EM Strasbourg - Christophe GODLEWSKI


EM Strasbourg - Christophe GODLEWSKI
english version
Christophe GODLEWSKI
Professeur Agrégé des Universités en Sciences de Gestion
Directeur du Master 2 Conseiller de clientèle professionnelle en alternance
Directeur adjoint de l'Ecole Doctorale Augustin Cournot
Disciplines : Finance-Assurance-Banque
Laboratoire : LaRGE
Site web : http://bit.ly/profchrisgodlewski
Institutions financières, finance d'entreprise
Intermédiation financière, finance d'entreprise, marchés émergents
2011 - … Professeur des Universités en Sciences de Gestion (Finance)
2011 Agrégation Externe de l'Enseignement Supérieur pour le recrutement de Professeurs des Universités en Sciences
de Gestion, (spécialité Finance), Paris
2006 - 2011 Maître de Conférences en Sciences de Gestion (Finance)
2005 Doctorat de Sciences de Gestion (Finance)
2001 DEA Management et Magistère Génie Economique, (option Banque et Finance)
2000 - 2001 Analyste Crédit Junior, Deutsche Bank AG, Strasbourg
Articles académiques sciences de gestion / section 37
"Do the type of sukuk and choice of shari'a scholar matter?" (with R. Turk-Ariss, L. Weill), Journal of Economic Behavior
and Organization, 2016 [CNRS cat.2 / HCERES]
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"The dynamics of bank debt renegotiation in Europe: A survival analysis approach" , Economic Modelling, Vol. 49, 2015
[CNRS cat.2 / HCERES]
"The certification value of private debt renegotiation and the design of financial contracts. Empirical evidence from
Europe" , Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 53, 2015 [CNRS cat.2 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 1]
"Bank Loans and Borrower Value during the Global Financial Crisis: Empirical Evidence from France" , Journal of
International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol. 28, 2014 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES]
"Why do large firms opt for Islamic loans?" (with L. Weill), Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 56, 2014 [CNRS cat.3 /
"The determinants of multiple bank loan renegotiations in Europe" , International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 34,
2014 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 3]
"Bank Competition and Collateral: Theory and Evidence" (with C. Hainz, L. Weill), Journal of Financial Services
Research, Vol. 44, 2013 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 3]
"Sukuk vs. Conventional Bonds: A Stock Market Perspective" (with Rima Turk-Ariss, Laurent Weill), Journal of
Comparative Economics, Vol. 41, 2013 [CNRS cat.1 / HCERES]
"Risk management, soft information and banker`s incentives" (with B. Godbillon-Camus), Revue d'Economie Politique,
Vol. 123, 2013 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES]
"Foreign bank lending and information asymmetries in China: empirical evidence from the syndicated loan market" (with
P. Pessarossi, L. Weill), Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 23, 2012 [CNRS cat.4 / HCERES]
"Bank lending networks, experience, reputation, and borrowing costs Empirical evidence from the French syndicated
lending market" (with B. Sanditov, T. Burger-Helmchen), Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 39, 2012
[CNRS cat.2 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 2]
"Le contenu informatif de la structure du pool bancaire" (with F. Lobez, J.-C. Statnik, Y. Ziane), Management & Avenir,
Vol. 41, 2011 [CNRS cat.4 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 4]
"Asymmetric Information and Loan Spreads in Russia: Evidence from Syndicated Loans" (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill),
Eastern European Economics, Vol. 49, 2011
"How Many Banks does it Take to Lend? Empirical Evidence from Europe" (with Y. Ziane), Bankers, Markets and
Investors, 2011 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 3]
"Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection ? A Cross-Country Analysis" (with L. Weill), Journal of Financial
Services Research, Vol. 40, 2011 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 3]
"Stock market reaction to debt financing arrangements in Russia" (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill), Comparative Economic
Studies, Vol. 53, 2011 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES]
"Concentration in Corporate Bank Loans: What Do We Learn from European Comparisons?" (with Y. Ziane), Brussels
Economic Review / Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol. 53, 2010 [CNRS cat.4 / HCERES]
"Banking Environment and Loan Syndicate Structure: A Cross-Country Analysis" , Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 20,
2010 [CNRS cat.4 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 4]
"How to get a syndicated loan fast? The role of syndicate composition and organization" , Finance, Vol. 31, 2010 [CNRS
cat.2 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 2]
"L'organisation des syndicats bancaires en France. Taille, concentration et réputation" , Finance Contrôle Stratégie, Vol.
