

Formulaire de Candidature pour l'Admission à la MDJ
Formulaire d'entrée / Application Form
Date : 24/09/2014
1ère demande / 1st application
Réactualisation / Updating
La Maison Des Journalistes
35 Rue Cauchy 75015 PARIS
Téléphone : 01 40 60 04 02
Télécopieur : 01 40 60 66 92
Nom / Last name :
Prénom / First name :
Abdighani Hamza
Sexe / Sex :
Date de naissance / Date of birth : 21/oct/1984 Lieu / Place : mogadishu
Nationalité / Nationality :
Situation familiale / Marital status :
Adresse / Address :
Célibataire / Single
Room#49.boys hostel Uok
Divorcé / Divorced
Autre / Other
Adresse mail / E-mail : [email protected]
Code postal / Zip code : 75270
Ville / City :
Marié / Married
Téléphone / Phone :
Karachi. pakistan
Langues parlées / Languages spoken : Somali, English, Urdu, Arabic
Niveau en Français / Level in French :
Niveau en Anglais / Level in English : fluently
Diplômes / Degrees :
Contacts confrères / Contact colleagues :
Profession / Occupation : local reporter
Carte de presse / Press card :
Média / Media:
Oui / Yes
Non / No
Shabelle media network
my colleagues are arrested some are went hiding their self. because
their lives are in danger situation
Dernières publications / Lastest publications :
Description du media / About the media :
Media means that the way of communication, as radio and television,
newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely:
By SatMo
Motifs de la demande d'asile (détaillez) / Reasons for refugee claim (give details) :
my name is Abdighani Hamza Mohamed Somalian journalist(Shabelle Media Network local Reporter) i was local journalist in Somalia since 2009.
mid of 2010 i went abroad(Pakistan) for further studies were i enrolled in field of international relations, were my family and shabelle media
network was supporting by financial for my studies.
in month of august i received sad news from Somalia media in different Online news papers, that shabelle news network was closed by Somalia
government and they arrested Some of its staffs and they are searching the rest who are missing journalist of shabelle media. and even
government of Somalia said that they will arrest the rest and those who work it , and as they world knows Somalia is second country of world after
Mexico that media person cant become safe after or cant remain Neutral and there is no freedom of media at all.
so Somalia journalist is piece of cake between Islamic militia and Somali government, and we are Soft target and easily killed by every one.
So as Abdighani i can't go back to home because i cant survive and extremely insecure for my life, even my family said don't come back.
therefore kindly helping me if you can .
i am looking for your help . thank you
Formulaire de Candidature pour l'Admission à la MDJ
Formulaire d'entrée / Application Form
Date d'arrivée en France / Date of arrival in France :
Type de visa / Type of visa :
Visa C
Sans / Without
Autre / Other
Visa D
Date de validité du visa / Date of validity of visa :
Demande d'asile effectuée / Asylum application :
Oui / Yes
Non / No
Date du dépôt de la demande d'asile / Date of deposit of the asylum application :
N° Dossier OFPRA / No. OPFRA File :
Date convocation OFPRA / Date convocation OFPRA :
Décision de l'OFPRA / OFPRA decision :
Favorable / Positive
Défavorable / Negative
En attente / Pending
Décision de la CNDA / CNDA decision :
Favorable / Positive
Défavorable / Negative
En attente / Pending
Document d'identité / ID document :
Titre de séjour / Residence permit
Récépissé / "Récépissé"
Sans / Without
Autre / Other
Date de validité / Date of validity :
Ressources financières / Financial resources :
Couverture médicale / Medical Insurance :
Oui / Yes
Autre / Other
Sans / Without
Non / No
Hébergement actuel / Current housing :
Contacts travailleurs sociaux / Social workers contacts :
Oui / Yes
Non / No
Nom / Last name :
Prénom / First name :
Organisation / Organization :
Adresse mail / E-mail :
By SatMo
Téléphone / Phone :
Les informations recueillies sont nécessaires au traitement de votre demande. Elles sont traitées de manière confidentielle et conformément à la loi Informatique et Libertés en
date du 6 janvier 1978.