Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles


Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles
Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles
Research Director, CNRS, born 1950 (Istanbul / Turkey); B. Sc. Aristotelion University (Thessaloniki /
Greece, 1973); Ph.D. (Doctorat d’Etat ès-Sciences) University of Lyon (France, 1980).
Postdoctoral fellow: University of Rennes / France (Professor R. Carrié, 1980-81); University of Wyoming,
Laramie / USA (Professor D.S.Watt, 1981-82); Ecole de Chimie, Lyon / France (Professor J.Goré, 198284), University of California, Berkeley / USA (Professor C.H.Heathcock, 1984-85); Institut de Chimie des
Substances Naturelles, Gif-sur-Yvette / France (Professor H.-P. Husson, 1985-86 and G. Ourisson, 198790).
Actual Position :
Research Director
Gif-Sur-Yvette, France
The ICSN, is one of the biggest CNRS research institutes located just south of Paris, employs close to 300
people. The institute’s activities not only include the discovery and identification of new natural products
from plants and microorganisms, the syntheses of those having pharmacological properties and their
analogues, but also the investigation of biological mechanisms of action. This research is carried out by a
highly educated and dedicated workforce using the latest analytical instruments.
1-Synthése d'aziridines.
G. Alvernhe, S. Arseniyadis, R. Chaabouni et A. Laurent.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1975,355-356.
2-Reactions of lithio and Grignard derivatives of 6-Halogeno-1,2 dienes with an azirine.
M.L. Roumestant, S. Arseniyadis, J. Goré and A. Laurent.
J.C.S.Chem.Comm. 1976, 479-480.
3-Transfert d'un atome de chlore lors d'un réarrangement de type McLafferty.
S. Arseniyadis, J. Goré and M.L. Roumestant.
Organic Mass Spectrometry , 1977, 12, 262-263.
4-Transfert d'hétéroatomes ( Cl, Br, OH) lors de la fragmentation d'acétyléniques γ-fonctionnalisés.
S. Arseniyadis, J. Goré and M.L. Roumestant.
Organic Mass Spectrometry , 1978, 13, 54-56.
5-Reaction of Grignard reagents and lithio derivatives of γ-halogenoallenes with azirines and carbonyl
S. Arseniyadis, J. Goré, A. Laurent and M.L. Roumestant.
Journal of Chemical Research , 1978(S) 416-17, (M) 4616-4647.
6-Spéctres de masse de composés alléniques. Transposition de type McLafferty de groupes
hétéroatomiques et de phényle sur le carbone allénique central.
S. Arseniyadis, J. Goré and M.L. Roumestant.
Tetrahedron , 1979, 35, 353-363.
7-Détermination de la configuration E/Z d'iodures de triméthyl hydrazonium par RMN du H et du C.
S. Arseniyadis, A. Laurent et P. Mison.
Bull. Soc. Chim. de France II, 1980, 233-245.
8-Synthése d'aziridines : Action d'organomagnésiens sur des iodures de N,N,N-trimethylhydrazonium .
S. Arseniyadis, A. Laurent et P. Mison.
Bull. Soc. Chim. de France II, 1980, 246-254.
9-Comportement sous impact électronique d' allénes γ-fonctionnels et des acétyléniques isoméres. Mise en
évidence du transfert d'un chlore et d'un hydroxyle par un réarrangement de type McLafferty à l'aide de la
spéctrométrie CID/MIKE.
S. Arseniyadis, P. Guenot, J. Goré et R. Carrié.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1981, 22, 2251-2254.
10-Structure d'iodures de triméthyl hydrazonium et interprétation des blindages observés en RMN du 13C.
S. Arseniyadis, A. Laurent, P. Mison, R. Faure et H. Loiseleur.
Acta Cryst. B38, 1982, 2185-2190.
11-Conjugate addition of 1-(phenylthio)-1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propene to unsaturated ketones.
K.S. Kyler, M.A. Netzel, S. Arseniyadis and D.S. Watt.
Journal of Organic Chemistry , 1983, 48, 383-385.
12-Quassinoids . 1. Attempted Intramolecular Diels-Alder Approach for assembling the ABCD Rings.
M. Voyle , K.S. Kyler , S. Arseniyadis , N. Dunlop and D.S. Watt.
Journal of Organic Chemistry , 1983, 48, 470-476.
13-Cyclisation d'amines γ- et δ-alléniques . Synthése d'alcényl-2 pyrrolidines et d'alcényl-2 pipèridines .
S. Arseniyadis et J. Goré.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1983, 24, 3997-4000.
14-Synthesis of Biological Markers in Fossil Fuels .1. 17α and 17β Isomers of 30- Norhopane and 30Normoretane.
P.H. Bauer, N.K. Dunlop, S. Arseniyadis, D.S. Watt, W.K. Seifert and J.M. Moldowan
Journal of Organic Chemistry , 1983, 48, 4493-4497.
15-Addition and substitution reactions of nitrile stabilized carbanions.
S. Arseniyadis, K.S. Kyler and D.S. Watt.
Organic Reactions 1984, 31, pp1-364.
16-An efficient synthesis of (±)-Pinidine.
S. Arseniyadis and J. Sartoretti.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1985, 26, 729-732.
17-Fragmentation Behaviour of ω-Functionalized Allenes and their isomeric Acetylenes under Electron
Impact.Study on the Isomerization of Molecular Ions and Structural Assignement of Heteroatom Migration
related to a McLafferty Rearrangement by CAD/MIKE Spectrometry.
S. Arseniyadis, J. Goré, P. Guenot and R. Carrié.
J.Chem.Soc.Perkin Trans. II 1985,1413-1418.
18-Acyclic Stereoselection . 35 . Effect of cation on diastereofacial selectivity in aldol reactions of a chiral
α-silyloxy ketone.
C. H. Heathcock and S. Arseniyadis.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1985, 26, 6009-6012.
19-Electron Impact Induced Fragmentations of 5-Hydroxy-1,2-pentadiene.
S. Arseniyadis, A. Maquestiau, R. Flammang, P. Guenot and R. Carrié.
Organic Mass Spectrometry 1987, 22,121-122.
