Media News September 2009
Media News September 2009
Media News September 2009 Media Resource Services 2009 Welcome back everyone! As we begin another busy school year, I would like to remind you of the many wonderful resources available through the Media Centre to supplement your lesson plans. Please don’t hesitate to call or email if there is anything I can help you with, and I will continue to keep you informed about new and popular resources. Happy September! Lynn NEW! Join our hosts as they investigate the many different stylistic choices that an author can Start the School year off with make when creating their work. these resources on language Students will learn that there is much to learn arts. For the primary, juniors: and enjoy when they explore the world of ficD0323– Charley Chapters in tion and nonfiction literature. Fiction vs Non-Fiction: Learn the difference Discover the benefits of both reading and in this fun and entertaining DVD. hearing a poem, and experience the connection between poetry and the world around For Grades 5-9 you. From the rhyme and meter of a sonnet to D0324-Analyzing Fiction all the possibilities of free verse, students will D0325-Analyzing Non– Fiction enjoy this exploration into one the most exD0326-Genres Of Fiction pressive forms of literature. D0327-Elements of Fiction Teacher’s Guide available for each of these D0328-Analyzing and Appreciating Poetry DVD’s. Back to school basics… Popular Resources to reinforce study habits!! Great way to start the school year! V1968 V2772 VF308 D0002 V2575 V2767 V2352 V1906 V1907 V1711 FALL BRINGS CHANGES FRANKLIN GOES TO SCHOOL CAILLOU -LES COULEURS DE L'AUTOMNE BACK-TO-SCHOOL STORIES GOING TO SCHOOL IS YOUR JOB GETTING TO SCHOOL SAFELY IS YOUR JOB LET'S PLAY SCHOOL PLAYGROUND SAFETY PEDESTRIAN SAFETY SAFETY ON OUR SCHOOL BUS K0344 K0346 K0347 K0358 STUDY SKILLS FOR KIDS STUDY SKILLS I STUDY SKILL II I CAN'T DO MY HOMEWORK, WHY? Complete descriptions available on the online catalogue. D0086H GETTING TO SCHOOL SAFELY There are all kinds of ways that children get to school. Some take a school bus, some walk, ride their bikes, or skateboard and some get a drive. No matter how students manage to arrive and leave school, there are a set of rules they should learn and obey. This DVD shows kids both the wrong way, and then the RIGHT and SAFE way. Includes guide and blackline masters. P 017 Min. Video 2006 Health and Safety, Healthy Living - Personal Safety and Injury Prevention September Virtue-RESPECT/REVERENCE Respect or reverence is valuing ourselves and others as unique persons, created and loved by God. It is also caring for the environment as God’s gift to us. We respect God when we have a prayerful reverence and awe for God’s greatness and goodness. D0257H-The Respect Connection:The Character Chronicles brings character education alive for upper elementary and middle school students. This series explores the six pillars of character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship) through the thoughts and personal experiences of young. 25 min K0356-Building Character:This complete hands-on workshop helps students develop the positive character traits of integrity, empathy, respect and citizenship. Demonstrates the skills necessary to make positive personal choices and develop a strong ethical base. 025 Min. J, I V3349-Respectful Rules-On living a Respectful Life:This upbeat video offers simple ways to start living a respectful life at home, school ,with friends, on the playing field or in the mall. J, I, S 26 min. V3399H-Respect– Keep it Real:Students will learn why respect for self and others is important. They will learn how to build self respect, the relationship between honesty and respect for others’ feelings, and the importance of body language in showing respect, and its effects on others. I, S 26 min. Check the on line catalogue for many more. Health and Nutrition D0344-Nutrition and the New Food Pyramid: In this engaging production children learn the importance of making good food choices for health, growth and energy. Students are introduced to the new individualized food guide mypyramid, and will learn to read and apply this tool to their lives 18 min P, J Teacher’s Guide D0345-My Pyramid: Choosing nutritious food and healthy activities:For