News October 2009 - Abraham`s Children Montessori


News October 2009 - Abraham`s Children Montessori
Abraham’s Children Montessori School
October 2009 – 1st Issue
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the first issue of Abraham’s Children Montessori
School’s Newsletter.
It’s been three months since we started
Since then, there have been a lot of happenings
going on in our school. In all these activities, we sincerely
appreciate your support and look forward to a continued
partnership in making this a year of growth, learning and fun
for all our students. We are glad you have chosen to enroll or
re-enroll your child with us.
Enrolling your child with us was
an important decision you made, and we are proud that you
have entrusted us to guide your child’s development. We take
this responsibility seriously and will do our best to foster
healthy emotional, intellectual and physical growth in your
 We are halfway through the school year
with the 1st semester almost over. The
question that we would like to pose is “How did we fare with our students?”
Before the first semester closes our
teachers would like to share with you some
of their observations of your children.. That
would be an evaluation of your child’s
performance for half of the year he/she has
been with us. Please share with us your
observation, too.
 Our 2nd Parents’ –Teachers’ will be held on
October 17, 2009 at 8:30- 11:30 at the
school conference area.
All parents are
expected to attend. On that day, our
Parents’-Teachers’ Organization (PTO) will
be organized.
We are partners in the
education of your children and as such we
to have a common way to
communicate and network with each other.
Together we could plan out activities,
programs, or projects that would be to the
best interest of our children.
 We will also go over the Parents’
Handbook. We would like to encourage you
to read the Handbook and prepare your
questions on some points for clarification.
Your participation in going over the
Handbook will give you a chance to gain a
thorough understanding of the school
policies and procedures and a basis for
good communication and decision-making
throughout the year.
Special Programs
 Music classes is handled by Lianne Sala
who had started our Music Program early
this year.
 Much importance is given to our French
class, the school being a bilingual school
with English as the medium of instruction.
For our French classes we have Ms.
Kathryn Castillo, a French national who
gives French lessons three times a week
and Matthias Bohne to supplement Ms.
Kathryns’s lessons.
 Our Photography class is currently going on
with the students getting ready for an exhibit
in November. The teacher, Mrs. Marmie
Westihuff, is a photography enthusiast, a
member of one of Cebu’s Prestigious Photo
 Yoga lessons are also given to our children
once as week with Harry
leading them through the yoga exercises.
my senses the whole day through.
I added and subtracted, learned
patience all the day.
I used tweezers, blocks, and puzzles,
And worked with the scrubbing tray.
I learned how to mix colors,
What did you do in school
I am sure, just like most parents, when asking your
child this question, you will hear the usual answer,
“nothing.” Or possibly they tell you everyday that
they did the same thing such as play dough or
spooning beans. Don’t be alarmed. We assure you
that your child is very busy at school doing a
of learning activities designed to support his / her
development. Often, young children have difficulty
talking about what they do at school. They would
have had the opportunity to do so many activities
they often cannot sort out the specifics. I am
sharing with you a Montessori poem that best
describe how your child’s day normally go at
school. I hope this will assure you that you’re
child has been working and is very busy doing
something in school.
And learned how to weigh.
So mom and dad, please don’t say“DID YOU BRING ANY PAPERS
You see, I’m sharing as I play,
Learning self control throughout
the day,
I’m learning to listen and speak
clearly when I talk,
To wait my turn and when inside
to walk,
To put my words into phrases,
To balance along the “Red Rod”
To find my name and write it
I do it with a smile, not a frown.
So mom and dad, please don’t
Montessori Poem
Today I did my math and language,
practical life too,
I used my eyes, my ears and hands,
I learned about a snail, I learned
frustrate me,
about a worm,
I try my best and I’m learning
And how to take a turn,
So mom and dad, please don’t
I learned about flags and maps,
I helped a friend when he was
I learned that water runs off a
I looked at words from left to
each day.
-Author Unknown-
Agreed to differ, not to fight.
Today I sang the continent song,
I learned the difference between
right and wrong,
So mom and dad, please don’t
Because yes, I played the whole
day through,
I worked to learn the things I
Encounter a problem, find the
clue and work it out for myself, I
My teachers set the scene and
stand near-by,
They want me to succeed and
teach me how to try.
They pose the questions, and
help me to think,
They keep me afloat and would
never let me sink.
So don’t get discouraged and
Le Petit Coin Francais avec Teacher Kathryn
Do you remember when I arrived at
school and told you that it was my
dream to teach French ? Well ...
you made my dream come true ! And
teaching to children of that age
is so ... rewarding !!
Of course at the beginning they
did not even dare to look at
me ... and then they dared to
listen to something very different
than what they had heard until
then ... and slowly the less shy
started to show the way to the
others ...
Since I started I was greeting
each of them with a "Bonjour xxx"
but never got any answer. I
thought ... they are a bit rude
these children ... And one day I
said "Bonjour xxx"
and got a loud and clear "Bonjour
Teacher Kathryn" !!! What a nice
reward !
