Consults: Dr. Langleben (80 hours), Dr. Michel (140 hours), Dr


Consults: Dr. Langleben (80 hours), Dr. Michel (140 hours), Dr
Annual Report
Division of Cardiology
Department of Medicine - Jewish General Hospital
April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011
Highlights of Past Year
Having moved into our new out-patient facility, the Division focused on improving out-patient
access to care. The pacemaker clinics are now running two days a week. Telephones are being
answered with greater efficiency, and we have been making the appointment process easier for
referring physicians. Our catheterization lab continue to provide cutting edge technology.
Several of our staff are recipients of prestigious peer-reviewed grant awards for their research.
The Division has hosted trainees from across Canada, Ireland, Greece and Israel. Dr. Regina
Husa is now co-Director of the McGill Cardiology Postgraduate training program. Dr. Rudski
was named to the Board of Directors of the American Society of Echocardiography, and Dr
Sebag to the Canadian Society of Echocardiography. Our Echocardiography laboratory
underwent a complete equipment renewal, keeping it at the state-of-the-art level, and making it
an extremely attractive site for McGill, national and international trainees.
Evaluation of Past Academic Year
Teaching activities
CCU – Dr. Langleben, 375 hours. Dr. Rudski, Dr. Michel, Dr. Sebag, Dr. Shepard, Dr.
Therrien – 175 hours each, Dr.Walling – 50hrs for a total of 1300 hours.
Consults: Dr. Langleben (80 hours), Dr. Michel (140 hours), Dr. Walling (40 hours), Dr.
Sebag (70 hours, Dr. Shepard (70 hours), Dr. Eisenberg (120 hours), Dr. Therrien (140
hours), for a total of 660 hours.
David Langleben MD
-Didactic Teaching : 2nd year medical students: Chest pain or palpitations: 2 hours
-Postgraduate Cardiology Academic half Day: 4 hours
-Medical residents and medical students: Pulmonary Hypertension: 18 hours
-Postgraduate Respiratory Physiology course for fellows: Pulmonary Circulatory
Physiology: 2 hours
-PhD student, Gregory Star, supervisor
Scientific and Professional Presentations:
-Functional pulmonary microvascular surface area in PAH: Assessment and Relation to
Disease Severity. University of British Columbia James ogg Research Seminar Series,
Vancouver, BC
-PAH: What we face and how we treat it, British Columbia Pulmonary Hypertension
Society, Vancouver BC
-Pulmonary endothelial metabolism in PAH: focus on ET-1 and angiotensin, Dalhousie
University Queen Elizabeth Hospital Pulmonary Research Seminar, Halifax NS
-Pulmonary hypertension and noncardiac surgery, JGH Department of Surgery Grand
Lawrence Rudski MD
-CTU : 175 hours (5 weeks)
-Cardiology Fellows Academic Half Days: 4 hours
-Undergraduate Medical Students: ECG 1,2,3; Senior Physician Rounds: 1.5 hours
-American Society of Echocardiography: Development of W b-based educational
program on the evaluation of the right heart in the intensive care unit
-American Society of Echocardiography: Development of symposia
-Faculty of Medicine: Basis of Medicine - Unit 2
-Cardiology Small Group Sessions: Administrative Director
Caroline Michel MD
-Continuous Training of Cardiology Fellows
-Post doctoral echocardiography fellows trained (Dr. Su l Garg, Dr. Thierry Toledano)
-Cardiology Fellows Trained in Heart Function Clinic (Dr. Chris Labos)
-Internal Medicine Residents Trained in the Heart function Clinic (Dr. Michelle
-Core Curriculum Teaching for JGH Family Medicine Residents: The Management of
Heart Failure in Office Practice
-Clinical Lectures for Cardiology Fellows: Hypothermia post Cardiac Arrest
-Teaching for Palliative Care Service Residents: Palliative Care in Cardiac Patients
-CTU: (CCU) 175 hours (5 weeks) and Consults: 140 hours (4 weeks)
-Clinical Innovation: Initiated Cardiac Palliative Care Program in the Hospital
Ann Walling MD
-POM examiner: 3 hours
-2nd year medical students: Chest pain: 2 hours
-Family Medicine Academic half day: 2 hours
-Cardiology Academic Half day: 4 hours
-McGill Echo Rounds: 1 hour
-Post doctoral fellows trained: 1 year (Dr Sunil Garg, Dr. Thierry Toledano)
-CTU: 50 hours
-Consults: 40 hours
-Echo lab: Continuous training of fellows (year 1-3) all year round.
