North Star academy LavaL


North Star academy LavaL
North star academy laval
North Star
Academy Laval
Application for admission ................................................ A-1
Student profile ...................................................................... A-2
Registration – Sports Concentration Program ...... A-5
North Star Online School (NSOS)
Application for admission ................................................ A-6
North Star
Academy Laval
North star academy laval
ID #
(For office use /
À l’usage du bureau)
Application for Admission / Demande d’admission
Secondary / Secondaire 1
Surname / Nom de famille : _______________________Given Name / Prénom : ___________________
Date of Birth / Date de naissance : _
______ / _______ / _______
Sex / Sexe :
Primary Address / Adresse principale : _____________________________City / Ville : ______________
Postal Code / Code postal : ____________________Telephone / Téléphone : _____________________
Medicare number / Numéro d’assurance maladie : __________________________________________
Insurance company* / Compagnie d’assurance* : ___________________________________________
Student’s permanent code / Code permanent de l’étudiant : __________________________________
Mother tongue / Langue maternelle : _____________________________________________________
Present school / École actuelle : _________________________________________________________
Mother / Mère
Name / Nom : ____________________________
Father / Père
Name / Nom : ____________________________
Address / Adresse : ________________________
Address / Adresse : ________________________
Tél (Home
/ Résidence)
Tél (Office
/ Bureau)
: _______________________
(Home / Résidence)
: _______________________
: _________________________
Tél (Office / Bureau) : _________________________
Cellphone / Cellulaire : ______________________
Cellphone / Cellulaire : ______________________
Email / Courriel : __________________________
Email / Courriel : __________________________
Place of birth
Ville de naissance :_________________________
Place of birth
Ville de naissance :_________________________
North Star Academy’s main correspondence method is by email. Please indicate which email you would
like to receive all correspondence: Mother
A completed application form
Un formulaire d’admission complété
An original copy of their Civil Birth Certificate
Une copie originale de leur certificat de naissance
A recent wallet-size picture of the applicant
Une photo récente de grandeur portefeuille
A legible photocopy of the applicant’s most recent report card
Une photocopie du plus récent bulletin de l’étudiant(e)
A non-refundable Application Fee of $50
Frais d’admission de 50 $, non-remboursable
A copy of any psycho-socio or educational evaluation (if applicable)
Une copie d’évaluation psycho-social ou d’une évaluation éducationnelle
The Qubec Certificate of Acceptance letter
and/or the Study Permit (C.A.Q.)*
Lettre du Certificat d’Acceptation du Québec
et/ou le permis d’études (C.A.Q.)*
Photocopy of passport*
Photocopie du passeport*
*International students only / Étudiants internationaux seulement
North Star
Academy Laval
North star academy laval
ID #
Date :
(For office use /
À l’usage du bureau)
Student Profile / Profil d’étudiant
Secondary / Secondaire 1 2 3 4 5
Student profile (to be completed by parent / guardian) / Profil de l’étudiant(es)
(À être complété par un parent / tuteur).
What are your child’s strengths? / Quelles sont les forces de votre enfant?
What skills would your child like to improve? / Quelles sont les points que votre enfant aimerait
What are your expectations of North Star Academy Laval for your child? / Quelles sont vos attentes
envers North Star Academy Laval pour votre enfant?
North star academy laval
North Star
Academy Laval
List your child’s athletic interests and achievements / Inscrire les intérêts sportifs de votre enfant
et ses accomplissements.
List the languages that your child can speak and indicate his/her level of affluence (beginer,
intermediate, advanced)? / Dressez la liste des langues parlées par votre enfant et indiquez le niveau
de celles-ci (débutant, intermédiaire, avancé)?
Does your child receive support to enhance or improve his/her academic skills? If so, what is the
nature of this support? / Est-ce que votre enfant reçoit du support pour enrichir ou pour améliorer
ses compétences académiques? Si oui, quelle est la nature de ce support?
Has your child been diagnosed with a learning disability? If yes, please specify / Est-ce que votre
enfant a été diagnostiqué avec un trouble d’apprentissage? Si oui, spécifiez.
Has your child ever repeated or skipped a grade? / Est-ce que votre enfant a déjà redoublé
ou sauté une année?
A- 4
North star academy laval
North Star
Academy Laval
Does your child have any physical restriction or special requirements? If yes, please provide details
below / Est-ce que votre enfant a des restrictions physiques ou des exigences particulières?
Si oui, spécifiez.
Additional comments / Commentaires addtionnels
North star academy laval
North Star
Academy Laval
Registration – Sports Concentration Program
We provide our student athletes with a supportive environment, as this will enable them to
succeed academically while pursuing their athletic careers. We also provide them time to work
on their school assignments and to access remedial help when required. Students enrolled in
the concentration component must also meet criteria respecting level of ability and training.
The student must have and maintain North Star Academy’s academic and behavioral standards
(provide a satisfactory report card) under risk of being withdrawn from the program.
Price: $300
(To be chosen by the group of students):
Within the school
• Soccer
• Basketball
• Cosom Hockey
• Flag Football
• Lacrosse
• Volleyball
• Badminton
Outside of the School
• Ice Hockey
• Tennis
• Resistance Training (Tennis 13)
• Bowling
• Batting Cage (Baseball)
• Kayaking
• Snowshoeing
• Cross Country Skiing
• Attend practices of Alouettes, Impact
• Leadership Training (Coaching, Refereeing)
Sports Concentration Applicant Form
Name / Nom :
Date of Birth / Date de naissance :_______ / _______ / _______
Sex / Sexe :
Primary Address / Adresse principale :
Phone Number / Numéro de téléphone :
Medicare Card / Numéro d’assurance maladie :
(Postal Code / Code Postal)
A- 6
North star academy laval
North Star
Online School
Application for Admission
Last Name: ____________________________________ First Name: ____________________________
Date of Birth: ________ / ________ / ________
Sex :
(YY / MM / DD)
Province: _____________________ Country: ___________________ Postal Code: _________________
Telephone #: _____________________________ Email address: ________________________________
Permanent Code: _______________________________ Current School: _________________________
Phone number in Case of Emergency: __________________________
Courses wishing to enroll in:
Grade 9
Grade 11
Grade 10
Grade 12
Do you wish to pursue post-secondary studies
(college or university)?
Do you have a university or college preference?
If so, please state them below (example: McGill,
Concordia, etc.)
If yes, please complete the following:
_____________________________ (1st choice)
Which University or college program do you wish
to pursue?
_____________________________ (2nd choice)
_____________________________ (3rd choice)
(Example: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science,
Bachelor of Education)
_____________________________ (1st choice)
_____________________________ (2nd choice)
_____________________________ (3rd choice)
Admission Checklist:
A completed application form
A non-refundable application fee of $50
An original copy of Civil Birth Certificate
A photocopy of most recent report card
A photocopy of official transcript from ministry
Do you have any completed college credits? If so,
please include your most recent transcript with
your application. These classes may be credited.