English CV - Spire


English CV - Spire
 Richard BALME
Centre d'études européennes de Sciences Po
E-mail : [email protected]
Phone : +33145497260
Web page : http://www.sciencespo.fr/centre-etudes-europeennes/fr/chercheur/richard-balme
Research Topics
Public policies, European Union, Environment, China
Sciences Po Bordeaux (hdr) 1992
Sciences Po Bordeaux (dea) 1986
Université Bordeaux Segalen - Bordeaux 2 (dea) 1983
Sciences Po Bordeaux (dea) 1982
Université Bordeaux Segalen - Bordeaux 2 (master) 1981
Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux 3 (master) 1980
Balme, Richard, Peter Hills, Victor Li and Daphne Mah. 2014. Smart Grids Applications and Developments.
Berlin: Springer.
Chabanet, Didier and Richard Balme. 2008. European Governance and Democracy: Power and Protest in the
EU. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Balme, Richard. 2002. L’action collective en Europe.: Collective Action In Europe. Presses de Sciences Po.
Bridges, Brian and Richard Balme, ed(s). 2008. Europe-Asia: Building Multilateralisms. London: Palgrave
Dujardin, Philippe, Jean-Louis Marie and Richard Balme, ed(s). 2002. La notion d'ordinaire dans les sciences
sociales. Paris: L'Harmattan.
Editorships of Special Issues
Balme, Richard, ed(s). 2014. "Administration et Action Publique en Chine Contemporaine." Revue française
d'administration publique.
Xue, Lan and Richard Balme, ed(s). 2012. "The Governance of Food Safety: International Perspectives on
Risk Regulation." Regulation &Governance.
Book Contributions
Balme, Richard. 2015. "Chinese micro-bloggers’ behaviors towards twiplomacy: Text analysis of British PM
David Cameron’s micro-blogs." In Electronic Communication. Political, Social and Education Uses, ed. Fabien
Liénard and Sami Zlitini, 63-78. Peter Lang.
Balme, Richard and Andy Smith. 2015. "Analyse des politiques publiques et intégration européenne." In Une
"French touch" dans l'analyse des politiques publiques ?, ed. Laurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot and Pauline
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Ravinet, 265-286. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po. Académique.
Balme, Richard. 2012. "L’Europe et le Monde à venir: Pour une approche contextuelle des dynamiques
institutionnelles régionales." In The European Union and East Asian Regionalism, ed. Yves Schemeil and Y.
Nakamura. Sophia University Press.
Balme, Richard. 2012. "Global Warming Politics: The EU, China and Climate Change." In Europe and China:
Strategic Partners or Rivals ?, ed. Roland Vogt. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.
Balme, Richard. 2011. "L’impératif de Développement Durable: la Chine peut-elle sauver la planete ?" In
Aujourd’hui la Chine, ed. Fabrice Dulery, 162-167. Montepelier: CRDP Languedoc-Roussillon. Questions
Balme, Richard. 2011. "Les enjeux de l’eau en Chine." In Aujourd’hui la Chine, ed. Fabrice Dulery, 168-171.
Montpellier: CRDP Languedoc-Roussillon. Questions ouvertes.
Yang, Lihua and Richard Balme. 2011. "The Politics of Constitutional Reform in China: Rule of Law as
Condition or as Substitute for Democracy?" In The Citizen and the Chinese State ( Library of Essays on
Chinese Law): Volume I, ed. Perry Keller. Ashgate.
Balme, Richard. 2011. "Au défi des risques majeurs : Le cas du seisme de Wenchuan." In Aujourd’hui la
Chine, ed. Fabrice Dulery, 96-97. Montepelier : CRDP Languedoc-Roussillon. Questions ouvertes.
Balme, Richard. 2010. "From Market to Law: European Integration and the Transformation of
Constitutionalism." In The Distinguished Lectures on Constitutionalism, ed. Dingjian Cai, 371-383. Beijing:
China Law Press.
Balme, Richard. 2010. "La gouvernance locale au Coeur des politiques de reforme en Chine. Le cas de la
province du Guangdong." In 50 Questions a la Ville: Comment penser et agir sur la Ville, ed. Jean-Pierre
Augustin and Michel Favory, 153-162. Pessac: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine.
Balme, Richard. 2009. DECISION-MAKING INSTITUTIONS 1 of "France, Europe and the World: Foreign
Policy and the Political Regime of the Vth Republic." In The French Fifth Republic at fifty: Beyond stereotypes,
ed. Andrew M. Appleton, Sylvain Brouard and Amy G. Mazur, 136-152. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Balme, Richard. 2009. Préface of "Why Public Participation? Representative Government Beyond
Technocracy." In Public Participation: Policy and Practice in Europe, ed. Dingjian Cai. Beijing: China Law
Woll, Cornelia and Richard Balme. 2009. "Franţa: între integrare i suveranitate naţională." In Statele membre
ale Uniunii europene, ed. Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne, 137-157. Editura Cartier.
Balme, Richard. 2008. "The European Union, China and Human Rights." In EU Foreign Policy in a Globalized
World. Normative Power and Social Preference, ed. Zaki Laïdi, 143-173. Routledge.