12, 2009 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 3]
"Collateral and Adverse Selection in Transition Countries" (with L. Weill), Eastern European Economics, Vol. 47, 2009
"Syndicated Loans in Emerging Markets" (with L. Weill), Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 9, 2008 [CNRS cat.3 /
"La cohérence des ratings avec la probabilité de défaillance des banques dans les pays émergents" , Bankers, Markets
and Investors, Vol. 93, 2008 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 3]
"Les déterminants de la décision de syndication bancaire en France" , Bankers, Markets and Investors, Vol. 91, 2007
[CNRS cat.3 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 3]
"Are Ratings Consistent with Default Probabilities ? Empirical Evidence on Banks in Emerging Market Economies" ,
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 43, 2007
"An Empirical Investigation of Bank Risk-Taking in Emerging Markets within a Prospect Theory Framework. A Note" ,
Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 2, 2007
"Regulatory and Institutional Determinants of Credit Risk Taking and Bank's Default in Emerging Market Economies: A
Two Step Approach" , Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Vol. 5, 2006
"Bank's Default Risk and Regulatory Factors in Emerging Market Economies" , Journal of Financial Transformation, Vol.
15, 2005
Page 2
"Le rôle de l'environnement réglementaire, légal et institutionnel dans la défaillance des banques. Le cas des pays
émergents" , Bankers, Markets and Investors, Vol. 73, 2004 [CNRS cat.3 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 3]
"Bank Capital and Credit Risk Taking in Emerging Market Economies" , Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 6, 2004
Articles académiques (autres revues)
"Le traitement de l'information par les analystes crédit dans les banques" , Revue du Financier, Vol. 177, 2009
"The Design of Bank Loan Syndicates in Emerging Markets Economies" , IUP Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 6,
"Determinants of Bank Loan Syndication Structures for Emerging Market Borrowers" , Journal of Risk Management in
Financial Institutions, Vol. 1, 2008
"Ratings des banques et régulation prudentielle dans les pays émergents" , Revue du Financier, Vol. 164, 2007
"Influence des facteurs institutionnels sur l'excès de risque et les ratings de banques dans les pays émergents" , Revue
Bancaire et Financière, Vol. 8, 2004
Ouvrages scientifiques
Information, organisation et prise de risque. Le cas de la banque, Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2010,
Manuels pédagogiques
Gestion des risques et institutions financières, Pearson Education, 3 ed., 2013, (with M. Merli)
Gestion des risques et institutions financières, Pearson Education, 2 ed., 2010, (with M. Merli)
Gestion des risques et institutions financières, Pearson Education, 1 ed., 2007, (with M. Merli)
Chapitres d'ouvrages scientifiques
"What Drives the Arrangement Timetable of Bank Loan Syndication?", in : , Handbook of Credit Portfolio Management,
McGraw-Hill, 2008,
"Excess Risk and Bank Default An Application of Default Prediction's Models to Banks from Emerging Market
Economies", in : , Dynamic Models and Their Applications in Emerging and Global Markets, Palgrave MacMillan, 2004,
Communications scientifiques
"Debt renegotiation and the design of financial contracts", Congrès de l'AFFI, Liège, Belgium, 2016
"Financial institution network and the certification value of bank loans", Congrès de l'AFFI, Cergy, 2015 (with B.
