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the file (PDF, 312 Ko) - DIAL
Main publications by joint research unit members, 2015
Revues scientifiques internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture répertoriées dans
les bases de données internationales ou équivalentes (Article1)
Arestoff F., Kuhn-Le Braz M. and Mouhoud E-M., (2015), Remittance Behavior of Forced
Migrants in Post-Apartheid South Africa, forthcoming in the Journal of Development Studies,
Taylor & Francis Journals, DOI 10.1080/00220388.2015.1107220.
Bouoiyour J., Miftah A. and Mouhoud E.M. (2015) « Education, male gender preference and
migrants’ remittances: Interactions in rural Morocco », forthcoming, Economic
Modelling, ECMODE-03849;
Bouare I., Kuepie M., Robilliard A-S. Sougane A. (2015) La migration de retour favorise-elle
l’insertion sur le marché du travail malien ? Une analyse à partir des données de l’EMOP,
Statéco, 109, 67-88.
Cassimon D., Ferry M., Raffinot M., Van Campenhout B. (2015) Africa: Out of debt, into fiscal
space? Dynamic Fiscal Impact of the Debt Relief Initiatives on African Heavily Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPCs), International Economics, 144, 29-52.
Centorrino S., Djemaï E., Hopfensitz A., Milinski M., Seabright P. (2015) Honest signaling in
trust interactions: smiles rated as genuine induce trust and signal higher earnings
opportunities, Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(1), 8-16.
Chauvet L., F. Gubert, M. Mercier, S. Mesplé-Somps (2015) Migrants' Home Town
Associations and Local Development in Mali, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, April,
117(2), 686–722.
Chort I., Senne J-N. (2015) Selection into Migration within a Household Model: Evidence
from Senegal, World Bank Economic Review, 29(1), 247-256.
Cogneau D., Mesplé-Somps S., Spielvogel G. (2015) Development at the border: policies and
national integration in Côte d’Ivoire and its neighbors, The World Bank economic review,
29(1), 41-71.
Comblon V., Robilliard A-S. (2015) La mesure statistique du travail des femmes en Afrique
subsaharienne, Statéco, 109, 9-29.
David A. Marouani M. A., (2015) Migration and Employment Interactions in a Crisis Context:
the case of Tunisia, Economics of Transition, 23(3), 597-624.
De Vreyer P., Guilbert N., Mesplé-Somps S. (2015) The Impact of Natural Disasters on
Education Outcomes: Evidence from the 1987-89 Locust Plague in Mali, Journal of African
Economies, 24(1), 57-100.
Del Carpio X., Ozden C., Testaverde M., Marouni M., Nilsson B., Wagner. M. (2015) Foreign
workers in Malaysia : Labour and firms level analysis, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies,
52(1), 1-19.
Dzossa A. D., Kuépié M., Robilliard A-S. (2015) Variabilité spatiale et temporelle du taux
d’emploi des femmes en Afrique Subsaharienne : que racontent les données des EDS ?,
Statéco, 109, 31-48.
Koussoubé, E., Loada A., Nébié G. et Raffinot M. (2015) Economie politique de la croissance
au Burkina Faso: institutions, gouvernance et développement, Canadian Journal of
Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 36 (3): 380-396, 2015.
Kuépié M., Robilliard A-S. (2015) Migrations, marché du travail et dynamiques
démographiques en Afrique Subsaharienne, Statéco, 109, 3-7.
Laffineur C. et Mouhoud E.M. (2015) « The Jobs at Risk from Globalization », World
Economic Review, May, ISSN: 1610-2878 (Print)
Laffineur C., Mouhoud E.M. (2015) The jobs at risk from globalization: the French case,
Review of World Economics, 151(3), 477-531.
Margolis D. N., Miotti L., Mouhoud E.M., Oudinet J. (2015) To have and have not”: migration,
remittances, poverty and inequality in Algeria, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics,
117(2), 650-685.
Nordman C. J., Pasquier-Doumer L. (2015) Transitions in a West African Labour Market: The
Role of Family Networks, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 54, 74-85.
Pasquier-Doumer L. (2015) Aspiration failure; a poverty trap for indigenous children in Peru?,
World Development, 72, 208-223.
Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. Wachsberger J-M. (2015) Madagascar. L’ile mystérieuse,
Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 36(3), 397-415.