The last reward I got was only
this week ... For several time now
we're playing with a card
game ...Children have to look at
my card and find the corresponding
image on a board. The child who
finds the image gets it and then
put it on the board. Yesterday for
the first time I realised that ...
hearing the name of it ... they
pointed to the correct image !!!
They had learned without even
realising it and I was so grateful
to them to have been able to see
this result
So I want to thank you for
trusting me in teaching your child
and I sincerely hope they will
always keep up with French !!
Vous rappelez vous lorsque je suis
arrivée à l’école et que je vous
ai dit que c’était mon rêve
d’enseigner le Français ? Eh bien
vous avez fait de mon rêve une
réalité ! Et enseigner à des
enfants de cet âge est encore plus
gratifiant !!
Bien sûr au début ils n’osaient
même pas me regarder … et puis
doucement ils ont osé écouter
quelquechose de très différent de
ce qu’ils avaient entendu jusqu’à
maintenant et .. les moins timides
ont commencé à montrer le chemin
aux autres…
Depuis le début je les saluais
chaque jour avec un « Bonjour
xxx » mais je n’avais jamais de
réponse et je me disais … ces
enfants sont un peu malpolis … Et
un jour je disais bojour à l’un
d’entre eux et j’ai entendu très
clairement « Bonjour Teacher
Kathryn » !! Quelle récompense !!
La dernière récompense est arrivée
cette semaine seulement …
Plusieurs fois nous avons joué à
un jeu de cartes : Les enfants
doivent regarder la carte que je
leur présente et retrouver cette
même image sur un tableau. Hier,
pour la première fois je me suis
rendue compte qu’AVANT QUE JE LEUR
MONTRE L’IMAGE mais juste en
entendant le nom de cette image …
ils me montraient l’image
correcte !!! Ils avaient appris
sans s’en rendre compte et je leur
suis très reconnaissante de
m’avoir montré le résultat de cet
Je voulais vous remercier de votre
confiance pour l'enseignement
donné à votre enfant et j'espère
sincèrement qu'ils continueront le
Français !!
 We look forward to a Halloween Party
with children and staff donning
costumes for fun.
We will hold our 1st Halloween Costume
Party on October 23, 2009 to culminate the
end of the 1st Semester of 2009. Please
refer to the letter of Teacher Madie dated
Oct. 12 for details.
 Photo Exhibit
from the children’s
photography class – exact date will be
posted later.
Thank you!
A big “Thank You” goes out
to the parents who helped
us on some school projects
and events. Vicky Sajulga
mother of Virnadiht and Lejji
Sangco, Naigel’s Mom for
volunteering to prepare and
serve refreshments to all of
us during a couple of these
events and to Mr. Angelito
Geverolla, Jasmine’s Dad for
taking time out to explain to
the children about the Water
cycle and the importance of
having clean water.
appreciate your help and
support for the smooth flow
of activities/operations of the
Any parents are
welcome to offer voluntarily
their talents / services to our
school anytime. Please make
arrangement with Teacher
Madie or Teacher Queennie.
Chamanade University, California, USA, she became
one of the first teachers to teach in the University of San
Carlos Montessori Laboratory, South Campus. She
handled a preschool Montessori class for 7 years.
Queennie P. Siega, Ph.D. in Education . School
Administrator. Earned a Diploma in Pre-Primary
Montessori Education, University of San Carlos,(19951996) under Dr. Sr. Christina Trudeau, a Notre Dame
Montessori Teacher Trainor, She was one of the first
teachers of the University trained by Sr. Christina to train
teachers for Montessori Education.
"The Montessori method—learning by doing— once
again became my stock in trade..." from Personal
History by Katharine Graham
The new administrative staff of the school:
Madelene Siega-Harmel, Lead Teacher.
Madie has a certificate in Early Childhood Montessori
(2005-2007) from Montessori Centre International,
London. While in France, she taught at Ecole Bilingue
Montessori du Val de Marne, Paris, France, a Bilingual
school for 4 years. She started her Montessori training
at University of San Carlos in 1995-1997 with Sr.
Christina Trudeau, a Montessori Teacher Trainor from
Peter Drucker, Management Guru
Larry Page, Co-Founder of Google
Sergey Brin, Co-Founder of Google
Jeffrey Bezos, Founder of
Katharine Graham, Owner/Editor of the
Washington Post
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, Editor,
Former First Lady
Sean 'P.Diddy' (formerly known as Puffy)
Combs, RAP mega-star
Anne Frank, Author of The Diary of Anne Frank
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nobel Prize winner for
Prince William and Prince Harry, English royal
T. Berry Brazelton, Pediatrician and Author
Julia Child, Chef, Star of many TV Cooking
Shows, and Author
Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Austrian painter
and Architect