"Financial institution network and the certification value of bank loans", Financial Management Association European
Conference, Venice, Italy, 2015 (with B. Sanditov)
"Financial institution network and the certification value of bank loans", European Financial Management Association
Meeting, Breukelen, Netherlands, 2015 (with B. Sanditov)
"What drives the dynamics of bank debt renegotiation in Europe? A survival analysis approach", Congrès de l'AFFI,
Aix-en-Provence, 2014
"Building Reputation on the Syndicated Lending Market: A Participant Bank Perspective", Congrès de l'AFFI,
Aix-en-Provence, 2014 (with M.-H. Broihanne)
"What drives the dynamics of bank debt renegotiation in Europe? A survival analysis approach", Financial Management
Association European Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2014
"Does renegotiation of financial contracts matter for shareholders? Empirical evidence from Europe", Congrès de l'AFFI,
Lyon, 2013
"Does renegotiation of financial contracts matter for shareholders? Empirical evidence from Europe", Financial
Management Association European Conference, Luxembourg, 2013
"Does renegotiation of financial contracts matter for shareholders? Empirical evidence from Europe", The 30th Annual
Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Warsaw, Poland, 2013
"Are bank loans still "special" (especially during a crisis)? Empirical evidence from a European country", Congrès de
l'AFFI, Strasbourg, 2012
"Are bank loans still "special" (especially during a crisis)? Empirical evidence from a European country", Multinational
Finance Society Conference, Cracow, Poland, 2012
"Bank lending networks, experience, reputation, and borrowing costs", Congrès de l'AFFI, Montpellier, 2011 (with T.
Burger -Helmchen, B. Sanditov)
"Better Borrowers, Fewer Banks?", Northern Finance Association Meeting, Winnipeg, USA, 2010 (with F. Lobez, J.-C.
Statnik, Y. Ziane)
Page 3
"Better Borrowers, Fewer Banks?", 20e Journées Nationales des IAE, Strasbourg, 2010 (with F. Lobez, J.-C. Statnik, Y.
"Better Borrowers, Fewer Banks?", Multinational Finance Society Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2010 (with F. Lobez,
J.-C. Statnik, Y. Ziane)
"Better Borrowers, Fewer Banks?", Global Finance Conference, Poznan, Poland, 2010 (with F. Lobez, J.-C. Statnik, Y.
"Better Borrowers, Fewer Banks?", European Financial Management Association Meeting , Aaarhus, Denmark, 2010
(with F. Lobez, J.-C. Statnik, Y. Ziane)
"Better Borrowers, Fewer Banks?", XXVII Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et Finance, Bordeaux, 2010 (with F. Lobez,
J.-C. Statnik, Y. Ziane)
"Better Borrowers, Fewer Banks?", Congrès de l'AFFI,, Saint-Malo, 2010 (with F. Lobez, J.-C. Statnik, Y. Ziane)
"How To Get a Syndicated Loan Fast ? The Role of Syndicate Composition and Organization", Global Finance
Conference, Poznan, Poland, 2010
"How To Get a Syndicated Loan Fast ? The Role of Syndicate Composition and Organization", Congrès de l'AFFI,
Saint-Malo, 2010
"Asymmetric Information and Loan Spreads in Russia: Evidence from Syndicated Loans", 11th Conference of the
European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, Tartu, Estonia, 2010 (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill)
"Concentration in Corporate Bank Loans: What Do We Learn from European Comparisons?", XXVI Colloque GDRE
Monnaie, Banque et Finance, Orléans, 2009 (with Y. Ziane)
"Concentration in Corporate Bank Loans: What Do We Learn from European Comparisons?", Financial Management
Association European Conference, Torino, Italy, 2009 (with Y. Ziane)
"Concentration in Corporate Bank Loans: What Do We Learn from European Comparisons?", Congrès de l'AFFI, Brest,
2009 (with Y. Ziane)
"Duration of Syndication Process and Syndicate Organization", Campus for Finance Research Conference, Vallendar,
Germany, 2009
"Duration of Syndication Process and Syndicate Organization", Financial Management Association European
Conference, Torino, Italy, 2009
"Bank Competition and Collateral: Theory and Evidence", Southern Finance Association Meeting, Captiva Island, USA,
2009 (with C. Hainz, L. Weill)
"Bank Competition and Collateral: Theory and Evidence", Northern Finance Association Meeting, Niagara on the Lake,
USA, 2009 (with C. Hainz, L. Weill)
"Bank Competition and Collateral: Theory and Evidence", AFFI International Conference, Paris, December 2008 (with C.
Hainz, L. Weill)
"How Many Banks Does It Take To Lend? Empirical Evidence From Europe", 40th Money, Macro and Finance
Research Group Conference, London, UK, 2008 (with Y. Ziane)
"How Many Banks Does It Take To Lend? Empirical Evidence From Europe", XXV Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et
Finance, Luxembourg, 2008 (with Y. Ziane)
"How Many Banks Does It Take To Lend? Empirical Evidence From Europe", Congrès de l'AFFI, Lille, 2008 (with Y.