-Echo lab teaching of cardiology fellow (equivalent of 15 full weeks/yr): 525 hours
-Cardiac Clinic: Supervisor of cardiology residents. 30 hours
Igal Sebag MD
Medical Students
-Introduction to Internal Medicine: Technology in Medicine - EKG III: 1.5 hours
-Senior Physician Rounds: 1.5 hours
-CTU: 175 hours (5 weeks)
-Consults: 70 hours (14 days)
Postgraduate Teaching (Cardiology and Internal Medicine)
-A Primer on Physical Examination Part III: Recognition of right-sided disease: 2 hours
-A primer on the methodology to echocardiographic interpretation: A case -based
approach: 1 hour
-A Primer on Physical Examination Part II: The diastolic murmur: 3 hours
-Doppler, Color Flow Imaging and Hemodynamic Assessment: 1 hour
-A Primer on Physical Examination Part I: The systolic murmur. 4 hours
-Prosthetic heart valves: Anatomic structure of the various types, investigation and
complications: 1 hour
-Perfecting your skills in Physical Examination - Part III: 2 hours
-Lecturer. Core Cardiology fellows: 3 hours
Teaching to Post-doctoral fellows
-3 Echocardiography Fellows: Dr. Sunil Garg, Dr. Thierry Toledano and Dr. Avi
-Course Director, McGill/Jewish General Hospital Echoca
raphy Scientific
-Board Examiner and Exam Developer, Cardiology (Adult) Examinations, Royal College
of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Teaching lectures at International Scientific Meetings
-Quantification of the right ventricle by 3-D echocardiography : Are we there yet?
American Society of Echocardiography Meeting, Montreal, QC
-Trabeculations: Differentiating normal, from variant o
mal, from LV noncompaction. Canadian Society of Echocardiography Meet ng, Toronto, ON
-The role of echocardiography for transcatheter device closure of atrial septal defect.
Canadian Society of Echocardiography Meeting, Toronto, ON
-Myocardial function and structure in the murine model. American Society of
Echocardiography, San Diego, CA
Richard Shepard MD
-Monthly CCU lecture on CHF for the CCU resident team
-Lecture on chest pain and palpitations given 3 times t
d year medical students
-CCU: 175 hours (4-6 weeks)
-Consults: 70 hours.
-Teaching of internal medicine residents who rotate through non invasive cardiology
(stress testing)
-Supervising residents rotating through the Heart Failure clinic at the JGH
-Physical exam sessions for the cardiology fellows on t
cademic half day: 12 hours
-Academic half day teaching on Heart Failure management and evaluation: 4 hours
Mark Eisenberg MD
Medical Students
-Introduction to Internal Medicine: Chest Pain and Palpitations: 2 hours
Clinical Teaching to Cardiology Fellows, residents, Medical Students:
-Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories:160 hours/year
-Consultations: 120 hours/year
Research-Related Teaching
-Epidemiology Research Day for Cardiology Fellows (3 hours)
Research Supervision:
-Fellows, medical residents and post-doctoral fellows: Drs. Ali Abualsaud, Patrick
Lawler, Avi Shimony
-Graduate Students: Jennifer Reoch, MSc, Sarah Windle, MPH, Sunil Garg, MSc, Sonia
Grandi, MSc
-Thesis Supervisor: Lucy Boothroyd, PhD (co-supervisor)
-Thesis External Examiner: Talal Ahmed A. Al-Khatib, MSc
-Medical Students: Mehdi Tahiri, Clara Wu, Olivier Depl ntie, Salvatore Mottillo,
-Undergraduate Students: Sayuri Friedland, Adrian Thorogood, Tara Dourian, Heather
Student Bursaries:
-CCORT Student Training Program: Mehdi Tahiri
-McGill Medical Student Bursary Program: Clara Wu, Jennifer Reoch
Continuing Educ ation
-Aspirin, Plavix, and Coumadin in cardiac patients – Indications, risks, and benefits,
McGill 61st Annual Refresher Course for Family Physicians, Montreal
-Smoking cessation in cardiac patients: Medical students to meta-analyses to clinical
trials, Royal Victoria Hospital, Cardiology Rounds, Montreal, Jewish General Hospital,
Herzl Rounds, Montreal, QC and Montreal General Hospit
rdiology Rounds,
-Smoking cessation, McGill University, CCHPE Seminar Series, Montreal
-Aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, Lakeshore General
Scientific and Professional Presentations
-Perioperative stent thrombosis: Defining incidence, risk, and timing, American Heart
Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL
-Canadian Cardiovascular Society position statement on s
ing cessation, Canadian
Cardiovascular Congress, Montreal, QC
Judith Therrien MD
-Medical Students: Electrocardiography teaching, part II: 1 hour
-CCU: 175 hours
-Consults: 140 hours
-McGill Cardiology Resident Teaching Sessions: Chest Radiography le ure; Aortic
Regurgitation lecture; Tetralogy of Fallot lecture; Bicuspid Aortic Valve lecture (12
-Mock Oral Cardiology Practice Royal College exam: Dr. Jonathan Affilalo, Dr. Sunil
-Post Grad Fellows: Dr. Colum Owen
-Clinical Teaching: 12 hours /week (3 half days/week): Dr. Avi Shimon, Dr. Sunil Garg,
and Dr. Thierry Toledano
-Chief Organizer of the McGill Annual Cardiovascular Re rch Day
Scientific and Professional Presentations:
-Recovery of Right Ventricular Function and its Threshold, Annual International ACHD
meeting, Oregon
-Criteria for Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Adults wit
ralogy of Fallot, New
Orleans, AHA
Caroline Michel MD
-Etude du suivi des patients vus en urgence hospitaliere pour insuffisance
cardiaque (ACCESS-URG) Trial-ongoing CIHR sponsored trial : Collaborator; Protocol
FDHF01 – ongoing trial sponsored by Encysive Pharmaceuticals : Site Principal
-EXACT Study: Using Allopurinol to relieve Symptoms in Patients with Heart Failure
and High Uric Acid levels – Principal Investigator
-Genetic Modulation of Left Ventricular Recovery in Recent Onset Cardiomyopathy
(IMAC II) - Site Co-Investigator
-Treatment Of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure with an Aldosterone anTagonist
(TOPCAT) - Site Co-Investigator
-AliSkiren Trial ON Acute heart failure oUTcomes (ASTRONAUT) – Site CoInvestigator
LEPHT: Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, multi-center
study to evaluate the hemodynamic effects of Riociguat (BAT 63 2521) as well as safety
and kinetics in patients with pulmonary hypertension associated with left ventricular
systolic dysfunction – Site principal investigator
-SWITCHBACK: The ACE – Switchback Study – Site Principal Investigator
Igal Sebag MD
Collaborative projects within McGill:
-Steroidal hormone programming in the heart: CIHR-funded collaborative work with the
LDI (Dr. Lorraine Chalifour); Amount: $555,664, Term: October 2008 - September
Role: Co-Investigator. The grant is authored by 2 investigators: Drs. L. Chalifour (PI,
and I. Sebag. In this work, the influence of sex hormones on cardiac structure and
function and their relationship to protein expression in calcium homeostasis is studied.
