Donatienne Desmette short CV


Donatienne Desmette short CV
Donatienne Desmette
Curriculum vitae
Université catholique de Louvain
Psychological Sciences Research Institute
CSSB/CECoS (Center for the Study of Social Behavior/Centre d’Etude du Comportement Social)
Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10 L3.05.01
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Phone: + 32 (0)10 47 92 39. Fax: + 32 (0)10 47 37 74
CIRTES (Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Travail, Etat et Societé)
Boulevard Devreux, 6
B-6000 Charleroi
Phone: + 32 (0)71 20 25 25. Fax: + 32 (0)71 20 25 30
Current position
Professor at the Université cathique de Louvain (50%)
Research coordinator at the Université catholique de Louvain (50%)
Ph.D. in Psychology, UCL, 1997
Degree in Psychology, UCL, 1991
Scientific distinctions
Award ‘Marie-Therese De Lava’ of the King Baudouin Fund (Belgium) for the research on “Aging and age
diversity at work: A psychosocial analysis” - 2011
Award (Hihly Commended Paper 2009) of the “Emerald Literati network for Excellence” for Desmette, D., &
Gaillard, M. (2008). When a ‘worker’ becomes an ‘older worker’: the effects of age-related social identity on
attitudes towards retirement and work. Career Development International, 13(2), 168-185.
Reviewing expertise
Editorial board
Associate Editor of the European Review of Applied Psychology/Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée
Member of scientific evaluation committees
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) ; European Social Funds (Leonardo programme) ; National Scientific
Foundation (USA) ; Association Internationale de Psychologie du Travail de Langue Française (AIPTLF) ;
Association française d’Economie sociale (AES); European Association of Work and Organizanizational
Psychology (EAWOP) ;
Reviewing for :
Basic and Applied Social Psychology ; European Review of Applied Psychology/Revue Européenne de
psychologie appliquée ; Psychology and Aging ; Revue de Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations ; Revue
Internationale de Psychologie Sociale ; Revue Multidisciplinaire sur l’Emploi, le Syndicat et le Travail ; Social and
Personality Psychology Compass ; Scientific Research and Essays ; European Journal of Work and
Organizational Psychology ;
Selected publications (2005-2013)
Journals with peer-review
Iweins, C., Desmette, D., Yzerbyt, V., & Stinglhamber, F (2013). Ageism at work: The impact of intergenerational
contact and organizational multi-age perspective. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,
22(3), 331-346.
Marique, G., Stinglhamber, F., Desmette, D., Caesens, G., & De Zanet, F. (2013). The Relationship Between
Perceived Organizational Support and Affective Commitment: A Social Identity Perspective. Group &
Organization Management, 38(1), 68-100.
Iweins, C., Desmette, D, & Yzerbyt, V. (2012). Ageism at work: What happens to workers who benefit from
preferential treatment ? Psychologica Belgica, 52(4), 327-349.
Gaillard, M., Desmette, D., & Keller, J. (2011). Regulatory focus moderates the influence of age-related
stereotypic expectancies on older adults’ test performance and threat-based concerns. European Review of
Applied Psychology/ Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 61(1), 23-29.
Gaillard, M., & Desmette, D. (2010). (In)validating stereotypes about older workers influences their intentions to
retire early and to learn and develop. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 86-95.
Schalk, R., van Veldhoven, M. de Lange, A., De Witte, H., Kraus, K., Stamov-Ro nagel, C., Tordera, N., van der
Heijden, B., Zappala, S., Bal, M., Bertrand, F., Claes, R., Crego, A., Dorenbosch, L., de Jonge, J., Desmette,
D., Gellert, F., Hansez, I., Iller, C., Kooij, D., Kuipers, B., Linkola, P., van den Broeck, A., van der Schoot, E.,
Zacher, H. (2010). Moving European research on work and ageing forward: Overview and agenda.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19(1), 76-101.
Desmette, D., & Gaillard, M. (2008). When a ‘worker’ becomes an ‘older worker’: the effects of age-related social
identity on attitudes towards retirement and work. Career Development International, 13(2), 168-185. Highly
Commended Paper of the “Emerald Literati network for Excellence 2009”.
Gaillard, M., & Desmette, D. (2008). Intergroup predictors of older workers’ attitudes towards work and early exit.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 17(4),450-481.
Bourguignon, D., Desmette, D., Yzerbyt, V., & Herman, G. (2007). Activation du stéréotype, performances
intellectuelles et intentions d’action : Le cas des personnes sans emploi [Stereotype activation, cognitive
performance and behavioral intentions : The unemployed people]. Revue Internationale de Psychologie
sociale, 20(4), 123-153.
Books and chapters
Desmette, D., & Vendramin, P. (to be published). The meaning of bridge employment in the Belgian context: an
employment measure to support active ageing. In C.M. Alcover, G. Topa, M. Depolo, F. Fraccaroli, E. Parry
(Eds.), Bridge Employment : A Research Handbook. Routledge
Desmette, D., Liénard, G., & Dalla Valle, C. (2007). Les activités d’insertion sociale : occupation ou insertion ? In
G. Herman (Ed.), Travail, chômage et stigmatisation : Une analyse psychosociale (pp 253-281). Bruxelles :
De Boeck, Collection Economie, Société, Région.
Gaillard, D., & Desmette, D. (2007). Les attitudes professionnelles des travailleurs âgés. In G. Herman (Ed.),
Travail, chômage et stigmatisation : Une analyse psychosociale (pp 321-355). Bruxelles : De Boeck,
Collection Economie, Société, Région.
Gaillard, M., & Desmette, D. (2007). L’environnement familial et la décision de prépension. In M.T. Casman, C.,
Simaÿs, R. Bulckens et D. Mortelmans (Eds.), Familles plurielles : Politique familiale sur mesure (pp 124127) ? Bruxelles : Luc Pire.