Duncan Robertson


Duncan Robertson
Duncan Robertson
Department of English and Foreign Languages
Augusta State University
Augusta, Georgia 30904-2200
Telephone: 706-667-4442
e-mail: [email protected]
Ph. D., Princeton University, 1973. Thesis on the twelfth-century
French Tristan poems.
M. A., Princeton University, 1968; B. A., Yale University, 1966
Spring 2000: Professeur Invité at the Centre d'Études Supérieures de
Civilisation Médiévale, Université de Poitiers, France.
1990: Professor of French and Spanish (Full Professor since
1997) Department of English and Foreign Languages, Augusta State
University, Augusta, GA.
1989-1990: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Paris,
1985-1989: Assistant Professor of French, University of San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA.
1982-1985: California Council for the Humanities, Humanists-in-theSchools Program, scholar in residence.
1980-1982: Lecturer in French, University of California, Santa Cruz,
1973-1979: Assistant Professor of French, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI.
French. Graduate seminars in medieval literature: saints' lives and
romances; the Tristan Legend; textual criticism and "new philology";
introduction to Old French; history of the French language.
Undergraduate courses: medieval Literature; classical and
romantic drama; the rise of romance (medieval and modern
narrative); introductory survey; French culture (art, music, cinema).
Language instruction: all levels; stylistics; business travel.
Humanities. European civilization (art, architecture, music,
literature); literature and spirituality (medieval, Renaissance, modern).
Spanish. Language instruction, all levels; modern Peninsular novel.
Latin. Elementary language instruction. Medieval Latin Literature.
French: near native proficiency. Fluent Spanish. Reading knowledge
of German, Italian, Latin and medieval vernacular languages.
Modern Language Association; Medieval Academy of America;
Hagiography Society; Alliance Française; International Courtly
Literature Society; Société Rencesvals; Alpha Mu Gamma; Phi Kappa
Augusta College Foundation grants 1993, 1995, 1998.
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1989-90
Horace Rackham grants (University of Michigan), 1973, 1976
Arts and Sciences Post-Tenure Review Committee 2006-2007.
University Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1998-1999, 2001-2002,
2002-2003, 2004-2005 (Chair), 2007-2008.
Faculty Research and Development Committee, 1998-2000, 2004-2006
Faculty Grievance Committee, 1999
Editor, Foreign Language Notes (newsletter), annually since 1990.
Faculty Advisor to the French club (Le Cercle Français), since 1990
Foreign Language Committee, since 1990.
Coordinator for Foreign Languages, 1992-1993; Lyceum Committee,
1996-98; Committee on Faculty Evaluation (Research and
Development subcommittee) 1994-95; College Library Committee,
1994-1996 (chair 1995-96); Department Library Committee, 19901998, 2004-2005;. Chair’s Forum Coordinator, 2005-2006.
Presentations (on campus):
“Beyond the Bombs and the Banlieues.” Panel discussion, in
collaboration with Paul Harris. Spring 2006.
“The Vernacular Spirit.” Book presentation at the Confabulation of
Writers, Spring 2006.
“Looking through the Islamic Veil.” Panel discussion, in collaboration
with Paul Harris, Spring 2004.
Bell South Seminar, 1998-99. "Reading the Letter and the Spirit." fall
1998; "The meaning of Life: European perspectives." spring 1999.
"Poitiers, 2000: A report on life and research in France." Chair's forum,
Department of Languages, Literature and Communications, November
"Lectio divina and literary criticism" Guest lecture in literature and
humanities classes, November 2000, and February 2001.
"St. Bernard answers Jacques Derrida." Humanities Colloquium, fall
"Une visite au moyen âge." FLAIR conference, fall 1994.
"Literature and Spirituality: the Life of St. Mary the Egyptian."
Humanities Colloquium, fall, 1993.
"Teaching Foreign Languages through Music." FLAIR conference, fall
"The Baroque Theatre of Jean Racine." Humanities Colloquium, spring
"The Charlemagne Window and the Song of Roland." Humanities
Colloquium, fall 1990.
Judge of Richmond county and Governor's Honors foreign language
contests, annually since 1990. Judge of Latin declamation contest,
spring 2001
Translation of French and Spanish newspaper and magazine reports for
Masters Tournament; translation of Latin documents for lcoal citizen,
spring 2001.