the primary students this DVD will show the students proper serving sizes, nutritious foods and healthy activities. They’ll learn how to classify and compare foods by nutritional value and food group. Label reading skills are introduced. Children will practice making healthy snacks and learn how to make healthy choices when eating out. 21 min Teacher’s Guide Other Resources The National Film Board or NFB, has available free downloads on their website. The website is There is a search in the top right corner. For example: put in space exploration and playlists will come up that you can view and share with your students on space and the universe. Also, we have free access to Gale and Ebsco databases through Knowledge Ontario. On our Board’s home page go to centre and the sites are available directly through the school. No passwords needed. There is also a database available on teen health and wellness. If you have trouble accessing these data bases please contact me at the Media Centre or visit your school librarian. Media Resource Services 364-5820 X275 Email [email protected] Call or email with your suggestions and/or requests!! I always love to hear from you! NEW FRENCH RESOURCES I have new French resources to share with you. I have 2 new French CD’s for your listening pleasure. CDF001 and CDF002, Encore and Oui by Gregg LeRock. Environmental Issues DF035-Les Produits Nettoyants: PLANÈTE PRISE 2 est une série documentaire qui traite de consommation écologique. En compagnie de RosaLee Jacques et sa famille, nous examinons les impacts environnementaux des gestes que nous posons dans chacune des pièces de nos maisons. Filmées partout à travers le Québec, ces émissions vous entraînent au coeur des solutions, à la rencontre des protagonistes du changement. Dans cet épisode, on est dans la salle de lavage, et on s'ilintéresse aux produits nettoyants. Nettoyer, c'est polluer. Pour faire briller notre quotidien, nous utilisons des produits chimiques, hautement toxiques, qui s'accumulent peu à peu dans l'environement. Et pourtant il existe déjà, sur le marché, une grande variété de produits qui lavent tout en douceur.Pétrochimique, oléochimique, biotechnologique....apprenez à faire la différence. I, S DF036-Les Pneus: Dans cet episode,on est dans la remise, et on s’intéresse aux pneus. En 1989, le Québec a connu une de ses pires d’catastrophes écologiques alors qu’un important depot de pneus prit feu à ST-Amable, relâchant d’énormes nuages de particules toxiques dans l’atmosphère. Cette leçon tragique motivera lamise en place d’un système de traitement des pneus uses parmi les plus efficacies au monde. Aujopurd’hui, la province peut se vanter d’avoir récupéré plus de 100 millions de pneus usages, soit l’équivalent de la circonférence de la terre, si ces derniers étaient mis bout à bout. 22 min DF039-DF042-Active-Toi Episodes 1-13:Telle est la devise de cette série qui encourage les jeunes âgés de 11 à 14 ans à prendre leur place dansla société en tant que citoyens. Dans chaque épisode, des jeunes seront amenés à orendre position demanière créative et dynamique sur des enjeux sociaux et politiques qui les touchent. Ils vivront des expériences déterminantes et seront conseillés par des experts. Environnement, consommation, guerre, alimentation, éducation, rapports sociaux....chaque épisode de la s?0rie a pour thème un sujet qui découle de ces grands enjeux de société. Des thèmes qui, comme la mode, la pollution, l'intimidation, la pauvreté, la malbouffe, les espèces menacées, etc...touchent tout particulièrement les jeunes. Au cours de l'émission, trois jeunes amis, sensibilisés à un problème, prennent les petits et les gés qui vont les aider. Épisode 1-Vivre avec une déficience Épisode 2-Les francophones du Canada Épisode 3-Le transport Épisode 4-Les filles et leur corps Épisode 5-Les ainés Épisode 6-La pauvreté Épisode 7-L'énergie Épisode 8-Les animaux et nous Épisode 9-Tendance vert Épisode 10-Dépense ou pense Épisode 11-L'intimidation Épisode 12-L'eau potable Épisode 13-La bonne bouffe Each episode is 26 minutes. J, I, S For a list of all French resources, visit the online catalogue. Please contact me at 519 364 5820 ext 275 or email your Requests to [email protected] I am in the Media Centre Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s.