Z.tl UTIUSATION DES CRIMINELS DE GUERRE JAPONAIS ET NAZIS PAR LE GOUVERNEMENT DES ETATS-UNIS DANS LEUR PREPARATION A LA GUERRE BACTERIOLOGIQUE f MATERIALS THE«MC»» TRIAL OFOtONKOMER JAM>>ese CH-Utce» HITHAAMY A^D OtmOVIMC ■ACTEBOiOCtLAL W-EAFO^S UATEPHAAhl cwçEBHoro ■OvItrmxffccA JW utsan •ncmtor.jnuwx XDOHCKDflAPliini. •« apiMtaBaa« 00AfOT0*»t »«TEfWQjiinpitcitorp OPVXRJI EXCERPT FROM RECORD OP INTERROOATION OF YAMADA OTOZOO Noetmbet 17, 1949 Cilf of Kkaéanmk .. . Among the units under my command engaf^ Ir devisiní« and in the niass production of bacteriolosicil weapons were Dctachment 731, Detachmcnt 100, aikl thdr branclies. . . . ConccminK the activitles of dctachments 731 «Ml too ín tlic prcparations to conduct bacteriologicai w»rf«e, it nuist bc said that Detachment 731 engaged In devi^f^ and producing baclcriological «Tapons íntendcd for (hl Wholesale extn-mination oí human belngs. The actlvlti« of Detachment 100, in thisrespcct, were cd someudiat niircnwr acope, and were limited to devisíng and pruducing bactertologicat «rapons of Sabotage in tlic form of extermlnalli^ miimU and contaminatimr emos. J EXCem FROM RECORD OF imTERROOATlON OF KAJITSUKA RYüJI [ [ 0M«r H. im di0 cf /CAobaraoiA . . . Detachn»nt 731 was reorganized in Í9OT-40 under a special secret decree issued by Emperor Hirohito of Japan in 1939. I was acquainted with this decree at the Kwantung Army Headquarters approximately in February 1940, tigning a ptedge of secrecy. Besides this, by one or perhaps fwo secret decrees, issued ^ Emperor Hirohito in IWO, four branches of Detachment 731 were set up additionally in the second half of that year, to he located in the towns of Hailar and Sunyu, and at Hailin ' and Linkow stations, the dales of their formation being indicated. The appended tables of Organization, signed by War Minister Tojo, showed that each of these branches had a per* tcmnel of up to 300 men. Orders issued by Japanese War Minister Tojo Inaccordance with the emperor's decrees listed the hospitais and Detachinent 731 which assigned a definite number of army medical specialists, non-commisstoned officers and privates. The Orders also indicated that civilians might be employed, but HO more than 30 per cent of the entire personnel I; Qoestion: From whom did the Idea of preparing for P-. fcieterfobgical warfare originate? E;. Aiwwcr: The idea of preparing bacterlological warfare p - «rlginated from Ishil. p ' ishil Shiro, bom around 1693 in the Prefecture of Chiba, I; MiMt from the family of • wealthy landowner, and ln 1919-20 p, CnMluated from the College of Medicine of the Imperial p : URlvenlty ln the town of Kyoto. He then entered the serv>' to of the Japanese Army as a votunteer. Soon after, tie afpllod for enlistment In regulär army Service. Half a v< ar Beginning with 1933 Major General Nagata, Qiief of En 1935 et 1936, le Japon a mis sur pied deux the Military AfFairs Division of the Japanese Ministry organisations pour la fabrication des armes fcM* War, supported Ishii’s idea, and beginning with bactériologiques dans la Chine du Nord-Est. 1^, also Colonel Suzuki Yorimichi, Chief of the Ist En 1941, pour raison de secret, ces organisaSection of the Strategical Division of The Japanese General tions furent appelées “Détachement 731” et Staff. “Détachcment 100”. Le chef du “DétacheAll these circumstances, as well as the fact that Ishii ment 731” était le grand criminel de guerre was a big specialist, led to his being appointed Chief of Debactériologique japonals Shiro Ishii. Le tachment 731, and upon taking up this post he began reChef du “Détachement 100” était Jiro search on weapons of bacteriological warfare. Wakamatsu. As head of a division in the Medical Administration of —Voir les documents sur le jugement des the Japanese Ministry for War I went over the order drafted criminels de guerre bactériologique by the Appointmesnts Section of the Personnel Division apt japonais au Tribunal de Khabarovsk. Photos: IM äft' en haut—dépositions de 1’accusé Yamada Otozoo, ancien Commandant en Chef de 1’Armée Japonaise de Kw^ntung. à droite,—dépositions de 1’accusé Kajitsuka Ryuji, ancien Chef de l’Administration Médicale de 1’Armée Japonaise de Kwantung Ruines du Laboratoire Central de Recherches des armes bactériologiques de l’usine bactériologique japonaise “Détachement 731”, à la Station de Ping-Fang, aux environs de Harbin. Pendant-la guerre de résistance anti-japonaise, le “Détachement 731” japonais, a eflectué fréquemment des expérimentations atroces en utilisant des citoyens chinois, coréens et soviétiques comme des cohayes humains. Volci le four crématoire destiné à brtller le corps des victimes. En vue d’élever des puces porteuses de bacilles de la peste, le "Détachement 731” japonais a fait, sur une grande échelle, 1'élevage de rats. Voici ce qui reste des cages à rats. (Photos prises en avril 1950) EXCERPT FROM RECORD OF INTERROOATION OF YAMADA OTOZOO Occembfr /. Í9-Í9 City of Khabaiavik ...Qu»Uon; Why was the produetkm of bacterioiogical weapons activized in 1945? Answer: The proiluclion of liacterioloKical weapons by detachnients 731 and lüO was activized at liiat time bivause the preparatory period of tlie most elh-ctive baelerioloRical ireapoiB that had beeil Icsicd liad ended. I have in mind U» employment of tlic Ishii bactéria bonil», tlie spraying of pUgiie-infccled Beas from aircralt, and methuds of baetcriolo|iic«l tabolage on fand, about which 1 had'learncd from tlie fC|iorts of Oencfals KfUino and Takatiashi. and from other pánona. Ruines de l’usine bactériologique japonaise du “Détachement 100”, à Mongatong, Tchangtehoun. (photo prise en Mars 1950.) Spécimens des bombes bactériologiques en porcelaine “Ishii” conçues par le criminel de guerre bactériologique Shiro Ishii. D’après les dépositions faites par Yamada Otozoo, ancien Commandant en Chef de 1’Armée Japonaise de Kwantung, au Tribunal de Khabarovsk, ces bombes étaient considérées en 1945 comme une des armes bactériologiques les plus efficaces. Photos: à gauche—^bombes bactériologiques “Ishii” fabriquées dans l’usine bactériologique japonaise “Détachement 731.” à droite—extrait de la déposition de Taceusé Yamada Otozoo. 9 ,1