Ouvrages, Chapitres d’ouvrage
Bourbonnais R. (2015) Économétrie : cours et exercices corrigés, Dunod, Paris, 381 p, 9e
Chauvet L. (2015) On the heterogeneous impact of aid on growth. A review of the evidence,
in Handbook on the economics of foreign, Arvin B.M., Lew B. (Eds), Edward Elgar publishing;
Chauvet L., Gubert F., Mesplé-Somps S., Senne J-N. (2015) "Migrants’ remittances from
France. International remittances and access to financial services for migrants in Montreuil,
France, A greenback 2.0 report, 39 p
Cling J-P., Lagrée S., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (2015) The Informal Economy in
Developing Countries, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Londres, 334 p
Cogneau, D., K. Houngbedji, S. Mesplé-Somps (2015) The fall of the elephant, Two decades
of poverty increase in Côte d’Ivoire (1988-2008), forthcoming in "Growth and Poverty in SubSaharan Africa", Oxford University Press
Diwan I., Mouhoud E.M. (2015) "Regional and Global Integration in the Middle east and
North Africa». In The Economies of the Middle East and North Africa, Editors Ishac Diwan and
Ahmad Galal, Palgrave, London. Forthcoming, January 2015.
Grimm M., Gubert Flore, Koriko O., Lay J., Nordman C. J. (2015) Does forced Solidarity
Hamper Entrepreneurial Activity? Evidence from Seven West-African Countries, Cling J-P.,
Lagrée S.; Razafindrakoto M.; Roubaud, F. (éds), in The informal economy in developing
countries, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Londres, 197-210.
Lavallée E., Roubaud F. (2015) Does Corruption Matter for Informal Sector Economic
Performance? Microdata Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, Cling J-P., Lagrée S.;
Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (Eds), in The informal economy in developing countries,
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Londres, 179-197..
Mesplé-Somps, S., A-S. Robilliard et A. Doumbia Gakou (2015) Urbanisation et ségrégation
spatiale à Bamako, 1998-2009, in J. Charmes, D. Konaté, J. Brunet-Jailly (eds) Le Mali
contemporain, coédition IRD et éditions Tombouctou, 581-612.
Mesplé-Somps, S., H. Selod, G. Spielvogel, B. Blankespoor (2015) Urbanisation et croissance dans les
villes du Mali in J. Charmes, D. Konaté, J. Brunet-Jailly (eds) Le Mali contemporain, coédition IRD
et éditions Tombouctou, 545-580.
Nordman C. J., Rakotomanana F. Roubaud, F. (2015) Micro analysis of formal-informal nexus
in Madagascar: job transitions and earnings dynamics, Cling J-P., Lagrée S., Razafindrakoto,
M. Roubaud F. (éds), in The informal economy in developing countries, Routledge, Taylor &
Francis Group, Londres, 233-253.
Oudin X. (2015) Long term dynamic of the labour market in Thailand: transitions between
the formal and informal sectors, Cling J-P., Lagrée S., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (Eds), in
The informal economy in developing countries, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Londres,
Pasquier-Doumer L. (2015) Being an informal self-employed from one generation to the
next: A Constrained Choice or better Income Prospects? Evidence from Seven West-African
Countries, Cling J-P., Lagrée S., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud, F. (Eds), in The informal
economy in developing countries, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Londres, 74-90.
Raffinot M. (2015) Économie du développement, DUNOD, 226 p
Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F., Wachsberger J-M. (2015) Working in the Informal Sector: A
Free Choice or an Obligation? An Analysis of Job Satisfaction in Vietnam, Cling J-P., Lagrée S.,
Razafindrakoto M. Roubaud F. (Eds), in The informal economy in developing countries,
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Londres, 50-71.
Siroën J-M., A. Yücer, (2015) “Zones franches et chaine de valeurs : le modèle « Zone
Franche de Manaus » “ in C. bastidon-Gilles, A. Ghoufrane, N. Oulmane et A. Silem,
Commerce international investissements directs étrangers et participation des pays
méditerranéens aux chaînes de valeur mondiales, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 195-210.
Wachsberger J-M. (2015) Revealing, Measuring and Explaining Socio-Spatial Differentiations,
Lagrée S. Diaz V. (Eds), in A Glance at Sustainable Urban Development. Methodological,
Crosscutting and Opera-tional Approa-ches, Maison d’édition de la connaissance, Paris, 8095.