Balme, Richard. 2007. "Local Government at the Core of Governance in China." In The Transition of the Public
Sector: East Asia and the European Union Compared, ed. Hesse Joachim Jens, Jan-Erik Lane and Yoichi
Nishikawa. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Balme, Richard. 2006. "Convergence, Fragmentation and Majority Cycling in French Public Opinion." In
Changing France: The Politics that Markets Make, ed. Pepper D. Culpepper, Peter A. Hall and Bruno Palier,
244-265. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Balme, Richard. 2006. "Convergences, fragmentation et majorités cycliques dans l’opinion publique." In La
France en mutation 1980-2005, ed. Pepper D. Culpepper, Peter A. Hall and Bruno Palier, 375-422. Paris:
Presses de Sciences Po.
Woll, Cornelia and Richard Balme. 2005. "France: Between Integration and National Sovereignty." In The
Member States of the European Union, ed. Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne, 97-118. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Balme, Richard. 2004. "Biens Collectifs." In Dictionnaire des Politiques Publiques, ed. Sophie Jacquot, Pauline
Ravinet and Laurie Boussaguet, 94-100. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Balme, Richard. 2016. "Un point de vue global sur l’Europe: Les configurations successives de l’intégration
régionale." Politique européenne 2015/04 (50): 262-282.
Balme, Richard and Tang Renwu. 2014. "Environmental governance in the People’s Republic of China: the
political economy of growth, collective action and policy developments – introductory perspectives." Asia
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Pacific Journal of Public Administration 36 (3): 167-172.
Balme, Richard. 2014. "Mobilising for environmental justice in China." Asia Pacific Journal of Public
Administration 36 (3): 173-184.
Balme, Richard and Giulia Romano. 2014. "La politique énergétique au cœur de la modernisation chinoise."
Revue française d'administration publique 2014/2 (150): 435-452.
Balme, Richard. 2014. "La chasse aux tigres et la chasse aux mouches – le Parti, l'État et l'administration en
République populaire de Chine." Revue française d'administration publique 2014/2 (150): 305-325.
Balme, Richard. 2014. "L' état chinois en action." Revue française d'administration publique 2014/2 (150): 297304.
Balme, Richard and Ye Qi. 2014. "Multi-Level Governance and the Environment: Intergovernmental Relations
and Innovation in Environmental Policy." Environmental Policy and Governance 24 (3): 147-232.
Balme, Richard. 2011. "China’s Climate Policy: Governing at the Core of Globalization." Carbon and Climate
Law Review no. 1:44-56.
Balme, Richard. 2010. "Revisiting French Diplomacy in the Age of Globalization." French Politics 8 (1): 91-95.
Balme, Stéphanie and Richard Balme. 2005. "Hong Kong, la Chine et la démocratie." Critique internationale
no. 29:65-85.
Balme, Richard. 2005. "A Constitution for the European Union. Opportunity or Challenge for European
Constitutionalism?" Shen zhou jiao liu (Chinese Cross Currents).
Brouard, Sylvain and Richard Balme. 2005. "Les conséquences des choix politiques : choix rationnel et action
publique." Revue française de science politique 55 (1): 33-50.
Balme, Richard, Jean-Louis Marie and Olivier Rozenberg. 2003. "Les motifs de la confiance (et de la défiance)
politique : intérêt, connaissance et conviction dans les formes du raisonnement politique." Revue
internationale de politique comparée 10 (3): 433-461.
Cautrès, Bruno and Richard Balme. 1997. "Fernand Dumond, 1927-1996 : interprète de la culture." L’Année
sociologique 47 (2): 17-38.
Articles in Non Peer-reviewed Journals
Woll, Cornelia and Richard Balme. 2009. "From Agenda-Setting to Resilence: French Policy- Making
Adaptation to Europe." Chinese Public Administration Review 8 (1): 50-65.
Balme, Richard and Lihua Yang. 2007. "The Politics of Constitutional Reform in China: Rule of Law as
Condition or as Substitute for Democracy?" Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften: Journal for
comparative government and european policy 445-468.
Woll, Cornelia and Richard Balme. 2005. "Europe and the Transformation of French Policy-Making: A Crosssectoral Approach." Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften: Journal for comparative government
and european policy 3 (3): 00-00.
Balme, Richard. 2012. Training Independent Supervisors for Local People’s Congress Elections: Evaluation
Report of a Project conducted by The Rights Practice, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Balme, Louis and Richard Balme. 2008. Feasibility study for a post-manufacturing traceability system between
the People’s Republic of China and the European Union: Report for the EU-China Trade Program. Geneva:
EU-China Trade Program.
Working Papers
Balme, Richard. 2010. "East European Civil Societies in the 90’s, A Legacy of Solidarnosc or Different
Historical paths?" Governance and Globalization 18, Sciences Po / Ministère des affaires étrangères et
Balme, Richard. 2009. "The Intergenerational Content of Social Spending : Health Care and Sustainable
Growth in China." Governance and Globalization 15.
Balme, Richard. 2009. "Risk Management and the Rise of the Regulatory State – Analyzing Transformations in
French Policy-making," Governance and GlobalizationSciences Po / Ministère des affaires étrangères et
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Balme, Richard. 2007. "From hard to soft power, and return? The European union, China and Human rights."
Governance and Globalization Sciences Po in China 4.
Balme, Richard and Didier Chabanet. 2007. "The Alter-EU Movement and European Governance."Centre de
recherches internationales.
Balme, Richard. 2011. "Review of Oxford Handbook of Political Science", by Robert Goodin. Revue française
de science politique 61:294-296.
Website Contributions
Balme, Richard and Olivier Rozenberg. 2014. "EU election: low-key campaigns from big two give FN a chance
to win in France." theconversation. https://theconversation.com/eu-election-low-key-campaigns-from-big-twogive-fn-a-chance-to-win-in-france-25783.
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