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AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX ARCHIVES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ D’OTTAWA / ARCHIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA INSTRUMENT DE RECHERCHE / FINDING AID FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE / HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE Inventaire préliminaire des documents textuels / Textual records preliminary inventory 1 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX TABLE DES MATIÈRES / TABLE OF CONTENTS Notes aux chercheurs / Note to researchers ................................................................... 3 Note générale / General Note ......................................................................................... 4 Liste des documents / List of records .............................................................................. 5 2 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX NOTE AUX CHERCHEURS Note sur le classement et la description: Ce fonds d’archives n’est pas classé. L’inventaire préliminaire qui suit contient la liste des titres des dossiers tels que reçus de l’unité administrative ou scolaire ainsi que les individus qui les ont créés. Note sur la langue des documents : Les titres des dossiers sont dans la langue choisie par l’unité ou l’individu pour nommer les dossiers. Cependant, on retrouve vraisemblablement dans ce fonds des documents dans les deux langues officielles de l’Université, soit le français et l’anglais. Note sur les restrictions à la consultation : La consultation de ce fonds d’archives est régie par divers règlements, procédures et lois, notamment la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et la protection de la vie privée, les règlements 11 – Accès aux Archives de l’Université d’Ottawa et 90 – La consultation d’archives. Les dossiers doivent obligatoirement être vérifiés par le personnel avant d’être consultés. Il est donc recommandé de fournir votre liste avant de vous présenter aux archives et de prévoir un temps d’attente pouvant varier selon les disponibilités du personnel. Note sur les restrictions à la reproduction des documents : La reproduction des documents de ce fonds d’archives est régie par la Loi sur le droit d’auteur et la procédure numéro 16 – Reproduction de documents. Note sur les instruments de recherche : Il existe potentiellement d’autres instruments de recherche pour ce fonds, préparés en fonction du support des documents (ex. iconographique, sonores, objets, etc.). D’autres instruments de recherche peuvent aussi compléter l’information. NOTE TO RESEARCHERS Note on arrangement and description: The arrangement of this fonds has not yet been completed. This preliminary inventory compiles titles of files as received by the administrative or academic unit or persons that produced them. Note on language: The file titles are written in the language preferred by the administrative or academic unit or person that produced them. However, you can expect to find documents in both of the University’s official languages: English and French. Note on restrictions on access: Access to documents is governed by various laws, policies and procedures, namely the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Policy 11 – Access to the University of Ottawa Archives, Policy 90 – Access to Information and Protection of Privacy and Procedure 4 – La consultation d’archives. All files will be checked by AUO staff prior to their consultation and in accordance with staff availability. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to submit their consultation list before their visit to avoid unnecessary waiting periods. Note on the terms governing reproduction: All reproductions are governed by the Canadian Copyright Act and Procedure 16 – Reproduction de documents. Note on finding aids: There are probably other finding aids relating to this fonds, according to their amterial type (ex. Graphic materials, sound recordings, objects, etc.). Other finding aids can also be used to complete the information. 3 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX NOTE GÉNÉRALE La majorité des documents sont soit en anglais soit en français. Certains documents peuvent être restreints à la consultation et à la reproduction. GENERAL NOTE Most of the documents are either in English or in French. Restriction to consultation and reproduction might apply to some of the documents. 4 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX LISTE DES DOCUMENTS / LIST OF RECORDS Versement reçu le 25 novembre 1990 BOÎTE NB-8940 Noon Hour Lectures, 1985 Noon Hour Lectures, 1986 Noon Hour Lectures, 1987 Noon Hour Lectures, 1988 Noon Hour Lectures, 1989 Report on the Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine, March 1985 Appendix Letters of Response on the Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine, 1985 Appendices for Report on the Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine, March 1985 Hannah Chair Report - Extra Copies of Course Descriptions, 1985 Hannah Chair Review Committee and Schedule, April 18-19, 1985 Versement reçu le 11 mars 1993 BOÎTE NB-8940 Noon-Hour Lectures Series, 1990 Noon-Hour Lectures Series, 1991 Noon-Hour Lectures Series, 1992 Versement reçu le 13 décembre 1995 5 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX BOÎTE NB-8940 Medicine in Literature Exhibit, 1993 Versement reçu le 17 septembre 1997 BOÎTE NB-8940 Dean’s Office Administration - Correspondence, 1983-1991 Professor Toby Gelfan, Ph.D. «Travelling Kit Papers», 1982-1983 [RESTRICTIONS] Noon-Hour Lectures, 1993 Noon-Hour