Edited French version of Augusta Vistors Bureau Brochure, summer
1994; administered Alliance Française essay contest for C.S.R.A. highschool and college students, fall 1994, fall 1995; lay minister in
Episcopal churches.
Presentations (Augusta Community):
“Émeutes et manifestations en France.” Alliance Française, spring
"Monasteries and Cathedrals." St. Paul's Church, fall, 2001.
Lectio divina and 'Centering Prayer.'" Church of the Holy Comforter,
fall 2001.
"Uncanonized saints: Etty Hillesum." Saint Paul's Church, fall 1999
"Centering Prayer." Saint Paul's Church, fall 1999.
“Le père Papon.” Alliance Française, spring 1998.
"Visit to the Mont Saint-Michel." Davidson High School, fall 1998.
"Reflections on Lectio Divina." St. Paul's Church. spring 1997
"Tout un drame: le théâtre dans la classe." Alliance Française, fall
"Reading the Letter and the Spirit." St. Paul's Church, spring 1994.
"Les Quartiers de Paris." Alliance Française, spring 1993.
"François Villon et Georges Brassens." Alliance Française, winter 1992.
"Cathédrales et Monastères." Alliance Française, winter 1991.
Prof. Raymond C. La Charité
Department of French Language and Literature
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506
Prof. Peter F. Dembowski
Department of Romance Languages
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL 60637
Prof. William Paden
Department of French and Italian
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208
Lectio divina: The Medieval Experience of Reading. Forthcoming from
the Liturgical Press, in the Cistercian Studies series.
The Vernacular Spirit: Essays on Medieval Religious Literature. Ed.
Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Duncan Robertson, and Nancy Warren.
New Middle Ages series. New York: St. Martins/Palgrave, 2002.
The Medieval Saints' Lives: Spiritual Renewal and Old French
Literature. Edward C. Armstrong Monographs on Medieval Literature,
8. Lexington, KY: French Forum, 1995.
“Lectio divina and Literary Criticism.” Forthcoming, in Cistercian
Studies Quarterly.
“Seasons of Solitude: The Anglo-Norman Verse Life of St. Giles.”
In “De sens rassis”: Essays in Honor of Rupert T. Pickens, eds. Keith
Busby, Bernard Guidot, and Logan E. Whalen. (Amsterdam: Rodopi,
2003) 535-54.
“'Oiez signor... si com lisant trovon': La chanson biblique de Herman
de Valenciennes.” In L’épopée médiévale: Actes du XVe Congrès
international de la Société Rencesvals (Poitiers, 21-27 août 2000).
Poitiers: CESCM, 2002. Tome II: 1001-1008.
“ 'Cume lur cumpaine et lur veisine': Women's roles in Anglo-Norman
Hagiography.” In Discourses of Women, ed. Kathy Krause. Univ. of
Florida Press, 2001, 13-25.
"What is a Legendary?" In Philologies Old and New: Essays in Honor of
Peter Florian Dembowski, ed. Carol J. Chase and Joan Tasker Grimbert.
Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001: 59-69.
“Clemence of Barking,” in Women in the Middle Ages: an Encyclopedia, ed. Katharina Wi
lson and Nadia Margolis, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004, pp. 198-200.
“Clemence of Barking,” and “St. Mary the Egyptian,” in Women and Gender in Medieval
Europe: An Encyclopedia, ed. Margaret C. Schaus, NY: Routledge, 2005.
"Authority and Anonymity: The Twelfth-Century French Life of St. Mary
the Egyptian." In Translatio Studii: Essays in Honor of Karl D. Uitti, ed.
Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinki and Kevin Brownlee. Amsterdam: Rodopi,
1999: 245-259.
"The Anglo-Norman Verse Life of St. Mary the Egyptian." Romance
Philology 52 (1998): 13-44.
"Writing in the Textual Community: Clemence of Barking's life of St.
Catherine." French Forum 21 (1996): 5-28.
"The Way of Hagiography." Romance Philology 43 (1989-90): 209-19.
"The Inimitable Saints." Romance Philology 42 (1988-89): 435-46.
"Twelfth-Century Experience: The Life of St. Mary the Egyptian."
