Fall 2013 Flex Obligation for Part-time and


Fall 2013 Flex Obligation for Part-time and
FALL 2013
Welcome to Flex Days, Fall 2013. In the schedule that follows you’ll find an incredible list of engaging
activities to improve teaching and learning at DVC. Enjoy browsing the Fall Flex schedule, and be sure to
register ahead of time for the workshops you plan on attending.
2013-14 Faculty Flex Obligations:
Full time faculty have a standardized Flex obligation: first-year probationary tenure track faculty
complete 50 hours of Flex in the Nexus program, second-year probationary tenure track faculty
complete 40 hours of Flex, and all faculty from their third year on have an obligation of 30 hours of Flex
Flex hours for part-time faculty are directly connected to compensation -- in order to be paid for an 18
week semester you need to work an 18 week semester. Adjunct Faculty Flex obligation is based on the
academic calendar, more specifically to the day of the week on which classes begin and end.
Part-time instructors (and fulltime faculty teaching AC) teaching a semester length class in Fall 2013
have a Flex obligation equal to the number of instructional hours teaching in a week on Mondays,
Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Teaching hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are not
You may attend Flex activities at any of the three colleges (DVC, CCC, LMC & SRC) during August Flex
days or later in the semester. Your Flex activities must occur during the semester in which you owe Flex
hours. Flex forms are submitted to your dean for approval. Flex forms are linked to the Professional
Development webpage and posted on the u-drive.
Approved professional development activities that fulfill the Flex obligation are listed on
the online registration site:
Additionally, there are lists of approved optional Flex activities by divisions and departments in this Flex
booklet, linked to the professional development Flex Information web page, and posted on the u-drive.
Online Flex activity options are updated each semester and linked to the professional development
Andy Kivel
Interim Library Director,
Professional Development &
Distance Education Coordinator
925.969.5286 (note new number)
2013-2014 Flex Obligation for Full-time Faculty
There is a total 30-hour obligation for tenured full-time faculty, a 40-hour obligation for second
year tenure track faculty, and a 50-hour obligation for first year tenure track faculty (usually
completed in Nexus).
There are 5 hours of Mandatory Flex each semester for a total of 10 mandatory hours per year.
Full-time “A” contract faculty may choose to complete their Flex obligation over the entire
calendar year, July 1 through June 30.
Flex credit cannot be “banked” or “made up” from one academic year to another.
Fall 2013 Flex Obligation for Part-time and “AC” Faculty
For C and A/C semester length (weekly census) classes that do not have classes that meet 18 times
(holidays count toward the number of meeting times), the faculty member has Flex responsibility for the
hours needed to get to 18 (or 54 hours of instruction).
Semester length classes in Fall 2013 have a Flex obligation equal to the number of instructional
hours on Mon., Thurs., Fri, Sat., and Sunday
Instructional hours on Tuesday and Wednesday do not have a Flex obligation.
Online classes do not have a Flex obligation.
Part-time faculty and full-time faculty teaching “AC” classes must complete their Flex obligation
during the semester they teach the course.
Part-time and “AC” Flex obligations can be met by optional or variable Flex activities.
If part-time or “AC” faculty teach short-term classes they do not have a Flex obligation for those
instructional hours.
Instructors teaching AC Contract have a Flex obligation equal to those hours in addition to their
regular flex obligation.
From the United Faculty contract: Article 10 – Working Days - Calendar
10.4.1 ‘C’ and ‘A/C’ Faculty whose semester length class days and holidays do not add up to 18 weeks
will have flex responsibility.
10.4.2 The number of hours of flex time for members with released time or reassigned time shall be
reduced by the same percentage as the members’ released time or reassigned time.
10.4.3 The number and designation (mandatory, optional, or variable) of flexible days shall be
negotiated at the same time as the academic calendar. The flex days shall be included in the District
10.4.4 Variable flex for contract or regular faculty may be completed at any time during the current
fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). Variable flex may be applied during the summer, recesses, or weekends.
Variable Flex may be applied after 4pm on instructional days without LPG approval or before 4pm on
instruction days for activities which are LPG approved and provided faculty meet all contractual
obligations on those days. Temporary faculty must complete flex hours during the semester they are
10.4.5 Faculty members are required to serve five (5) hours for each designated mandatory, optional,
or variable flex day. Faculty members shall be given flex credit for a maximum of eight (8) hours per
calendar day.
10.4.6 Faculty must submit a completed Flex agreement each year.
All full-time faculty are required to be on campus on Thursday, August 15, 2013, to participate in
scheduled activities.
Part-time and full-time faculty may select from the variety of approved Optional activities in this booklet
on Tuesday, August 13, 2013, and Wednesday, August 14, 2013. Optional activities at CCC, LMC and SRC
offer additional opportunities.
Variable Flex activities are chosen individually by faculty, and may occur for full-time faculty on any day
from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, and for part-time faculty during the semester they teach, with the
following restrictions:
(1) The activity must meet at least one of the State Flex Guidelines (see below), and meet one of the
DVC division lists of approved Flex activities requirements (those lists are on the u drive and at the back
of this document),
(2) All contractual obligations on a given day must be completed before any activity can be considered
for Variable Flex credit,
(3) Variable Flex credit on an instructional day is limited to hours after 4:00 p.m. unless approved by the
Faculty Development Committee, and
(4) Each activity must be individually reported by date and duration.
Variable Flex credit can also be applied to conferences. Faculty attending conferences on instructional
days are limited to hours after 4:00 p.m. for variable Flex credit unless the Faculty Development
Committee has given approval. No prior professional development approval is needed for individual
Variable Flex activities.
Group Variable Flex activities are coordinated and approved through the professional development
office. All faculty, classified and management staff may generate group Variable Flex activities. Faculty
must meet all contractual obligations on instructional days before they can receive Variable Flex credit.
Individual or Group Special Projects must have prior approval through the Faculty Development
Committee prior to the activity. Contact Andy Kivel or Jessica Martin for application.
The purpose of Flex is “to promote staff, student, and instructional improvement.” The state requires
that all Flex Activities must meet at least one of the following criteria:
1. Improvement of teaching are those activities designed to change instructional processes so that
increased student learning is effected.
Maintenance of current academic/technical knowledge and skills are activities which help
instructors sustain knowledge pertinent to their teaching.
In-service training for vocational education and employment preparation programs facilitate
curricular and instructional revisions in occupational education.
Retraining to meet changing institutional needs are those activities which promote staff
awareness of evolving clientele preferences and program possibilities.
Intersegmental exchange programs link staff members with their counterparts in secondary
schools and universities.
Development of innovations in instructional and administrative techniques and program
effectiveness are those activities designed to stimulate staff in assessing outcomes of courses
and programs.
Computer and technological proficiency programs build staff usage of computers and other
Courses and training implementing affirmative action and upward mobility
Other programs related to education and professional development (e.g., programs to
enhance wellness and self-esteem as it relates to one’s job assignment or work environment.)