Lectures, 1995 Noon-Hour Lectures, 1996 Guest Lecturers, 1993-1994 Report of the Hannah Chair Review Committee, November 14-16, 1990 Report of the Hannah chair of the History of Medicine, 1985-1990 Hannah Chair Review Report - Appendices, November 15-16, 1990 BOÎTE NB-7422 Human Growth and Development PSC-1141, 1981-1988 BIO 4371 Selected Topics in the History of Biology & Medicine, 1990-1991 BIO 4371 Selected Topics in the History of Biology & Medicine, 1988-1990 Dr. Caroline Hannaway - Hannah Visiting Colleague, 1996-1997 Human Growth & Development - Dr. C.T. Lamont (Family Medicine), 1977-1981 Appendices for 1995 Hannah Chair Review Report, 1988-1995 (2 dossiers) 6 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX Versement du 13 novembre 2001 BOÎTE NB-8940 Becoming a Physician at the University of Ottawa The First 50 Years,Toby Gelfand, Ph.D., Hannah Chair of the History of Medicine University of Ottawa, 1996 Versement reçu 27 juillet 2005 BOÎTE NB-7422 Enhancing Communication and Community: A Poractive Healthcare Archives Assistance Policy, 1995 Versement reçu le 16 octobre 2006 BOÎTE NB-4822 AD HOC Committee on Teaching of Ethics, 1995 Hannah Review, 1990-1992 Curriculum Committee - Meeting with Drs. Seely, Turnbull, Jason Frank, 1993-1994 Course correspondence - Medical Humanities, 1996-1997 Course Correspondence - Curriculum - Dr. Wood, 1982-1993 Course Correspondence - Curriculum - Dr. Susan Tolnai, 1982-1985 Correspondence - Hannah Chair Review, 1996-1997 Correspondence - Prof. Edward O. Dodson – BIO 4371, 1980-1986 Correspondence - Dr. John Patrick, 1992-1994 Correspondence - Future of Hannah Chairs, 1995-1997 Correspondence - Dean’s Office - Administration, 1992-1999 7 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX Correspondence, 1998-1999 - Blocks Annual Reports, 1995-1999 Hannah Institute - Report, 1980-1982 Library - Freeman Report, 1978 Associated Medical Services Incorporated - Report 1980-1982 - Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, 1982 Administration - Grant Budget, 1999 - Correspondence/Reconciliation Sheets UCSF Grants, 1991 BOÎTE NB-4823 Hannah 5-year Plan - 1981-1986, 1978-1984 Elective Courses in History of Medicine, 1978-1985 A. C., 1993 Sabbatical Leave, 1998-1999 Academic Activities, 1997-1998 Academic Activities, 1996-1997 Academic Activities, 1995-1996 Academic Activities, 1994-1995 Academic Activities, 1993-1994 T. G. - Personal - Application for Full Professor, 1985 [RESTRICTIONS] T. G. - Personal file, 1989-1999 [RESTRICTIONS] 8 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX Evaluations - Journal, Manuscripts, Articles, 1997-1999 Referes Reports - Andrew Paskauskas - IHPST, 1987 Keven White, Ph.D. Thesis, 1986 Public Lecture Series for the History of Medicine – [Posters], 1977-2006 Medical Students interested in History of Medicine, 1996-1998 Leona Crabb, Ph.D. Thesis, 1997 - “Minor Tranquilizing Drugs and the Medicalization of Everyday Life in Canada, 1945-1962”, 1992-1997 Isolda Tuhan Mirza Baranowski, A.M.S. Summer Studentship, 1995, “Native American Medicine: An Historical Perspective” Judith Rygiel, A.M.S. Hannah Summer Studentship, 1994, “Textiles in Nineteenth Century Surgery: The Evolution of Surgical Dressings 1860-1890”, 1994-1995 Janet Thompson, M.A. memoire, 1994, “Etiological and pathological theories of Cholera in the nineteenth century and the establishment of the Grosse-île quarantine site.” Sasha Mullally, Department of History, M.A. Memoir, 1994, “Listening to the Voice of the Patient: Dr. Gus, Dr. Roddie and the Golden Age of Medicine in P.E.I” Jilles Lecours, A.M.S. Hannah Summer Studentship, 1991, “A Case Study of the Historical Context of Informed Consent: The Ottawa Maternity Hospital, 1894-1924” Anne Rose, A.M.S, Summer Scholarship, 1990, “The early history of the use of psychoanalytic techniques in Canada” Jacques-Henri Gagnon, A.M.S. Hannah Summer Studentship, 1989, “Terrain, Immunité et Rage dans le Discours Pasteurien” Douglas Green, A.M.S Hannah Summer Studentship, 1988, “The Evolving DoctorPatient Financial Relationship in Ontario Since the Nineteenth Century” Lisa Helen Graves, A.M.S. Hannah Summer Studentship, 1987, “The Adrenal Gland, A 9 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent. AUO – FONDS 109 CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE HANNAH EN HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE – HANNAH CHAIR IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE - TEX Review of Research and Clinical Treatment of Endocrine Disease from the Middle Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century” Chantal Rondeau, A.M.S. Hannah Summer Studentship, 1987, “La Geriatrie Française au XIXième siècle” Linda Craig, M.A. Thesis, 1987, “Patients and Society: The Hospital San Jean De Dios of Guatemala City, 1774-1821” Lynda Lachance, A.M.S. Hannah Summer Studentship, 1986, “Child-bed Fever in Canada” Jane Gordon, Graduate Student, M.A. Thesis, 1984, “History of Medicine in Ontario during the 19th century”, 1984-1986 Doreen McCaughry, A.M.S, Scholarship, 1983, “Médecine, femmes et société québécoise, 19ième siècle”, 1983-1986 Versement reçu le 13 décembre 2012 BOÎTE NB-7422 Press clipping on a donation for the creation of a chair in the history of medicine, 2003 10 Ce document est sujet à des mises à jour périodiques. Veuillez consulter un archiviste. / This document is subject to periodic updates. Please consult with an archivist. Ce document appartient aux AUO. Aucune reproduction ne sera permise sans son consentement. / This document is the property of the AUO. No reproduction will be accepted without its consent.