20-Asymmetric Synthesis XI: A Chiral Pyrrolidine Synthon for a new approach to the synthesis of
P. Q. Huang, S. Arseniyadis and H. P. Husson.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1987, 28, 547-550.
21-Asymmetric Synthesis XII: Stereocontrolled Electrophilic-Nucleophilic a,a'- Substitution of the
Pyrrolidine Ring.
S. Arseniyadis, P. Q. Huang, D. Piveteau and H. P. Husson.
Tetrahedron 1988, 44, 2457-2470.
22-Asymmetric Synthesis XIII:Synthesis of 2-Alkyl-Pyrrolidines : Towards Azabicyclic Systems.
S. Arseniyadis, P. Q.Huang and H. P.Husson.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1988, 29, 631-634.
23-Asymmetric Synthesis XIV: A Short and Efficient Synthesis of 3,5-disubstituted Pyrrolizidine
Alkaloids via the CN(R,S) Method.
S. Arseniyadis, P. Q. Huang and H. P. Husson.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1988, 29, 1391-1394.
24-Threonine in Organic Synthesis : Overview and Prospects.
S. Arseniyadis.
Biofutur Nov. 1988 pp. 61-67.
25-Structure of 5-Ethyl-3-phenylperhydropyrrolo(2,1-b)oxazolidine-5-carbonitrile.
A. Chiaroni, S. Arseniyadis, C. Kan and C. Riche.
Acta Cryst. C44, 1988, 1775-1777.
26-Electron Impact Fragmentations of β-allenic γ-acetylenic alcohols .
S. Arseniyadis, A. Maquestiau, R. Flammang, P. Guenot and R. Carrié.
Organic Mass Spectrometry 1989, 24, 909-916.
27-On the 2,4-Relative stereochemistry of N-Cyanomethyl Oxazolidines.
S. Arseniyadis, P. Q. Huang, N. Morellet, J. C. Beloeil and H. P. Husson.
Heterocycles 1990, 31, 1789-1799.
28-Achilleol B:A new tricyclic triterpene from Achillea odorata L.
A. F. Barrero, E. A. Manzaneda, R. Manzaneda, S. Arseniyadis and E. Guittet.
Tetrahedron 1990, 46, 8161-8168.
29-Microbial Allylic Hydroxylation of some Octalone Derivatives.
J. Ouazzani, S. Arseniyadis, R. Manzaneda, E. Cabrera and G. Ourisson.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1991, 32, 647-650.
30-Microbial Hydroxylations of further Octaline Derivatives.
J. Ouazzani, S. Arseniyadis, R. Manzaneda, A. Rumbero and G. Ourisson.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1991, 32, 1983-1986.
31-Protocols for the preparation of each of the four possible stereoisomeric a-alkyl b-hydroxy carboxylic
acids from a single chiral aldol reagent .
N. A. Draanen, S. Arseniyadis, M. T. Crimmins and C. H. Heathcock.
Journal of Organic Chemistry 1991, 56, 2499-2506.
32-Synthetic approaches to pentacyclic triterpenes of the arborane family .
S. Arseniyadis, R. Rodriguez, E. Cabrera, A. Thompson and G. Ourisson.
Tetrahedron 1991, 47, 7045-7058.
33-Biohydroxylation of Hydrindenone Derivatives.
S. Arseniyadis, J. Ouazzani, R. Rodriguez, A. Rumbero and G. Ourisson.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1991, 32, 3573-3576.
34-Synthetic Approaches to Pentacyclic Triterpenes of the Arborane Family. II-Tetracyclic intermediates
S. Arseniyadis, R. Rodriguez, R. Spanevello, J. Camara, A. Thompson, E. Guittet and G. Ourisson.
Tetrahedron 1992, 48, 1255-1262.
35-A Comparative Study of Chemical versus Biological Functionalizations of Synthetic Intermediates.
S. Arseniyadis, R. Rodriguez, R. Brondi, R. Spanevello, J. Ouazzani and G. Ourisson.
Microbial Reagents in Organic Synthesis, 1992, 313-321, Kluwer Academic, Publisher.
36-Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids. Synthesis of an A-ring Building Unit.
S. Arseniyadis, D. V. Yashunsky, R. Pereira de Freitas, M. Muñoz Dorado, E. Toromanoff and P.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1993, 34, 1137-1140.
37- Diels-Alder Approaches to Pentacyclic Triterpenes of the Arborane and the Fernane Families.
S. Arseniyadis, R. Rodriguez, J. Camara, E. Guittet and L. Toupet.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1993, 34, 1141-1144.
38-Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids. A Straightforward Procedure for Taxoid BC
S. Arseniyadis, D. V. Yashunsky, M. Muñoz Dorado, R. Brondi Alves, E. Toromanoff, L. Toupet and
P. Potier.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1993, 34, 4927-4930.
39-Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids. Lead Tetraacetate Oxidations of Selected Unsaturated
Bicyclic Diols.
S. Arseniyadis, D. V. Yashunsky, R. Brondi Alves, Q. Wang, E. Toromanoff, L. Toupet and P.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 99-102.
40-Chemobiological Transformations of Octalone and Hydrindenone Derivatives.
S. Arseniyadis, R. Rodriguez, M. Muñoz Dorado, R. Brondi Alves, J. Ouazzani and G. Ourisson.
Tetrahedron 1994, 50, 8399-8426.
41-Regio and Stereochemical Variations in Diels-Alder Reactions.
S. Arseniyadis, R. Rodriguez, D. V. Yashunsky, J. Camara and G. Ourisson.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 4843-4846.
42-An Efficient Route to the Formal Total Synthesis of A-seco Mevinic Acid Analogues.
S. Arseniyadis, R. Brondi Alves, Q. Wang, D. V. Yashunsky and P. Potier.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 7949-7952.
43-Left-Half Taxoid Building Blocks from Hajos-Parrish Ketone.
S. Arseniyadis, D. V. Yashunsky, R. Pereira de Freitas, R. Brondi Alves, M. Muñoz Dorado, Q.
Wang, and P. Potier.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 9395-9398.
44-Lead Tetraacetate Oxidations of Unsaturated Bicyclic Diols Revisited: One Pot Multistage
S. Arseniyadis, R. Brondi Alves, D. V. Yashunsky, Q. Wang, and P. Potier.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1995, 36, 1027-1030.
45-Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids: An Efficient Formal Total Synthesis of an A-seco
Taxane Framework.
