41P11NEOOS9 W9680-00052 MACMURCHY l ASSESSMENT WORK REPORT SUMMARY REPORT ON DIAMOND DRILL HOLE HI - 95 ON THE HOUSTON LAKE PROPERTY MACMURCHY TOWNSHIP LARDER LAKE MINING DIVISION Toronto, Ontario J. L. Tindale December 12, 1995 Geologist 010 INTRODUCTION The Houston Lake Property was staked by Roy Annett of Shining Tree, Ralph Ferguson of Matachewan and Jack Tindale of Toronto during 1991 and 1992 and were equal property partners in the venture. The partners cut a grid over the property and carried out prospecting, sampling, geological mapping and geophysical surveys. Anomolous values in nickel were encountered within and adjacent to an area of deep trenches north of Houston Lake near its western end. Joanne Salo contracted with the partners in 1995 to drill a hole under the trenched area thereby earning a 2551 interest in the property. The hole was subsequently drilled by Larry Salo in November of 1995 and is described in the following with attachments. THE PROPERTY Claim No. Units 1180346-48 1151281 1151282 1151283 1151287 3 4 2 l 2 Record Date May 6, 1991 December 9, 1991 December 9, 1991 December 9, 1991 August 13, 1992 These seven (7) claims totalling 12 units are registered in the name of J. L. Tindale, the writer. PREVIOUS WORK AND 1995 PROGRAM A program of linecutting, geological mapping, prospecting and geophysical surveying was carried out over the property by the partners during - 2 - 1992. An area of old trenching north of the west end of Houston Lake contained anomolous values in nickel when sampled by the partners in 1991 and 1992. The stratigraphy in the area was intriguing with fragmental "zebra" tuff to the south grading into a carbonate-rich alteration zone with black slaty interflow sediments and then into porphyritic tuffs to the north. The trenches appeared to traverse the carbonate-rich bands. Mariposite, pyrite and quartz veining was common within the trenched area. The 1995 drill program was designed to pass through the above noted stratigraphy and to test for base and precious metals associated with the carbonate-rich bands. A weak HLEM anomoly coincident with the carbonate- rich zone was also targeted for testing by. the drill hole. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE HI - 95 The rig was hauled overland to the property by a circuitous route crossing the Montreal River near the east end of Houston Lake and then north and west along old lumber trails to the west end of the lake. approximately three days to reach the drill site. It took The rig was then serviced by boat from Houston Lake Camp on Highway 560. The hole was collared on November 3, 1995 and completed on November 8 at a depth of 411 feet. Larry Salo of Connaught, Ontario was the owner and operator of the modified BBS 25 rig. core. Recovery was close to 1001 of AQ size - 3 - The hole collared in brecciated intermediate volcanics with "zebra" rock and black shale fragments throughout. The "zebra" textured fragments in reality may be spinifex textures according to comments made by Jim Ireland, the resident geologist with the MNDM in Cobalt. Below the breccial zone the hole encountered approximately 100 feet of soft talc-rich ultramafic with 30% quartz-carbonate veining. This formation was not noted in our mapping, probably weathering low and not present in outcrop. The remainder of the hole contained interbands of black sedimentary rock, graphite-rich in part, brecciated intermediate volcanics showing spinifixtextured fragments, minor bright green fuchsite, and finally passing into relatively unaltered porphyritic tuffs with minute laths of black shale. One noteable band of breccia occurred from 337-342 feet and exhibited selected replacement of some fragments by massive pyrrhotite. A marked increase in fuchsite was present within this interval. The black carbonaceous to graphitic nature of the interflow sedi mentary bands explains the anomolous HLEM response over the zone. ASSAY RESULTS Nine intervals were assayed and returned anomolous values in nickel particularly in zones showing brecciated fragments exhibiting spinifex textures and/or fuchsite. A high assay of 1156 ppm Ni was obtained from a 