Pacific Coast Philology 22 (1987): 71-77.
"The Experience of Reading: Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermons on the
Song of Songs, 1." Religion and Literature 19 (1987): 1-20.
"Epic Direct Discourse." Pacific Coast Philology 20 (1985): 70-74.
"Poem and Spirit: the Twelfth-Century French Life of St. Mary the
Egyptian." Medioevo Romanzo 7 (1980): 305-27.
"Visual Poetics: the Charlemagne Window at Chartres." Olifant 6
(1978): 107-17.
"Toward an Aesthetic of the Conteur: the Folie Tristan Poems."
Tristania 2 (1977): 3-11.
"On the Text of the Berne Folie Tristan." Romania 98 (1977): 95-104.
"An Analytic Bibliography of the Writings of Alfred Foulet." Romance
Philology 22 (1968-69): 384-95.
Dorothy Kullman, ed., The Church and Vernacular Literature in
Medieval France. Studies and Texts 165. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of
Medieval Studies, 2009. Forthcoming, in Speculum.
Amy V. Ogden, Hagiography, Romance and the Vie de sainte
Euphrosine. Princeton, NJ: Edward C. Armstrong Monographs, 2003.
Romance Philology 58 (2005) 145-148.
Maurizio Perugi, ed., La Vie de saint Alexis. Textes Littéraires Français.
Geneva: Droz, 2000. Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale 48 (2005) 7075.
Françoise Laurent, Plaire et édifier: Les récits hagiographiques
composés en Angleterre au XIIe et XIIIe siècles. Paris: Honoré
Champion, 1995. Romance Philology 55 (2001) 132-135
John Jay Thompson, ed. Wauchier de Denain, La Vie mon signeur seint
Nicholas le beneoit confessor. Textes Littéraires Français, 508.
Geneva: Droz, 1999. Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale 45 (2002): 98100.
Nils-Olof Jönsson. La Vie de saint Germer et la vie de saint Josse de
Pierre de Beauvais: Deux poèmes du XIII e siècle, publiés avec
introduction, notes et glossaire. Etudes Romanes de Lund, 56. Lund:
Lund University Press, 1997. Speculum 73 (1998): 84-85.
Jocelyn Wogan-Browne and Glyn S. Burgess. Virgin Lives and Holy
Deaths: Two Exemplary Biographies for Anglo-Norman Women. The
Life of St. Catherine. The Life of St. Lawrence. Translated with
introductions and notes. Everyman Library. London: Dent and
Vermont: Tuttle, 1996. Romance Philology 51 (1997): 99-106.
William Calin. The French Tradition and the Literature of Medieval
England. Toronto: University of Toronto Pr., 1994. French Forum 21
(1996): 98-100.
Rachel Bullington. The Alexis in the Saint Albans Psalter: A Look into
the Heart of the Matter. New York and London: Garland, 1991.
Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale 38 (1995): 82-83.
Kathryn Young Wallace, ed. La Estoire de seint Aedward le Rei.
London: Anglo-Norman Text Society, 1983. Romance Philology 43
(1989-90): 478-80.
Yvan G. Lepage, ed. L'Oeuvre lyrique de Richard de Fournival.
Ottawa, 1981. Romance Philology 39 (1985-86): 370.
Herman Braet, tr. Deux lais féeriques bretons. Brussells: Aurelia,
1980. Romance Philology 36 (1985-86): 502-04.
Emmanuèle Baumgartner, tr. La Quête du Saint Graal. Paris: Honoré
Champion, 1979. Romance Philology 36 (1982-83): 637-39.
Peter Dembowski, ed. La Vie de sainte Marie l'Egyptienne: versions en
ancien et en moyen français. Geneva: Droz, 1977. Romance
Philology 34 (1980-81): 258-63.
Serge Hutin. La vie quotidienne des alchimistes au moyen âge. Paris:
Hachette, 1977. French Review 53 (1980): 326.
Régine Pernoud. Pour en finir avec le moyen âge. Editions du Seuil,
1977. French Review 51 (1978): 930-31.
"The Letters of Peter Abelard and Heloise," "Songs by Hildegard of
Bingen," and "The Book of the City of Ladies" (by Christine de Pizan):
translations and introductions. In The Augusta College Humanities
Handbook, ed. Walter Evans, Michael Schwartz and Vicki Stroher.