S. Arseniyadis, Q. Wang, D. V. Yashunsky, T. Kaoudi, R. Brondi Alves and P. Potier.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1995, 36, 1633-1636.
46- Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Pentacyclic Triterpenes of the Arborane and Fernane Family.
S. Arseniyadis, R.Rodriguez, J.Camara, J-F.Gallard, E.Guittet, L.Toupet and G. Ourisson.
Tetrahedron 1995, 51, 9947-9972.
47- Cascade Reactions On Selected Unsaturated Diols: A Mechanistic Rationale.
S. Arseniyadis, L. Toupet, D. V. Yashunsky, Q. Wang and P. Potier.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1995, 36, 8783-8786.
48- A Chemoenzymatic Approach to the Taxoid BC-Substructure
S. Arseniyadis, D. V. Yashunsky, M. Muñoz Dorado, R. Brondi Alves, Q. Wang, P. Potier and L.
Tetrahedron 1996, 52, 6215-6232.
49- Left and Right-half Taxoid building blocks from Hajos-Parrish ketone
S. Arseniyadis, D. V. Yashunsky, R. Pereira de Freitas, M. Muñoz Dorado, P. Potier and L. Toupet.
Tetrahedron 1996, 52, 12443-12458.
50- Formal Total Synthesis of an A-seco Mevinic Acid
S. Arseniyadis, R. Brondi Alves, D. V. Yashunsky, P. Potier and L. Toupet.
Tetrahedron 1997, 53, 1003-1014.
51- Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids: Strategies built around a molecule and the discovery
of new methodologies.
S. Arseniyadis, R. Brondi Alves, R. Pereira de Freitas, M. Muñoz Dorado, D. V. Yashunsky, P. Potier
and L. Toupet.
Heterocycles, 1997, 46, 727-764.
52-Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids: The Aldol-Annelation-Fragmentation Strategy
S. Arseniyadis, M. Rico Ferreira, J. Quilez del Moral, D. V. Yashunsky, P. Potier
Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 571-574.
53-Lead Tetraacetate Mediated "One-Pot"Multistage Transformations On Selected Unsaturated 1,2-Diols:
The Wieland-Miescher Series
S. Arseniyadis, R. Brondi Alves, J. Quilez del Moral, D. V. Yashunsky and P. Potier.
Tetrahedron 1998, 54, 5949-5958.
54-An Expedient Access To Highly Functionalized B-seco Taxoid Frameworks.
S. Arseniyadis, J.I. Martin Hernando, J. Quilez del Moral, D.V. Yashunsky and P. Potier
Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 3489-3492.
55-A Concise Preparation of an Appropriately Functionalized B-seco Taxane derivative
S. Arseniyadis, J.I. Martin Hernando, J. Quilez del Moral, D.V. Yashunsky and P. Potier
Synlett 1998, 1010-1012.
56-A Convenient Preparation of Taxoid Right-Half Building Blocks
S. Arseniyadis, J. Quilez del Moral, Rosemeire Brondi Alves, P. Potier and Loic Toupet.
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 1998, 9, 2871-2878.
57-Stereoselective Synthesis of an A-Seco-Taxoid Subunit Using the Aldol-Annelation-Fragmentation
S. Arseniyadis, M. Rico Ferreira, J. Quilez del Moral, J.I. Martin Hernando, P.Potier and L Toupet.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 7291-7294.
58-An Expedient Synthesis of a Conveniently Functionalized Optically Homogeneous Taxoid ABC Ring
S. Arseniyadis, J.I. Martin Hernando, J. Quilez del Moral, M. Rico Ferreira, N. Birlirakis and P.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 9011-9014.
59-Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids: A Rapid Entry Into Bicyclo[6.4.0]dodecane System,
Part 1
S. Arseniyadis, M. Rico Ferreira, J. Quílez del Moral, J.I. Martín Hernando, P. Potier and L Toupet.
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 1998, 9, 4055-4071.
60-Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids: A Rapid Entry Into Bicyclo[6.4.0]dodecane System,
Part 2
S. Arseniyadis, M. Rico Ferreira, J. Quílez del Moral, J. I. Martín Hernando, N. Birlirakis and P.
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 1999, 10, 193-206.
61-Taxoid C-Ring Building Blocks from Hajos-Parrish Ketone. Practical Synthesis of an Eantiomerically
Pure Taxoid ABC Ring System
J. I. Martín Hernando, J. Quílez del Moral, M. Rico Ferreira, J. I. Candela Lena and S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 1999, 10, 783-797.
62-PLE and HLE catalyzed reverse enantiomeric separation of (+/-)-methyl-2-methoxy-1-methyl-2,5cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate derivatives
C. Tanyeli, B. Sezen, A. S. Demir, R. Brondi Alves and S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 1999, 10, 1129-1133.
63-Modified Steroids : Pb(OAc)4 Mediated One-Pot Multistage Transformations on Steroidal Unsaturated
M. Rico Ferreira, J. I. Martín Hernando, J. I. Candela-Lena, J. Quílez del Moral and S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 1999, 10, 1527-1537.
64-Pb(OAc)4 Mediated Oxidative Cleavage of Steroidal Unsaturated 1,2-Diols: Influence of the Angular
M. Rico Ferreira, J.I. Martín Hernando, J.I. Candela-Lena, L.Toupet, N. Birlirakis, and S.
Tetrahedron Lett. 1999, 40, 7679-7682.
65-Influence of the Substitution Pattern on the Pb(OAc)4 Mediated Oxidative Cleavage of Steroidal
Unsaturated Diols
J.I. Martín Hernando, M. Rico Ferreira, J.I. Candela-Lena, L. Toupet, N. Birlirakis, and S.
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 1999, 10, 3977-3989.
66-Advanced Taxoids from Hajos-Parrish Ketone and isophorone by the Transmetallation (C11-C12)Aldol (C1-C2) Approach
M. Rico Ferreira, J.I. Martín Hernando, J.I. Candela-Lena, N. Birlirakis, S. Arseniyadis
Synlett 2000, 113-115.
67-A rapid entry into major groups of taxoids
J.I. Martín Hernando, M. Rico Ferreira, J.I. Candela Lena, N. Birlirakis, S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron Lett. 2000, 41, 863-866.
