Est-ce que tu as vu le film ? Did you see the movie


Est-ce que tu as vu le film ? Did you see the movie
Est-ce que tu as vu le
film ?
Did you see the
movie ?
Charline: Dis-moi, Arthur, j'aimerais
bien aller au ciné en ce moment, qu'est-ce
que tu peux me proposer ?
Charline: Tell me, Arthur, I would like to
go to the cinema (ciné is short for
cinema), what can you suggest ?
Arthur: eh bien, il y a le film « Alliés »,
là, qui a l'air pas mal
Arthur: oh well, there is the film 'Allied'
there/now which looks not bad
Charline: C'est quel genre de film ?
Charline: What kind of film is it ?
Arthur: C'est un film d'action plutôt qui
se passe pendant la Seconde Guerre
Arthur: It's mostly an action film which
happens (se passer = happen) during the
second world war
Charline: Mais tu l'as vu ?
Charline: but did you see it ?
Arthur: Ouais, j'y suis allé la semaine
Arthur: Yeah, I went last week (y
represents 'there')
Charline: D'accord, et il dure
longtemps ?
Charline: okay, and does it last long ?
Arthur: Euh... de mémoire, il dure 1h50,
je crois
Arthur: Um, from memory, it lasts one
hour and 50 minutes
Charline: D'accord
Charline: okay
Arthur: Et ouais, il était vraiment bien
Arthur: and yeah, it was really good
Charline: Il a de bonnes critiques ?
Charline: Does it have good critiques ?
Arthur: Oui, sur les sites de critiques, il
lui mets 4 sur 5
Arthur: Yes, on the critiques websites,
they give it 4 out of 5 (4 sur 5)
Charline: D'accord. Et les acteurs, c'est
qui ?
Charline: okay, and the actors, who is
it ?
Arthur: Alors, il y a Brad Pitt
Arthur: Well, there's Brad Pitt
Charline: Ouais
Charline: Yeah
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