Exam Info - Montgomery County Public Schools


Exam Info - Montgomery County Public Schools
Montgomery County Public Schools
French 3A
Final Exam Format
January 2016
Oral Communication (1 item/ 20 points)
 Students will speak for two minutes in response to a prompt based on topics studied during the semester.
 This portion of the final exam is administered during class, not during the two hour block of time allotted to the exams.
Listening (30 items/ 15 points)
 Students will listen to their teacher read short statements related to topics studied during the semester.
 They will then answer selected response questions in French.
Reading (32 items/ 16 points)
 Students will read passages related to topics studied during the semester.
 They will then answer selected response questions in French.
Grammar (18 items/ 9 points)
 Students will select the best completion for sentences.
 This section contains grammatical structures studied during the semester.
Writing (2 items/ 20 points)
 Students will respond to two different writing prompts, each worth 10 points, based on topics studied during the semester.
Culture (2 items/ 10 points)
 Students will write, in French, about two cultural topics studied during the semester.
French 3A …January 2016
French 3A
La rentrée des classes / Back to School
Students will be able to:
Communicate about school and classes (past and present)
Communicate about after-school activities (past and present)
Describe what they did last summer
Describe school life in Francophone countries and compare it to that in the U.S.
Describe the baccalauréat in Francophone countries
Describe leisurely activities and tourism in Francophone countries and compare them to
those in the U.S.
Students will learn and apply:
Combined direct and indirect object
pronouns in the présent and passé
The verb suivre
Transition words
Students will review and apply:
Regular and irregular verbs in the
présent, passé composé and imparfait
The use of the passé composé vs. the
Au travail / At Work!
Students will be able to:
Communicate about professions and services
Communicate work-related information by letter and e-mail
Communicate about occupational preferences and future plans
Describe the characteristics of Francophone culture towards different professions, summer
or part-time work for youth and compare them to those in the U.S.
Identify and describe the importance of family in the policies of the working world and
compare them to those in the U.S.
Students will learn and apply:
The future tense of –er, -ir, -re verbs
Future tense of être, avoir, faire, aller,
devoir, pouvoir, savoir
Quand clauses with the future
Feminine forms of nouns
C’est vs. il est
Students will review and apply:
Direct and indirect pronouns
Les amis et la famille / Friends and Family
Students will be able to:
Exchange information about friends and family members
Exchange information about people’s relationships and life events
Describe the role of family in Francophone cultures and compare it to that in the U.S.
Identify and describe significant ceremonies that mark life events in Francophone countries
and compare them to those in the U.S.
Identify family traditions in Francophone countries and compare them to those in the U.S.
Students will learn and apply:
Reflexive verbs to express a reciprocal
action in the présent and passé composé
Relative pronouns qui, que, où
The subjunctive with necessity
Disjunctive (stress) pronouns
Students will review and apply:
Reflexive verbs in the passé composé
Adjective agreement.
Au grand air ! / The Great Outdoors
Students will be able to:
Exchange information about nature and animals
Exchange information about outdoor activities
Express astonishment and fear
Identify and describe French and Cajun influence in the U.S.
Identify and describe public parks in Francophone countries and compare them to those in
the U.S.
Students will learn and apply:
The subjunctive with expressions of
The verbs voir and regarder
Verbs followed by infinitive: aimer,
espérer, préférer
Verbs followed by à +infinitive :
apprendre à, penser à
Verbs followed by de+infinitive : avoir
peur de, décider de, dire de, oublier de,
venir de
French 3A …January 2016
Students will review and apply:
The subjunctive
The imperative
The future