68-Studies towards the taxoid diterpene ABC-ring system : practical access to highly functionalized
enantiomerically pure analogues of major group representatives
J.I. Martín Hernando, M. Rico Ferreira, J.I. Candela Lena , N. Birlirakis, S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2000, 11, 951-973.
69-Oxidative cleavage of unsaturated 1,2-diols using chiral lead-tetracarboxylates obtained by in situ
J. I. Candela Lena, Ö. Sesenoglu, N. Birlirakis and S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron Lett. 2001, 42, 21-24.
70-Tandem glycol cleavage-intramolecular 4+2 cycloadditions mediated by Mn(OAc)3
J. I. Candela Lena, M. Rico Ferreira, J.I. Martín Hernando, E. Altinel and S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron Lett. 2001, 42, 3179-3182.
71-Tandem glycol cleavage-intramolecular 4+2 cycloadditions mediated by Dess-Martin periodinane
J. I. Candela Lena, J.I. Martín Hernando, M. Rico Ferreira, E. Altinel and S. Arseniyadis
Synlett 2001, 597-600.
72-A practical access into conveniently functionalized, homochiral C-ring system of Taxuyunnanine C
J. I. Candela Lena, M. Rico Ferreira, J.I. Martín Hernando and S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2001, 12, 3281-3291.
73- Iodobenzene diacetate mediated hetero-domino transformations
J.I. Candela Lena, E. Altınel, N. Birlirakis and S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron Lett. 2002, 43, 1409-1412.
74-Pb(OAc)4 mediated hetero-domino transformations: can any unsaturated 1,2-diol be regarded as a
J.I. Candela Lena, E. Altınel, N. Birlirakis and S. Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron Lett. 2002, 43, 2505-2509.
75-Lead Tetraacetate Mediated One-Pot Multistage Transformations: Theoretical Studies on the Diverging
Behaviour in the Hajos-Parrish and Wieland-Miescher Series
Canan Unaleroglu, Viktorya Aviyente and Simeon Arseniyadis
J. Org. Chem. 2002, 67, 2447-2452.
76-First Synthesis of the Antifungal Oidiolactone C from trans-Communic Acid: Cytotoxic and
Antimicrobial Activity in Podolactone-Related Compounds
Alejandro F. Barrero, Siméon Arseniyadis, José F. Quílez del Moral, M. Mar Herrador, M. Valdivia,
and D. Jiménez
J. Org. Chem. 2002, 67, 2501-2508.
77- An Efficient One-Pot Approach to Bridged Bicyclic Ring-Systems via Consecutive Hetero-Domino
Transformations: A Mechanistic Rationale and Further Rearrangements
Laure Finet, José I. Candela Lena, Talbi Kaoudi, Nicolas Birlirakis and Siméon Arseniyadis
Chem. Eur. J. 2003, 9, 3813-3820.
78- Lead tetraacetate mediated domino reactions on (R)-(-)-carvone-derived bicyclic unsaturated 1,2-diols
and further réarrangements
Elena M. Sanchez Fernandez, José I. Candela Lena, Ertan Altinel, Nicolas Birlirakis, Alejandro F.
Barrero and Siméon Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2003, 14, 2277-2290.
79-Mild Protocols for Generating Molecular Complexity: A Comparative Study of Hetero-Domino
Reactions Based on the Oxidant and the Substitution Pattern
José I. Candela Lena, Elena M. Sánchez Fernández, Alwar Ramani, Nicolas Birlirakis, Alejandro F.
Barrero and Siméon Arseniyadis
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2005, 683-700.
80- Variations of Solvent and Substitution Pattern in Pb(OAc)4 Mediated Domino Reactions
Özge Sesenoglu, José I. Candela Lena, Ertan Altinel, Nicolas Birlirakis and Siméon Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2005, 16, 995-1015.
81-Sulfanyl Radical-Induced Cyclization of Linalyl Acetate to the Iridane Skeleton : A Short Synthesis of
Alejandro F. Barrero, Simeon Arseniyadis, M. Mar Herrador, José F. Quilez del Moral, Jesus F.
Arteaga, Elena M. Sanchez
Synlett 2005, 591-594.
82-Enantioselective Annulation Using Nazarov Reagent : Synthesis of (+)-Preoleanatetraene
Alejandro F. Barrero, Simeon Arseniyadis, José F. Quilez del Moral, M. Mar Herrador, Antonio
Synlett 2005, 789-792.
83- Stereoselective Construction of a Highly Functionalized Taxoid ABC-Ring System. The C2-C9 OxaBridge Approach
Sylvain Hamon, Nicolas Birlirakis, Loïc Toupet and Siméon Arseniyadis
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2005, 4082-4092.
84- Matched and mismatched pairings in B-secotaxane construction. A structure elucidation study.
Imad Safir, José I. Candela Lena, Laure Finet, Nicolas Birlirakis and Siméon Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2005, 16, 3436-3450.
85-The Aldol-Annulation-Fragmentation Strategy Towards the Taxoid Diterpene Framework Revisited.
Instructive Failures in the Chemistry of Medium Ring Containing Systems.
Sylvain Hamon, M. Rico Ferreira, J. Quílez del Moral, J. I. Martín Hernando, José I. Candela Lena,
Nicolas Birlirakis, Loic Toupet and Siméon Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2005, 16, 3241-3255.
86- Modeling the Effect of Substitution on the Pb(OAc)4 mediated oxidative cleavage of Steroidal 1,2-diols
Cem Ozturk, K. Topal, Victoria Avijente, Nurcan Tuzun, Elena Sanchez and Siméon Arseniyadis
J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 7080-7086.
87- The Domino Chemistry Approach to Molecular Diversity: Competing Domino Processes Modulated by
the Substitution Pattern
Imad Safir, Isabel Castellote, Susana Porcel, Talbi Kaoudi, Nicolas Birlirakis, Loïc Toupet and
Siméon Arseniyadis
Chem. –Eur. J. 2006, 12, 7337-7344.
88- The Domino Chemistry Approach to Molecular Complexity: High-Yielding bis-Hetero Intramolecular
Diels-Alder Reactions with Ketone Components
Angeline Chanu, Isabel Castellote, Aurelien Commeureuc, Imad Safir and Siméon Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2006, 17, 2565-2591.
89- Synthesis of chiral ligands from Hydrindene diols using a Consecutive Hetero-Domino
Transformation as Key Reaction Step
Laure Finet, Mohamed Dakir, Isabel Castellote, Talbi Kaoudi, Loïc Toupet and
Siméon Arseniyadis
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 335-341.