-Aortic disease in murine models of bicuspid aortic disease: this ongoing research
encompasses the study of aortic root disease in the presence of the bicuspid aortic valve
in the murine model. This project, led by Dr. Therrien (MAUDE Unit), includes Drs.
Lorraine Chalifour (LDI), Dr. Elaine Davis (Dept. of Cell Biology and Anatomy),
Karima Addetia, a cardiology fellow and myself.
Collaborative projects outside McGill:
-Collaboration with the CHUM Research Center, Université de Montréal. In this
collaborative work with Dr. Damien Garcia (CHUM Research Center), we aim at
developing a fast unsupervised denoiser and dealiaser algorithm for color Doppler raw
data, the premiere modality to analyze blood flow in c inical echocardiography.
-International collaborative research (with Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA)
Source: Susan Komen For the Cure Investigator Initiated Grant; Title: Early detection
and prediction of chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients;
Amount: $600,000
Term: July 2008 - July 2011; Role: Co-Investigator. The grant is authored by 4
investigators: Drs. M. Scherrer-Crosbie (PI, Massachusetts General Hospital), I.A. Sebag
(McGill), JC. Plana (MDAnderson) and B. Ky (Upenn); Site PI for the conduct of this
trial. The team is constituted by a research nurse, four cardiac sonographers, an
oncologist (Dr. V. Cohen) and an oncology nurse. As a result, our site is the
strongest patient recruitment centre of all four participating institutions (the JGH
recruited 31 patients out of a total of 46 patients). Interim results have been publi
second manuscript which integrates the final results i n preparation.
d. A
Richard Sheppard MD
Collaborative research heart failure clinical trials with Montreal Heart Institute:
-EXACT Study
Colaborative research heart failure clinical trials wi h the McGill University Health
Collaborative work with University of Pittsburgh Medic
-Cohort study examining natural history of peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPM Study)
-Ongoing work on manuscripts and abstracts for the IMAC
y looking at the natural
history of acute non ischemic cardiomyopathy, with col gues at the University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center, submitted manuscript exploring sudden cardiac to JACC
-Initiated protocol with HF research coordinator, examining the role of stress hormones
on cardiac remodeling post-myocardial infraction (received institutional funding).
-Recently started supervising internal medicine resident Khalid AlJohani in a meta analysis examining the impact of genetic polymorphisms on clinical outcomes in heart
failure (along with Dr. Eisenberg).
Mark Eisenberg, MD
Collaborative Projects
-Co-Investigator, “Quantification of the effect of SMOKing on arterial stiffness
(SMOKELESS).” Principal Investigator: Styliani Stella
lopoulou (McGill
-Principal Investigator, “The efficacy of weight loss i erventions: A systematic review
and hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis.” Co-Investigators: Kristian Filion, Jacques
Genest, Lawrence Joseph, Louise Pilote (McGill University); Ernesto Schiffrin (Sir
Mortimer B Davis Jewish General Hospital); Paul Poirie
niversité Laval).
-Co-Investigator, “GENESIS PRAXY (GENdEr and Sex determInantS of cardiovascular
disease: from bench to beyond PRemature Acute Coronary SYndrome).”
Principal Investigators: Louise Pilote, Igor Karp (McGill University).
-Co-Investigator, “Canadian cardiovascular outcomes research team (CCORT) II: Access
to quality cardiac care. Team grant in improvement of quality of cardiac care to
Canadians.” Principal Investigator: Jack Tu (Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences).
-Co-Investigator, “AMI-QUEBEC-2: Knowledge translation to reduce delays to
reperfusion therapy in Quebec.” Principal Investigator: Thao Hu
McGill University).
-Principal Investigator, “The efficacy of popular diets: A systematic review and
hierarchical Bayesian meta -analysis.” Co-Investigators: Kristian Filion, Jacques Genest,
Lawrence Joseph, Louise Pilote (McGill University); Ernesto Schiffrin (Sir Mortimer B
Davis Jewish General Hospital); Paul Poirier, Stephane Rinfret (Université Laval).
-Co-Investigator, “A population-based analysis of the effectiveness and adverse effects of
medications in patients with atrial fibrillation.” Principal Investigator: Louise Pilote
(McGill University).
