English version - Université de Nîmes


English version - Université de Nîmes
Université de Nîmes
Academic Year 2016-2017
Contents :
Teachings................................................................................................................................................ p. 2
Modalities of assessment...................................................................................................................... p. 2
Lesson description................................................................................................................................. p. 3
Teachings :
Power and society in early
Modern Period (late 15th
century-late 18th century)
Module 1
Module 2
Methods and sources of
Module 3
Family law
Module 4
(average calculated
between heraldic
(coef. 2) and
(coef. 1)
Module 5
Sciences 2
Personal Research
Methods of assessment :
All module, theoretical and practical, will be rewarded by a mark.
The marks of each module will be calculated according to the aforementioned coefficient.
The admission to the diploma of university will be made by the obtaining of a total mark superior
or equal to 10/20.
In case of justified absence (with medical certificates), a catch up examination session will be
available, but will require the student to be present on the University site (In Nimes).
Module 1
Power and society in early Modern Period
(late Fifteen century- late eighteenth century)
Sylvain Olivier
[email protected]
This course has for object to understand the living environment of the rural and urban
populations in France at the end of the Middle-ages up to the time of enormous changes brought
by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era. It will aim to study how the «Ancien Régime»
rests, in France, on a political system in which the construction of absolutism supplants little by
little the feudal state, however, it does not mean that it results in a perfect standardization of the
administrative frames and their geographical competences. With this general framework, we shall
approach the cultural, social and economic transfers, in particular those who affect the traditional
casts system before it becomes social classes. Finally we will have a brief look into the cultural and
Intellectual movements of the Era and the birth of the notions of Humanism and Enlightenment.
François Ier peint par Jean Clouet
Musée du Louvre
LEBRUN F., L’Europe et le monde, XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Armand Colin, 2008.
CASSAN M., La France au XVIe siècle, Paris, Armand Colin, collection Campus, 2005.
DUCCINI H., Histoire de la France au XVIIe siècle, Paris, SEDES, collection Campus, 2000.
CHALINE O., La France au XVIIIe siècle, 1715-1787, Paris, Belin Sup, 1996
Module 2
Stephane Cosson
[email protected]
The aim of this module is to study the theoretical framework of the genealogical research,
to acquire the right techniques of research for documents and timeframe. All working methods will
be provided. Once the research framework is set, documents which are of use to the genealogical
researcher will be studied. First by means of their history, as documents need to be associated to
the way they were written in time and form in order to better understand them. Then, whenever
possible, by the complete description of the document.
Most of the time, outside the registry office, the genealogist looks mainly in the local
archives and the notarial acts, the land registry, the justice records, the censuses and the electoral
rolls. To make genealogical searches it is necessary to go out of the frame in which we live, to be
able to approach the way of thinking of our ancestors.
Exemple d’arbre généalogique
À la recherche de vos ancêtres, Paris, Larousse, 2006.
ARCHASSAL P.-V., Internet et la génalogie, Paris, Campus Press, 2002.
Id., Généalogie : une passion moderne, Paris, F. Bourin, 2006.
BEAUCARNOT J.-L., La généalogie, Paris, PUF, coll. QSJ, 1998.
CHRISTIAN F., La généalogie pour les nuls, Paris, First, 2004.
JOUNIAUX L., Généalogie : pratique, méthode, recherche, Paris, Arthaud, 1998.
Module 3
Family Law
Eric Wenzel
[email protected]
This module will approach two themes: Marriage and the Filiation, for which we will follow
the evolution of the marital and the filiation laws (justifiable, natural and adoptive) from Roman
time until the 20th Century.
As regards to Marriage laws, we shall deal for every period with the formation of the marital
link (conditions and progress), of its dissolution (cancellation then divorce) and of its consequences
(in particular the matrimonial systems: dowery and community regimen), the patrimonial
consequences of which are very important). The various filiations (justifiable, natural and adoptive)
as well as the legal conditions of establishment of the links of filiation will also be studied (proof
of legitimacy, in particular) and their effects (parental authority, patrimonial rights of the children).
This course is designed as a study of laws similar to first year of Law studies, in order to
avoid referring to undefined legal concepts.
Code of canonic laws,
, Code de Droit Canonique,
L. IV. Les sacrements, t. VII. Le mariage, chap. II., Les empêchements dirimants en général :
Can. 1073 - L’empêchement dirimant rend la personne incapable de contracter validement mariage.