5.2 foot interval near the north boundary of the zone. - 4 - Copper values to a high of 2328 ppm were also encountered through out the brecciated zones with the best value associated with a grafitic interflow band. Zinc values were anomolous in the upper part of the hole with a high value of 1200 ppm being obtained from a near surface black carbonaceous interflow. All nine samples were also analyzed by the ICAP method and illustrated elevated chromium values adjacent to the ultramafic zone. Manganese values were high in each sample though highest near surface perhaps indicating some surficial effect. RECOMMENDATIONS The results of DDH HI - 95 strengthens the assumption that a complex geological event has taken place along the north shore of Houston Lake accompanied by the emplacement of base metal sulphide mineralization. The presence of wide brecciated zones exhibiting spinifex textures intermixed with intrerflow sediments and adjacent to an ultramafic intrusive makes for an intriguing base metal potential particularly when accompanied by anomolous values in nickel, copper and zinc. Further prospecting and sampling of the zone to the east where a marked increase in fuchsite was noted in mapping should be carried out. VLF-EM anomolies in this eastern sector of the claim block should be further checked with surface trenching or with a second geophysical method. - 5 - Lastly the ultramafic should be sampled to determine if the elevated chromium values on either side of the intrusive indicates increase values within the body itself. Based on the results of this reconunended program a second hole may be warrented to test the zone further to the east. Respectfully submitted, J. L. Tindale Geologist DIAMOND DRILL RECORD NAME OF PROPERTY HOLE NO. H i" He FOOTAGE TO_______ AZIMUTH FOOTAGE AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH f&r ^c. sr* ^jsrt^H y LOCATION DIP REMARKS ^c-rc, .r / /^/.yj^y.r rt LATITUDE 2tS6FCmcfp.'u J^.'J) DEPARTURE ELEVATION AZIMUTH . STARTED - FINISHED Xc. ci) . o DIP LOGGED BY FOOTAGE SAMPLE DESCRIPTION FROM TO cff.O Ao NO. x: a i^^tr S.UC.P.H FOOTAGE FROM 2± '.LrKZ**^,*^ rf*,. ASSAYS TO O o*^ t*-" y* s •^O^C.^j ,^.7-C. G 23. g" yy. 8 HOLE NO. HI" 7 O SHEET NO. 139. . /* ^ ^-. . . a St-. •-3 23. M - *- r*-*-; is?, o J*l C.4-./C. Z* "/e. G. J?/, i' ~. 8 //o NAME OF PROPERTY_____S fQ *t HOLE NO. l ~~ / S"_____ SAMPLE FOOTAGE FROM " OESCRIPTION . SULPM, ., Cu FOOTAGE IOC5 TO SHEET NO.. TO TOTAL 276": .3-. 0 ASSAYS /*./ 3," ' -.-V—— 9u**~J* - c.*~4 3,00 3S/ 266. O (327/0 "i^y L. uJr'rt 3. 36 E- ^e Z9/.0 3*3 Z9/.0 Z93.Z ,-. -. o e. a //y 39 7^ 23 ae 3 7/2. 5373 ^ f "/e,,' /o — )*. *W * Cf.~# t y j ^x ^ * * *i ff^y . 6' 5V5 7 22. 9 ' c. ^r^t /o^ ^(v O. f. -f- J?77. 3 •77 tsoc.. r.-, ts* c.**. e,* . 3 /o i/ DIAMOND DRILL RECORD NAME OF PROPERTY. rT oo S TO +J SHEET NO.. HOLE NO. FOOTAGE SAMPLE DESCRIPTION FROM r. sui PH TO IOCS 3*2*5* Si'/ 8 ^ M.*-/*;^ 0 . j j- .^ * ^f-'lfl^j TV- /,l y e./A/1-/// t/ ASSAYS FOOTAGE FROM TOTAL O l i T ON l bZ TON 18076236620 01/33/1996 09:23 PflGE aV LABS 18076235320 ACCURASSAY LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF ASSAY LABORATORY SERVICES INC. 1070 LITHIUM DRIVE. UNIT 2 THUNDER BAY. ONTARIO P7B 6G3 PHONE (807) 623-6448 TAX (807) 623-6820 Page l J.L. TIHOALE 907-110 ERSKINE AVE TORONTO, ONTARIO *4P 1Y4 D*cw*wr 15. 1995 Job K9541850 SAMPLE * 378 AS Al AS PP" X PP" B* PP" 0.5 1.46 74 49 32 41 1.86 La PP" "g 6.35 1 4.52 3.96 4.40 3 1 2 ?.76 3.76 Cd PP" Co PP" Cr PP" Cu Fe X ppm X 8.44 5 84 ^ t3 t3 t3 15.87 8.17 1 553 730 223 110 337 245 76 9.78 2 1 1 2 1 0 9 44 2 K3 7.99 •O 32 51 81 34 84 83 2 t3 *3 8.50 4.86 •ci 69 109 2 84 112 Sb Si Sr ri V U In PP" X ppm X PP" PP" PP" 0.02 49 •cO.01 60 18 66 3 1088 231 80 37 Be PP" 2 2 1 2 2 Bi PP" o Ca 379 0.6 380 381 382 383 0.1 0.56 54 213 0.3 0.55 91 0.3 1.07 43 258 79 0.4 0.20 62 74 384 385 386 0.1 77 •:0.1 0.22 0.34 35 268 167 •cO.1 0.32 68 144 2 nn Ho Na Nl P PP* PP* X PP" PP" Pta PP" 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 1102 141 51 *2 0.01 238 •cO.01 0.01 364 ^.01 25 7 0.01 123 28 8 0.01 130 fO.01 •cC.01 45 5 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 121 95 107 286 tO. 01 •O). 