Fall 2013 Optional Flex Activities
Tuesday August 13, 2013
FA13-100: Electronic Gradebook 1
Use of a spreadsheet will help maintain accurate record of student
work and calculate term grade on a computer. Participants will learn
grade book setup, score entry, weighting and grade assignment. Setup
methods for SLO results will be discussed in the afternoon
FA13-101: Configure your iPhone, iPad, or Macbook to access DVC email, the WCS, and the U-drive
No lecture – all workshop. Robert helps you put your DVC email on your
iPhone, iPad, Macbook, and most other mobile devices. Also, if you
wish to access the Web Curriculum System, Robert can configure your
device to allow that. And your Macbook (Snow Leopard or better) can
be configured to access the U drive in Finder, too.
Robert Burns
ATC 109
Newin Orante &
Bill Oye
Student Life
Neal Skapura
ATC 115
FA13-102: Understanding the Code of Conduct Policy
An overview of the Code of Conduct Policy dealing with matters of
student academic integrity and misconduct will be discussed.
Participants will engage in conversation how to access support, learn
about procedures, as well as due process issues for handling academic
dishonesty, disruptive behavior, and notice of classroom expectations,
formal/informal discipline, and an update on FERPA (Family Educational
Rights & Privacy Act) as it relates to student records. The presentation
will provide information on the CCCCD Code of Conduct Policy (Student
Services Procedure 3027).
FA13-103: WebCT-to-D2L: Moving and Organizing Content
We will spend time in this hands-on workshop moving content (urls,
text blocks, files) from WebCT (or files outside WebCT) into
Desire2Learn and then reorganizing files, folders, links, text blocks
(announcements), and urls. Discussion around and demonstration of
useful approaches to upload, organize, and display content in D2L will
be the main focus.
For development accounts, go to:
http://www.dvc.edu/org/departments/instructionaltechnology/ D2LSurvey.htm
For a live course shell, submit your section number at:
FA13-104: Department Chair Workshop
Next in a series of workshops for new, seasoned, and aspiring
department chairs – for full-time faculty.
Kathleen Costa,
Jason Mayfield,
Julie Walters &
Trophy Room
Maria Dorado,
Rob Peters &
Alice Park
Ted Wieden &
Binita Sinha
PS 265
Katy Agnost &
Ellen Kruse
LC 101
Lisa Orta
H 105
FA13-105: Counseling and Career Curriculum Planning
The workshop will be focused on sharing ideas, syllabi's and course
curriculum ideas around the counseling and career courses. We invite
all attendees to bring their syllabi's to share with the attendees as well
as to share best practices. We hope to discuss the new textbook that
will be shared by all instructors as well as how to incorporate the new
Desire to Learn system.
FA13-106: Geography Faculty Meeting: Transfer Programs
Review instructional support materials
Discuss course-level SLO outcomes for GEOG 120, 121 and 140
Discuss program-level SLO outcomes for AS Physical
Geography, AS Meteorology, AA Social-Cultural Geography
Discuss implementation of pre/post course SLO assessment
test for GEOG 120 and GEOG 140
Review FA13 enrollment patterns
Review initial data for GEOGRAPHY program review
FA13-107: English Basic Skills and ESL Supplemental Instruction Program
This workshop is for ALL instructors who will be working with
Supplemental Instruction Leaders (SI Leaders) in English basic skills and
ESL classes. We will discuss best practices for supplemental instruction
for both instructors and SI leaders and talk about ways to best connect
study groups with the classroom. This is also the chance to meet with SI
Leaders, give them your syllabi and desk copies of your textbooks, and
clarify your working relationship for the Fall semester. Snacks will be
provided in the morning but please bring a lunch and plan on having
lunch with your SI Leader(s).
**SI Leaders only from 9-10:30 am; instructors and SI Leaders from
FA13-108: Nexus meeting for newly hired tenure track faculty
This is a mandatory meeting for newly hired tenure track faculty only.
Faculty will review campus logistics, syllabus guidelines, the peer
evaluation process, employment contract, and college policies and
procedures. In addition, faculty will learn some great time saving
secrets about the DVC website including how to create email lists for
your students based on your Web Advisor roster, download an Excel
spreadsheet version of your class roster, get to the U drive over the
Internet, find your course and program SLO's, and so much more.
FA13-109: Working with visually impaired students in the classroom and lab environments
With the increasing numbers of visually impaired students attending
DVC this workshop will help prepare instructors in assisting visually
Kellie Conde,
High Tech
Computer Lab
impaired students in the classroom.
Carrie Million,
Claudia Hein,
Adam Bessie
& Rose
FA13-110: Working with Students in Distress
This workshop is designed to help faculty and staff notice the warning
signs of distress and how students in distress can be connected to
Counseling, Confidential Student Assistance, and other community
partners who offer reasonably priced mental health services. Best
practices about connecting students with mental health services will be
Dennis Franco
& Kate Wothe
ATC 114
Katrina Keating
& Tadashi
LC 103
Kris Hammar
LHS 212
Neal Skapura
ATC 115
FA13-111: Education in Asia: What We Have Learned
Have you wondered about education in other countries? Or thought
about our foreign student’s experiences back home? It’s easy to find
statistics on student success (or lack thereof), but what’s behind those
numbers? What other factors might be at play?
Katrina and Tadashi have travelled to Asia nearly every year since 2004
and have heard stories of education that are heart-breaking, heartwarming and inspiring. In some countries, something as simple as not
owning a bicycle can stop a child’s education. In 2008, we decided to
put these stories in the form of a book. Thanks to Skyline College
granting Tadashi a sabbatical, we were able to spend a semester
overseas gathering these stories formally. Join us as we share what
have learned in India, Nepal, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
FA13-112: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Old Name, New Research, Best Resources
Chances are you know someone with a very serious illness that has
been called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" or CFS. Estimates suggest
between one and four million people in the U.S. have this debilitating
and potentially life-threatening illness. Come learn why the name of
this illness is changing, and learn about its link to viruses, genetics,
heart problems, cancer, migraines, gut problems and nervous system
disorders. You will leave with an appreciation of the complexity of this
illness, and with resources you can share with students, family and
FA13-113: Desire2Learn (D2L) Level 1
This is a hands-on workshop where you will learn about your
homepage options, notifications, create news items (announcements),
upload/organize your files/links, learn about the assignment Dropbox,
and groups/discussion boards. Leaving the workshop, you'll have a
better sense of D2L and have worked with the most often-used tools.
You will need a D2L account, and have two options: a development
course shell or a live course shell. For development accounts, go to:
For a live course shell, submit your section number at:
http:// www.dvc.edu/org/departments/instructionaltechnology/ D2L-2013CourseRequests.htm
FA13-114: Getting the most out of Program Review
This workshop will explore the intent and process of the current
instructional program review from the perspective of Integration
Council members. The program review template, validation process,
and ranking rubric will be discussed as parts of a holistic process of
program improvement.
