Curriculum Vitae - Literatures, Cultures, and Languages


Curriculum Vitae - Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
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Florence Marsal
University of Connecticut
Modern and Classical Languages
337 Mansfield Rd. Unit 1057
Storrs, CT 06269-1057
(860) 486-3313
Fax: (860) 486-4392
[email protected]
University of Connecticut, Storrs.
Ph.D. in French Studies (May 2004)
Dissertation: “La rhétorique de l’entrelacement dans les romans en prose du XIIIe siècle et le cycle du
Grand incendie de Londres de Jacques Roubaud.”
Thesis Advisor: Anne Berthelot
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.
Masters of Arts in Pedagogy and French (May 1997)
Masters’ Thesis on “Pourquoi enseigner la littérature en classe de langue seconde?”
Université de Bordeaux III, Bordeaux, France.
Maîtrise de Français Langue Etrangère (June 1996)
Maîtrise de Lettres Modernes (September 1994)
Masters’ Thesis on “La violence dans le Lancelot en prose.”
Licence de Lettres Modernes (September 1993)
DEUG de Lettres Modernes (September 1992)
— French (native); English.
— Old French, Latin, German, Spanish, Ancient Greek: reading knowledge.
Assistant Professor in Residence, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of
Connecticut, Storrs.
(September 2005-present)
Courses taught:
— Introduction to French Literature, from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century
— Contemporary France
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— Québec Cinema
— French Art and Civilization, from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century
— Introduction to Literary Theory
— Grammar and Composition
— French Phonetics
— Advanced Grammar
— Conversation
— French Cultural Studies: from 1851 to the Present (in English).
Coordinator for the Uconn Early College Experience Program in French: (May 2006-present)
Liaison with around 45 ECE certified high school teachers in Connecticut:
— supervise high school courses to ensure equivalence with University of Connecticut courses,
according to the concurrent enrollment program requirements, certify teachers, visit the high schools,
collect syllabi and tests, advise teachers.
— organize the Fall quiz bowl for about 100 high school students, and prepare an all-day workshop
every Spring for all the teachers.
Director of the Critical Languages Program: (September 2010-present)
Coordinate elementary and intermediate courses in Russian, Portuguese, Hindi, Polish, Korean,
Modern Greek, and advise prospective students.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Literature, College of the Holy
Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts.
(September 2004-May 2005)
Departmental Responsibilities:
— Coordinator for the Intermediate French level. Designed the syllabus, and served as a resource and
contact for instructors.
— Teacher Certification Program Liaison. Advised current and potential students, reviewed
applications, and interviewed applicants to the Teacher Education Program.
— Faculty Advisor for the French Club. Organized and coordinated meetings and events.
Courses taught:
— “Modernity of the Middle Ages.” Advanced interdisciplinary course on the culture and history of
the Middle Ages in France.
— French Composition and Conversation.
— Elementary and Intermediate French.
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, College of the Holy Cross,
Worcester, Massachusetts.
(September 2002-May 2004)
— Elementary and Intermediate French.
Visiting Instructor, French Department, Connecticut College, New London.
(January 2001-May 2002)
— Advisor for an Honor’s Thesis on “Literary Representations of the Second World War in France.”
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— “Reading the 20th Century: the Subject in Crisis.” Seminar on contemporary French literature.
— “Civilization through Conversation.”
— “French Cultural Experience.” Conversation and composition on contemporary French texts and
— Intermediate French.
Teaching Assistant, Modern and Classical Languages Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs.
(September 1997-May 1999, July-August 2000)
— Introduction to French Literature, and Intermediate French.
Teaching Assistant, Modern and Classical Languages Studies Department, Kent State University,
Kent, Ohio.
(September 1995-May 1997)
— Elementary and Intermediate French.
Jacques Roubaud: prose de la mémoire et errance chevaleresque
Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Collection “Interférences”, September 2010.
“La conjointure dans Graal Théâtre”
Forthcoming in Jacques Roubaud, compositeur de mathématique et de poésie. Paris: CNRS Editions,
March 2011.
“Merlin, propheta quondam prophetaque futurus: à propos des Prophéties de Merlin en prose de
Nathalie Koble”
L’Esplumeoir, n. 9 (Fall 2010) pp. 43-53.
“Is Dumbledore another Disguise? Where to Find Merlin in Harry Potter”
The Once and Future Classroom, Vol. VII, 1 (Spring 2009)
“Les ‘Muances’ de Merlin dans Harry Potter.”
L’Esplumeoir, n. 7 (Fall 2008) pp. 37-46.
“Quête, écriture et prose arthurienne chez Jacques Roubaud.”
With an Introduction by Anne Berthelot.
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies/Sites, Vol. 10 (Spring 2006) pp. 43-51.
“Florence Delay, Jacques Roubaud, Merlin, et la multiplicité de leurs textes.”
L’Esplumeoir, n. 4 (Fall 2005) pp. 37-47.
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“Le personnage de Viviane dans Graal Théâtre.”
L’Esplumeoir, n. 2 (Fall 2003) pp. 41-51.
“Jacques Roubaud et le recyclage du Moyen Age littéraire.”
