My training period – worksheet n°1


My training period – worksheet n°1
My training period – worksheet n°1
A) Read the four reports to discover about young Britons’ work experience. What do you
think about the reports ?
Report n°1: Jimmy’s report.
My work experience was in a pet shop. I really loved it because I love animals, especially
reptiles. What I appreciated the most was feeding the snakes with little white mice, yummy!
I really want to be a veterinarian or work in a zoo or just work with any sort of animals. They
are so cute!
Report n°2: Cathy’s report.
I did my training period in a hairdressing salon. It was good but it was tiring. I liked my boss
because she was nice with me. Sometimes the customers gave me a tip when their hair had
been done. My training period was in Paris and it lasted from Monday to Friday. I chose this
place because it was not far from my home.
Report n°3: Thomas’ report.
I did my work experience at a bakery. That was boring and tiring and the baker was always
shouting. I hated my work experience and now I know I don't want to work in a bakery in the
future because it is really hard to wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning.
Report n°4: Hamid’s report.
The name of the place where I did my work experience was Tesco, it’s a supermarket.
There were 8 people. The dates were from 14th October to the 28th. My working
hours were from 9am to 4pm. My tutor’s name was Mme Martin. I cleaned the shop in the
morning and in the afternoon I welcomed the customers. I liked being in contact with people
but I didn’t like carrying heavy boxes ! I wore a blue apron. I chose this place because I think
it is nice. I learnt how to tidy and sort out various items. I placed fruits and vegetables on my
B) Quels sont les éléments à inclure dans ton rapport.
C) Quels mots de liaison connais-tu en anglais pour rendre ton rapport plus clair et explicatif.
D) Dans le rapport 1 et 2, entoure les verbes. Qu’ont-ils de particulier ? Pourquoi ?
My training period – worksheet n°2
E) Coche les cases de ce questionnaire pour t’aider à préparer ton rapport.
A partir du questionnaire, retrouve le sens des mots suivants :
F) Maintenant, interroge ton voisin et remplis le questionnaire avec la lettre N (comme
Neighbour) en fonction de ses réponses.
G) Prépare toi à parler de ton stage à l’aide du tableau.
During my training period,...
For example,...