vanier celebrates


vanier celebrates
Feb. 1-28
Display Cases in Carrefour, Library, N Building, Sports Complex & Bookstore
Black History Month Kick Off * Noon* Carrefour
Speaker: Dr. Jean Augustine – Amphitheatre – UB
Black History Month has been celebrated in Canada since 1995 after Hon. Jean Augustine
introduced a motion in the House of Commons. She was the first African-Canadian woman to
be elected to the federal parliment. She will speak about the importance of reinforcing and
maintaining the true meaning of Black History Month. At the same time, she will also stress
how critical it is to portray positive role models in our academic environment to help our youth
strive for success.
Sponsored by «Black Studies and Positive and non-Stereotyped Minority Representation» project Danielle Altidor
Comedian – Andrew Searles *UB*N5 Lounge
Join us for a wonderful event of laughter and entertainment. Andrew Searles is not to be
missed! Sponsored by VCSA
“The Pathology of White Priviledge”*1:30*Amphitheatre B 223
Film “The Witness from the Balcony of Room 306” – 4:00pm- 5:30pm* B 223
The story is told of the assasination of Dr. Martin Luther King in Memphis in 1968. We are
privvy to the conversation between Dr. King and the man who who spent that the last hour with
him. Sponsored by Student Development
L’esclavage des Noirs ET le racisme, Roots – TBA
L’esclavage des Noirs est un drame humain qui a laissé une blessure collective et historique. Il
s’agira de comprendre que c’est l’idéologie raciste, différencier et inférioriser, qui a servi à
justifier l’esclavage des Noirs. C’est à travers une partie du film Racines (Roots) qu’on
comprendra comment le racisme, extrême ou subtil, qui a servi à opprimer et à dénigrer un
peuple, a des portées violentes et destructrices pour ceux qui en sont victimes.
(For info see Feb. 16th)
Sponsored by Danielle Altidor, département de français
Black Theatre Workshop presents the play “Dutchman”* UB * Auditorium
Trapped in the confines of a claustrophobic metro car in the “flying underbelly of the city” a
young man’s self and values are challenged by a woman who has more on her mind than
conversation. Amiri Baraka’s charged look at racism is a remarkably challenging piece that
elicits discusssions whenever it plays. “Dutchman” questions concepts of race, racism and the
price of belonging. Sponsored by Student Development
Feb. 10
Dr. Dorothy Williams: Dès l'origine: The Blacks in Montreal. 4:00pm Amphitheatre
Dr. Williams’ passion and dedication in uncovering the history of Blacks has been recognized
by the Quebec government and by other organizations. Dorothy was made a Québec Laureate
in 2002 and awarded the Anne Greenup prize for the fight against racism and the promotion
of civic participation. In 1993 the Black Coalition of Québec presented her with
the Mathieu da Costa Award. She will discuss Blacks in Montréal from slavery to the present.
Sponsored by Black Studies and «Positive and non-Stereotyped Minority Representation» project Danielle Altidor
Feb. 14
Black History Quiz * (Feb. 14th – Feb. 25th) * C-203
Pick up the Vanier Black History Quiz and test your knowledge of Black History. Prizes!!
Sponsored by E. Lamoureux, History Dept. & Student Development
(Please turn over)
Feb. 16
Dr. Yves Antoine - Inventeurs ET savants Noirs * U.B * A-314
“Voici un livre au titre surprenant, INVENTEURS ET SAVANTS NOIRS. Surprenant parce
qu'il va à l'encontre de l'image qu'on se fait des Noirs dont on circonscrit la capacité créatrice et
les accomplissements à des domaines bien précis : la musique, le sport, la danse. ”
Yves Antoine fera une conférence sur les Inventeurs et Savants Noirs. Il a
également été nommé président d'honneur du Mois de l'histoire des Noirs en Outaouais par
l'Association Afro-canadienne Tête Ensemble nationale et internationale en 2004.
«Positive and non-Stereotyped Minority Representation» project Danielle Altidor, département de
Feb. 16
Student Panel & Montreal Police discuss Racial Profiling*UB* B 223 Amphitheatre A
panel of Black students will share their views and experiences on racial profiling with members
of the SPVM (Service Policiers Ville de Montreal). Sponsored by Student Development
Feb. 16
“The Pathology of White Priviledge” *1:30-3:00 *B 223 Amphitheatre
For years, acclaimed author and speaker Tim Wise has been electrifying audiences on the
college lecture circuit with his deeply personal take on whiteness and white privilege. In this
spellbinding lecture, the author of White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son
offers a unique, inside-out view of race and racism in America. Expertly overcoming the
defensiveness that often surrounds these issues, Wise provides a non-confrontational
explanation of white privilege and the damage it does not only to people of color, but to white
people as well. Sponsored by Mark Prentice, Black Studies
Feb. 17
“Black Heritage in Canada” Black Heritage *4:00-6:00 *B 223 Amphitheatre
Bien que peu de gens en soient conscients, l'esclavage fut pratiqué au Canada pendant près de
200 ans, tant sous la domination française qu'à la suite de la Conquête. En 1834, l’esclavage
est aboli, et ces gens qu’on avait achetés et qui nous appartenaient n’avaient plus de valeur
marchande. Ils étaient libres. Qu’ont-ils fait de cette liberté, qui sont-ils et que sont-ils
devenus ? Cette quête, menée par Philippe Fehmiu, nous fait traverser le pays à la rencontre
de descendants d'esclaves, de Noirs libres et de loyalistes noirs qui vivent au Canada depuis
sept, huit générations et même plus. Tous ces pionniers ont aussi contribué à l’établissement
de notre pays, mais leur contribution reste encore un secret bien gardé. Loin d'être un
documentaire historique, Héritage noir est plutôt une découverte de quelques pages
manquantes de notre histoire et de ce que signifie être Noir aujourd'hui au Canada. Sponsored by
D. Altidor
Feb. 18
BHM Essay Contest Deadline*(Feb. 1st – Feb. 18th)*C 203
Write an essay of between 250-500 words on an important event or movement in Black History
and explain how this event or movement is significant or inspiring to you personally.
Submissions are due in C-203 before noon Feb. 18th. Prizes will be awarded. For more info,
come to C-203. Sponsored by Ron Curtis, English Dept. & Student Development
Feb. 23
Black History Month Poster Contest Deadline (Feb. 1st – 22nd)*C203
Help keep memories alive by submitting a poster for the Black History month Poster Contest.
Posters must illustrate the beauty and culture of Black History. Must be submitted to C-203 by
Feb. 22nd noon. Prizes will be awarded. Winners will be announced on Feb. 23rd during U.B. in
the Student Mall. Sponsored by the Vanier Social Justice Committee & Student Development, the Dean of
Social Sciences, Commerce, Arts & Letters
Feb. 23
Soul Call * UB * Student Mall
Join us for a wonderful celebration of our Black roots and pride. We will have great food,
entertainment, music, cultural byword, dancing and so much more. Anyone interested in
performing or participating in this event must sign up in C 203 before Feb. 19th at Noon
Sponsored by Student Development and the VCSA
Feb. 24
“Race to Execution” (Racism in the Judicial System)*4:00* B223 Amphitheatre
Race to Execution explores the deep and disturbing link between race and the death penalty in
America. Following the stories of two Death Row inmates, the film interweaves their compelling
personal journeys together with groundbreaking scholarship. Revealing how race infects the
American capital punishment system, Race to Execution invites critical reaction about this
systemic crisis within the justice system. Ron Curtis, English Dept.
For more information, please contact us in Student Services C-203