"What Drives the Arrangement Timetable of Bank Loan Syndication?", XXV Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et
Finance, Luxembourg, 2008
"What Drives the Arrangement Timetable of Bank Loan Syndication?", Financial Management Association European
Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008
"Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection ? A Cross-Country Analysis", Southern Finance Association Meeting,
Charleston, USA, 2007 (with L. Weill)
"Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection ? A Cross-Country Analysis", European Financial Management
Association Meeting, Viena, Austria, 2007
"Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection ? A Cross-Country Analysis", Congrès de l'AFFI, Bordeaux, 2007 (with
L. Weill)
"Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection ? A Cross-Country Analysis", Financial Management Association
European Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2007 (with L. Weill)
"Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection ? A Cross-Country Analysis", XXIV Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque
et Finance, Rennes, 2007 (with L. Weill)
"Syndicated Loans in Emerging Markets", 14th Annual Conference of the German Finance Association, Dresden,
Germany, 2007 (with L. Weill)
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"Les déterminants de la décision de syndication bancaire en France", Congrès de l'AFFI, Bordeaux, 2007
"Les déterminants de la décision de syndication bancaire en France", XXIV Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et
Finance, Rennes, 2007
"Credit Risk Management in Banks: Hard versus Soft Information", European Financial Management Association
Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 2006 (with B. Gobillon-Camus)
"Credit Risk Management in Banks: Hard versus Soft Information", XXIII Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et Finance,
Lille, 2006 (with B. Gobillon-Camus)
"Credit Risk Management in Banks: Hard versus Soft Information", 18e Journées Nationales des IAE, Montpellier, 2006
(with B. Gobillon-Camus)
"An Empirical Investigation of Bank Risk-Taking in Emerging Markets Within a Prospect Theory Framework. A Note ",
Campus for Finance Research Conference, Vallendar, Germany, 2006
Autres conférences académiques / conférences professionnelles
"Debt renegotiation and the design of financial contracts", European Finance and Banking Conference, Bologna, Italy,
"Debt renegotiation and the design of financial contracts", Financial Engineering and Banking Society Conference,
Malaga, Spain, 2016,
"Does the type of debt matter? Stock market perception in Europe", XVIth Annual Research Conference of the Higher
School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 2015, (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill)
"Does the type of debt matter? Stock market perception in Europe", Finnish Economic Association XXXVII Annual
Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 2015, (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill)
"Financial institution network and the certification value of bank loans", 13th INFINITI Conference on International
Finance, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015, (with B. Sanditov)
"Does the type of debt matter? Stock market perception in Europe", 13th INFINITI Conference on International Finance,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015, (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill)
"How Sukuk Shapes Firm Performance", Financial Engineering and Banking Society Conference, Nantes, 2015, (with
P.-O. Klein, L. Weill)
"What Drives the Dynamics of Bank Loan Renegotiation in Europe? A survival analysis approach", IFABS Conference,
Lisbon, Portugal, 2014,
"What Influences Stock Market Reaction to Sukuk Issues? The Impact of Scholars and Sukuk Types", Financial
Engineering and Banking Society Conference, Guildford, UK, 2014, (with R. Turk-Ariss, L. Weill)
"Does renegotiation of financial contracts matter for shareholders? Empirical evidence from Europe", 11th INFINITI
Conference on International Finance, Aix-en-Provence, 2013,
"Does renegotiation of financial contracts matter for shareholders? Empirical evidence from Europe", IFABS Conference
, Nottingham, UK, 2013,
"Does renegotiation of financial contracts matter for shareholders? Empirical evidence from Europe", The 11th
Corporate Finance Day, Liège, Belgium, 2013,
"Why do Firms go for an Islamic Financing? Explaining the Expansion of Islamic Banks", Middle East Economic
Association Meeting, Chicago, US, 2012, (with L. Weill)
"Do Markets Perceive Sukuk and Conventional Bonds as Different Financing Instruments?", - 15th Conference of the
Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF), Zurich, Switzerland, 2012, (with L. Weill, R. Turk)
"Bank lending networks, experience, reputation, and borrowing costs Empirical evidence from the French syndicated
lending market", 1st Small Businesses Finance Day, Valenciennes, 2012, (with B. Sanditov, T. Burger-Helmchen)
"Are bank loans still "special" (especially during a crisis)? Empirical evidence from a European country ", 10th INFINITI
Conference on International Finance, Dublin, Ireland, 2012,
"Are bank loans still "special" (especially during a crisis)? Empirical evidence from a European country", Financial
Engineering and Banking Society Conference, London, UK, 2012,
"Are bank loans still "special" (especially during a crisis)? Empirical evidence from a European country", IFABS
Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2012,
"Are bank loans still "special" (especially during a crisis)? Empirical evidence from a European country", The 10th
Corporate Finance Day, Ghent, Belgium, 2012,
"Are bank loans still "special" (especially during a crisis)? Empirical evidence from a European country", 7th biennial
Czech Economic Society Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012,
"Bank lending networks, experience, reputation, and borrowing costs", 8th ENEF Meeting, Strasbourg, 2011, (with B.
