Sustainable IT Policies Based on IT Energy Consumption


Sustainable IT Policies Based on IT Energy Consumption
Sustainable IT Policies Based on IT Energy
Case Study
CBRE France reduces IT energy usage of connected devices in commercial buildings based on identified usage
CBRE France
• Industry: Real Estate
• Location: France
• Number of Employees: 800
employees in France; 66,000
employees in 60 countries worldwide
• Reduce carbon and environmental
footprint and improve energy
• Implement sustainable best practices,
build a roadmap, and create
performance objectives
• Determine where and how energy is
used, and where to implement energy
reduction policies
• Use energy guage as an indicator
of IT infrastructure design efficiency
Cisco Energy Management Suite
Business Results
• One hundred percent visibility into the
energy consumption of all connected
• Sustainable IT policy and strategy
contributes to continuous improvement
• Anticipated savings of 12 percent for
front-office and back-office equipment
Business Challenge
CBRE Group, Inc., is one of the world’s largest commercial real estate services and
investment firms, offering strategic advice and execution for property sales and
leasing, corporate services, property, facilities, and project management, mortgage
banking, appraisal and valuation, development services, investment management,
and research and consulting.
In 2011, CBRE France was selected by the French Green Building Plan (Plan
Bâtiment Durable) to lead a coalition of building and real estate professionals
to propose recommendations for reducing energy consumption in commercial
buildings. New laws in France demanded that energy consumption in commercial
development must reduce energy consumption by 60 percent by 2050 when
compared to 2010 numbers. CBRE France, as leader of the coalition, proposed and
signed a voluntary charter, the “Energy Efficiency Charter in Public or Private Tertiary
Buildings,” for the real estate industry in France. This helped to create a movement
in the industry towards energy efficiency.
To diminish energy consumption, three components must be considered and
improved: the intrinsic quality of the buildings (structure, fabric, and systems),
operations and maintenance, and user consumption and behavior. IT equipment
and usage are important factors, because they represent a significant part of total
energy consumption for commercial buildings. It is estimated that IT uses between 5
and 50 percent of the total energy consumption in a building.
CBRE was managing the energy profile of all work stations and using energyefficient hardware. But CBRE had no visibility into the energy use of the devices on
its network and no way to measure or report that energy use. After CBRE signed the
Energy Efficiency Charter, it was clear that it needed a solution to gain more insight,
identify usage patterns, and create sustainable IT policies. CBRE was also keen to
find solutions to reduce its carbon emissions and environmental footprint and thus
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Case Study
“Based on our elaborate
experience with Energy
Management, we are
able to do environmental
consultancy and assist
our clients to reduce their
energy consumption and
environmental footprint.”
Christian Béaur
Sustainability Director
CBRE France
confirm its engagement for climate action during the Paris Conference of the Parties
(COP) 21 in December 2015.
Cisco® Energy Management Suite was chosen to monitor energy usage across 12
locations in France including Paris, Lyon, and Marseille. In addition to understanding
the energy consumption, CBRE was planning to build a roadmap and set key
performance indicators (KPIs) to diminish its impact in terms of a greenhouse-gas
footprint and energy usage. Due to European directives, such as Directive 2012/19/
EU about waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and Directive 2011/65/
EU (RoHS), which restricts the use of hazardous substances in electrical and
electronic equipment, it was also important to review transversal procedures, green
IT policies, procurement, and waste components management.
The Cisco Partner Blueight, a pioneer for Cisco Energy Management in France with
expertise on the solution, did the implementation and consulted CBRE throughout
the process. Because Cisco Energy Management Suite is an agentless solution,
Blueight was able to implement it quickly and easily across 2000 devices in all
buildings, including desktops, laptops, phones, printers, servers, and network
elements. In the subsequent measurement phase, different categories were set up
to assess detailed energy consumption profiles. With Cisco Energy Management,
Blueight helped CBRE create an inventory of all devices, which creates a clear
picture of exactly how energy is being used for every device on the network
by brand, category, location, or department and shows precisely what can be
optimized. In this way it’s possible to immediately identify inefficient systems,
configurations, and operational practices.
CBRE has a strong commitment toward its clients and its own premises in terms of
greenhouse gas footprint reduction and energy efficiency in commercial buildings.
“With Cisco Energy Management Suite, we are able to set up best practices and
develop a sustainable IT policy and strategy based on actual data and identified
usage patterns,” says Pierre Fauquenot ITC director of CBRE France. “By monitoring
the energy consumption over time, we can see if the strategy that is in place
is efficient or if it needs to be adapted to guarantee continuous improvement.”
To measure success CBRE can directly compare reductions in energy use with
initiatives that were done. With the inventory of all equipment in the central Cisco
Energy Management dashboard, CBRE staff can analyze and optimize the global
architecture and pinpoint what equipment to virtualize or retire.
Continuous energy usage visibility and policy-based energy management also helps
to reduce IT energy costs. The anticipated saving for the front-office and backoffice equipment is 12 percent.
“Based on our elaborate experience with Energy Management, we are able to do
environmental consultancy and assist our clients to reduce their energy consumption
and environmental footprint,” says Christian Béaur sustainability director of CBRE
© 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information.
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Case Study
“With Cisco Energy
Management Suite, we
are able to set up best
practices and develop a
sustainable IT policy and
strategy based on actual
data and identified usage
Pierre Fauquenot
ITC Director
CBRE France
For More Information
To learn more about Cisco Energy Management Suite visit
For more information about CBRE France, visit
Cisco Energy Management Suite
This customer story is based on information provided by CBRE France and
describes how that particular organization benefits from the deployment of Cisco
products. Many factors may have contributed to the results and benefits described;
Cisco does not guarantee comparable results elsewhere.
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