brand x - the x-files rock progressif
brand x - the x-files rock progressif
Sortie ROCK PROGRESSIF : AOUT 2001 MUSEA - PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION 138, rue de Vallières - 57070 Metz - France Phone : +33 ( 0 )3 87 36 18 18 - Fax : +33 ( 0 )3 87 36 64 73 - [email protected] BRAND X - THE X-FILES FGBG 4383 BRAND X est probablement le plus célèbre groupe de Jazz-Rock au monde avec Weather Report. Dirigé par le guitariste John Goodsall et le bassiste Percy Jones, BRAND X a vu défiler en son sein des musiciens tels que Phil Collins (Genesis), Bill Bruford (Yes, King Crimson), Morris Pert, Pierre Moerlen (Gong), Chester Thompson, John Giblin, tous présents sur cet album. BRAND X est unanimement considéré comme un des groupes essentiels du Rock « underground ». Ce double CD contient deux heures de morceaux de BRAND X, mêlés à des morceaux enregistrés par John Goodsall et Percy Jones hors du groupe. Percy déclare que c’est « une représentation de notre travail depuis 20 ans plus pertinente que tout ce qui existe déjà ». Ce best of « ultime » inclut des versions Live, des inédits, des classiques du groupe. Voici des musiciens exceptionnels au sommet de leur inspiration, les créateurs du Jazz-Rock moderne. Que du bonheur ! Points forts : - la virtuosité de tous les musiciens - l’implication de Goodsall et Jones dans l’élaboration de cet album - les inédits BRAND X is probably the most famous Jazz-Rock band in the world together with Weather Report. Led by John Goodsall (guitar) and Percy Jones (bass), BRAND X at different moments of its 25 years existence featured Phil Collins (Yes, THE Phil Collins),Bill Bruford, Morris Pert, Pierre Moerlen (from Gong), Chester Thompson, John Giblin, all of them playing on this record. BRAND X is one of the essential bands of the underground Rock. This double CD contains two hours of technical songs, as well as some lesser known material recorded by John Goodsall and Percy Jones outside BRAND X. According to Percy this “is a much more accurate representation of our work over the past 20 years than anything else that is out there”. This “ultimate best of” includes Live versions, previously unreleased material, studio tracks, all of them revealing once more exceptional musicians at the top of their inspiration, creating no less- the modern Jazz-Rock. Enjoy! High points: - every musician you hear here is a virtuoso! - a retrospective of a major band - unreleased tracks THE X-FILES THEME NUCLEAR BURN / CAMBODIA TRUE TO THE CLICK HEALING DREAM BORN PRETTY IN A THALIDOMIDE SQUID NODY GOES TO SWEDEN KUGELBLITZ DON’T MAKE WAVES JOHN ‘NO’’ DOE DANCE OF LIFE SALADIN INSEMINATOR G. STORM MEASURE THE SKY HERE I AM NOW ANIMAL LOVE NOTES THE OCEAN LAST OF THE MOHICANS $ 10 000 BOOKSHELF FINGER POWER FROM A MOUNTAIN TOP DM 18