EUROSERUM, specialist of dairy ingredients


EUROSERUM, specialist of dairy ingredients
EUROSERUM, specialist of dairy ingredients
On the strength of some 40 years of experience in the enrichment of whey, EUROSERUM is
an undisputed expert in dairy ingredients for many agri-food sectors: infant nutrition,
chocolate-making, fresh dairy products, pastries, processed cheese, etc.
Whilst its core business remains without doubt the production of ingredients for baby
milk, EUROSERUM has successfully developed over the years a wide range of
complementary ingredients and markets also high quality milk powders.
EUROSERUM products are made in 12 plants, with 2 abroad, by some 628 employees in
2012 for a total volume of 300,000 Tons of dried dairy products per year.
With over 75% of its production shipped abroad, exports are a core factor in the Group’s
A product range geared to meet the requirements of a host of applications
 Milk powders :
EUROSERUM treats and optimises as powder a proportion of the milk collected by the
Sodiaal Group, France’s leading dairy cooperative comprising almost 13,000 producers in
In its capacity as a cooperative, Sodiaal works for and with its producers with the aim of
making constant improvements to the quality of milk and the performance of production
facilities, whilst respecting the French agricultural heritage. The sustainable development
procedure adopted by Sodiaal, named the “Route du Lait”, is based on undertakings by
the milk producers relating to quality, safety, animal well-being and the environment.
Audits are regularly conducted on the farms in order to guarantee compliance with best
practice and to strengthen the commitment of each producer to the sustainable
development approach.
The strict standards and know-how of the Sodiaal producers, combined with the
EUROSERUM expertise in drying technologies, allow the group to offer a range of very
high quality milk powders.
 Whey powders & dairy ingredients :
o Demineralised whey powder
As the world’s leader on this market, EUROSERUM is duly recognised for its
technological expertise and offers a top quality product range with different levels
of demineralisation.
o Sweet whey powder
As part of its product range, EUROSERUM offers a premium sweet whey powder
with optimal thermal stability thanks to its balanced composition of proteins and
mineral salts.
o Fat-filled whey powder
EUROSERUM has developed a range of fat-filled dairy products. These fat powders
are particularly attractive ingredients for their advantages in terms of easy use,
storage and cost. They are ideally suited for bakery, pastry and chocolate making or
pre-cooked dishes, for example.
o Specific formulated ingredients
This range of ingredients produced by the formulation of dairy components
selected for their specific function makes it possible to optimise recipes for
chocolate, fresh dairy products, processed cheese, bakery and pastry...etc.
The range is rounded out with dried buttermilk and milk permate, enabling EUROSERUM to
provide its customers a wide, top-quality product range.
EUROSERUM, a member of the Sodiaal cooperative group
In January 2011, EUROSERUM became the business unit “Dairy Ingredients” of Sodiaal, the
leading dairy cooperative group in France and N° 4 in Europe.
The Sodiaal group consists of 9 business units covering the various dairy sectors: CANDIA
(drinking milk), ENTREMONT (pressed and processed cheese), MONTS & TERROIRS (cheese
specialities), EUROSERUM (whey powder & dairy ingredients) BEURALIA (dairy fats),
NUTRIBIO (infant, dietetic and adult nutrition in the form of powders and bars), CF&R at 50%
(soft cheese), REGILAIT at 50% (powdered and concentrated milk), YOPLAIT at 49% (extrafresh dairy products).
Key figures of the Sodiaal group
 4.1 billion litres of milk collected
 4.4 billion euros in turnover
 12,600 milk producers
 Head count of some 7,000 people
BP 17
70170 Port-sur-Saône France Tél. 33 (0)3 84 96 11 11
Fax 33 (0)3 84 96 11 10
S.A.S au capital de 18 560 928 €
RCS Vesoul-Gray B 400 869 277 – TVA CEE : FR 400 869 277 – APE 1051 D – SIREN 400 869 277