Lupe Dannels,
Marina Crouse,
Beth McBrien &
Kim Schenk
ATC 113
FA13-115: Meet the Hackers – The people who are attacking your computer to obtain your personal
information and why
Cyber-attackers everyday attack personal computers by sending
millions of phony email messages with malware, and links to web pages
infected with malware. In this workshop you will learn who these
cyber-attackers are, who they attack, why, and what you need to do to
minimize your risk of becoming a victim.
LC 109
Bruce Koller &
Newin Orante
L 151
FA13-120: Creating a college-wide Learning Community program at DVC
With the Student Success Initiative, the new online Community College
Scorecard, and even the accreditation process emphasizing retention,
persistence, and data on student success, it's time to scale up Learning
Communities at DVC. We have lots of marvelous small-scale examples
in Puente, Umoja, the DVC Summer Institute, and others. Now we need
to go beyond individual Learning Community "programs" to a collegewide Learning Community Program that supports these and other
efforts to help our students succeed.
But how do we do this? Come to our flex workshop and let's figure it
out! We're looking for folks who think Learning Communities can make
a dramatic difference for our students and who are interested in
helping make them a bigger part of what we offer students.
FA13-116: It takes a Village: Shared responsibilities for providing equal access to instruction to DVC students
with disabilities
This workshop will review how Disability Support Services (DSS)
accommodates DVC students with disabilities. In this workshop you will
gain an understanding of your role, the DSS office role and the
student’s role in the accommodation process as well as how the various
accommodation areas function.
Stacey Shears &
DSS Staff &
SSC 232
Neal Skapura
ATC 115
Katrina Keating
LC 200B
FA13-117: Desire2Learn (D2L) Level 2
This is a hands-on workshop where you will learn about the common
assessment and selective release options in D2L for: Grades, Dropbox,
and News. Leaving the workshop, you'll have a better sense of these
tools. You will need a D2L account, and have two options: a
development course shell or a live course shell. For development
accounts, go to:
For a live course shell, submit your section number at:
http://www.dvc.edu/org/departments/instructionaltechnology/ D2L-2013CourseRequests.htm
FA13-118: Orientation for New Self-Paced Math Faculty
This workshop if for math faculty who are teaching Self-Paced Math for
the first time in Fall 2013.
FA13-121: GIS-GPS Faculty Workshop
Faculty teaching Geospatial course under career-technical education
will discuss the current state of courses, software need, enrollment
trends, course and program SLO and discuss a course proposal on
Advanced Data Collection method.
Binita Sinha &
Ted Wieden
PS 265
Dreamer's WorkGroup:
Maria Dorado
Emily Stone
Leslie Mills
Lupe Dannels
Rita Delgado
Lizette Ponthier
Mercy Pono
Lindsay Kong
Priscilla Beas
Stephanie Alves
Michael Keesey
Phoebe Balangan
David Reyes
Newin Orante
Trophy Room
Nancy Deason
LC 101
Craig Gerken,
Joe Hickey &
Laura Burns
PS 275
Rob Peters
LC 103
Yvonne Canada
& Heidi Goen-
LC 110
FA13-122: Supporting DVC's Dreamers (AB540 students)
The DVC Dreamer's Work-Group was formed in Spring 2013 semester,
as part FCS (Foundations for College Success) Student Services Grant.
The intention of this group is to educate the DVC campus community
about the challenges that undocumented resident students (AB540)
face when attending college. The group aspires to foster an AB540
affirming campus culture by engaging in a broad collaborative effort.
The group hopes to learn from students, community activists, and other
colleges. This Flex workshop will share some important facts and
information, including resources from Educators for Fair Consideration
(E4FC), and advocacy organization based in the Bay Area. DVC
Dreamers will also share their stories and experiences. There will be
time for Q&A, which will help inform the Dreamers Work-Group as we
move forward in the 2013-14.
FA13-123: Basic Skills/DSS Liaison Project: Embedding Support in Instruction
This workshop is for Basic Skills English & ESL faculty who wish to work
with the DSS-English Liaison in reducing the achievement gap. The
content will include the dissemination of basic information about the
existing program. Additionally, there will be a focus on brainstorming
ways in which we can improve the effectiveness of the Liaison program.
FA13-124: Best Practices in Teaching Chem 120 at DVC
Aimed primarily at new and returning Chem 120 instructors, this
workshop gives an overview of teaching Chem 120 at DVC. We will
especially cover some of the less obvious aspects of the curriculum (e.g.
lab notebooks, lab techniques, depth of coverage, etc.). We will also
discuss best practices, as guided by participant interest, and advice for
constructing your Syllabus.
FA13-125: “Raising teenagers is like…..”
Let’s think about completing that sentence:
“nailing jello to a tree…”
“running the million yard dash in clogs….”
“mopping up after the tsunami..”
Perhaps none of, or all of the above comes to mind. You get the idea.
Let’s take some time to talk about it all, and trade ideas, concerns,
triumphs, tales and new directions. After all, they’re what we spend
the other half of our waking day engaged in – and we’re not alone
when we have this many colleagues.
FA13-126: "Isn't It Just Good Teaching? Umoja Principles and Practices”
Umoja (a Kiswahili word meaning unity) is a learning community
dedicated to the academic success, personal growth, and self-
actualization of African American and other students. Umoja
values and practices are inspired by African and African American
intellectual, cultural, and spiritual gifts, and by the voices of people
from the African Diaspora, but can also be looked at as just good
Salter, Umoja
The DVC Umoja program focuses in particular on the principles of an
Ethic of Love, being Intentional and Deliberate, Counseling (Affirming,
Integrated and Intentional), Building Communal Intelligence and
Occupying Study Spaces on Campus . The key practices that are applied
in Umoja classrooms can be used in any classroom to support the
success of students. Come learn more about the Umoja Learning
Community, the practices that inform our pedagogy, the 2013-14
Umoja program and opportunities to become involved.
FA13-127: Electronic Gradebook 2
Continuation of the morning session. Topics include: calculation of
averages and standard deviations; tracking of class progress; tracking of
student performance; grading on a curve; creating PDF file for web
viewing, grouping assignments for SLO reporting, etc.
Staff Dev. Lab
FA13-128: Contextualized Teaching and Learning at Diablo Valley College - Who are the students and how do
we teach them?
Presentation of data showing the effectiveness of the East Bay Career
Advancement Academy at Diablo Valley College. Explanation of the
Contextualized Cohort model of instruction, the student population,
the student goals, the faculty collaboration, and the employment
partnerships with the local community. This will be followed by a
presentation on the process of contextualized curriculum development.
Dona DeRusso
& Benjamin
LC 109
Isabel Izquierdo
BFL 209
FA13-129: Foreign Language Department Best Practices
We will review departmental information regarding syllabi, SLO
assessments, and evaluation requirements. We will also share and
discuss best teaching practices.
Fall 2013 Optional Flex Activities
Wednesday August 14, 2013
FA13-200: SLO Assessment Committee Fall Retreat
The members of the Faculty Senate SLO Assessment Committee will
meet to plan their work for the coming academic school year.