Sanditov, T. Burger-Helmchen)
Page 5
"Better Borrowers, Fewer Banks?", World Finance Conference, Viana de Castelo, Portugal, 2010, (with F. Lobez, J.-C.
Statnik, Y. Ziane)
"How To Get a Syndicated Loan Fast ? The Role of Syndicate Composition and Organization", World Finance
Conference, Viana de Castelo, Portugal, 2010,
"Stock Market Reaction to Debt Financing Arrangements in Russia", Society for the Study of Emerging Markets
EuroConference, Milas, Turkey, 2010, (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill)
"Asymmetric Information and Loan Spreads in Russia: Evidence from Syndicated Loans", 11th International Academic
Conference on the Economic and Social Development, Moscow, Russia, 2010, (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill)
"Concentration in Corporate Bank Loans: What Do We Learn from European Comparisons?", Journées de Recherche
"Management bancaire : enjeux et nouveaux défis", Tours, 2009, (with Y. Ziane)
"Concentration in Corporate Bank Loans: What Do We Learn from European Comparisons?", Atelier du GDRE
Monnaie, Banque et Finance, Nancy, 2009,
"Asymmetric Information and Loan Spreads in Russia: Evidence from Syndicated Loans", Center for International
Capital Markets Conference, London, UK, 2009, (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill)
"Duration of Syndication Process and Syndicate Organization", XVII International Tor Vergata Conference on Banking
and Finance, Rome, Italy, 2008,
"Asymmetric Information and Loan Spreads in Russia: Evidence from Syndicated Loans", 5th biennial Czech Economic
Society Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008, (with Z. Fungacova, L. Weill)
"The Design of Bank Loan Syndicates in Emerging Markets Economies", 2nd Emerging Markets Finance Conference,
London, UK, 2008,
"What Drives the Arrangement Timetable of Bank Loan Syndication?", UKon - ULP Workshop "Econometrics and
Empirical Economics", Konstanz, Germany, 2007,
Working papers
Debt renegotiation and the design of financial contracts, LaRGE, 2016
Financial institution network and the certification value of bank loans, LaRGE , University of Strasbourg, 2015 (with Bulat
Does the type of debt matter? Stock market perception in Europe, LaRGE, University of Strasbourg, 2015 (with Z.
Fungacova, L. Weill)
How Sukuk Shapes Firm Performance, LaRGE, University of Strasbourg, 2015 (with P.-O. Klein, L. Weill)
Building Reputation on the Syndicated Lending Market: A Participant Bank Perspective , LaRGE, University of
Strasbourg, 2014 (with M.-H. Broihanne)
What Influences Stock Market Reaction to Sukuk Issues? The Impact of Scholars and Sukuk Types , LaRGE, University
of Strasbourg, 2014 (with R. Turk-Ariss, L. Weill)
Better borrowers, fewer banks?, LaRGE, University of Strasbourg, 2010 (with F. Lobez, J.-C. Statnik, Y. Ziane)
Thèses/HDR soutenues
Information, organisation et prise de risque dans la banque, Université Robert Schuman, 2005
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