Project Title: Field Performance Tracking Tool Automation, Module


Project Title: Field Performance Tracking Tool Automation, Module
Tous les candidats doivent être légalement autorisés à travailler au Canada. Au cours du processus d’embauche,
les candidats retenus seront appelés à compléter une évaluation de sécurité en vertu du règlement des
Marchandises Contrôlées du gouvernement du Canada et présenter des copies de pièces d’identité valides et en
Pour en apprendre davantage sur le règlement des Marchandises Contrôlées :
Successful applicants must be legally entitled to work in Canada. During the hiring process, every retained
candidate will be required to complete a security clearance in compliance with the Controlled Goods Directorate
from the government of Canada and present valid and up-to-date copies of pieces of identification.
To learn more about the Controlled Goods Program :
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Project Title:
Field Performance Tracking Tool Automation, Module Addition
Help develop a tool to facilitate field performance reporting and data analysis. MTBUR, MTBF, trends
From Field reporting dataset, the project owner will develop macros to download the applicable data. - Advanced
From this data, screening selection menu will be developed and used for reporting purposes. – Level 1 completed
From an enovia database into excel platform, sharepoint accessed tools.
Mandate includes:
- Program detail timeline
- Major milestone development
- Key screening parameters identification
- Key reports necessary
- Identify modules necessary to produce required performance tracker
- Develop macros
The deliverables will be further defined based on the current student project result. Preferably one additional
Module to be added to the current reporting tool.
In order to simplify and improve its efficiency to identify engineering improvement opportunity, P&WC needs to
enhance its tracking tools and develop methods to facilitate day to day supplier performance tracking. This tool will
help identify design opportunities, product improvements; it will also support the data mining activities to report to
the authorities and our customers.
Starting Date: 22 August 2016
Number Hours:
500 hours with potential extention of 100 hours
Ending Date:
23 December 2016
Open to either
Good knowledge of VBA is essential, SAP an asset, Reliability and performance tracking also an asset
Undergraduate second to last or last year, in Computer Engineering, Data Management, Mechanical Engineering
Contact Name:
Elizabeth Powell
Internal use ID : 1625
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