01 *0.01 •cO.01 17 10 8 e 378 379 380 381 382 4068 2 3331 •O 2210 2 383 384 385 386 Certified 2911 2 3383 •c! 3437 1 2114 2 1588 2 2 1847 809 567 785 755 8. SO 107 14 t2 1241 11 160 23 10 ^ t2 t2 t2 126 438 131 232 11 207 413 10 ^ f2 1086 420 16 t2 934 17 563 102 73 130 139 91 2058 535 80 5.84 5.72 5.28 2.99 1.59 4.09 9 2 20 4 2 1 8 11 3 33 12 19 6 56 X 3.69 5.01 3.83 1.36 0.82 1.54 03 31/33/1996 09:2? 18376236320 ^E ACCUPA55AV LAE5 04 ACCURASSAY LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF AS5A Y LABORA TQRY SERVICES INC. 1070 LITHIUM DRIVE, U NIT 2 THUNDER BAY. ONTARIO P78 6G3 p PHONE (807) 623-6448 ^A)^(807) 623-6820 J. L. TINDALX 907-110 SRSKZNB AVZ November 28, 1995 TORONTO, ONTARIO IMP 1Y4 Job #9541850 SAMPLE f Accurassay Customer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Certified By: 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 Silver Copper Lead Zinc Nickel ppa ppm ppn Ppn ppn 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 208 91 54 108 111 70 2328 548 67 12 2 2 13 *2 2 3 7 10 1200 236 93 45 39 21 32 9 67 1156 01.'33''19'36 09:23 PAGE ACCUPASSAY LABS 13076236320 05 ACCURASSAY LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF ASSAY LABORATORY SERVICES INC. 1070 LITHIUM DRIVE. UNIT 2 THUNDER BAY. ONTARIO P7B 6G3 PHONE (807) 623-6448 Page Ff* (807) 623 -6820 November 28, 1995 J. L. 907-110 KRSKINB AVE TOKONTO, ONTARIO K4P 1Y4 Accuraaany Job 09541850 SAMPLE t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Check Certified Byi Customer 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 386 Gold ppb Gold Oz/t 19 6 10 4:0.001 *:0.001 7 ^ 5 22 9 8 8 •cO.OOl .cO.OOl <0.001 cO.OOl <0.001 •cO. 001 /; 803 ye 4.00* ^-'0/u H /- J.a. v//' Ministry of Northern Development end Mines Report of Work Conducted After Recording Claim Ontario Mining * ' out aet. Personal Information cotocted on this form is obtained under the authority i this collection should be Directed to the Provincial Manager. Mining Lan Sudbury. Ontario. P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. Instructions: - Please type or print and submit in duplku - Refer to the Mining Act and Regulations for requirements o? nnng Recorder. - A separate copy of this form must be completed for each Work Group. - Technical reports and maps must accompany this form in duplicate. - A sketch, showing the claims the work is assigned to. must accompany this form. Recorded Hoktor(s) Client No. Address Telephone No. •?0"7-x7o M or G Plan No. Township/Area Mining Division 900 ,j,r c. t* Y 2- , Dates Work From: To: J Work Performed (Check One Work Group Only) Type Work Group Geotechnical Survey Physical Work. V Including Drilling J-^t+j srsasJ*. t—?*? X 4. l—. Rehabilitation Other Authorized Work Assays Assignment from Reserve Total Assessment Work Claimed on the Attached Statement of Costs Note: The Minister may reject for assessment work credit all or part of the assessment work submitted if the recorded holder cannot verify expenditures claimed in the statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. Persons and Survey Company Who Performed the Work (Give Name and Address of Author of Report) Name Address 907" - '—' -*~ - J (attach a schedule H necessary) Certification of Beneficial Interest * See Note No. 1 on reverse side \ certify that at the time the work was performed, the claims covered in this work report were recorded in the current holder's name or held under a beneficial interest by the i rent recorded holder. Date Recorded Holder or Agent (Signature) J-M' 7/^6 -). X 7-,^^ '.- Certification of Work Report 1 certify that 1 have a personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Work report, having performed the work or witnessed same during and/or after its completion and annexed report is true. Name and Address of Pereon Certifying __1 j 'J ' j- ' 7 Tetopone No. Date ^——- ^^ Certified By (Signature) ~.t.^ t- For Office Use Only Value Cr. Recorded ^ Received Stamp Date Recorded *^r .