David Langleben, MD
-Pulmonary microvascular metabolic function – collaboration with Drs Stylianos Orfanos
of the University of Athens, Greece, and Dr. John Catravas of the Medical College of
Georgia, USA
-Colum Owens, Giuseppe Martucci, Richard Leask, Ariane Marelli, Avi Shimony, David
Langleben, Judith Therrien. Anatomical Considerations for the Development of a New
Transcatheter Aorto-Pulmonary Shunt in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Project in Collaboration with McGill Mechanical Engine ring Department
Judith Therrien, MD
-Therrien J, Lonn E, Silversides C, Salehian O, Grewal J, Vondermuhll I, Siu S. Effects
of Beta Adrenergic Blocker and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker On Aortic Dilatation in
Adults with Bicuspid Aortic Valve
-Expert Panel on :Developing a Quality Assessment Tool for Adults with Congenital
Heart Disease. Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Med cal School, 2011.
Mark Eisenberg MD
-Exploring legislative approaches to obesity epidemic
-Investigating the effects of low-dose ionizing radiation
Eisenberg MJ, Afilalo J, Lawler PR, Abrahamowicz M, Richard H, Pilote L. Cancer risk
related to low-dose ionizing radiation from cardiac imaging in patients after acute
myocardial infarction. CMAJ 2011;183:430-6.
-Lawler PR, Afilalo J, Eisenberg MJ, Pilote L. Exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation
from cardiac imaging among patients with myocardial in
tion: Data from a
population-based longitudinal cohort. Submitted.
Clinical activities
CCU Admissions - 1141
2 Cardiac CTU Admissions – 2133
Pacemaker Program - 2127
Cardiology Clinic Visits - 839
Physician consults - 2034
GFT Physicians - 6517
Diagnostic Cardiac Catherizations –
Coronary Angioplasties –
Primary Coronary Stenting –
Echocardiograms – 7707
Electrocardiograms – 15386
Holter monitorings/Ambulatory BP monitorings – 1320
Exercise Stress tests –1028
Cardiac Stress Nuclear Imaging - 1074
Academic Staff
Dr Sven Wassmann left the Division to take up clinical
ctice in Germany. The
Division has made commitments to Dr Vartan Mardigyan, who will arrive July 2011, Dr
Annabel Chen-Tournoux, who will arrive Fall 2011, and Dr Jonathan Afilalo, who will
arrive July 2012.
Consulting activities
Name of Faculty Private Sector
Public Sector
Consulting (# of Consulting (#
Igal Sebag
Other (# of days Total
– please
Honours, Awards and Prizes
Igal Sebag MD
-Promoted to Associate Professor of Medicine (starting January 1, 2011), McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec
-Recipient of the David Stubington Teacher of the Year Award for outstanding teaching
in the McGill Cardiology training program, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
Mark Eisenberg MD
-Graduated with M. Management from International Masters for Health Leadership
(McGill University Faculty of Management, Montreal, QC)
-Published “The Physician Scientist’s Career Guide”
Other: Publications, Abstracts, etc.
--*Abu Alsaud A, *Afilalo J, Eisenberg MJ. Very early invasive versus less early
invasive strategies for non-ST -elevation acute coronary syndromes: A meta -analysis of
randomized trials. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S30D.
--*Abualsaud AO, Eisenberg MJ. Perioperative management of patients with drugeluting stents. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2010; 3:131-42.
--*Afilalo J, Rasti M, Ohayon S, Eisenberg MJ. Meta-regression of off-pump versus
on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S101D.
--*Afilalo J, *Lawler PR, Pilote L, Richard H, Eisenberg MJ. The carcinogenic effects
of ionizing radiation from cardiac imaging procedures after acute myocardial infarction: a
population-based longitudinal study. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S65D.
--*Afilalo J, Eisenberg MJ, Morin JF, Bergman H, Monette J, Noiseux N, Perrault LP,
Alexander KP, Langlois Y, Dendukuri N, Chamoun P, Kasparian G, Robichaud S,
Gharacholou SM, Boivin JF. Gait speed as an incremental predictor of mortality and
major morbidity in elderly patients undergoing cardiac surgery. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;
--*Afilalo J, *Lawler PR, Richard H, Pilote L, Eisenberg MJ. Age and sex differences in
risk of cancer with low dose ionizing radiation from cardiac imaging procedures after
acute myocardial infarction. Circulation 2010; 122:A17486.
Eisenberg MJ, Atallah R, Grandi SM, Windle SB, Berry EM. Legislati
tackling the obesity epidemic. CMAJ 2011; DOI:10.1503/cmaj.101522.
approaches to
--*Friedland S, Eisenberg MJ, *Shimony A. Intracoronary versus intravenous
administration of glycoprotein IIB/IIIa inhibitors duri percutaneous coronary
intervention for acute coronary syndromes: A meta -analysis of randomized controlled
trials. Presented at: 9th Annual McGill Cardiovascular Research Day; February 1
Montreal, QC.
--*Grandi SM, *Shimony A, Pilote L, Gervais A, Joseph L, O'Loughlin J, Paradis G,
Rinfret S, Sarrafzadegan N, Adamjee N, Yadav R, Gamra H, Sharma S, Lauzon C,
Eisenberg MJ, for the ZESCA Investigators. Utilization of evidence-based therapy for
acute coronary syndrome in developed and developing countries. Presented at: 9th Annual
McGill Cardiovascular Research Day; February 17, 2011;
real, QC.