Can. 1074 - Est considéré comme public l’empêchement qui peut être prouvé au for externe; sinon, il est occulte.
Can. 1075 - § 1. Il revient à la seule autorité suprême de l’Église de déclarer de manière authentique quand le droit divin empêche ou dirime le mariage.
§ 2. De même, c’est cette seule autorité suprême qui a le droit d’établir d’autres empêchements pour les baptisés.
Can. 1076 - La coutume qui introduit un nouvel empêchement ou qui est contraire aux empêchements existants est réprouvée.
Can. 1077 - § 1. L’Ordinaire du lieu peut, dans un cas particulier, interdire le mariage à ses propres sujets où qu’ils demeurent et à tous ceux qui résident de
fait sur son propre territoire, mais cela pour un temps seulement, pour une cause grave et aussi longtemps qu’elle perdure.
§ 2. Seule l’autorité suprême de l’Église peut ajouter une clause dirimante à cette interdiction.
t. VII. The marriage
§ 2. Only the supreme authority of the Church can add a nullifying clause to this ban
Specialized work
LEFEBVRE-TEILLARD A., Histoire du droit des personnes et de la famille, Paris, PUF, coll.Droit
fondamental, 1996.
RENAUT M.-H., Histoire du droit de la famille, Paris, Ellipses, 2003.
SZAMKIEWICZ R., Histoire du droit français de la famille, Paris, Dalloz, 1995.
THIREAU J.-L., Histoire du droit de la famille, Paris, L’Hermès, 1998.
General work containing elements of family laws evolution
BART J., Histoire du droit privé, de la chute de l’Empire romain au XIXe siècle, Paris, Montchrestien, 1998.
GAUDEMET J., Le droit privé romain, Paris, Montchrestien, Reédition, 2000.
HALPERIN J.-L., Histoire du droit privé depuis 1804, Paris, PUF, 1996, rééd. 2001.
LEVY J.-Ph.et CASTALDO A., Histoire du droit civil, Paris, Dalloz, 2002.
OURLIAC P.et GAZZANIGA J.-L., Histoire du droit privé de l’An mil au Code civil, Paris, Albin
Michel, coll. « Évolution de l’humanité », 1985.
Module 4
Historical sciences
Heraldry and Sigillography
Christiane Raynaud
[email protected]
After defining Heraldry (art and science of blazoning heraldic arms) will be presented its
lexicon, the rules and principles of “blason”. Then we will study the origin, birth and spread of
arms as social display, the functions of heralds, roll of arms, and heraldic symbolism. An initiation
to sigillography (study of seals attached to documents as a source of historical information) is also
proposed. Starting with concrete examples allowing to get acquainted with blazon and usual tools
(dictionaries and catalogues) in France and other European countries, we shall see all, stages of the
identification of coat of arms, their places in a genealogic investigation and what is at stake in
heraldry and sigillography for a genealogist.
D’Azur semé de lys d’or (France ancien)
General references, text-books and working tools
AUDOIN G., L’art héraldique, Lire, décrire, composer des armoiries, Versailles, 2009 (Mémoires et
DEMANGE J.-F., Glossaire historique et héraldique. L’archéologie des mots, Dictionnaire héraldique,
symbolique, militaire, nobiliaire, maritime, rural, artisanal et fiscal, Anglet, Atlantica, 2005.
DESACHY M. (dir.), L’Héraldique et le livre, avant-propos de M. Pastoureau, Paris, Somogy éditions
d’art, 2002.
GALBREATH D. L. et JEQUIER L., Manuel du blason, Lausanne, éditions SPES, 1977.
Inventaire général des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France. Les armoiries. Lecture
et identification, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1994.
PASTOUREAU M., Traité d’Héraldique, Paris, Picard, 5e édition, 2007.
POPOFF M., Bibliographie héraldique internationale, Paris, Le Léopard d’or, 2003, mise à jour en ligne
SAFFROY G., Bibliographie généalogique, héraldique et nobiliaire de la France, Paris, 1968-1988, 5 vols.
STALINS B. (dir.), Vocabulaire-Atlas héraldique en six langues, Paris, 1952.
VEYRIN FORRER T., Précis d’Héraldique, Paris, Larousse, 2004.
WENZLER C., Le guide de l’héraldique : histoire, analyse et lecture des blasons, Rennes, 2015.
Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie, Paris, since 1938.