90-Practical Construction of Taxoid C-ring Segments Using a Consecutive Hetero-Domino
Transformation as Key Reaction Step
Laure Finet, Mohamed Dakir, Angèle Chiaroni and Siméon Arseniyadis
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 342-350.
91- Enantioselective total synthesis of 1-epi-pathylactone A
Angéline Chanu, Imad Safir, Ramkrishna Basak, Angèle Chiaroni and Siméon
Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 1351-1354.
92- Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of the bicyclo[2.2.2]octanone System Revisited: Searching for a Modular
Construction of Heavily Substituted Cyclohexanes Based on m-CPBA Mediated Selective Oxygen
Laure Finet, Mohamed Dakir, Isabel Castellote and Siméon Arseniyadis
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 4116-4123.
93- Pb(OAc)4 mediated transannular oxidative ring-cleavage
Zobida Elkhayat, Imad Safir, Mohamed Dakir and Siméon Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2007, 18, 1589-1602.
94- Synthesis of a norSesquiterpene Spirolactone-Steroidal Hybrid Using an Eco Friendly
Domino Reaction as a Key Step
Angéline Chanu, Imad Safir, Ramkrishna Basak, Angèle Chiaroni and Siméon Arseniyadis
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 4305-4312.
95- N-Bromoacetamide (NBA)
Andrei Corbu and Siméon Arseniyadis,
Electronic Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, 2008, DOI: 10.1002/047084289X.rb268.pub2
96- A Domino-Based Approach Towards Stereodefined Heavily Functionalized Cyclohexanes: Synthesis
of Iridal’s Core Structure
Andrei Corbu, Guillaume Gauron, Juan M. Castro, Mohamed Dakir and Siméon Arseniyadis,
Org. Lett, 2007, 9, 4745-4748.
97- Exploring Modular Domino Reactions: Competing Processes Based on the Nature of the Angular
Zobida Elkhayat, Imad Safir, Pascal Retailleau and Siméon Arseniyadis,
Org. Lett, 2007, 9, 4841-4844.
98- Microwave-Accelerated Competing Domino Processes: A Tether-Controlled Dual Pathway into High
Molecular Complexity
Zobida Elkhayat, Imad Safir, Isabel Castellote, Pascal Retailleau and Siméon Arseniyadis,
Org. Lett, 2008, 10, 2219-2222.
99- Enantioselective Synthesis of Iridal, the Parent Molecule of the Iridal Triterpenoid Class
Andrei Corbu, Maurizio Aquino, T. V. Pratap, Pascal Retailleau and Siméon Arseniyadis
Org. Lett, 2008, 10, 1787-1790.
100- Total Synthesis and Structural Confirmation of ent-Galbanic acid and Marneral
Andrei Corbu, Manuel Perez, Maurizio Aquino, Pascal Retailleau and Siméon Arseniyadis
Org. Lett, 2008, 10, 2853-2856.
101- Microwave assisted domino reactions: Function-compatibility, modulation and greening efforts
Andrei Corbu, Guillaume Gauron, Juan M. Castro, Mohamed Dakir and Simeon Arseniyadis
Tetrahedron : Asymmetry, 2008, 19, 1730-1743.
102- Microwave Assisted Competing Domino Processes in Octaline-Diol Series
Zobida Elkhayat, Imad Safir, Maurizio Aquino, Manuel Perez, Zoila Gandara, Pascal Retailleau and
Siméon Arseniyadis
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 2687-2694.
103- Competing Domino Processes: Path-Discriminating Ability of Epoxide Stereochemistry at the
Angular Position
Maurizio Aquino, Imad Safir, Zobida Elkhayat, Zoila Gandara, Manuel Perez, Pascal Retailleau and
Siméon Arseniyadis
Org. Lett, 2009, 11, 3610–3613.
104- Natural and Unnatural A-seco Terpenes from Pulegone. Synthesis of Galbanic acid and Marneral
Andrei Corbu, Maurizio Aquino, Manuel Perez, Zoila Gandara and Siméon Arseniyadis,
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 6386–6392.
105- Synthetic studies toward various homologs of natural sesquiterpene-coumarin ethers: The Domino
Andrei Corbu, Juan M. Castro, Maurizio Aquino, Zoila Gandara, Pascal Retailleau and Siméon
Arseniyadis Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 1483–1493.
106- Efficient Construction of Highly Substituted and Stereodefined cis-Fused Lactones
Zobida Elkhayat, Imad Safir, Zoila Gandara, Pascal Retailleau and Siméon Arseniyadis Eur. J. Org.
Chem. 2010, 4851–4860.
Castillo, R. R.; Aquino, M.; Gandara, Z.; Safir, I.; Elkhayat, Z.; Retailleau, P. and
Arseniyadis, S.
Diverging pathways to topologically complex polycyclic bis-acetals and their ring system
Org. Lett., 14(6), p.1628-1631 (2012).
Go, Y. S.; Lee, S. B.; Kim, H. J.; Kim, J.; Park, H.-Y.; Kim, J.-K.; Shibata, K.;
Yokota, T.; Ohyama, K.; Muranaka, T.; Arseniyadis, S. and Suh, M. C.
Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in
The Plant Journal, 72(5), p.791-804 (2012).
Castillo, R. R.; Abet, V.; Aquino, M.; Gandara, Z.; Retailleau, P., Arseniyadis, S.
Modular construction of topologically complex polycyclic acetals by tethercontrolled domino reactions
Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2013(12), p.2389-2400 (2013).
Castillo, R. R.; Abet, V.; Aquino, M.; Gandara, Z.; Retailleau, P. , Arseniyadis, S.
Increasing the dimensionality of modular domino reactions triggered by oxidative
cleavage: a two-step protocol towards a variety of stereodefined complex oxygen
Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2013(12), p.2401-2413 (2013).
Safir, I.; Chanu, A.; Elkhayat, Z.; Basak, R. and Arseniyadis, S.
Synthesis of nor-sesquiterpene spirolactones and their steroidal hybrids revisited. The
neopentyl dilemma: misassignment of one stereocentre may necessitate a completely new
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 25(18–19), p.1253-1263 (2014).
Seminars, Plenary and Invited Lectures
1- University of California, Berkeley C. H. Heathcock seminar (USA).