--*Lawler PR, Filion KB, Eisenberg MJ. Correcting anemia in heart failure: The
efficacy and safety of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. J Card Fail 2010; 16:649-58.
--*Lawler PR, *Afilalo J, Pilote L, Richard H, Eisenberg MJ. Temporal trends in the use
of low-dose ionizing radiation-associated cardiac imaging in Quebec: A longitudinal
cohort study. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S41D. Also presen d at: 9th Annual McGill
Cardiovascular Research Day; February 17, 2011; Montreal, QC.
--*Lawler PR, Filion KB, Eisenberg MJ. A meta-analysis of exercise -based cardiac
rehabilitation for secondary prevention following myocardial infarction: Does duration
matter? Presented at: European Society of Cardiology Meeting 2010.
--*Lawler PR, *Afilalo J, Pilote L, Richard H, Eisenberg MJ. Exposure to low-dose
ionizing radiation from cardiac imaging among patients ith myocardial infarction in
Canada: 10-year data from a large Canadian longitudinal cohort. C rculation 2010;
--*Mottillo S, Filion KB, Joseph L, Genest J, Pilote L, Poirier P, Rinfret S, Schiffrin E,
Eisenberg MJ. The metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk: A systematic review
and meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 56:1113–32.
--*Reoch J, *Mottillo S, *Shimony A, Filion KB, Christou
, Joseph L, Poirier P,
Eisenberg MJ. Safety of laparoscopic vs. open bariatric surgery: A systematic review
and meta-analysis. Presented at: 9th Annual McGill Cardiovascular Research Day;
February 17, 2011; Montreal, QC. Also presented at: 9th Annual LD MacLean General
Surgery Day; April 6, 2011; Montreal, QC.
--*Shimony A, *Filion KB, *Mottillo S, Eisenberg MJ. Diagnosis of acute aortic
dissection by d dimer - a meta analysis. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S60D. Present at: 9th
Annual McGill Cardiovascular Research Day; February 17, 2011; Montreal, QC.
--*Shimony A, Eisenberg MJ, Filion KB, Amit G. Beneficial effects of right ventricular
non-apical versus apical pacing: A systematic review and meta -analysis of randomized
controlled trials. Presented at: 9th Annual McGill Cardiovascular Research Day; February
17, 2011; Montreal, QC.
--*Shimony A, Pilote L, Karp I, Eisenberg MJ, on behalf of the GENESIS-PRAXY
Investigators. Sex differences in angiographic characteristics of young patients with acute
coronary syndrome. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S121D.
--*Shimony A, *Mottillo S, Eisenberg MJ. Coronary artery perforation during
percutaneous coronary interventions - A meta-analysis. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S129D.
--*Shimony A, Filion KB, *Mottillo S, *Dourian T, Eisenberg MJ. Meta-analysis of
usefulness of D-dimer to diagnose acute aortic dissection. Am J Cardio 2011; 107:122734. Epub.
--*Shimony A, Eisenberg MJ, Rudski L, Schlesinger R, Afilalo J, Joyal D, Dragatakis
L, Hirsch A, Boutet K, Fox BD, Langleben D. Prevalence and impact of coronary artery
disease in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients. P sented at: 9 Annual McGill
Cardiovascular Research Day; February 17, 2011; Montreal, QC.
--*Tahiri M, *Mottillo S, Joseph L, Pilote L, Eisenberg MJ. Unconventional smoking
cessation aids: A meta -analysis of randomized controlled trials. Presented at: 9th Annual
McGill Cardiovascular Research Day; February 17, 2011;
real, QC.
--*Wu CQ, *Mottillo S, Giannetti N, Huynh T, Joseph L, P lote L, Walker M, Eisenberg
MJ. Patient empowerment interventions: A systematic review of randomized controlled
trials. Presented at: 9th Annual McGill Cardiovascular Research Day; February 17, 2011;
Montreal, QC.
--ACCF/ACR/AHA/NASCI/SAIP/SCAI/SCCT 2010 expert consensu document on
coronary computed tomographic angiography: a report of the American College of
Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert Consensus Documents. J Am Coll Cardiol
2010; 55:2663-99. Task Force Internal Reviewer (Eisenberg MJ)
--Addetia K, Sebag I, Marelli A, Martucci G, Therrien J. Right Ventricular End
Diastolic Wall Stress: a new Marker for Right Ventricu ar Dysfunction. Submitted to
Echocardio 2010.
--Affilalo J, Therrien J, Pilote L, Martucci G, Marelli A. Adults with congeni al Heart
Disease, a Geriatric Perspective. Accepted in JACC 2011
--Beauchesne LM, Therrien J, Alvarez N, Bergin L, Burggraf G, Chetaille P, Gordon
Kells C, Kiess M, Mercier LA, Oechslin EN, Stein J, Tam JW, Taylor D, Williams A,
Marelli A. Status of adult congenital heart disease cl
n Canada: a survey on
infrastructure, resources and clinical volumes. IJC 2010 Dec 27[Epub ahead of print]
--Boris L, Marelli A, Martucci G, Therrien J. Adult Congenital Heart Disease: the Right
Gone Wrong. Submitted to JACC 2010.