Documents de travail
Cogneau D., Dupraz Y. (2015) Institutions historiques et développement économique en
Afrique. Une revue sélective et critique de travaux récents, 24 p
Gubert F., Senne J-N. (2015)"Is the European Union attractive for potential migrants? An
investigation of migration intentions across the world”, OECD Background paper.
Mouhoud E.M. (2015) « Regimes of Migration and the Changing Nature of Migration from
MENA countries after the Arab Uprisings » LERA/ASSA/AEA Meeting in Boston, MA January
Publication de vulgarisation
Cogneau, D., S. Mesplé-Somps, G. Spielvogel (2015) De l’importance du développement
économique dans la construction des Etats nations d’Afrique de l’Ouest, « 5 articles… en 5
minutes ! »,
Ménendez M., Siroen J-M. Sztulman A. (2015)
développement, Dialogue, 41, 2-12 pp
Les zones franches, modèle de
Mouhoud El M. (2015) Utilisons les chiffres disponibles sur les migrants pour dissiper les
fantasmes, Le Monde, 2 p
Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (2015) La situation socio-politique au Burundi vue d'en bas :
état des lieux et aspirations citoyennes pour éclairer les stratégies de sortie de crise, 2ème
Policy Brief, Paris, DIAL/PNUD, 6 p
Communications orales
Ahcar Olmos J., Siroën J-M. (2015) Deep Integration: Free trade agreements heterogeneity
and its impact on bilateral trade, Association Française des Sciences Economique, Rennes,
22-24 juin 2015, 26 p
Ahcar Olmos J., Siroën, J-M. (2015) Deep integration: The heterogeneity of free trade
agreements and their impact on bilateral trade, 3rd DIAL Development Conference "Barriers
to development", Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015
Boltz M., Chort I. (2015) The Risk of Polygamy and Wives' Saving Behaviour, Annual
International Conference 2015 of the Research Group on Development Economics of the
German Economic Association : "Development Economics and Policy, Kiel, Allemagne, 36 p,
juin 2015
Bouattour F. (2015) Financial constraints and imports of Brazilian industries : is there any
crisis effect?, 3rd DIAL Development conference "Barriers to development", Université
Dauphine, Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015
Bouattour F. (2015) Financial constraints and export performance: Evidence from Brazilian
micro-data, AFSE 2015 64th Congress, Rennes, 33 p, juin 2015
Chauvet L., Ehrhart H. (2015) Aid an growth. Evidence using firm-level data, 52 p, juillet
Chauvet L., Jacolin M. (2015) Financial Inclusion and Firms performance, Séminaire Banque
de France/Ferdi, 24 p
Chauvet L., Miguel Torres (de) A., Tiemann A. (2015) Electricity access and
firms'performance in Myanmar, 3rd DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to
development", Université Dauphine, Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015
Chort I, Boltz M., (2015) The risk of polygamy and wives' saving behavior, 3rd DIAL
Development Conference "Barriers to development", Université Paris, Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015
Gubert F., Mesnard A. Mouhoud El M. (2015) Migrations internationales enjeux et
perspectives, Journées de l'Economie, Lyon, 13-15/10/2015
David A., Nordman C. J. (2015) Skill mismatch and return migration in Egypt and Tunisia,
3ème Atelier DIAL-GREThA Développement Transferts, Risques, Inégalités et Institutions,
Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, 13 mars 2015
Ferry M. (2015) Debt relief, tax effort, and fiscal incentives - The donkey and the carrot
revisited, 3rd DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to development”, Université Paris
Dauphine – Paris, 51 p, 2-3 juillet 2015
Koussoubé E., Clark A., Djemai E. (2015) Subjective well-being and risk of death in rural
Malawi: A panel data analysis, 3ème Atelier DIAL-GREThA Développement Transferts,
Risques, Inégalités et Institutions, Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, 13 mars 2015
Koussoubé E., Nauges C. (2015) Returns to fertilizers use; Does it pay enough?, 3rd DIAL
Development Conference "Barriers to development",Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, 2-3
juillet 2015
Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2015) French neo colonialism? French African trade after
independence, 3rd DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to development", Université
Dauphine, Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015