Lindsey Lang &
Mario Tejada
FO 224
Neal Skapura
ATC 115
FA13-201: Desire2Learn Grader and Binder Apps (iPad iOS and Android)
Desire2Learn offers two apps (Grader and Binder), available from
Apple's App Store (but not on Android). For this workshop, I'll be using
an iPad to demonstrate functionality on the iPad for these two apps.
Beyond the workshop content, consider that as the shape of a
computer changes based on usage and design, the iPad/tablet will find
more usage in the classroom based on the apps designed for the
classroom. If you're interested in seeing how Grader and Binder may
change the way in which you grade/respond within and outside of the
classroom, consider attending.
For development accounts, go to:
http://www.dvc.edu/org/departments/instructionaltechnology/ D2LSurvey.htm
FA13-202: BUT I'M A TEACHER, NOT A COUNSELOR!: Learn from Puente & Umoja folks how to help your
students navigate scholarships, Financial Aid, Student Services, Applications & Deadlines
This workshop is designed to demystify the complicated path our
students navigate to fund their education, get the academic and
emotional support they need while at DVC, transfer to their dream
schools, and so on. As faculty and staff in certain areas, we ourselves
may not know what our students need to do and when they need to do
it. This workshop is designed to help. We can ALL guide our students to
Heidi Goen-Salter,
Patrick Leong,
Lupe Dannels,
Yvonne Canada &
Rita Delgado
LC 101
Katrina Keating
LC 200B
Susan Lamb
FA13-203: Meeting for Current Self-Paced Faculty
Meeting for Current Self-Paced Faculty
FA13-204: Deans and Department Chairs Meeting
This is a workshop to discuss issues impacting department chairs and
deans; Participants will be aware of changes or issues impacting
schedule, curriculum, accreditation, program review, Box 2A, etc.
FA13-205: Faculty Senate Council Meeting
Faculty Senate Council will hold its first meeting of the 2013-2014
academic year. An agenda will be posted in advance.
Laurie Lema
L 151
Leslie Month &
LC 202
Ruth Miller
H 108
Lisa Orta
ATC 113
Karen Gard
LHS 206
FA13-206: Mathematica Training
This is a 2-hour training workshop in Mathematica to get faculty
familiar with how to use the software in calculus classes. Participants
will learn how to plot graphs, solve equations, calculate limits,
derivatives and integrals, plot Taylor polynomials and make numerical
FA13-207: Teaching Tools for Study Abroad
This workshop will examine teaching strategies unique to the study
abroad program. While the workshop has a specific focus and former
and future study abroad faculty are encouraged to participate , it is
open to all faculty and many of the teaching methodologies addressed
also lend themselves to short term (but longer length) classes and
courses that include field trips and similar "on site" assignments.
FA13-208: New and Returning Part-time Faculty Orientation
Are you new to DVC or returning after some time away (over summer
break), even? This is your chance to meet key administrators and
student service providers, review campus logistics, syllabus guidelines,
the DVC homepage, and ask questions related to college policies and
procedures. In addition, you will learn some great time saving secrets
about the DVC website including how to create email lists for your
students based on your Web Advisor roster, download an Excel
spreadsheet version of your class roster, get to the U drive over the
Internet, find your course and program SLO's, and so much more.
FA13-209: Updates for Microbiology Instructors
In this workshop, we will review the many recent changes that have
occurred in the Microbiology labs and lab manual. We will also go over
other pertinent items such as SLO's.
FA13-210: CCCCD Fall 2013 Teaching Academy: Retention & Persistence Strategies To Use in Desire2Learn
(D2L) for Online Students
This flex activity is a one-hour overview, general session for those
interested in taking the 8-week, online course. Topics of discussion will
range from basic D2L questions to content overview for the course. The
online course will run between September 2 – October 25 .
The combination of block scheduling, student scheduling demands
(work, family, class conflicts), and the trend of students (including basic
skills students) taking online classes all create a need for more flexible
methods of offering contact hours with students. This need can be met
through online office hours, online classes, and/or web-based delivery
of content for f2f/hybrid classes. To be effective in offering web-based
content and online office hours, we’ll look at a combination of best
practices for teaching online and useful software/approaches to
develop pedagogically sound content. To be efficient in organizing your
course, you’ll learn about and practice using the tools of the new,
Neal Skapura
ATC 115
district-wide course management system, Desire2Learn (D2L).
Ultimately, the focus of this course is to learn to be technologically
efficient when teaching, to apply current federal/state distance ed.
standards in your course design, and to design your course with best
practices in mind.
FA13-211: Financial Aid Workshop: Financial Aid Training and General Updates
This workshop covers the overall financial aid process (from filling out
the FAFSA to the receiving of checks), the types of financial aid
available, and how students can maintain their financial aid. Some of
the topics discussed will include the Drop-in process, Satisfactory
Academic Progress requirements, and important Federal and State
updates. An open question-and-answer portion will also be scheduled
to address any additional financial aid questions and concerns.
Lizette Ponthier,
Rudolph Rose &
David Reyes
Conf. Rm
2 Floor
Claudia Hein,
Merv Maruyama
& Kim Schenk
Scott MacDougall
& Dorrie Mazzone
H 108
Neal Skapura
ATC 115
Mickey Huff,
Melissa Jacobson
L 201
FA13-212: Current Issues in Curriculum
Colleges throughout the state have been dealing with new regulations
regarding repeatability, associate degrees for transfer, C-ID. DVC is no
exception. This workshop will provide an update on the latest
regulations regarding curriculum, our ongoing work in developing
guidelines for the use of Advanced Placement for majors and
certificates, as well as procedural updates on the course substitution
policy. Deans, department chairs, curriculum committee members and
all other interested parties are encouraged to attend.
FA13-213: About DVC’s Study Abroad Program
Learn about the results of recent trips and the plans for coming
semesters. Learn how you can encourage your students to study
abroad and perhaps lead a semester trip yourself.
FA13-214: D2L - Spring 2014 Updates
In this workshop I will highlight some of the minor changes to the
system (compare are present 10.0.10 version with this version 10.2)
and highlight the new features that will be available - better methods
for grading a quiz, expanded student progress reports, new discussion
group options, expanded features for iPad apps with TurnItIn and the
D2L Grader and Binder apps). As many of you have already gone
through training on D2L, know that the Course Builder and the rest of
the tools that you are familiar with are there, but have minor new
features added or a new way of accessing these tools/features. As I am
writing this workshop description, I have only looked at these features
in relation to the most common tools already covered in level 1, 2, and
3 trainings. Based on this, I have only seen minor changes to existing
tools along with good improvements with Email, Quizzes, Content
(Course Builder is the same), Discussions, and the Gradebook. As
instructors, you'll have the opportunity to load your present classes
into the new 10.2 environment in late-September/early October (this is
a test environment so no live students/classes) if you wanted a side-byside comparison.
FA13-215: Diablo Valley College History Department Meeting
If you teach History at DVC, please come and participate in a
roundtable discussion about the DVC History Department. Critical
information and updates will be highlighted.