20 Aout 1985 "Effect of Cation on Diastereofacial Selectivity in Aldol Reactions of a chiral α-alkoxy
2- 8th International Biotechnology Symposium, Paris. Invited Lecture
17 Juillet 1988 "Threonin in Organic Synthesis: Overview and Prospects".
3- Université de Rennes I
18 Janvier 1989 "Progrès dans la Synthèse Totale de l'Isoarborinol".
4- Universidad de Granada Facultad de Ciencias, Grenade (Spain).
29 Mai 1989 "Organic Synthesis with Chiral Synthons".
5- University of Kentucky, Department of Chemistry (USA).
20 Avril 1990 "Chiral Pool Derived Synthons and Progress Toward the Synthesis of Isoarborinol".
6- Universidad de Granada Dpto. de Química Orgánica, Grenade (Spain).
8 Mai 1990 "Progress toward the Synthesis of Isoarborinol".
7- Universidad de Granada Dpto. de Química Orgánica, Grenade (Spain).
18 Mai 1990 "The hetero MacLafferty rearrangement : Electron Impact Fragmentations of ωfunctionnalized allenes and isomeric acetylenes".
8- Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (Brésil).
21 Aout 1990 "The hetero MacLafferty rearrangement : Electron Impact Fragmentations of ωfunctionnalized allenes and isomeric acetylenes."
9- Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (Brésil).
23 Aout 1990 "Selective Multifunction Transformations ; Synthetic strategies".
10- 1er Seminaire de chimie des carrieres, Rhône-Poulenc, Lyon. Invited Lecture
23 Janvier 1991 "Voies d'Accès à un Triterpène Pentacyclique: l'Isoarborinol, et étude d'une
Hydroxylation Allylique Microbiologique".
11- Smith Kline & French Synthetic and Isotope Chemistry Dept, Hertfordshire (UK).
21 Fevrier 1992 "Synthetic approaches to pentacyclic triterpenes of the arborane family, with a touch
of chemobiological transformations".
12- Université de Mons (Belgium).
27 Fevrier 1992 "Intermediaires Synthetiques pour la Synthèse des Produits Naturels: Quelques
Transformations Chemobiologiques".
13- Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg.
20 mars 1992 "Synthetic Approaches to pentacyclic Triterpenes of the Arborane and Fernane
14- Nato Advanced Research Worksop Sestri-Levante, Genova (Italy). Invited Lecture
23 mars 1992 "The allylic Biohydroxylation : A Comparative Study on the Allylic Hydroxylation ; the
chemical versus the biological approach".
15- Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, Gif-sur-Yvette.
15 Avril 1992 "Presentation des Resultats obtenues par l'equipe 76 les deux derniéres années".
16- Institut Henri Beaufour, Plessis-Robinson.
21 juin 1994. "Synthèse terpènique: diterpènes-taxoïdes, triterpènes-arboranes et fernanes".
17- 10th National Congress of Chemistry of Turkish Chemical Society Bursa, (Turkey). (CPC)
17-21 septembre 1994 "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
18- Middle East Technical University, Chemistry Department , Ankara (Turkey).
22 septembre 1994. "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
19- Université de Granada, Departement de Chimie (Spain).
5 octobre 1994. "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
20- University of Oxford, Chemistry Department (UK).
27 octobre 1994. "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
21- University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK).
09 mars 1995. "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
22- Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, Gif-sur-Yvette.
30 mars 1995. "Construction de segments taxoïdes: Analyse d'une stratégie".
23- Université de Rennes I
31 mars 1995. "Construction de segments taxoïdes: Analyse d'une stratégie".
24- Universite de Reims, Faculté de Pharmacie
6 avril 1995. "Synthèses de produits à activité biologique importante".
25- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris ENSCP
11 avril 1995. "Construction de segments taxoïdes: Analyse d'une stratégie".
26- Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau
22 juin 1995. "Construction de segments taxoïdes: Analyse d'une stratégie".
27- Université de Paris VI, Jussieu
3 juillet 1995. "Construction de segments taxoïdes: Analyse d'une stratégie".
28- Symposium International en Synthèse Organique Université de Montréal (Canada). Plenary
9-10 avril 1996 "Taxoid building blocks via one-pot Multistage Transformations".
29- First Symposium of Postgraduate Students in Organic Chemistry, Université d'Erzurum (Turkey).
Plenary Lecture
6-9 juin 1996 "Strategies Built Around a Molecule".
30- The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California (USA).
25 septembre 1996 "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
31- University of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA).
26 septembre 1996 "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
32- Université de Barcelone, Faculté de Pharmacie, Barcelone (Spain).
2 décembre 1996 "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
33- Instituto de Química Orgánica General, CSIC Madrid (Spain).
3 décembre 1996 "Strategies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
34- Fifth Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Guangzhou (Chine). Invited Lecture
10-14 décembre 1996 "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Taxoids".
35- Middle East Technical University, Chemistry Department Ankara (Turkey).
24 Mars 1997. "Lead tetraacetate mediated cascade transformations".
36- XIth National Congress of Chemistry, Turkish Chemical Society, Van (Turkey). Plenary Lecture
16-20 Juin 1997 "Lead Tetraacetate Mediated One-Pot Multistage Transformations of Unsaturated
37- 4ème Symposium ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette. Plenary Lecture
10-11 Juillet 1998 «Synthetic Strategies Towards Selected Targets ; Pentacyclic Triterpenes, Taxoid
Diterpenes, A-seco Mevinic acids ».
38- Ecole Normale Supérieure, Rue Lhomond, Paris.
18 Mai 1999 "Synthèse taxoïde: deux stratégies pour accéder au squelette ditérpénique hautement
39- Faculté de Pharmacie, BIOSYS, Châtenay-Malabry.
24 Juin 1999 "Synthèse taxoïde: deux stratégies pour accéder au squelette ditérpénique hautement
40- French-American Chemical Society, FACS-VIII, Sonoma Valley, California (USA). Plenary
4-8 Juin 2000, "One-Pot Multi Stage Transformations: A Rapid Entry Into Major Group Of
41- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Instituto di Composti del Carbonio contenenti Eteroatomi e
loro Applicazioni (I.Co.C.E.A.), Bologna (Italy).
