Featherston Drive Public School Weekly News for October 21, 2016


Featherston Drive Public School Weekly News for October 21, 2016
Featherston Drive Public School Weekly News for October 21, 2016
** A weekly update of news and events for the Featherston Drive School Community**
School Photos​ - ​Friday, October 28 and Family Photo Night 4:30-6:30
Family Halloween Dance​ - Friday, October 28 ​6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - All Ages Welcome - Students
must be accompanied by a parent
Progress Reports​ go
​ home - Thursday, November 10
Book Fair - Thursday, November 17​ - 9:00-11:30, 12:00-3:30, and 4:00-8:30pm
​ ​
- Friday, November 18​ - 9:00-12:00 (and 1:00-3:00- clean up)
Volunteers needed to help make the Book Fair a success
Parent Teacher Interviews​- Thursday, November 17- 4:30-8:00
P.D. Day - Parent Teacher Interviews-​ Friday, November 18 - no classes for students
Featherston Family Movie Night ​ - Friday, November 25 - 6:00 - 8:15 PM
The Scholastic Book Fair will be arriving soon, and we’re excited about sharing the joy of reading
with our students. The Book Fair will take place on ​Thursday November 17 from ​9:00-11:30am​,
12:00-3:30​, and ​4:00-8:30pm​ and F
​ riday November 18​ from ​9:00-12:00​ in our school library.
We are looking for parent volunteers to help with the Book Fair on Thursday during the day or
evening and Friday.
If you are available to help, please sign up in the office, or send an email to our school
librarian, Ms. Samia Ouldchikh at​ ​[email protected]
On Friday, October 28 ​from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM​, the Featherston School Council and Featherston
Leadership Club will be hosting a ​Family Halloween Dance​. This dance is open to students of all
ages. Students must be accompanied by a parent (no more than 6 children per parent, please).
There will be a snack bar, ‘Haunted House’ (appropriate for younger students), door prizes, costume
contest, and photo booth. Tickets are $1, and will be sold at school during the week leading up to the
dance, and will also be available at the door. We hope to see many families there.
The Featherston Intermediate Girls Touch Football team competed in their regional tournament on
Monday, October 17. Under the leadership of coaches Mr. Eshleman and Ms. Laurie, the girls
demonstrated the football sense they developed over their short football season, and finished their
tournament with 1 win and two closely-fought losses.
The Intermediate Boys Touch Football played in their regional tournament on Wednesday, October
19. For most of the boys, this was their first time playing on a football team, but under the guidance
of their coach Mr. Janna, the boys learned to run offensive and defensive plays, and gave strong
competition to the teams in their division. All their games were close - within a few points - but victory
eluded them at this tournament.
Congratulations to all the players and coaches for a positive season!
FEATHERSTON JUNIOR BOYS SOCCER ​(Written by Ahmed S., Grade 6)
Our school Featherston represented our school well. When we got there we were focused and
ready to play. Before our first game we had a good warm up. On our first game we won against
Blossom Park 3-0. Before our second game we had a good warm up again, but sadly we lost 3-0
against Steve MacLean. We had a lot of chances, but I believe if we worked harder, passed more
and shot more we could have won our game. Before our third game everyone was nervous because
if we didn't win our next game by 5 goals we wouldn't have qualified for the semi-finals. After at the
final seconds of the game we needed 1 more goal our fearless striker Osaid scored a goal for us.
Finally at the semi-finals we lost 6-3.
Notre école Featherston bien représenté notre école. Quand nous sommes arrivés, nous étions
concentrés et prêts à jouer et avoir fun. Avant notre deuxième match, nous avons eu un bon
échauffement. Notre premier match, nous avons gagné contre le parc Blossom et gagné 3-0. Alors
avant notre deuxième match, nous avons eu un bon échauffement à nouveau, mais
malheureusement nous avons perdu 3-0 contre Steve MacLean. Nous avons eu beaucoup de
chances, mais je crois que si nous avons travaillé plus dur, plus passe, a tiré plus de nous pourrions
gagner notre jeu. Suivant avant notre troisième match tout le monde était nerveux parce que si nous
ne gagnons pas notre prochain match de 5 buts, nous aurions pas qualifié pour les demi-finales.
Après les dernières secondes du match, nous avions besoin d'1 but de plus notre attaquant intrépide
Osaid a marqué un but pour nous. Enfin, à la demi-finale, nous avons perdu 6-3.
Thanks to Mme Davies for her dedicated coaching. Thanks also to Ezzulddin, (Gr 8 student), for his
assistant coaching.
On Monday, October 17, the Featherston Junior Girls Soccer team competed played in the
Southwest Region Junior Tournament. The girls played games against Steve MacLean, Glashan,
and Hawthorne Schools. The girls showed teamwork, sportsmanship, and positive attitudes, making
it a pleasure for their coach, Mr. Eshleman, to work with them. Congratulations on a great season of