& Matthew
FA13-216: Business Administration Department Meeting
Business Department Curriculum & Scheduling:
In an effort to keep Business Department curriculum and scheduled
classes vibrant and robust, faculty will complete the following process:
• Examine data for sections from the previous scheduling
• Create a list of sections found to be borderline
• Create a list of classes for possible substitution/adoption into
• Discuss action to be taken based on two lists
Join us for this thought-provoking discussion.
Pamela Hawkins
BFL 210
Heidi Goen-Salter
LC 103
Lupe Dannels &
James Hoffmann
H 105
Prapavessi &
Rachel Westlake
L 151
Sara Larkin
ATC 114
Kris Koblik
A 102
FA13-217: Student Success Mentoring in YOUR Classroom
This workshop will describe the classroom mentoring project happening
in the English department and beyond. Come find out how to become a
Student Success Mentor in a basic skills or developmental level class,
and how to have a mentor assigned to your classroom. Being a Student
Success Mentor only requires about one hour per semester.
FA13-218: Full-time Faculty Hiring Workshop
This workshop will provide an overview of the Board approved full-time
faculty hiring policy, including recruitment plans, job announcements,
screening, equivalencies, interviewing, pool review, and the final hiring
decision for full-time faculty. Faculty who will be involved in any aspect
of full-time hiring including writing the recruitment plan, writing job
announcements and job descriptions, writing supplemental questions,
participating on the paper screening committee and participating on
the interview committee must attend this workshop. Having attended
the part-time hiring workshops does not satisfy this requirement for
full-time hiring. Faculty must attend the full-time hiring workshop
every three (3) years or the requirement can be met by taking a booster
in order to participate in any aspect of full-time hiring. Note this
workshop is for faculty who will be involved in the hiring process for
full-time faculty, it is not designed for part-time faculty seeking
employment information.
FA13-219: Math Department 5 Year Plan
The math department will discuss its vision and mission, and agree on
broader goals and action plans to advance these in the next 5 years
FA13-220: New and Returning Club Advisor Training
All college employees who intend to advise a student club this semester
must participate in this session. We will cover the basics of club
advising which involves best practices, policies/procedures and relevant
laws. Staff will be available to answer your questions, as well as
encourage idea sharing on how best to support our student clubs in an
advisor role.
FA13-221: Best Teaching Practices Round-Up: Art and Art History
Come by for a free-form, collaborative, interdisciplinary round table to
share what works for you in the classroom and get new ideas from your
colleagues. Bring your best assignments and approaches to share. We
will focus particularly on critique and analysis. Faculty from all
disciplines/areas are welcome.
FA13-222: Desire2Learn (D2L) Level 3
Within this workshop, we’ll look at the Quiz tool to explore the
features/functionality. While we will develop some basic questions,
know that if you already have questions located within WebCT or
Blackboard that you should work with your local campus admins to
request these courses be converted if you would like to work on these
questions with the class.
Neal Skapura
ATC 115
Andy Kivel &
Mario Tejada
ATC 113
Daniel Kiely &
Florence Espiritu
L 202
Satish Warrier
ATC 103
For development accounts, go to:
http://www.dvc.edu/org/departments/instructionaltechnology/ D2LSurvey.htm
For a live course shell, submit your section number at:
http://www.dvc.edu/org/departments/instructionaltechnology/ D2L-2013CourseRequests.htm
FA13-223: DE @ DVC
Presentation and discussion on a range of issues concerning distance
education at DVC.
FA13-224: What’s New in the DVC Library—Streaming Video!!
Come and learn about the newest library resource—Films on Demand.
The library recently subscribed to Films on Demand which contains
11,200 full length videos and more than 166,000 video segments.
Subjects include History, Psychology & Sociology, English & Language
Arts, Art & Architecture, Biology, Business & Economics, Archival Film &
Newsreels, and many more! During the one hour session, you will learn
how to search for full length videos and video segments, create a
personal account with playlists, and embed video into the new course
management system, Desire2Learn.
FA13-225: ShorTel Phone System Training
This workshop will go over the features and how to operate your new
phone. If you have not yet attended a training session, or you’ve just
forgotten everything over the summer, come and join us!
FA13-226: College students on the Autism Spectrum: Who are they? How can we best teach them?
Learn about college students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Communication tips and effective teaching strategies will be discussed.
Catherine Jester
H 106
Garen Avanessian
Staff Dev
Ratha Ramoo
LC 101
FA13-227: Course Instruction Schedule Design with Spreadsheets
Using a spreadsheet to design the course instruction schedule will save
a lot of time at the beginning of semester. Retyping dates are
unnecessary; moving and rearranging of instruction material can be
done quickly and accurately.
FA13-228: Economics Sub-Area Workshop
We will discuss Student Learning Outcomes, scheduling, program
review, course outline revision, and other pending discipline-related
FA13-229: Learn About Professional Development Opportunities with Lynda.com!
Chrisanne Knox will be presenting a fabulous workshop on using
Lynda.com, a website with extensive training options (software,
business & creative skills) that DVC’s College-wide Professional
Development Committee will be providing the campus access to!
Chrisanne Knox
ATC 113
Dorrie Mazzone
H 108
BFL 104
Janet Mason
Lupe Dannels &
James Hoffmann
H 105
FA13-230: Political Science Department News and Views
Participants will discuss the Political Science transfer degree, student
success, retention, and best practices.
FA13-233: Teachers Sharing Ideas
Come join this group of inspiring, inquisitive interdisciplinary faculty.
Share best practices, good ideas, and challenges about instruction in a
relaxed, collaborative atmosphere.
This activity is modeled after the Great Teachers Institute, a highly
interactive and collegial gathering of faculty who enjoy talking about
what works, and what challenges.
Bring what works, and what stymies you.
FA13-231: Early Childhood Education Full-time faculty Department meeting
Full-time faculty planning session
FA13-232: Part-time Faculty Hiring Workshop
This workshop will provide an overview of the Board approved parttime faculty hiring policy, including recruitment plans, job
announcements, screening, equivalencies, interviewing, pool review,
and the final hiring decision for part-time faculty. Faculty who will be
involved in any aspect of part-time hiring must attend this workshop.
Having attended the full-time hiring workshops does not satisfy this
requirement for part-time hiring. Faculty must attend the part-time
hiring workshop every three (3) years or the requirement can be met by
taking a booster in order to participate in any aspect of part-time
hiring. Note this workshop is for faculty who will be involved in the
hiring process for part-time faculty, it is not designed for part-time
faculty seeking employment information.
San Ramon Campus
FA13-234: SRC Flex
General introductions to SRC campus and services for SRC faculty
followed by two breakout sessions: an introductory overview and
workshop on D2L and a hands-on workshop on active learning
Ana Maria (Ia)
Carbonell & Marina
Fall 2013 Mandatory Flex Activities
Thursday August 15, 2013
FA13-314: Faculty and Staff Welcome Back
Chancellor Benjamin
President Garcia
Faculty Convocation
Peter Garcia
PAC Arena
Rick Gelinas
LHS 215
FA13-300: Biology Department Meeting
Biology department business will be discussed over lunch.