18 Juillet 2000 "One-Pot Multi Stage Transformations: A Rapid Entry Into Major Group Of
42- Technical University of Denmark, Copenhague (Denmark).
1 Septembre 2000 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: A rapid acces to Taxoid ABC ring
43- KARO BIO AB, NOVUM Stockholm (Sweden).
4 Septembre 2000 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: A rapid acces to Taxoid ABC ring
44- University of Lund (Sweden).
7 Septembre 2000 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: A rapid acces to Taxoid ABC ring
45- International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawai (USA). Invited
14-19 December 2000 "One-Pot Multi Stage Transformations: A Rapid Entry Into Major Group of
46- Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau.
7 Février 2001 «The potential of olefins for generating diversity; rapid entries to biologically
important frameworks».
47- 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, California (USA). Invited Lecture
1-6 April 2001 “On the potential of olefins for generating diversity; rapid entries to biologically
important frameworks”.
48- Middle East Technical University, Chemistry Department, Ankara (Turkey).
25 mai 2001 “Target Driven Methodologies ; Rapid Entries to Taxoids and Homosteroids”.
49- Université du Bhosphore, Istanbul (Turkey).
28 Mai 2001 "Target Driven Methodologies; Rapid Entries to Taxoids and Homosteroids".
50- 9th Meeting on Stereochemistry, Prague (Chec Republic). Invited Lecture
15-18 Juin 2001 “The potential of olefins for generating diversity; development of possibilities for
catalysis and rapid entries to biologically important frameworks”.
51- Université de Granada, Grenade (Spain).
7 Septembre 2001 “The potential of olefins for generating diversity; development of possibilities for
catalysis and rapid entries to biologically important frameworks”.
52- XII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Quimica Terapeutica, Seville (Spain). Plenary
11-14 Septembre 2001 “Target Driven Methodologies; Rapid Entries to Taxoids and Homosteroids”.
53- International Congress on the Chemistry of Natural products (ICNP-2002) Trabzon (Turkey).
Plenary Lecture
16-19 Octobre 2002 “Studies Towards The Total Synthesis of Biologically Active Natural Compounds”.
54- Université Technique de Yildiz, Istanbul (Turkey).
23 Octobre 2002 “Studies Towards The Total Synthesis of Biologically Active Natural Compounds”.
55- Université du Bosphore Istanbul, (Turkey).
25 Octobre 2002 "Lead Tetraacetate Mediated One-Pot Multistage Transformations Of Unsaturated
56- Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg.
20 Décembre 2002 "Synthèse taxoïde".
57-Université de Salamanca (Spain)
9 Octobre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: Synthetic Strategies Towards Selected
58-Université de Alcala, Alcala de Henares (Spain)
13 Octobre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: Synthetic Strategies Towards
Selected Objectives"
59-Université Complutense, Madrid (Spain)
15 Octobre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: Synthetic Strategies Towards
Selected Objectives"
60- Instituto de Química Orgánica General, CSIC Madrid (Spain)
16 Octobre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: Synthetic Strategies Towards
Selected Objectives"
61- Université Autonoma de Madrid (Spain)
17 Octobre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: Synthetic Strategies Towards
Selected Objectives"
62- Indo-French seminar on “New Trends in Organic Chemistry” Bangalore (Inde), Invited Lecture
3–4 Novembre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies"
63- National Chemical Laboratories, Pune (India)
5 Novembre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: Synthetic Strategies Towards
Selected Objectives"
64- Indian Institute of Science, Mumbai (India)
7 Novembre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: Synthetic Strategies Towards
Selected Objectives"
65- University of Mumbai (India)
8 Novembre 2003 "Serendipity and Target driven methodologies: Synthetic Strategies Towards
Selected Objectives"
66- Université de Poitiers
12 Decembre 2003 "Nouvelles Réactions Domino et Applications à la Synthèse"
67- University of Aarhus (Denmark).
19 Mars 2004 " The Domino Chemistry Approach to Molecular Diversity"
68- XVIII. National Congress of Chemistry, Kars, (Turquie). Plenary Lecture
05-09 Juillet 2004 "Consecutive Hetero-Domino Transformation: A Mechanistic Rationale and
Synthetic Application".
69- 1er Congrès Maroco-Espagnol sur la Chimie Organique, IVème Rencontre Andalou-Marocaine sur la
Chimie des Produits Naturels Marrakesh , (Marocco). Invited Lecture
16-18 Septembre 2004 "The Domino Chemistry Approach to Molecular Diversity".
70- ECPM-ULP et Faculté de Chimie (Strasbourg)
10 Fevrier 2005 " Synthèse en Série Taxoïdes; ou, "Si tu Pars pour Ithaque, Souhaite que ta Route
Soit Longue ".
71- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology de Hyderabad (India) CEFISO-IFCOS Invited Lecture
23-24 Octobre 2005, "Competing Domino Processes Modulated by the Substitution Pattern;
Synthetic Applications"
72- XIth National Organic Symposium Trust (NOST), Goa (India). Plenary Lecture
25-29 Octobre 2005 "The Domino Approach to Molecular Complexity: Modular Construction of
Synthetically Useful Heterocyclic Frameworks".
73- Indian Institute of Science de Bangalore (India)
31 Octobre 2005, " An Efficient Entry Into Major Group Of Taxoids".
74- École Supérieure de physique et de Chimie Industrielles, ESPCI (Paris)
08 Decembre 2005, "The Domino Approach to Molecular Complexity: Modular Construction of
Synthetically Useful Heterocyclic Frameworks".
75- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL, (Switzerland)
31 Mars 2006, "Target Driven Methodologies : An Efficient Entry Into Major Group Of Taxoids ".
76- Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, (Turkey)
25 Mai 2006, "Target Driven Methodologies : An Efficient Entry Into Major Group Of Taxoids ".
77- Transmediterranean Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry (TRAMECH-4), Aveiro (Portugal)
Plenary Lecture
23-26 Juin 2006, "The Domino Approach to Molecular Complexity: Modular Construction of
Synthetically Useful Heterocyclic Frameworks".
