SFRE-EUSSER_250711:Mise en page 1
SFRE-EUSSER_250711:Mise en page 1
S F R E E U S S E R LYON - FRANCE 2011, SEPTEMBER 16th-17th • Congrès commun de la SFRE et de l’EUSSER • Combined meeting of the SFRE and the EUSSER European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation LYON - FRANCE SFRE- EUSSER 2011, SEPTEMBER 16 -17 th th European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation VENDREDI 16 SEPTEMBRE APRÈS MIDI / FRIDAY 16TH, SEPTEMBER 2011 AFTERNOON FR Seulement en Français / No english translation 14h00 - 18h00 5 Ateliers pratiques de 1 heure par groupe de 30 personnes. 2:00pm-6:00pm Chaque participant peut choisir 3 ateliers. Nombre de places limité. Par ordre d’inscription. 18h00 -19h00 ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE SFRE & EUSSER GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF SFRE & EUSSER 6:00pm-7:00pm SAMEDI 17 SEPTEMBRE 2011 / SATURDAY 17TH, SEPTEMBER 2011 FR EN Traduction simultanée Français-Anglais et Anglais-Français toute la journée Simultaneous translation french-english and english-french all day 8h00 - 12h00 8:00am12:00pm SYMPOSIUM > AUDITORIUM LUMIÈRE La rééducation après réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs Rehabilitation after athroscopic cuff repair Directeur/Director: Dr Jean-Pierre LIOTARD (Lyon) 7h55 7:55am OUVERTURE DU SYMPOSIUM : Dr Gilles Walch OPENING OF THE SYMPOSIUM 8h00 - 9h45 CE QUE NOUS FAISONS POUR RÉÉDUQUER ET SUIVRE UNE COIFFE OPÉRÉE 8:00-9:45am REHABILITATION PROTOCOLS AND POSTOPERATIVE COURSE Modérateurs/Moderators: Thierry MARC (France), Dr Jaap WILLEMS (The Netherlands) 8:00am EQUIPE DE RENNES /RENNES' TEAM: Solenn GAIN, Dr Karl CHAORY, Dr Philippe COLLIN L'éducation thérapeutique (7 mn) Dr Karl CHAORY Preoperative education La récupération des amplitudes : relâchement musculaire et recentrage articulaire (7mn) Solenn GAIN Range of motion recovery: muscle's relaxation and humeral head centering La réactivation musculaire (7 mn) Solenn GAIN Muscle's reactivation QUESTIONS (9 mn) 8:30am EQUIPE DE NICE /NICE'S TEAM: Patrice DUPLAN, Philippe ODOUX, Luc D’ASNIERES DE VEIGY, Dr Laury PAÏDASSI, Prof. Pascal BOILEAU Les indications : chirurgie ou rééducation (7 mn) Luc D'ASNIERES DE VEIGY Surgical or concervative treatment Rééducation postopératoire différée, le temps de la cicatrisation (7 mn) Patrice DUPLAN Delayed rehabilitation: the healing time La rééducation en libéral à 1 mois, les clés pour réussir (7mn) Philippe ODDOUX, Dr Laury PAÏDASSI Ambulatory rehabilitation after one month: tips and tricks to succeed QUESTIONS (9 mn) 9:00am EQUIPE DE LYON /LYON'S TEAM: Dr Jean-Pierre LIOTARD, Dr Florent BOREL, Annick PADEY-CYVOGT, Dr Gilles WALCH, Dr Laurent NOVÉ-JOSSERAND, Dr Arnaud GODENÈCHE, Dr Lionel NEYTON L'examen préopératoire et l'assouplissement préopératoire (7 mn) Dr Florent BOREL Preoperative range of motion assessment and full range of motion recovery La rééducation immédiate en Centre et la balnéothérapie (7 mn) Annick PADEY-CYVOGT Immediate postoperative rehabilitation with hydrotherapy in rehabilitation center Le suivi en consultation et les étirements personnels (7 mn) Dr. Jean-Pierre LIOTARD Postoperative controls and personal stretching QUESTIONS (9 mn) LYON - FRANCE SFRE- EUSSER 2011, SEPTEMBER 16 -17 FR EN th th European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation Traduction simultanée Français-Anglais et Anglais-Français toute la journée Simultaneous translation french-english and english-french all day 9:30am EQUIPE DE GENÈVE (SUISSE) /GENEVA'S (SWITZERLAND) TEAM: Dr Alexandre LÄDERMANN A propos d'une expérience américaine (7 mn) Dr Alexandre LÄDERMANN An American experience QUESTIONS (8mn) 09h45 - 10h15 9:45am-10:15am Pause et visite de l’Exposition coffee break and visit of the Exhibition 10h15 - 12h00 RÉSULTATS DE L'ÉTUDE MULTI-CENTRIQUE SUR LA RÉÉDUCATION ET LE SUIVI SUR 6 MOIS DES RÉPARATIONS ARTHROSCOPIQUES DE LA COIFFE. 