Pujol JL, Quantin X, Chakra M. Cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with
advanced non-small cell lung cancer: why is this feature important to evaluate?
Can it be improved? J Thorac Oncol. 2009 May;4(5):565-7. PubMed PMID: 19357538.
Publications in Springer Verlarg, Elseiver Masson, John Libbey Eurotext, WoltersKluver Health, Actes Sud, etc…
Montpellier, March 20th, 2014