78- Facultad de Sciencias, Porto (Portugal)
28 Juin 2006, "Target Driven Methodologies : An Efficient Entry Into Major Group Of Taxoids ".
79- Facultad de Farmacia, Lisbonne (Portugal)
30 Juin 2006, "Target Driven Methodologies : An Efficient Entry Into Major Group Of Taxoids ".
80- Journée d'automne de la Division Chimie Organique de la Société Française de Chimie Plenary
05 décembre 2006, “Reactions domino modulables: Quelques applications en synthèse”
81- Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Alicante (Spain)
11 Janvier 2007, "Competing Domino Processes Modulated by the Substitution Pattern; Synthetic
82- Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Almeria (Spain)
15 Janvier 2007, "Competing Domino Processes Modulated by the Substitution Pattern; Synthetic
83- Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
19 Mars 2007, “Reactions domino modulables: Quelques applications en synthèse”
84- Institut de Chimie de Nice, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis,
9 Mai 2007, “Reactions domino modulables: Construction d’hétérocycles oxygénés complexes et
quelques applications en synthèse”
85- Université de Lund (Sweden),
15 Mai 2007 "Competing Domino Processes Modulated by the Substitution Pattern; Synthetic
86- Petra International Conference of Chemistry and TRAMECH-5, Petra (Jordanie). Invited Lecture
25-28 Juin 2007 "The Domino Approach to Molecular Complexity: Modular Construction of
Synthetically Useful Heterocyclic Frameworks"
87- 7º ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE QUÍMICA ORGÂNICA e 1º Simpósio Luso-Francês de
Química Orgânica, Lisbonne (Portugal). Plenary Lecture
16-18 Juillet 2007 "The Domino Approach to Molecular Complexity: Modular Construction of
Synthetically Useful Heterocyclic Frameworks"
88- Université Scientifique et Technique Houari Boumediene, Algeria
24 Fevrier 2008 " Reactions domino modulables: Quelques applications en synthèse "
89- Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Orgánica, Cádiz (Spain)
13 Mars 2008 " Competing Domino Processes Modulated by the Substitution Pattern; A Problem
Solving Tool in Biologically Active Natural Product Synthesis "
90- Facultad de Ciencias, Master of Science and Technology, Cádiz (Spain)
14 Mars 2008 " Efficient Entry Into Major Group Of Taxoids "
91- Faculté de Pharmacie, BIOSYS, Châtenay-Malabry
17 Avril 2008 " Reactions domino modulables: Quelques applications en synthèse "
92- 5ème Rencontre de Chimie Organique de Marseille (RCOM5), Luminy. Plenary Lecture
5-6 Mai 2008 " Competing Domino Processes Modulated by the Substitution Pattern; A Problem
Solving Tool in Biologically Active Natural Product Synthesis"
93- ICOA d’Orleans,
11 Fevrier 2009 “Nouvelles reactions Domino Modulables: Quelques applications en synthèse totale
de produits naturels à activité biologique importante”
FUENTES DE NUEVOS FÁRMACOS, Salamanca (Spain). Plenary Lecture
11-14 Mars 2009 “The domino approach to molecular diversity as a problem solving tool in
biologically active natural product synthesis”
95- XIIIth National Organic Symposium Trust (NOST), Goa (India). Plenary Lecture
01-04 Mai 2009 " The Domino Approach as Problem Solving Tool in Biologically Active Natural
Product Synthesis".
96- Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow (India)
05 Mai 2009 "The Domino and Chiral Pool Approaches as Problem Solving Tools in Biologically
Active Natural Product Synthesis".
97- Indian Institute of Technology IIT Kanpur (India).
06 Mai 2009 "The Domino and Chiral Pool Approaches as Problem Solving Tools in Biologically
Active Natural Product Synthesis".
98-TRAMECH 6, Trans Mediterranean Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Hammamet
(Tunisia). Plenary Lecture
05-07 Novembre 2009 "From Complex Oxygen Heterocycles to Stereodefined Carbocycles and
Chemoselectivity : The Domino and the Chiral Pool Approaches for Biologically Active Natural Product
99- 4th International Symposium on Current Trends in Drug Discovery Research, CTDDR-2010,
Lucknow (India). Plenary Lecture
17th-21st February 2010, "Domino and Chiral Pool Approaches for Biologically Active Natural Product
Synthesis : Towards New Pharmacophores"
100- IVth International Conference СВС-2010 "Modern Aspects of Chemistry of Heterocycles" SaintPetersburg, (Russia). Invited Lecture
2–6 August, 2010, "From complex oxygen heterocycles to stereodefined carbocycles and chemoselectivity:
The domino and chiral pool approaches for biologically active natural product synthesis"
101- Université Montpellier II (France)
21 Avril, 2011, " Réactions Domino Modulables: Quelques Applications en Synthèse"
102- Pre-Grasmere Symposium, The Department of Chemistry, The University of York
York, (UK). Plenary Lecture
4–5 May, 2011, "Domino and Chiral Pool Approaches for Biologically Active Natural
Product Synthesis : Towards new pharmacophores"
103- The 20th Lakeland Symposium Grasmere, RSC, Organic Division, Grasmere, (UK). Plenary
5–9 May, 2011, "The Domino Approach to Molecular Complexity: Modular Construction of Synthetically
Useful Heterocyclic Frameworks"
104- 25th National Chemistry Congress with International Participation, Erzurum, (Turkey). Invited
27June–2 July, 2011, "The Domino Approach to Molecular Complexity: Modular Construction of
Synthetically Useful Heterocyclic Frameworks"
105- "XIVth Conference on Heterocycles in Bio-organic Chemistry" Brno, (République Tchéque, Czech
Republic). Plenary Lecture
4–9 September, 2011, "The Domino Approach to Molecular Complexity: Modular Construction of
Synthetically Useful Heterocyclic Frameworks "
Refereeing: Angewandte Chemie, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic&Medicinal
Chemistry, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Chemistry A European Journal, Chirality, Chemical
Communications, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, European Journal of Organic Chemistry,
Journal of American Chemical Society, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Journal of Natural Products,
Journal of Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Research, Natural Product Communications, Organic
Letters, Organic Communications, Pure and Applied Chemistry, Synlett, Synthesis, Synthetic
Communications, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, Tetrahedron Letters,
Turkish Journal of
Expert for Project Evaluation
"The Dutch Technology Foundation STW" Netherlands,
"Research Council of Norway" Norway,
Ministère de Science et Innovation (Consolider), Spain,
" Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR ", India,
"The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World" (Italy),
"Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HQAA)", evaluation of chemistry
departments, Greece.