JIA 86 (1960) 321-323 - Institute and Faculty of Actuaries


JIA 86 (1960) 321-323 - Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
JIA 86 (1960) 321-323
BY H. L. SEAL, B.Sc., PH.D., F.F.A., A.I.A., A.S.A.,
C. J. CORNWALL, M.A., F.I.A., F.S.S.
Bulletin Trimestriel de l’Institut des Actuaires Français, 70, 1959
J., LEMONNIER,A. & ROSSMANN,G. Etude des Régimes de Retraite
par Repartition, pp. 21-36.
The following four papers were submitted for study at the A.S.T.I.N.
meeting at La Baule in June 1959: the subject was the ‘no claim bonus’ in
motor insurance.
FRÉCHET,M. Essai d'une etude des successions de sinistres considérés comme processus stochastique, pp. 67-85. Discusses the problem of claim rates which
are not statistically independent.
DELAPORTE,P. Quelques problèmes de statistiques mathématiques poses par
l’Assurance Automobile et le Bonus pour non sinistre, pp. 87-102. Analyses
the distribution of claim frequency within each uniform tariff class and its
effect on the problem of no claim bonus.
DEPOID, P. Etude de la Fréquence et de la Bonification pour non sinistre dans un
portefeuille ‘Tous risques modernes’, pp. 103-23. This article is largely
descriptive and deals with the particular case of new cars covered by a
special French scheme in force from 1954 to 1957.
THÉPAUT,A. Aspect politique et aspect administratif du Bonus pour non sinistre,
pp. 125-39. A general discussion of French experience in this field.
CONSTANT,R. Considérations sur une loi analytique particulière de distribution
des sinistres corporels dans la branche automobile, et extension de cette loi en
cas de fluctuation monétaire, pp. 159-218.
RICHARD,P. J. Trois leçons de Science Actuarielle Élémentaire (Première Leçon),
pp. 219-38.
DELAPORTE,P. Quelques conclusions du Colloque sur Bonus pour non sinistre et sur
la survenance des accidents d’automobiles, pp. 263-72.
RAILLARD,G. Remarque sur les assurances en cas de décès sur deux têtes, pp. 273-78.
Discusses approximation to contingent assurance functions on the lines of
Elderton and Ring’s approach F.I.A. 44, 293).
ARIBAUD,H. Ce que pourrait être la règlementation des Régimes de Retraites par
Repartition, pp. 279-81.
DUBOIS,P. Mise au point relative à certaines conclusions du Colloque de Trouville,
pp. 283-88. Further remarks on ‘repartition’ schemes (cf. F.I.A. 85,452).
FRAISSE,J. Note sur la règlementation des Régimes de Repartition, pp. 289-95.
on other
Transactions of the society of Actuaries, II, 1959
MYERS,R. H. 1958 amendments to the Social Security Act, pp. 1-27.
classifiable at
life continues
remain in the
theory of mortality classes, pp. 46-86. ‘An individual is
every point of his lifetime in one stratum or another. If his
one year, as he advances from one age to the next he may
same stratum or… he may move to a higher stratum.’
WHITE, R. P. & GREVILLE,T. N. E. On computing the probability that exactly k
of n independent events will occur, pp. 88-99.
NOWLIN, P. W. Insufficient premiums, pp. 100-111. ‘We have studied the
relation between the time of bankruptcy and the amount of insufficient
premium in a very general system of benefits. The number of new entrants
is a major factor and the rate at which it increases may, in a sense, take the
place of the interest rate.’
SIEGEL, C. M. Group annuity ill-health terminations, pp. 114-23. Suggested
administrative procedures for ‘ill-health’ terminations in small group
annuity contracts.
H. M. Interpolation commutation columns, pp. 341-46.
WALKER,C. N. Commutation columns, net premiums and reserves for individual
and family major medical expense insurance, pp. 347-54. Uses Miller’s
(T.S.A. 7) functions as a basis.
ANDERSON,J. C. H. Gross premium calculations and profit measurement for
nonparticipating insurance, pp. 357-94. Provides a systematic treatment of
the profit loading in nonparticipating premium calculations.
SHEPHERD,P. Address of the President, pp. 583-87.
DREHER,W. A. Gain and loss analysis for pension fund valuations, pp. 588-635.
Detailed formulae are supplemented by numerical illustrations.
E. P. Continuance functions, pp. 649-718. ‘The object of this paper
is to present a theoretical basis for the mathematical graduation of continuance [of sickness] data for both elementary and combined benefits, and
to demonstrate methods of utilizing the theory to derive claim costs for a
wide variety of benefits.’ No reference is made to the voluminous Continental work on this subject.
MYERS,R. J. Economic security in the Soviet Union, pp. 723-45. ‘…the USSR
has a very broad social security system that bears many resemblances to
such programs in other countries.‘*
PP. 749-62.
A new table for accidental death benefits,
JACKSON,R. T. Some observations on ordinary dividends, pp. 764-96. ‘…a review of recent developments in methods of dividend distribution.’
* See also article by R. Dinnage on page 312.
on other
PETERSON.R. M. Misconceptions and missing perceptions of our social security
system (Actuarial anesthesia), pp. 812-51.
WARTERS,D. N. & RAE, W. M. The risks in equity investment for pension funds,
pp. 920-44. ‘A deeper analysis of the surface record of common stocks
shows they do not meet the day-to-day living requirements of the pension
fund without possible liquidation at unfavourable times.’
With one exception all the foregoing articles are followed by discussions. This
enormous volume also contains 387 pages of informal and panel discussions on
various subjects, 42 pages of committee reports and the usual legal notes by
B. M. Anderson.
1959 Reports of Mortality and Morbidity Experience
Included are reports on ‘standard ordinary’ insurance issues of 1957/58,
mortality of 1953/58 on policies for large amounts, mortality of 1953/58 under
individual immediate annuities, and the experience of 1955/57 under individual
accident and sickness policies.