--Bouchardy J, Marelli A, Martucci G, Therrien J. Mirror Image Atrial Dilatation in
Adult Patients with Congenital Heart Disease and Atria Fibrillation. Submitted to
European Heart J 2010.
--Chaudhry R, Chaudhry F, Huynh T, Lader E, Rashid S, Ok
c K, Wou K, Eisenberg
MJ. Effect of smoking on age at the time of coronary artery bypass graft surgery;
Baseline data results from the ROSETTA-CABG registry. Heart Asia 2010; 2:48-51.
--Corris PA, Langleben D. The Achilles heel of endothelin receptor therapy for
pulmonary arterial hypertension. (letter). Eur Respir J 2010;35:460-461.
--Do Changes in Echocardiographic Parameters Predict Sur val in Patients with Heart
Failure?: Karima Addetia, Caroline Michel, Christina Holcroft, Richard Sheppard,
Lawrence Rudski, McGill Univ, Montreal, QC, Canada – to be presented at the AHA,
Nov, 2011
--Do DH, Therrien J, Marelli A, Martucci J, Afilalo J., Sebag IA. Right atrial size
relates to right ventricular end-diastolic pressure in an adult population with congeni l
heart disease. Echocardiography 2011; 28:109-16.
---Ehrmann Feldman D, Ducharme A, Giannetti N, Frenette M, Michel C,Grondin F,
Sheppard R, Des Lauriers J, Behlouli H, Pilote L. Outcomes for women and men who
atttend a heart failure clinic: Results of a 12-month longitudinal study. J Cardiac Fail
2011; 17: 540-546.
--Ehrmann Feldman D, Ducharme A, Giannetti N, Frenette M, Michel C, Grondin F,
Sheppard R, Des Lauriers J, Behlouli H, Pilote L. Outcomes for women and men who
attend a heart failure clinic: Results of a 12-month longitudinal study. J Cardiac Fail
2011; 17: 540-546.
--Eisenberg MJ, *Afilalo J, *Lawler PR, Abramovitch M, Richard H, Pi
L. Cancer
risk related to low-dose ionizing radiation from cardiac imaging in patients following
acute myocardial infarction. CMAJ 2011; 183:430-6. Epub.
--Eisenberg MJ. The Physician Scientist’s Career Guide. Springer 2010. This book is
based on both first-hand experiences and scientific research into the physician-scientist
career path. Filled with practical advice, this comprehensive guide helps trainees at all
stages of medical and research training succeed in their careers.
--Eisenberg MJ, Blum LM, Filion KB, Rinfret S, Pilote L, Paradis G, Joseph L, Gervais
A, O’Loughlin J. The efficacy of smoking cessation the ies in cardiac patients: A metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:73-9.
--Eisenberg MJ, *Grandi S, Gervais A, Joseph L, O'Loughlin J, Paradi
Rinfret S,
Sarrafzadegan N, Sharma S, Lauzon C, Gamra H, Wightman
utchmedial S, Picard J,
Giannoccaro P, Huynh T, Diodati JG, Grondin F, Klinke P, Wielgosz A, Abramson B,
Schwarz N, Pilote L. Bupropion for smoking cessation following acute coronary
syndrome. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S110D.
--El-Rayes M, Schampaert E, Tardif JC, Eisenberg MJ, Afilalo M, Kouz S, Lauzon C,
Harvey R, Nguyen M, Kouz R, Dery JP, Mansour S, Van Ki u AM, Rinfret S, Huynh T.
Safety and effectiveness of enoxaparin following fibri lytic therapy: Results of the
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)-QUEBEC registry. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:431-6.
–Manuscript submitted for publication: Sex hormone control of left ventricular
structure/function: mechanistic insights using echocardiography, expression and DNA
methylation analyses in adult mice. (I.A. Sebag: first author; L. Chalifour: senior author)
--Feldman DE, Ducharme A, Giannetti N, Frenette M, Michel C, Grondin F, Sheppard
R, Lauriers JD, Behlouli H, Pilote L. Can J Cardiol. Severity at entry to specialized heart
failure clinics: discrepancies between health-related quality of life and function in men
and women<quality of life and function in men and
women<>2011 May-Jun;27(3):382387.
--Feldman DE, Ducharme A, Giannetti N, Frenette M, Michel C, Grondin F, Sheppard
R, Lauriers JD, Behlouli H, Pilote L.Can J Cardiol. Severity at entry to specialized heart
failure clinics: discrepancies between health-related quality of life and function in men
and women<> 11 May-Jun;27(3):382387.
--Guertin JR, Jackevicius CA, Cox JL, Humphries K, Pilote L, So DY, Tu JV,
Wijeysundera H, Rinfret S; Canadian Cardiovascular Out mes Research Team. The
potential economic impact of restricted access to angi ensin-receptor blockers. CMAJ
2011; 183:E180-6. Epub. Collaborative Work (Eisenberg MJ)
--Hundley WG, Bluemke DA, Finn JP, Flamm SD, Fogel MA, Friedrich MG, Ho VB,
Jerosch-Herold M, Kramer CM, Manning WJ, Patel M, Pohost GM, S lman AE, White
RD, Woodard PK; American College of Cardiology Foundat on Task Force on Expert
Consensus Documents. ACCF/ACR/AHA/NASCI/SCMR 2010 expe onsensus
document on cardiovascular magnetic resonance: a repor
the American College of
Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert Consensus Documents. J Am Coll Cardiol
2010; 55:2614-62. Task Force Internal Reviewer (Eisenberg MJ)
--Idan Roifman MD, Judith Therrien MD, Raluca Ionescu-Ittu MSc, Louise Pilote MD
PhD MPH, LiminGuo MSc, Mark A. Kotowycz MD MBA, Giusep
artucci MD,
Ariane J. Marelli MD MPH. Coarctation of the Aorta and
onary artery disease: Fact or
Fiction? AHA 2010.
