tamara tomomitsu


tamara tomomitsu
T 416.367.6063
F 416.682.2814
[email protected]
Assurance et responsabilité civile
Formation / Admission au Barreau
LLB, University of Manitoba, 1998
Tamara Tomomitsu practises civil litigation with an emphasis on the defence of first and
third-party automobile claims including catastrophic injury claims involving brain and
spinal cord injuries. Her practice also includes the defence of municipal liability claims,
disability insurance claims, defence and prosecution of subrogation claims, and
advisement on various insurance coverage issues. Tamara is a partner in the Toronto
office of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP.
BA in Economics, University of
Alberta, 1992
Ontario, 2000
Activités professionnelles
Member, Ontario Bar Association
Member, Canadian Bar Association
Member, Trial Lawyers Association
Member, Canadian Defence Lawyer's
Member, American Bar Association,
Tort Trial and Insurance Practice
Section; Trial Techniques Committee
Vice Chair and Member, Automobile
Litigation Committee Chair
Advises and represents insurers on statutory accident benefit matters, with a
focus on catastrophic injury claims.
Advises and represents insurers on casualty and property matters, including
third-party motor vehicle claims and occupiers' liability claims.
Advises and represents negligence claims against municipalities involving
maintenance and design of roadways and sidewalks.
Advises and represents insurers on disability claim matters, including
interpretation of disability contracts.
Provides opinions to insurance and municipal clients on a variety of matters
including statutory interpretation (i.e., Municipal Act, City of Toronto Act,
Negligence Act, Insurance Act and Limitations Act).
Activités communautaires
Chair, United Way
School Coordinator, BLG Reads to
Kids Program
Author, "Litigating North of the Border? Here's What You Need to Know �Part
II," ABA Trial Techniques Committee Newsletter, March 2012 (with Rebecca
Author, "Litigating North of the Border? Here's What You Need to Know �Part
I," ABA Trial Techniques Committee Newsletter, December 2011 (with
Rebecca Bush).
Author, "Case Comment on State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v.
Avocats | Agents de brevets et de marques de commerce
© 2016 Borden Ladner Gervais
S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.
(«BLG»). Tous droits réservés
Privacy Commission and Attorney General of Canada," Canadian Journal of
Insurance Law, January 2011 (with Scott Jones).
Speaker, "Top 10 Accident Benefit Cases in 2009-2010," Osgoode Hall
Continuing Legal Education, September 2010.
Speaker, "A Review of Issues Surrounding Income Replacement Benefits,"
Insight Continuing Legal Education, September 2009.
Contributing Author, Ontario Accident Benefits Case Summaries, CCH,
September 2000- February 2002.
Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L. (BLG) est un grand cabinet juridique canadien
qui offre à ses clients une gamme complète de services, principalement en droit des
affaires, litige commercial et arbitrage ainsi que propriété intellectuelle. BLG est l’un des
premiers cabinets juridiques en importance au pays; il compte plus de 725 avocats,
agents de propriété intellectuelle et autres professionnels dans 5 grandes villes du
Canada. BLG répond aux besoins de ses clients, que ce soit en matière de litige, de
financement ou d’enregistrement de brevets et de marques de commerce.
Avocats | Agents de brevets et de marques de commerce
© 2016 Borden Ladner Gervais
S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.
(«BLG»). Tous droits réservés