Men and Shopping


Men and Shopping
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Men and Shopping
(, 2012)
Silvia: So Diego, you've asked me about shopping, but what about you?
Diego: I think (that) now that I have to pay for everything myself, I'm a much more conservative shopper
so I only buy strictly what I need.
Silvia: And that's all.
Diego: I think so, yes.
Silvia: But do you have anything that you cannot resist not buying?
Diego: Well, I try to save most of my money because I like to travel. So instead of going shopping, I try
to save as much as I can, and then when I'm travelling, I can do whatever I want and worry less about
money, so that's where ... I mean if I have to say, like, what is the thing I shop the most, I would say it's
trips. Like, I spend most of my disposable income in travels.
Silvia: Oh ok. That's weird because you know I had a boyfriend. He loved to shop. He would shop more
than I, I think. Yeah.
Diego: Wow!
Silvia: He’s really good at shopping. We would go to a store, and I really take my time and he will just
point, like, just this, this, this, this. Try it on. And they will fit and they were nice. Ok. Let's go. He was
experienced at shopping. What do you think about that?
Diego: Wow, well, I think it's a very bad combination because if you're a big shopper and he's a big
shopper, you're a bigger shopper together.
Silvia: I know. Actually, everyone used to bother us. We were studying in Austria for two months and
every time we went out just to the store to get, I don't know, milk or whatever, we will end up coming
back with bags of stuff. We would just go out for walking around, and every time we ended up with some
I dunno, bags from shopping.
Diego: Yeah, and you know, shopping is like a really bad cycle because once you buy something you
have to buy another thing, and then another thing, and another thing. Like, if you buy a new computer,
you need a new mouse, and then you need a new webcam, and the big speakers and so on and I think with
girls it's the same thing.
Silvia: But with clothes.
Diego: Yes, but with clothes.
Silvia: We need the bag and the shoes and the belt.
Diego: And one thing gives you another excuse to buy another thing.
Silvia: Exactly, yeah, that happens to me often actually.
Diego: OK, maybe you should stop using your credit cards.
Silvia: Yeah, maybe.
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1. strictly
2. you cannot
3. to save
4. instead of (+ verb ING)
5. disposable income
6. that’s weird
7. take my time
8. to point
9. try it on
10. everyone used to bother us
11. to get milk
12. or whatever
13. we will end up coming back
14. bags of stuff
15. for walking around
16. I ‘dunno’
17. speakers
18. and so on
19. the belt
uniquement, exclusivement
= you can not / can’t
au lieu de
revenu disponible
(fam.) c’est bizarre
prendre mon temps
pointer du doigt
essaie le/la
tout le monde nous embêtait
pour acheter du lait
ou peu importe, ou n’importe quoi
(correction: we would end up..) on finissait par
revenir avec…
des sacs de trucs
(better English: to walk around)
nous promener
= I don’t know
et cetera
la ceinture