--Idan Roifman MD, Judith Therrien MD, Raluca Ionescu-Ittu MSc, Louise Pilote MD
PhD MPH, Limin Guo MSc, Mark A. Kotowycz MD MBA, Giuseppe Martucci MD,
Ariane J. Marelli MD MPH. Coarctation of the Aorta and coronary artery disease: Fact or
Fiction? International ACHD Conference, Cincinatti , June 2011.
--Joyal D, Filion KB, Eisenberg MJ. Effectiveness and safety of drug-eluting stents in
vein grafts: A meta -analysis. Am Heart J 2010; 159:159-69.
--Kotowycz M, Filion KB, Dube D, Reynolds MR, Pilote L, Eisenberg MJ, Essebag V.
In-hospital management of atrial fibrillation: The CHADS-2 score predicts increased
cost. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S64D.
--Kotowycz MA, Therrien J, Ionescu-Ittu R, Owens C, Martucci G, Tchervenkov C,
Pilote L, Marelli AJ Long-Term Outcomes After Surgical vs. Transcatheter Closure
Atrial Septal Defects in Adults Accepted oral presentation AHA 2010. Circulation 2010;
--Kouz S, Kouz R, Schampaert E, Rinfret S, Tardif JC, Ng n M, Eisenberg M, Harvey
R, Afilalo M, Lauzon C, Dery JP, Mansour S, Huynh T. E ctiveness and safety of
glycoprotein IIB/IIIa inhibitors in patients with myoc rdial infarction undergoing
primary percutaneous coronary intervention: A meta-analysis of observational studies.
Int J Cardiol. 2010 Oct 23.
--Kouz R, Kouz S, Dery J, Eisenberg MJ, Schampaert E, Nguyen M, Mansour S, Afilalo
M, Lauzon C, Harvey R, Tardif J, Huynh T. Impact of evidence-based medical therapy
on long-term survival in patients with st-segment myocardial infarction: results of the
AMI-Quebec study. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S122D.
--Langleben D, Orfanos SE. Systemic sclerosis and early-onset pulmonary hypertension
(letter). Chest 2010;138:238-239.
--Lowe B, Therrien J, Martucci G, Marelli A. Effect of Pulmonary Hypertension on
Mortality and Morbidity in Adult Patients with Congeni al Heart Disease: A Population
Study. Accepted J Am Coll Cardiol 2010.
--Marelli A, Beauchesne L, Mital S, Therrien J, Silversides CK. Canadian
Cardiovascular Society 2009 Consensus Conference on Management of Ad ts with
Congenital Heart Disease. Introduction. Can J Cardiol. 2010;26(3):e65-e69.
-Mark DB, Berman DS, Budoff MJ, Carr JJ, Gerber TC, Hec
S, Hlatky MA, Hodgson
JM, Lauer MS, Miller JM, Morin RL, Mukherjee D, Poon M, Rubin GD, Schwartz RS;
American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force o xpert Consensus
Documents. Task Force Internal Reviewer (Eisenberg MJ)
--Mongeon FP, Belisle P, Joseph L, Eisenberg MJ, Rinfret S. Adjunctive thrombectomy
for acute myocardial infarction: A Bayesian meta -analysis. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2010;
--Muth S, Dort S, Sebag IA, Blais MJ, Garcia D. Unsupervised dealiasing and deno sing
of color-Doppler data. Medical Image Analysis Epub 2011 Mar 21.
--Orfanos SE, Langleben D. Pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis: a
distinctive endotheliopathy? (letter) Eur Respir J 2010;35:223-224.
--Owens CG, Therrien J, Kotowycz MA, Martucci G, Ionescu RI, Pilote L, Dancea A,
Tchervenkov C, Marelli AJ. Long Term Follow-up of Children Undergoing
Transcatheter vs Surgical Closure of Atrial Septal Defect - A Population Based Study.
Irish Society 2010
--Owens CG, Therrien J, Kotowycz MA, Martucci G, Ionescu RI, Pilote L, Dancea A,
Tchervenkov C, Marelli AJ. Long Term Safety of Children Undergoing Transcatheter vs
Surgical Closure of Atrial Septal Defect - A Population Based Study. International
ACHD Conference, Cincinatti , June 2011.
--Owens CG, Therrien J, Kotowycz MA, Martucci G, Ionescu RI, Pilote L, Dancea A,
Tchervenkov C, Marelli AJ. Long Term Follow-up of Children Undergoing
Transcatheter vs Surgical Closure of Atrial Septal Defect - A Population Based Study.
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2010; 26 (Supp D):74D.