FA13-301: Applied & Fine Arts Division Meeting
Meeting for the Applied & Fine Arts division
Michael Almaguer
H 109
Daniel Abbott
ET 119
Kathleen Costa
L 151
Rachel Westlake
Toni Fannin
H 105
Obed Vazquez
H 106
FA13-313: Diablo Valley College Engineering Department Meeting
Department by-laws revision
FA13-311: SRC Division Meeting
Meeting for the San Ramon campus
FA13-302: Math & Computer Science and Business Divisions – Joint Meeting
A welcome back and a light lunch for division faculty and staff, with a
heads up for new and/or important college and division information.
FA13-303: English and Journalism Departments Meeting
In addition to being our regular beginning of the academic year
departments meeting, the extensive work of the departments on
developing five-semester plans for our ongoing Fund for College Success
projects will be discussed and decisions will be made as to how to
proceed with the projects. The projects focus on the following areas of
our program: assessment, learning communities, long range planning
and expansion of the integrated reading writing program, integration of
student services into our basic skills and developmental programs,
learning communities, contextualized learning, writing and reading
across the curriculum, reading support class across the curriculum, Engl.
117, English 116A and 118A, and ESL Pathways to Success. Lunch will be
provided at the beginning of the meeting.
FA13-304: Social Science Division Meeting
Updates for division on campus and statewide activities for the academic
FA13-305: Biological & Health Sciences Division Meeting
Fall 2013 Biological & Health Sciences Division Meeting
Tish Young
LHS 212
Cheryl LeMay
SSC 232
Andy Kivel
Reading Rm
Ralph DePew
Office Foyer
Tish Young
ET 112
Obed Vazquez
H 106
Janet Mason
FA13-306: Counseling Division Meeting
Fall semester updates and department business.
FA13-312: Library Division Meeting
Meeting for all library staff to discuss division matters.
FA13-307: Kinesiology, Athletics, and Dance Department Meeting
Department will review committee representation, SLO’s, program
review, curriculum, teaching practices and other items that need to be
addressed in the fall 2013 semester.
FA13-308: Physical Science & Engineering Division Meeting
Fall 2013 Physical Science & Engineering Division Meeting
FA13-309: English Division Meeting
Updates for division on campus and statewide activities for the academic
FA13-310: Early Childhood Education and Sign language C-contract Meeting
Bi-annual c-contract meeting for Early Childhood Education and Sign
Language Faculty.
Applied & Fine Arts Division
Approved Flex Activities
Curriculum development
Course revision
Orienting part-time faculty
Developing a departmental student
assessment process
Meeting with colleagues from other colleges
Coordinating courses with those of other
Developing supplementary materials of
Developing alternative teaching strategies
Upgrading computer programs that are used
in instruction
Visiting feeder high schools for articulation
Ongoing evaluation of courses, programs,
procedures, and materials (other than
required Program Review)
Departmental in-service activity related to
new procedures and technology
Compiling course-related bibliographies,
reading list, etc.
Recruitment of new students
Student advising
Upgrading and modifying equipment used for
Editing video materials for classroom use
Reviewing textbooks and other materials for
possible adoption
Designing new field trips
Revising and improving lab exercises
Conducting meetings with feeder school
teachers to compare programs
Preparing long-range departmental goals
Evaluating retention experience and
Preparing display materials for classrooms
Cataloging reference materials
Visiting commercial and industrial settings
Developing and updating brochures and
other public relations materials
Follow up on students completing a program
Recruiting part-time faculty
Defining a common content for multiple
course sections
Reviewing software for possible use in
Developing and/or revising test materials
Meeting with advisory committees (Ref to
5/8/95 Memorandum to Div/Dep Chairs)
Developing departmental guidelines and
Developing a guest speaker list
Reviewing and updating library holdings in a
subject area
Developing instructional goals for specific
Biological & Health Sciences Division
Approved Flex Activities
Curriculum development
Course revision
Orienting part-time faculty
Developing a departmental student assessment
Meeting with colleagues from other colleges
Coordinating courses with those of other
Developing supplementary materials for courses
Developing alternative teaching strategies
Upgrading computer programs that are used in
Visiting feeder high schools for articulation
Ongoing evaluation of courses, procedures, and
materials (other than required Program Review)
Departmental in-service activity related to new
procedures and technology
Compiling courses-related bibliographies, reading
lists, etc
Recruitment of new students
Student advisement
Upgrading and modifying equipment used for
Editing video material for classroom use
Reviewing textbooks and other materials for
possible adoption
Designing new field trips
Revising and improving lab exercises
Conducting meetings with feeder school teachers
to compare programs
Preparing long-range departmental goals
Evaluating retention experience and strategies
Preparing display materials for classrooms
Cataloging reference materials
Visiting commercial and industrial settings
Developing and updating brochures and other
public relations materials
Follow-up on students completing a program
Recruiting part-time faculty
Defining a common content for multiple section
Reviewing software for possible use in instruction
Developing and/or revising test materials and
Meeting with advisory committees (Ref. to 5/8/95
Memorandum to Div/Department Chairs)
Developing departmental guidelines and by-laws
Developing a guest speaker list
Reviewing and updating library holding in a
subject area
Developing instructional goals for specific
May 8, 1995
Business Division
Approved Flex Activities
See your division dean if you have any questions about specific activities.
Curriculum development (all courses)
Course revision
Orienting part-time faculty (Forms and
Policies Booklet)
Developing a departmental student
assessment process
Meeting with colleagues from other colleges
Coordinating courses with those of other
Developing supplementary materials for
Developing alternative teaching strategies
Upgrading computer programs that are used
in instruction
Visiting feeder high schools for articulation
Ongoing evaluation of courses, procedures,
and materials (other than required Program
Departmental in-service activity related to
new procedures and technology
Recruitment of new students
Upgrading and modifying equipment used for
Editing video material for classroom use
Reviewing textbooks and other materials for
possible adoption
Designing new field trips
Conducting meetings with feeder school
teachers to compare programs
Evaluating retention experience and
Preparing display materials for classrooms
Visiting business settings
Developing and updating brochures and other public
relations materials
Follow-up students completing a program
Recruiting part-time faculty
Defining a common content for multiple-section
Reviewing software for possible use in instruction
Developing and/or revising test materials and
Meeting with advisory committees (Ref. to 5/8/95
Memorandum to Div/Dep Chairs)
Developing departmental guidelines and by-laws
Developing a guest speaker list
Developing instructional goals for specific programs
Departmental Committee meetings
Revising course outlines (all courses)
Teaching strategies and tactics (all courses)
Preparation for courses being taught for the first time
Development of supplementary material (all course)
Retreat in January or August
Student advising
Preparing long range division/departmental goals
Attend professional meetings
Counseling/DSPS/Library Division
Approved Flex Activities
See your division dean if you have any questions about specific activities.
