M.O. 1992/05


M.O. 1992/05
M.O. 1992/05
A.M. 1992/05
Pursuant to section 58 of the Education Act, the Minister of
Education orders as follows:
Le Ministre de l’Éducation, conformément à l’article 58 de
la Loi sur l’éducation, arrête ce qui suit:
1. The attendance areas for Elijah Smith Elementary
School and Hidden Valley School as described in Schedule
A to this order are established.
1. Sont établies les zones de fréquentation de l’école
élémentaire Elijah Smith et de l’école Hidden Valley
décrites à l’Annexe A.
Dated at Whitehorse, in the Yukon Territory, this 21st day
of September, 1992.
Fait à Whitehorse, dans le territoire du Yukon, ce 21
septembre 1992.
Minister of Education
Ministre de l’Éducation
June 30/08
M.O. 1992/05
A.M. 1992/05
Description of School Attendance Areas as Established
Pursuant to Section 58 of the Education Act.
Zones de fréquentation scolaire établies en application de
l’article 58 de la Loi sur l’éducation.
Elijah Smith Elementary School
École élémentaire Elijah Smith
The Attendance Area for Elijah Smith Elementary School is
the area bounded by a line commencing at the point of
intersection of the centre lines of the Alaska Highway and
Hamilton Boulevard, thence due northwest to the limit of
the City of Whitehorse, thence southwestwardly along the
limit to a point due west of the intersection of the centre
lines of Alaska Highway and WP & YR Track, thence due
east to the centre line of the Yukon River, thence
northwardly along the centre line to the point due east of
the northernmost corner of lot 523, Group 804 (Robert
Service Park), thence due west to the foot of the Airport
(Reserve) Escarpment, thence northwardly along the foot to
the point of intersection of the foot and the centre line of
the Two-Mile Hill, thence westwardly along the centre line
to the point of intersection of the centre line of the Alaska
Highway, thence northwardly along the centre line to the
point of commencement; includes the subdivisions of
Granger, McIntyre, Hillcrest, McLean Lake, MacRae;
Paddlewheel Village, Canyon Crescent and for students
enrolled up to and including the school year 2007-2008,
the subdivision of Valleyview and Lobird Trailer Park.
(“Elijah Smith Elementary School” amended by M.O. 2008/13)
La zone de fréquentation de l’école élémentaire Elijah
Smith comprend la région bornée comme suit:
commençant au point d’intersection de la ligne médiane de
la route de l’Alaska avec la ligne médiane du boulevard
Hamilton; de là, franc nord-ouest à la limite de la ville de
Whitehorse; de là, vers le sud-ouest suivant la même limite
à un point franc ouest du point d’intersection de la ligne
médiane de la route de l’Alaska avec la ligne médiane du
chemin de fer WP & YR; de là, franc est à la ligne médiane
du fleuve Yukon; de là, vers le nord suivant la même ligne
médiane à un point franc est du coin le plus au nord du lot
523, groupe 804 (parc Robert Service); de là, franc ouest au
pied de l’escarpement Airport (Reserve); de là, vers le nord
suivant le pied de l’escarpement à son point d’intersection
avec la ligne médiane de la côte Two-Mile; de là, vers
l’ouest suivant la même ligne médiane à son point
d’intersection avec la ligne médiane de la route de l’Alaska;
de là, vers le nord suivant la ligne médiane de la route de
l’Alaska jusqu’au point de départ; elle comprend les
subdivisions de Granger, McIntyre, elle comprend les
subdivisions de Hillcrest, McLean Lake et MacRae; ainsi que
Paddlewheel Village et Canyon Crescent et, pour les
étudiants inscrits au plus tard pour l’année scolaire 20072008, la subdivision de Valleyview et le parc de maisons
mobiles Lobird .
(« École élémentaire Elijah Smith » modifiée par A.M. 2008/13)
Hidden Valley School
École Hidden Valley
The Attendance Area for Hidden Valley School is the area
bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Alaska
Highway 1.609 kilometres south of the point of
intersection of the centre lines of the Alaska Highway and
the North Klondike Highway, thence due west to a point
due south of the point of intersection of the Alaska
Highway and Mendenhall Creek, thence due north to a
point due west of the point of intersection of the North
Klondike Highway and Fox Creek, thence due east to the
centre line of the Yukon River (Lake Laberge), thence
southwardly along the centre line to a point due east of the
point on the Alaska Highway 1.609 kilometres south of the
point of intersection of the centre lines of the Alaska
Highway and the North Klondike Highway, thence due
west to the point of commencement; includes the
subdivisions of MacPherson, Pilot Mountain, Hidden
Valley, Mendenhall; Old Alaska Highway, Echo Valley,
Alaska Highway, Lake Laberge, Takhini Hotsprings Road,
North Klondike Highway, Scout Lake Road.
The Attendance Area for Hidden Valley School is the area
bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Alaska
Highway 1.609 kilometres south of the point of
intersection of the centre lines of the Alaska Highway and
the North Klondike Highway, thence due west to a point
due south of the point of intersection of the Alaska
Highway and Mendenhall Creek, thence due north to a
point due west of the point of intersection of the North
Klondike Highway and Fox Creek, thence due east to the
centre line of the Yukon River (Lake Laberge), thence
southwardly along the centre line to a point due east of the
point on the Alaska Highway 1.609 kilometres south of the
point of intersection of the centre lines of the Alaska
Highway and the North Klondike Highway, thence due
west to the point of commencement; includes the
subdivisions of MacPherson, Pilot Mountain, Hidden
Valley, Mendenhall; Old Alaska Highway, Echo Valley,
Alaska Highway, Lake Laberge, Takhini Hotsprings Road,
North Klondike Highway, Scout Lake Road.
June 30/08