--Owens CG, Therrien J, Kotowycz MA, Martucci G, Ionescu RI, Pilote L, Dancea A,
Tchervenkov C, Marelli AJ. Long Term Safety of Childre
ndergoing Transcatheter vs
Surgical Closure of Atrial Septal Defect - A Population Based Study. Circulation 2010;
122:A21439. *With AHA press release and two 30-minute interviews requested
--Pagé M, Doucet M, Eisenberg MJ, Behlouli H, Pilote L. Temporal trends in
revascularization and outcomes after acute myocardial infarction in the very elderly.
CMAJ 2010; 182:1415-20.
--Pagé M, Doucet M, Eisenberg MJ, Behlouli H, Pilote L. Revascularization procedures
as multivariate correlates of survival among very elde y patients suffering acute
myocardial infarction in the province of Quebec. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26:S55D.
--Patel A, Tu JV, Waters NM, Ko DT, Eisenberg MJ, Huynh T, Rinfret S, Knudtson M,
Ghali WA. Access to primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST -segment
elevation myocardial infarction in Canada: A geographic analysis. Open Med 2010; 1:1321.
--Pipe AL, Eisenberg MJ, Gupta A, Reid RD, Suskin NG, Stone JA. Canadian
Cardiovascular Society position statement on smoking c ssation. Can J Cardiol 2011;
--Queneville S, Therrien J, Pilote L, Marelli AJ. ASD closure: surgical vs.
percutaneous: a cost analysis study. AHA 2011.
--Roifman I, Beck PL, Anderson TJ, Eisenberg MJ, Genest J. Chronic inflammatory
diseases and cardiovascular risk: A systematic review. Can J Cardiol 2011; 27:174-82.
--Rudski L, Lai W, Afilalo J, Hua L, Handschumacher M, Chandrsekaran K et at.
Guidelines for the Echocardiographic Assessment of the Right Heart in Adults: A Report
from the American Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiography
--Sawaya H, Sebag IA, Plana JC, Januzzi JL, Ky B, Cohen V, Carver JR, Wieg rs SE,
Martin RP, Picard MH, Gerszten RE, Halpern EF, Passeri J, Kuter I, Scherrer-Crosbie M.
Early detection and prediction of cardiotoxicity in chemotherapy-treated patients: an
echocardiographic and biomarker study. Am J Cardiol. E
2011 Mar 2.
--Shamez S, Lowe B, Jutras L, Marelli A, Therrien J. Pulmonary Regurgitant volume
vs. Fraction: a Matter of Restrictive Physiology. Submitted to Cardiology in the young
--Silversides CK, Kiess M, Beauchesne L, Bradley T, Connelly M, Niwa K, Mulder B,
Webb G, Colman J, Therrien J. Canadian Cardiovascular Society 2009 Consensus
Conference on the Management of Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: Outflow tract
obstruction, coarctation of the aorta, tetralogy of Fallot, Ebstein anomaly and Marfan
syndrome. Can J Cardiol 2010;26(3):e80-e97.
--Silversides CK, Marelli A, Beauchesne L, Dore A, Kiess M, Salehian O,Bradley T,
Colman J, Connelly M, Harris L, Khiary P, M S, Niwa K,Oechslin E, Poirier N,
Schwerzmann M, Taylor D, Vonder Muhll I, BaumgartnerH, Benson L, Celermajer D,
Greutmann M, Horlick E, Landzberg M, Meijboom F,Mulder B, Warnes C, Webb G,
Therrien J. Canadian Cardiovascular Society 2009 Consensus Conference on the
Management of Adults with Congenital Heart. Executive Summary. Can J Cardiol.
2010;26(3): 143-150.
--Silversides CK, Powell C, Tanous D, Colman J, Harris L, Therrien J, Oechslin E, Liu
PP. The prognositc valvue of brain natriuretic peptide in adults with repaired tetralogy of
Fallot. Submitted to Circulation 2010.
--Silversides CK, Salehian O, Oechslin E, Schwerzmann M, Vonder Muhll I,Khiary P,
Horlick E, Landzberg M, Meijboom F, Warnes C, Therrien J. Canadian Cardiovascular
Society 2009 Consensus Conference on the Management of Adults with Congenital Heart
Disease: Complex congenital cardiac lesions. Can J Cardiol. 2010; 26(3): e98-e117.
--Silversides CK, Dore A, Poireir N, Taylor D, Harris L, Greutmann M, Benson L,
Baumgartner H, Celermajer D, Therrien J. Canadian Cardiovascular Society 2009
Consensus Conference on the Management of Adults with Congenital Heart Disease:
Shunt Lesions. Can J Cardiol 2010;26(3): e70-e79
--Star GP, Giovinazzo M, Langleben D. Bone morphogenic protein-9 stimulates
endothelin-1 release from human pulmonary microvascular endotheli l cells. A potential
mechanism for elevated ET -1 levels in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Microvasc Res
The priorities for the upcoming year` remain the expansion of the volume and variety of our
activities. The Division serves as a tertiary and quaternary referral center for hospitals in
Montreal and Quebec, including as far away as Amos. We ll continue to strengthen ties to
those centers. Through our academic activities, we will continue to enhance the profile of the
JGH. We will work towards a dedicated invasive laboratory for the pulmonary hypertension
effort, in order to maximize research and to unload ou
rburdened cardiac catheterization
Respectfully submitted,
David Langleben, MD
Chief, Division of Cardiology.