Recyclages culturels/Recycling Culture, Vol. 1, edited by Hafid Gafaiti, Anne Mairesse, Michèle
Praeger. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2003, pp. 159-172.
“Mourning and the Call for Possible Worlds in Jacques Roubaud’s Work.”
Sites: the Journal of 20th-Century/Contemporary French Studies, Vol. 6, Issue 2 (Fall 2002) pp. 35769.
“How to Avoid Language Breakdown? Circumlocution!”
Co-authored with Ann Salomone.
Foreign Language Annals Vol. 30, n.4 (Winter 1997) pp. 473-484.
“Compte-rendu critique de Secrets et mystères de la vie de Merlin de Marie Tanneux.”
L’Esplumeoir, n. 8 (Fall 2009) pp. 62-64.
“Compte-rendu critique de Pour un tombeau de Merlin: du barde celte à la période moderne d’Yves
L’Esplumeoir, n. 7 (Fall 2008) pp. 57-58.
“Compte-rendu critique de Graal Théâtre de Florence Delay et Jacques Roubaud.”
L’Esplumeoir, n. 4 (Fall 2005) pp. 61-62.
“Compte-rendu critique de Codex and Context de Keith Busby.”
Études Francophones, Vol. 19, n. 1 (Spring 2004) pp. 197-200.
20th/21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium: Human-Animal
University of San Francisco, (April 2011)
“Bête glatissant et autres animaux: bestiaire médiéval dans Graal Théâtre de F. Delay et J. Roubaud”
Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones d’Amérique International Colloquium
Fordham University, New York (October 2010)
“Les clônes français de Harry Potter”
20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium
Guelph University, Toronto (March 2010)
“Parc Sauvage: détour autobiographique de Jacques Roubaud”
44rd International Congress on Medieval Studies.
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (May 2009)
“Decapitation is a Translation Process: a French Theatrical Version of Sir Gawain and the Green
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20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium
University of Minnesota, (March 2009)
“Tom Cox: renoncer à la magie pour sauver le monde?”
22nd International Arthurian Congress
Université de Rennes 2, (July 2008)
“Les morts de Galehaut et de ‘son livre’ ”
43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies.
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (May 2008)
“The Ambiguous Legacy of Merlin in Harry Potter.”
41st International Congress on Medieval Studies.
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (May 2006)
“[email protected]”
Colloque Jacques Roubaud.
Université de Nancy 2 (March 2006)
“La conjointure dans Graal Théâtre.”
40th International Congress on Medieval Studies.
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (May 2005)
“Jacques Roubaud, Merlin, and the Multiplicity of their Boundless Texts.”
20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium.
University of Florida, Gainesville (April 2005)
“L’art ‘Roman’ de Jacques Roubaud.”
The 3rd Annual New England Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures.
University of Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut (October 2003)
“Who’s Talking About Me? An Attempt to Renew the Genre of Autobiography in 21st Century
38th International Congress on Medieval Studies.
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (May 2003)
“Les fonctions de Viviane dans Graal Théâtre de Florence Delay et Jacques Roubaud.”
37th International Congress on Medieval Studies.
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (May 2002)
President of the session: “Merlin’s homologues in the Middle Ages,” organized by the International
Society of Merlin’s Associates.
Contemporary French Studies Colloquium.
University of Connecticut, Hartford (April 2002)
“Le deuil à l’appel des mondes possibles chez Jacques Roubaud.”
20th and 21st Century French Studies Colloquium.
University of California, Davis (April 2001)
“Jacques Roubaud et le recyclage du Moyen Age littéraire.”
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Department of Modern and Classical Languages Fourth Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference.
University of Connecticut, Storrs (March 2000)
“The Revival of the Middle Ages in the Work of Jacques Roubaud: a Survey”
Department of Modern and Classical Languages Third Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference.
University of Connecticut, Storrs (April 1999)
“A Feminist Reading of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita.”
Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and Literatures.
Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio (October 1996)
“How to Avoid Language Breakdown? Circumlocution!”
With Ann Salomone.
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for the XVIIth International Colloquium of the
Rencesvals Society for the Study of Romance Epics, University of Connecticut, Storrs
(July 22nd- 28th, 2006)
Edited and mailed information letters and the program to all members of the Society, held meetings
with the University of Connecticut Conference Services, Dining Services and Hotel management,
organized conference sessions, excursions, receptions and transportation, answered participants emails and phone calls and collected payments before the colloquium, and solved last-minute problems
and questions during the colloquium.
Editorial Assistant for Sites: the Journal of 20th-Century/Contemporary French Studies
University of Connecticut, Storrs
(January 1998-December 2000)
Edited articles and documents for publication; liaison with the journal’s publisher and designer,
contributors, guest-editors, and other publishing houses.
The Uconn Early College Experience Faculty Coordinator Award for Excellence in Curriculum and
Adjunct Faculty Development (May 2008)
Vice-President of the International Society of Merlin’s Associates
International Arthurian Society/North American Branch
Modern Languages Association of America
Modernités Médiévales
Société de Langue et de Littérature Médiévales d’Oc et d’Oïl
Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones en Amérique