1st announcement


1st announcement
David ATHERTON, United Kingdom
Ulrike BLUME-PEYTAVI, German
Ernesto BONIFAZI, Italy
Stéphanie CHRISTEN-ZAECH, Switzerland
Linda DE RAEVE, Belgium
Flora DE WAARD-VAN DER SPEK, The Netherlands
Juan FERRANDO, Spain
Regina FÖLSTER-HOLST, Germany
Carlo GELMETTI, Italy
Ramon GRIMALT, Spain
Rudolf HAPPLE, Germany
John HARPER, United Kingdom
Peter HÖGER, Germany
Daniel HOHL, Switzerland
Jan IZAKOVIC, Switzerland
Talia KAKOUROU, Greece
Osman KÖSE, Turkey
Barbara KUNZ, Germany
Marc LACOUR, Switzerland
Klara MARTINASKOVA, Slovak Republic
Alberto Joaquim Vieira MOTA, Portugal
Slobodna MURAT-SUSIC, Croatia
Milos NIKOLIC, Serbia
Arnold ORANJE, The Netherlands
J. Henk SILLEVIS SMITT, The Netherlands
Zsuzsanna SZALAI, Hungary
Antonio TORRELO, Spain
Umit UKSAL, Turkey
Dirk VAN GYSEL, Belgium
The scientific programme consists of plenary lectures, sessions, courses, industry symposia, free
communications, and covers the following fields of paediatric dermatology:
• Acne and facial dermatoses
• Atopic dermatitis
•Autoimmune and inflammatory systemic
• Auto-inflammatory diseases
• Blistering disorders
• Cases in search of a diagnosis or a treatment
• Contact dermatitis and allergy
• Drug reactions
• Darker skin and ethnic skin
• Hair and nail disorders
• Inborn errors of metabolism and the skin
• Infections and infestations of the skin
• Melanocytic naevi
• Malformation syndromes and mosaic skin conditions
• Neonatal and prenatal dermatology
• Nutrition and Skin
• Pigmentary disorders
• Primary immune deficiency
• Psoriasis and disorders of cornification
• Socio economic aspects of chronic dermatoses
• Surgery in paediatric dermatology
• Therapeutic Education
• Tumors and neoplasia
• Urticaria and angiooedema
• Vascular anomalies
• Registration & Abstracts submission opening: October 1st, 2015
• Abstracts submission deadline: January 15th, 2016
• Early registration fees deadline: March 31st, 2016
Maison de la Mutualité,
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
It is a great pleasure and honour for all members of the
French Society of Paediatric Dermatology to welcome you
for the 13th Congress of the European Society for
Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), which will be held
May 26 to 28, 2016.
The organization of this conference is a great challenge that we are going to conduct in close
collaboration with our colleagues involved in the so exciting field of the paediatric dermatology.
Our wish, for this conference, is to offer a scientific program covering all topics of our specialty, at
the highest level. All day, from 8:00 to 6:00 p.m., many enthusiastic and highly qualified specialists will
propose to share with you their experience and knowledge. We especially hope that the Congress will
be a true moment of encounter and exchange between dermatologists, paediatricians, researchers
and paramedics involved so deeply to give the best to our young patients and their families.
The scientific program will highlight all the basic and clinical research advances in paediatric
dermatology, keeping foremost in mind their practical usefulness for patients and their families. A time
for reflection will be organized to try to reinforce European networks in different areas.
Our specialty is extremely rich, diverse and stimulating. It is this wealth that we want to live in this
conference and, with at the same time, many, human, multi-cultural encounters.
“Let those who want to turn their backs on the world! I can understand only in human terms”!*
The conference takes place at the «House of Mutuality» in the centre of old Paris!
Social programs will be designed to allow discovery of all that is the soul of Paris: its monuments,
museums, history, music, beautiful places and «petits cafés».
We will all be available to help you make the right choices and to enjoy Paris in this so good time of year
in our capital.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in May 2016 to the 13th ESPD Congress!
With best Wishes
Professor Christine Bodemer
Congress President
Prof Christine BODEMER, Paris
Prof Franck BORALEVI, Bordeaux
Vice-President Prof Jean-Philippe LACOUR, Nice
Organising Committee Chairman
Honorary Presidents
Prof Yves de PROST, Paris
Prof Gérard LORETTE, Tours
Prof Jean-François STALDER, Nantes
Prof Alain TAIEB, Bordeaux
Prof Pierre VABRES, Dijon
Scientific Committee Chairman
Prof Smail HADJ-RABIA, Paris
Jean-Philippe LACOUR, Nice
Sébastien BARBAROT, Nantes
Olivia BOCCARA, Paris
Christine BODEMER, Paris
Franck BORALEVI, Bordeaux
Christine LABRÈZE, Bordeaux
Gérard LORETTE, Tours
Emmanuel MAHÉ, Argenteuil
Juliette MAZEREEUW, Toulouse
*“Laissez donc ceux qui veulent tourner le dos au monde. Je ne puis comprendre qu’en termes
humains”, d’après Albert Camus (L’envers et l’Endroit; Le mythe de Sisyphe)
Pierre VABRES, Dijon
For specific questions regarding:
Brigitte BADER-MEUNIER, Paris
Christine BODEMER, Paris
Franck BORALEVI, Bordeaux
Yves de PROST, Paris
Registration & Accommodation: [email protected]
Exhibition & Sponsorship: [email protected]
Abstract & scientific program: [email protected]
Sylvie FRAITAG, Paris
Smail HADJ RABIA, Paris
Ludovic MARTIN, Angers
Annabel MARUANI, Tours
Smail HADJ-RABIA, Paris
For more information on the 13th ESPD Congress, please contact :
Congress Office
ESPD 2016
MCI France
24, rue Chauchat
75009 Paris – France
Phone: +33 1 53 85 82 56
Email: [email protected]
Fax: +33 1 53 85 82 83
Website: www.espd2016.com
Emmanuelle BOURRAT, Paris
Frédéric CAMBAZARD, St Etienne
Christine CHIAVERINI, Nice
Hélène DUFRESNE, Paris
Maryam PIRAM, Paris
Jean-François STALDER, Nantes
Alain TAIEB, Bordeaux