Seventh edition. Simon and Shuster, 1996.
A Humanities Handbook. Selected Curriculum. San Francisco Unified
School District, 1985.
Sources for the Study of High Medieval Culture, ed. Nicolas Steneck,
Duncan Robertson and Harald Scholler. Medieval and Renaissance
Collegium Publications, University of Michigan, 1976.
“Reverse exegesis: Bernard of Clairvaux’s Sermon 67 on the Song of
Songs.” Forty-second International Congress on Medieval Studies, The
Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, spring
“Lectio divina: From Medieval Meditation to Modern Manuals.” Fortyfirst International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval
Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, spring 2006.
“The Spiritually Mature Reader: Bernard of Clairvaux.” International
Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Leeds UK, summer 2005.
"From the Literal to Literature: The Roman de Dieu et de sa mère by
Herman de Valenciennes." Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference,
spring 2001
"Recent Work on Late-Medieval Hagiography: The Decline of the
Genre?" Thirty-Fourth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The
Medieval Institute, Kalamazoo, MI, May, 1999.
"Literacy and Spirituality." Kentucky Foreign Language Conference,
Lexington, KY, April, 1999.
"The Anglo-Norman Verse Life of St. Mary the Egyptian." ThirtySecond International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval
Institute, Kalamazoo, MI, May, 1997.
"'Cume lur cumpaine et lur veisine': Women's roles in Anglo-Norman
Hagiography." Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY,
April, 1997.
"The Textual Community around Barking Abbey." Thirty-First
International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute,
Kalamazoo, MI, May, 1995.
"The Old French Saints' Lives: Reflections on 'Vernacularization.'" The
Medieval Academy of America convention, Knoxville, TN, April 1994.
"Towards a Definition of Hagiographical Romance." Sewanee
Colloquium, Sewanee TN, March 1993.
"The Wives of the Saints," Modern Language Association convention,
Toronto, Ont., December, 1993.
"The Saint and the Poet: the Life of St. Catherine by Clemence of
Barking." Southeast Medieval Association Conference, Williamsburg,
VA, September, 1992
"Vernacular Historical Hagiography: Orderic Vital and his French
Translator." Twenty-Eighth International Congress on Medieval Studies,
The Medieval Institute, Kalamazoo, MI, April 1992.
"Spirituality and Vernacularization," Kentucky Foreign Language
Conference, Lexington, KY, April, 1992.
"The Witty Martyrs." Conference on Humor in the Middle Ages,
Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ, September, 1991.
"Spirituality and Literature." Southeast Medieval Association
Conference, Birmingham, AL, September, 1991.
"The Spirit and Vernacular Letters: Medieval Women Writers on
Religious Experience," at the Modern Language Association
Convention, San Francisco, CA, December 1998.
"The Virgin Mary in Narrative, Lyric and Drama," at the International
Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo MI, spring 1996.
"Hagiography and Romance," at the Kentucky Foreign Language
Conference, spring 1996.
Chaired special session on Comparative Literature (medieval) at the
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, spring 1993.
"Hurricane in Central America." Augusta Chronicle, November 13,
"Ice Skating." Augusta Chronicle. July 1, 1998.
"Le Père Papon." Foreign Language Notes, 1998.
"Scholar in the City." Humanities Network 6:2 (1984): 5
"The Overprotected Professors." Newsweek, Feb. 15, 1982, 17.
Pedro Hoyos-Salcedo, Ningún ser humano es ilegal, ni el reino de Dios
tiene fronteras. Foreign language Notes 2000.
José Donoso. Curfew. San Francisco Chronicle Review, June 5, 1988, 7.
Carlos Fuentes. Myself with Others. San Francisco Chronicle Review,
April 17, 1988, 3.
Jorge Amado. Showdown. San Francisco Chronicle Review, Feb. 7,
1988, 1.
Moacyr Scliar. The Ballad of the False Messiah. San Francisco
Chronicle Review, Jan. 10, 1988, 9.
Jonathan Evans Maslow. Bird of Life, Bird of Death. San Francisco
Chronicle Review, Aug. 31, 1986, 9.