Review career and educational source
Advising on curricular strategies and
program development
Basic Skills classroom visitations
Visitations to off-campus programs
Orientating part-time faculty
Meeting with colleagues from other colleges
Coordinating courses with those of other
Upgrading and modifying equipment and
computer programs used for counseling
Reviewing textbooks, software and other
supplemental materials for possible adoption
Conducting conferences on campus for high
school personnel, other colleges and the
Preparing long-range departmental or
division goals
Evaluating retention experiences and
Course revision
Cataloging reference materials
Visiting feeder high schools for articulation
Developing and updating brochures, display
materials and other public relations materials
Recruiting part-time faculty
Developing and/or revising test materials and
Developing departmental guidelines and bylaws
Developing instructional goals for specific
Developing alternative teaching strategies
Computer/technology training
Departmental in-service activity related to
new procedures and technology
Editing video material for classroom use
Attending professional meetings, conferences,
retreats and workshops relevant to
professional development
Additional Flex-approved activities for
Counseling Department:
Developing computer software for counselor use
Extended articulation meetings
Expanding Counseling Department service delivery
Coordination of Transfer Day activities
Counseling during open registration time period
Developing alternative counseling strategies
Additional Flex-approved for Disabled Student
Programs & Services (DSPS):
Developing departmental student assessment
Ongoing evaluation of courses, procedures and
materials (other that program review)
Departmental in-service activity related to new
procedures and technology
Recruitment of new students
Follow-up on student completing a program (testing
Departmental Committee meetings
Preparation for courses being taught the first time
and/or on-line
LD advising during regular Flex
Additional Flex-approved activities for
Consultation with instructors re: collection
development, research assignments, orientations,
and other matters concerning Information
Competency and library instruction
Developing library curriculum teaching strategies
and course outline revisions
Developing and revising library bibliographies,
handouts, assignments, and assessments tools
Visiting other libraries and meeting with other
colleagues from other sites
English Division
Approved Flex Activities
See your division dean if you have any questions about specific activities.
1. Attending meetings for intra-district
2. Attending meetings for inter-district segmental
3. Conducting meetings with feeder school
teachers to compare programs and develop
4. Coordinating courses with those of other
5. Visiting commercial and industrial settings
Assessment Testing
6. Developing, administrating, and evaluating
assessment tests
Committee Meetings
7. Meeting with advisory committees
8. Meeting with colleagues from other institutions
9. Meeting with colleagues to discuss teaching
techniques (‘Best Practices’)
Instructional Materials
10. Cataloging reference materials
11. Compiling course related bibliographies,
reading lists, etc.
12. Developing and/or revising test materials and
13. Developing and updating brochures and other
public relations materials
14. Developing supplementary materials for
15. Editing audio-visual materials for classroom
16. Preparing display materials for classrooms
17. Reviewing and updating library holdings
18. Reviewing textbooks and other materials for
possible adoption
19. Revising and improving lab exercises and
New Technology
20. Attending departmental in-service activities
related to new procedures and technology
21. Reviewing software for possible use in
22. Upgrading computer programs that are used
in instruction
23. Upgrading or modifying equipment used for
Professional Activities and Development
24. Developing, revising, and implementing
recruitment plans for full-time and part-time
25. Participating in orientation, mentoring, and
in-service for part-time faculty
26. Recruiting new students and new faculty
27. Developing departmental guidelines and
Program and Curriculum Development
28. Defining common content and objectives for
multiple section courses
29. Designing new field trips
30. Developing guest speaker list
31. Developing course curriculum
32. Developing instructional goals for specific
33. Evaluating courses, programs, procedures,
and materials
34. Preparing long-range departmental goals
35. Revising course outlines
36. Updating and revising course syllabi and class
Retention, Student Success
37. Evaluating retention experience and
38. Following up on students complementing a
Math and Computer Science Division
Approved Flex Activities
See your division dean if you have any questions about specific activities.
1. Attending meetings for intra-district articulation
2. Attending meetings for inter-district segmental articulation
3. Conducting meetings with feeder school teachers to compare programs and develop strategies
4. Coordinating courses with those of other disciplines
5. Visiting commercial and industrial settings where math concepts are applied
Assessment Testing
6. Developing, administrating, and evaluating assessment tests
Committee Meetings
7. Meeting with advisory committees
8. Meeting with colleagues from other institutions
9. Meeting with colleagues to discuss teaching techniques (‘Best Practices’)
Instructional Materials
10. Compiling and/or cataloguing reference materials
11. Compiling course related supplemental handouts, bibliographies, reading lists, etc.
12. Developing and/or revising exam materials and procedures
13. Reviewing/revising online course materials
14. Developing supplementary materials for courses
15. Editing audio-visual materials for classroom use
16. Preparing display materials for classrooms
17. Reviewing and updating library holdings
18. Reviewing textbooks and other materials for possible adoption
19. Revising and improving lab materials and handouts
New Technology
20. Attending departmental in-service activities related to new procedures and technology
21. Reviewing software for possible use in instruction
22. Upgrading computer programs that are used for instruction
23. Upgrading or modifying equipment used for instruction
24. Upgrading or modifying departmental or instructional webpages
Professional Activities and Professional Development
24. Developing, revising, and implementing recruitment plans for full-time and part-time faculty
25. Participating in orientation, mentoring, and in-service for part-time faculty and new full-time
Acting as an official advisor for a DVC student club
Recruiting new students and new faculty
Developing departmental guidelines and bylaws
Visiting classes taught by colleagues to provide feedback and obtain new ideas
Program and Curriculum Development
30. Defining common content and objectives for multiple section courses
31. Designing new field trips
32. Developing course curriculum
33. Developing instructional goals for specific programs
34. Evaluating courses, programs, procedures, and materials
35. Preparing long-range departmental goals
36. Revising course outlines
37. Updating and revising course syllabi and class assignments
38. Developing, evaluating, updating, modifying, or refining SLO’s for courses, degrees, and
Retention, Student Success
39. Evaluating retention experience and strategies
40. Following up on students complementing a program
Website Development
Developing, updating, or modifying the department/division or other webpages on the DVC website
Developing, updating, or modifying faculty webpages
41. During Flex week the department faculty may participate in the following activities to insure a
smooth beginning to the semester:
a) prerequisite appeals
b) schedule changes
c) orientation of new staff
d) completion of logistical tasks necessary for the efficient running
of the department during the semester
Physical Education, Athletics & Dance Division
Approved Flex Activities
See your division dean if you have any questions about specific activities.
1. Articulation activities
2. Assessment of department performance
relative to department and college goals.
3. By-laws revision
4. Compile course-related bibliographies
reading lists, etc.
