Methods of Transport and Opinions.
Methods of Transport and Opinions.
Thème 4a – On va à Paris! Methods of Transport and Opinions. French English Comment y vas-tu ? How are you getting there? J’y vais…. I’m going there.. Nous y allons. . . We’re going there…. Il / elle y va…. He/She’s going there. . . y there; to it/them en avion by plane en bateau by boat en bus by bus en car by coach en métro on the metro à moto by motorbike en train by train à vélo by bike en voiture by car à pied on foot J’y vais avec….. I’m going there with….. ma classe my class mes parents my parents mes copains my friends ma copine my friend (girl) mon copain my friend (boy) On prend l’avion parce que c’est……….. We’re taking the plane because it’s….. plus rapide quicker plus confortable more comfortable plus facile easier moins cher less expensive moins bondé less packed/busy moins stressant less stressful moins dangereux less dangerous moins bruyant less noisey C’est trop…. It’s too sale dirty ennuyeux boring En plus… Extra…. le mal de mer sea-sickness le bouchon traffic jam les heures de pointe rush hour