10:15-12:00am RESULTS OF THE MULTICENTER STUDIES DURING THE FIRST 6 POSTOPERATIVE MONTHS Modérateurs/Moderators: Dr Dominique GAZIELLY (France), Ann COOLS (Belgium) 10h15 10:15am RENNES 10h40 10:40am NICE 11h05 11:05am LYON Dr Philippe COLLIN (15 mn) Questions (10 mn) Patrice DUPLAN (15 mn) Questions (10 mn) Dr Jean-Pierre LIOTARD (15 mn) Questions (10 mn) 11H30 - 12H DISCUSSION GÉNÉRALE /GENERAL OPEN DISCUSSION : 11:30:12:00am Raideur et rééducation préopératoires, rééducation immédiate ou différée, rééducation en Centre ou ambulatoire, auto-récupération contrôlée des amplitudes ou kinésithérapie active et instrumentale, durée des soins et de l'arrêt de travail, difficultés et complications. Rehabilitation and preoperative stiffness, immediate or differed/delayed rehabilitation? In or out patients rehabilitation? Personal stretching for recovering the mobility or active rehabilitation with tools? Length of rehabilitation and length out of work? Problems and complications associated with the rehabilitation. 14h00 - 15h00 SCIENTIFIC SESSION - Rehabilitation 1 > AUDITORIUM LUMIÈRE 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Moderators: Dominique GAZIELLY (France) – Simon LAMBERT (UK) 02:00 - Massive irreparable rotator cuff tears: What can we do in rehabilitation. O. Patiño (Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA) 02:06 - Résultats à moyen terme de la rééducation des épaules pseudo-paralytiques sur rupture massive de la coiffe des rotateurs. P. Collin, S Gain (Rennes - FRANCE) 02:12 - Early versus delayed rehabilitation for reverse shoulder arthroplasty in cuff tear arthropathy. T. Peterson, C. Wood-Wentz, J. Sperling, S. Steinmann, R. Cofield, J. Sanchez-Sotelo (Rochester, Mn - USA) Discussion (9min) 02:27 - The truth about frozen shoulder associations. W. White, CD. Smith, TD. Bunker (Exeter - UK) 02:33 - Treatment of stiff shoulder – A prospective, multicenter, comparative study of the six commonly used techniques utilized – 235 case follow up. P. Gleyze, P. Clavert, PH. Flurin, T. Joudet, B. Toussaint, L. Hubert (Colmar, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Libourne, Angers - FRANCE) 02:39 - Systematic review of postoperative therapy protocols used in studies assessing arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: has there been a trend towards accelerated rehabilitation? T. Donaldson, L. Funk, P. Wright (Wigan - UK) 03:45 - Standard or decelerated rehabilitation after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: a randomized, prospective study. G. van Den Bogaert, S. Defoort, A. Cools, E. Witvrouw, O. Verborgt (Herentals, Brugge, Gent - BELGIUM) Discussion (9min) LYON - FRANCE SFRE- EUSSER 2011, SEPTEMBER 16 -17 FR EN th th European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation Traduction simultanée Français-Anglais et Anglais-Français toute la journée Simultaneous translation french-english and english-french all day 15h00 - 15h30 3:00pm - 3:30pm Pause et visite de l’Exposition coffee break and visit of the Exhibition 15h30 - 16h30 SCIENTIFIC SESSION - Rehabilitation 2 > AUDITORIUM LUMIÈRE 3:30pm - 4:30pm Moderators: Olivier GAGEY (France) – Hans Viggo JOHANNSEN (Denmark) 03:30 - Early activation or a more protective physiotherapy protocol after ASD – a prospective randomized pilot-study with a two-year follow-up. I. Hultenheim Klintberg, AC. Gunnarsson, U. Svantesson, J. Karlsson (Gothenburg - SWEDEN) 03:36 - The effect of core stabilization exercises in the rehabilitation of patients with subacromial impingement syndrome. N. Canbulat, A. Seyahi, SM. Eren, A. Ucak, E. Berker, M. Demirhan (Istanbul - TURKEY) 03:42 - Supraspinatus strain measurements: What happens after tears and repairs? DT. Lie, A. Yew, JM. Sheng, SM. Chou (Singapore - SINGAPORE) Discussion (9min)s 03:57 - Ultrasound-Guided suprascapular nerve block for patients with persistent shoulder pain. J. Sultan, J. Wilson, E. Goodyear, U. Narendran, B. Roy (Manchester, Warrington - UK) 04:03 - Evaluation of upper-limb EMG activity and kinematics during reaching : a comparison between subject with SCI and able bodied subjects. J. Jacquier-Bret, N. Rezzoug, H. Tournebise, P. Gorce, Y. Allieu (Toulon, Hyères, Montpellier - FRANCE) 04:09 - Correlation of shoulder external rotation strength with Constant Score and quality of life perception. J. Miquel, G. Vilà, F. Santana, C. Torrens (Barcelona - SPAIN) 04:15 - Are problems in functioning reported in ICF Checklist by patients with shoulder pain represented in patient reported outcome measures? Y. Roe, S. Ostensjo, E. Bautz-Holter, H. Soberg (Oslo - NORWAY) Discussion (9min) INSCRIPTION / REGISTRATION: WWW.SECEC.ORG