5. Conduct meetings with feeder school
teachers and coaches to enhance programs
6. Coordinate courses with other
7. Course revision
8. Create or review audio-visual materials for
instructional use
9. Curriculum development
10. Define common content for multiple
section courses
11. Department in-service activities related
to new procedures, programs, technology
12. Department in-service activities to meet
changing institutional needs and goals
13. Design administrative strategies to
enhance staff effectiveness/program quality
14. Design field trips
15. Develop/revise written department
guidelines as needed
16. Develop and/or revise test materials and
17. Develop and update brochures and other
public relations material
18. Develop grant proposals
19. Develop instruction innovations
20. Develop improved course materials
21. Develop improved student assessments
22. Evaluate retention experience and
23. Fund raising activities
24. Gratuitous service instruction
25. In-service training for certification and
employment preparation programs
26. Meet with private sector as appropriate
to initiate/maintain cooperative programs
27. Meet with colleagues from other colleges
28. Meet with fitness and sport experts from
the community
30. Orientation of new faculty
31. Participate in professional clinics,
conferences, meetings and workshops
32. Prepare department goals and plans
33. Prepare display materials for teaching
34. Recruitment of staff
35. Recruitment of students
36. Retreat in August or January
37. Review and update library holdings
38. Review and update course materials and
39. Review computer hardware and software
for possible instructional use
40. Review equipment for possible
instructional use
41. Review facilities for possible
modification/enhancement of existing
42. Student advising
43. Student follow-up
44. Student survey (revise, analyze, develop
45. Upgrade teaching facilities
46. Visit college, commercial and industrial
Physical Science & Engineering Division
Approved Flex Activities
See your division dean if you have any questions about specific activities.
Architecture, Construction, Engineering,
Engineering Technology
Articulation with 4-year colleges and universities
Articulation with high schools
Attend professional meetings
Construct and/or design new demonstration
Curriculum development
Departmental in-service activity related to new
procedures or technologies
Designing field trips, which may include visiting
the site
Developing and/or updating advertising materials
for programs or department
Engineering summer camp planning and/or
preparation and/or participation
Facilities planning for new equipment
Facilities planning for remodeling project
High school student recruitment
New faculty orientation
Participating at regular college FLEX activities
Part-time faculty recruiting, advising, training
and/or orientation
Preparation for a new course
Preparation of instructional materials, including
experiments demonstrations, or audio-visual
Preparation of materials for labs
Program advisory committee meetings
Reviewing computer software for possible use in
Revising laboratory experiments
Revision of course outlines and catalog revisions
Self-study of new classroom-use software
Student advising
Student club mentorship
Student design project mentorship
Taking any college level course
Training: Computer software and/or hardware
and/or general lab equipment
Visit industry to develop field trips, develop
student job opportunities, obtain financial
assistance or donations, and learn from industry
Visiting or communicating with other college
programs and faculty
Workforce development
Writing new laboratory exercises
Review Textbooks
Course Revision
Class Preparation
Class Research
Computer Work (Learning about the computers
that we have in the department, evaluating
software packages and researching possible
software for purchase).
Revising laboratory
Writing new laboratory exercises
Preparation of new instructional materials for
Repair demonstration equipment
Construct new demonstration equipment
Repair scientific instruments
Attend professional meetings
Department workshop or retreat:
Admission testing
Articulation problems
Teaching philosophies
Safety and first-aid
Textbook evaluation
Future staffing
Applied topics such as: Atomic
absorption, solar energy, etc..
Former student follow-up study
Current student statistical study
New faculty orientation
Physical Science & Engineering
Division (Continued)
Physical Science
Curriculum development
Course revision
Orienting part-time faculty
Recruiting part-time faculty
Developing a departmental student assessment
Meeting with colleagues from other colleges
Coordinating courses with those from other
Developing supplementary materials for courses
Developing alternative teaching strategies
Upgrading computer programs that are used in
Visiting feeder high schools for articulation
Evaluation of courses, programs, procedures and
Departmental in-service activity related to new
procedures and technology
Student advising
Upgrading and modifying equipment used for
Editing video material for classroom use
Collecting rock samples or photographs for
classroom use
Reviewing textbooks and other materials for
possible adoption
Designing new field trips, field trip reconnaissance
Revising and improving lab exercises
Conducting meetings with feeder school teachers
to compare programs
Preparing long-range departmental goals
Organizing, labeling samples for instruction
Developing/revising test material and procedures
Developing departmental guidelines and by-laws
Reviewing and updating library holdings
Attending, participating in technical meetings
Developing grant proposals
Program review
Department Computer Planning
Software Review
Computer Demo
Organize Experiments for Syllabus
Rewrite and Rework Position Plots (Astro)
Social Science Division
Approved Flex Activities
Curriculum development
Course revision
Orienting part-time faculty
Developing a departmental student assessment process
Meeting with colleagues from other colleges
Coordinating courses with those of other departments
Developing supplementary materials for courses
Developing alternative teaching strategies
Upgrading computer programs that are used in instruction
Visiting feeder high schools for articulations
Evaluation of courses, programs, procedures and technology
Departmental in-service activity related to new procedures and technology
Compiling course related bibliographies, reading lists, etc.
Recruitment of new students
Student advising
Upgrading or modifying equipment used for instruction
Editing video materials for classroom use
Recruitment textbooks and other materials for possible adoption
Designing new field trips
Revising and improving lab
San Ramon Campus
Division Approved Flex Activities
Curriculum development
Course revision
Coordinating courses with those of other departments
Preparing courses being taught for the first time
Ongoing evaluation of courses, procedures and materials (other than required by program review)
Developing supplementary materials for courses
Developing alternative teaching strategies
Upgrading computer programs used for instruction
Reviewing software for possible use in instruction
Upgrading and modifying equipment used for instruction
Editing video material for classroom use
Compiling course-related reading lists, bibliographies, etc.
Preparing display materials for classrooms, including experiments, demonstrations and audiovisual material
Reviewing textbooks and other materials for possible adoption
Designing new fieldtrips, field trip reconnaissance
Developing or revising lab exercises
Collecting samples for use in lab
San Ramon Campus
Division Approved Flex Activities continued
Visiting feeder high schools for articulation
Recruitment of new students
Coordinating and participating in Transfer Day activities
Developing, revising and implementing recruitment plans for part-time and full-time faculty
Preparing long-range department goals
Developing department bylaws and guidelines
Orienting new part-time faculty
Orienting new full-time faculty
Reviewing part-time faculty syllabi
Develop student job opportunities: part-time, co-op and full-time
Grant writing and fund-raising for programs
Developing, recruiting and coordinating guest speakers
Reviewing and updating library holdings in a subject area
Developing alternative counseling strategies
Division/ department retreats and workshops
Training new technicians
Developing computer software
Facilities planning for new building, remodeling or new equipment
Repair of scientific instruments
Designing or preparing statistical study or survey for students, faculty, staff and administrators
Design administrative strategies to enhance effectiveness/ program quality
Gratuitous service instruction
Representing the college as a guest speaker or lecturer for feeder schools/ community
Meet with discipline experts in the community
Conducting conferences on campus for high school personnel, other colleges and the community
Department in-service activity related to new procedures or technology
Department in-service activity to meet changing institutional needs and goals
Any flex activity approved by the department of someone’s discipline