Ménendez M., Jusot F., Mage S. (2015) Inequality of opportunity in health in Indonesia, 3rd
DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to development", Université Dauphine, Paris, 2-3
juillet 2015
Mercier M., Mariani F., Verdier T. (2015) Diasporas and conflict, 3rd DIAL Development
Conference "Barriers to development", Université Paris Dauphine – Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015,
Morcillo Abdesselem S. -2015) What policy toward corruption to contend informality ?:
Theory and evidence from west African economic and monetary Union capital cities capital
cities, 3rd DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to development", Université Dauphine,
Paris, 38 p, 2-3 juillet 2015
Nilsson B. (2015) Success in the Egyptian job market; Is vocational education the key?, 3rd
DIAL Development Conference, Université Paris Dauphine, 2-3 juillet 2015
Nordman C. J. (2015) Lier le marché du travail à l'analyse des réseaux sociaux : exemples
tirés d'enquêtes en Asie du Sud. Linking labour markets to the analysis of social networks:
example from surveys in South Asia, 5ème Congrès Asie et Pacifique, Paris, 9-11 septembre
Orkin M., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F.(2015) Governance, peace and security in Burundi,
Mali and Uganda comparative NSO data for measuring goals 16 of the SDGs, 3ème Policy
Brief, University of Johannesburg/DIAL, 4 p
Raffinot M. (2015) Looking for Sparks and Trains; Micro and Macro Approaches in
Development Econo-mics, 3rd DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to development",
Université Dauphine – Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015
Raffinot M., Koussoube, E. (2015) Political Economy of growth andpoverty in Burkina Faso:
Power, Institutions and Rents, 3ème Atelier DIAL-GREThA Développement Transferts,
Risques, Inégalités et Institutions, Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, 13 mars 2015
Sharma S., Nordman C. J. Sarr L. R. (2015) Cognitive, non gognitive skills and gender wage
gaps; Evidence from linked employer-employee data in Bangladesh, 3ème conférence DIAL
sur le développement : « Barriers to development », Université Dauphine, Paris, 2-3 juillet
Sougane A., Tounkara M., Traore S. M., Razafindrakoto M. and Roubaud F.
(2015) Enquête Modulaire et Permanente auprès des Ménages (EMOP) Dynamique de la
Gouvernance, la paix et la Sécurité au Mali entre 2014 et 2015 : Une analyse à partir des
modules GPS-SHaSA,1er Policy Brief, Paris,INSTAT/DIAL/PNUD, 18 p, octobre 2015
Spielvogel G., Alban C., Firpo S. (2015) Unequal ladders; Internal migrandts on Brazilian
urban labor markets, 1991-2010, 3rd DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to
development", Université Dauphine, Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015
Talance (de) M. (2015) Better teachers, better results ? Evidence from rural Pakistan, 3rd
DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to development", Université Dauphine, Paris, 2-3
juillet 2015
Tran Ngo Thi Minh Tam, Pasquier-Doumer L. (2015) Does Full-day Schooling Reduce
Educational Ine-quality in Vietnam? Education Support Program-PERI, Working Paper 72, 62
Vu Hoang Dat, Pham Minh Thai and Pasquier-Doumer L. (2015) Weighting Deprivations using
Subjective Well-being: An application to the multidimensional Child Poverty Index in
Vietnam. Young Lives, Working Paper 142, 34 p
Zanuso C., Barrera O. D., Herrera J. (2015) Migration, transfers and labour supply: Evidence
from Haiti, 3ème Atelier DIAL-GREThA Développement Transferts, Risques, Inégalités et
Institutions, Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, 13 mars 2015
Zanuso C., Novella R. (2015) Reallocating children's time coping strategies after the 2010
Haïti earthquake, 3rd DIAL Development Conference "Barriers to development", Université
Dauphine, Paris, 2-3 juillet 2015
Koussoubé E. (2015) Institutions, technology adoption and agricultural development in
Burkina Faso, Laboratoire d'Economie de Dauphine Paris, 173 p, 29 juin 2015
David A. (2015) Migration and employment interactions - The case of MENA countries, Ecole
Doctorale de Dauphine, Paris, 153 p
Ahcar Olmos J. R. (2015) An inquiry on regional trade integration and trade potentials, Ecole
Doctorale de Dauphine, Paris, décembre 2015
Zanuso C. (2015) Natural disasters, coping strategies and labour market – evidence from the
2010 earthquake in Haiti, Ecole Doctorale de Dauphine, Paris, décembre 2015, 283 p.