LUISS ECTS Double Degree ECTS DAUPHINE 1st YEAR at LUISS (start in 2015-16 for LUISS students, 2016-17 for Dauphine students) Performance measurement and financial reporting (I) 8 Performance measurement and financial reporting (I) 2 4 Diagnostic Financier Systèmes d’information Markets, regulations and law (I) 6 Markets, regulations and law (I) 4 2 Droit et relations collectives de travail Rémunération International economics and industrial dynamics (I) 12 International economics and industrial dynamics (I) 4 Alliances, partenariats cooperations interentreprises et F&A Puissance publique et économie: l’exemple du secteur culturel Les métiers de stratégie Glob’strat : management global&stratégies d'alliance VALID ONLY FOR LUISS DEGREE 4 2 2 Advanced financial mathematics (I) 8 Advanced financial mathematics (I) Advanced corporate finance (II) 8 Advanced corporate finance (II) Corporate strategies (II) 8 Corporate strategies (II) 4 4 Strategic management Theories et pratiques des organisations International Business (II) 6 International Business (II) 2 4 Management Stratégique international Faire de la stratégie à l’ère digitale International Human Resources Management (II) 6 International Human Resources Management (II) 4 4 Gestion des Ressources Humaines Comportement Organisationnel Second language course VALID ONLY FOR DAUPHINE DEGREE 4 Second language course (French/Italian) 4 Second language course (year-long) Professional experience 2 Stage (8 weeks) and report (15 pages) Essay o In English o Based on a literature review o LUISS supervisor 4 4 Mémoire M1 Business English M1 VALID ONLY FOR DAUPHINE DEGREE VALID ONLY FOR LUISS DEGREE LUISS ECTS Double Degree ECTS DAUPHINE 2nd YEAR at DAUPHINE (start in 2016/17 for LUISS students, 2017/18 for DAUPHINE students) International Marketing (I) 6 CRM (EN) Politiques internationales (FR) 3 3 CRM (EN) Politiques internationales (FR) International Finance (I) 6 Performance management (FR) Auditing and risk management (EN) 3 3 Performance management (FR) Auditing and risk management (EN) Digital innovation (elective) 6 Management de l’innovation (FR) Management des systèmes d’information (FR) 3 3 Management de l’innovation (FR) Management des systèmes d’information (FR) Business modeling and planning (elective) 6 Rethinking business models (FR) Business process modeling and methodologies (EN) 3 3 Rethinking business models (FR) Business process modeling and methodologies (EN) Ethics, Responsability and Sustainability Lab or other activities 4 Stratégie & RSE (FR) Cross-cultural management (EN) 3 3 Stratégie & RSE (FR) Cross-cultural management (EN) Diagnostic organisationnel et conduite du changement (FR) Gestion d’équipes et leadership (FR) Consulting methods (EN) Transforming organizations (EN) 3 3 3 3 Diagnostic organisationnel et conduite du changement (FR) Gestion d’équipes et leadership (FR) Consulting methods (EN) Transforming organizations (EN) Expérience professionnelle Conférences professionnelles 3 1 Expérience professionnelle Conférences professionnelles VALID ONLY FOR DAUPHINE DEGREE VALID ONLY FOR DAUPHINE DEGREE Project work or internship 8 Project management methodologies (EN) Challenge Study trip 3 3 1 Project management methodologies (EN) Challenge Study trip Final thesis 18 Thesis o In English (with tutor) o LUISS/Dauphine supervisor o Defense at LUISS Business English (TOEIC) 4 3 Mémoire M2 Business English (TOEIC) 120 CREDITS VALIDATED FOR BOTH MASTERS 120