Middle Ages
BARBER R. et BARKER J., Les Tournois, Londres, Paris, 1989.
BOUDREAU C., L’héritage des hérauts d’armes Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’enseignement du blason ancien,
Paris, 2006, 3 vol.
GIRBEA C., HABLOT L. et RADULESCU R. (éd.), Marqueurs d’identité dans la littérature médiévale :
mettre en signe l’individu et la famille (XIIe-XVe siècles), Turnhout, Brepols, 2014 (Histoires de famille.
La parenté au Moyen Âge, 17).
DE MERINDOL C., Images du royaume de France au Moyen Âge : décors monumentaux peints et armoriés,
art et histoire, préface M. Pastoureau, Pont-Saint-Esprit, 2013.
PASTOUREAU M., Les Armoiries, Turnhout et Louvain, 1976 (coll. Typologie des sources du
Moyen Âge occidental, vol. 20).
PASTOUREAU M., Les Armoriaux. Histoire héraldique, sociale et culturelle des armoriaux médiévaux, Paris,
Le Léopard d’or, 1998.
PASTOUREAU M., L’Art héraldique au Moyen Âge, Paris, Seuil, 2009
Module 4
Historical sciences
Isabelle Ortega
[email protected]
To study anthroponymy means to question oneself about the aspect too often ignored by
historians: the domain of family kinship. In the past few years, researchers have worked on this
perspective and finally discovered a vast field of research, too little studied up to now. However,
the historic sources associated with the reconstruction of genealogies, allow to contemplate new
hypotheses concerning the genesis of modern anthroponymy, the conceptions of kinship and more
generally the place devolved to the family structure during the Middle Ages.
Signature de Philippe 1er (XIe siècle)
BOURIN M. (éd.), Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne, 5 vol., Tours, 1987-2002.
BOURIN M., MARTIN J.-M., MENANT F. (éd.), L’Anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des
mondes méditerranéens médiévaux. Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École Française de Rome (6-8
oct. 1994), Rome, 1996.
DUPÂQUIER J., BIDEAU A., DUCREUX M.-E., Le Prénom. Mode et Histoire. Entretiens de Malher
1980, Paris, 1984.INM. (éd.), Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne, 5 vol., Tours, 1987-200
Module 5
Historic sciences
Isabelle Commandré
[email protected]
Genealogy and the reconstitution of the history of families bring those who dedicate
themselves to it to frequent visits of Public Records Offices. But by going back in time, consulting
old documents comes up against difficulties of readability, discouraging a lot of researchers.
The writing of the last centuries was not like ours: confronted with text from the 16th or 17th
century, the novice reader often discovers with bewilderment texts that, although drafted in French,
he cannot decipher.
The access of these texts is not reserved only for specialists, and paleography (science of
old writings) is here to give the necessary tools for who wants to approach the documents of past
This course will have for object an initiation into these writings, designed as an answer to
the difficulties most generally met: administrative language and the formalism of documents,
diversity of linguistics, written form, scriptural code. These domains will be approached with an
educational progression lying on a continuous practice of documents.
Actes de baptême, début XVIIIe siècle
AUDISIO G.et RAMBAUD I., Lire le français d’hier. Manuel de paléographie moderne XVe-XVIIIe siècle,
Paris, Armand Colin, 3e éd. 2003.
DELSALLE P., Lire et comprendre les archives des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, Presses universitaires
franc-comtoises, 2003.
BUAT N., VAN DEN NESTE E., Dictionnaire de paléographie française. Découvrir et comprendre les textes
anciens (XVe-XVIIIe siècle), Paris, Edition les Belles Lettres, 2011.
Module 6
Personal Research
Stéphane Cosson
[email protected]
A memoir will be asked to the students : a random couple, married between 1833 and 1842
will be chosen, for which it will be necessary to go back as far as possible in the registry office for
both spouses and all the descendants as far as the registry office will allow. Write a history of the
village or the parish in which they live, with sources. Build the family tree (Gedcom or paper).
Explain the method of work and search. Use photos only if they have an interest to the report.
For the students living in France, it will be necessary to look for notarial acts concerning
the couple and their direct ascendants, the sibship and the military career of the man of the chosen
For the students living abroad, a travel to the local record offices will be more difficult.
Therefore, research will be focused on on-line resources.
Any unjustified delay for the submission of the report will be sanctioned.
Arbre généalogique de Ludwig Van Bethoven.