-ifi no Dooyiod Approval Date \# s ^^L x /^f^ Oe|p Notice for Amendments "Sent i N ce N fv; tt (A o Oi N (b o u) 0 w N i CQ f f | i li D l Ui N \ 5 ^ —o S ^ D |fla U) t sH H Se •3 li c O to c 0 u 0 0 00 c 0 CD D 0 to 0 0 to 8 fill tt OJ Credits you are claiming in this report may be cut back. In order to minimize the adverse effects of such deletions, please indicate from which claims you wish to priorize the deletion of credits. Please mark (**) one of the following: 1. J8 Credits are to be cut back starting with the claim listed last, working backwards. 2. D Credits are to be cut back equally over all claims contained in this report of work. 3. D Credits are to be cut back as priorized on the attached appendix. In the event that you have not specified your choice of priority, option one will be implemented. Motel: Examples of beneficial Interest are ui to the mining i orded transfers, option agreements, memorandum of Agreements, etc., willi respect Note 2: H work ha* been performed on patented or leased land, please complete the foMowing: l certify thai the recorded holder had a beneficial interest in the patented or leased land at the time the work was performed. Signature Date Ontaix) Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Statement of Costs for Assessment Credit Ministere du Devetoppement du Nord el des mines Etat des couts aux fins du credit devaluation Mining Act/Loi sur les mines Personal information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information will be used to maintain a record and ongoing status of the mining claim(s). Questions about this collection should be directed to the Provincial Manager, Minings Lands. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, 4th Floor, 159 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. Les rensetgnements personnels contenus dans la presente formula sont recueillis en vertu de la Loi sur les mines et serviront a tenir a jour un registre des concessions minieres. Adresser toute quesiton sur la collece de ces renseignements au chef provincial des terrains miniers, ministere du Developpement du Nord et des Mines. 159. rue Cedar. 4e Stage, Sudbury (Ontario) P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. 1. Direct Costs/CoOts directs 2. Indirect Costs/Gouts indirects Type Description Labour Main-d'oeuvre Wage* Salaire* Amount Montant 1 3&0 Reid Supervision Supervision sur le terrain Contractor's and Consultant's Fees Oroitsde ('entrepreneur ei de I'expertconssll Supplie* Used Foumttures utilise** /35~o Type t//' e^i-y/f-f. DlAmOnft* f^ten.*- Totals Total global Type Transportation Transport 4,St,iT -J. l-ilt*lto 19 ttS" Amount Montant Description Totals Total global Type J.I-^l^Lf *0 WY ^OOtZn a. - 30/X^-i •^03 f m f *" f w****- " V** T. Vo O ^5-45* Type /^.ss/^y-s 2.^*0 90 2V4 Equipment Rental LocatkMide * * Note: When claiming Rehabilitation work Indirect costs are not allowable as assessment work. Pour le remboursement des travaux de rehabilitation, les couts indirects ne sont pas admissttes en tant que travaux devaluation. Typ* . 6-j.ji e.**.-^ cSiwr - '/SAr&e 2S-& IfMrtvflOl 2Sc) Total Direct Costs Total des couts directs 8111 Food and Lodging Nourrtture et hebergement Mobillzalion and Demobilization MobMsatlon et demobilisation J-s*S.'-t0-v"* 4~*?t4.i. 2.CXJO ^.oc*a Sub Total of Indii•ect Costs 2.0^0 Total partiel des coutti indirects Amount Allowable ( not greater man zmt or DMect Costs) Mont anl admissibte (n'excMant DM 20 H des t wuts directs) Ib&Z. Total Value of ASMtsment Credit (Total of Dfract and AJtowabto Indirect out*) Vateur tototoducnMtt d'evahutfo n (ToMdMCt dtmdkKK I&&93 Note: The recorded holder will be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. If verification is not made, the Minister may reject for assessment work all or part of the assessment work submitted. Note : Le titulaire enregistre sera tenu de verifier les depenses demandees dans le present etat des couts dans les 30 jours suivant une demande a eel effet. Si la verification n'est pas effectuee. le ministre peut rejeter tout ou une partie des travaux d'evaluation presentes. Filing Discounts Remises pour depot 1. Work filed within two years of completion is claimed at KXWfe of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. 1. Les travaux deposes dans les deux ans suivant tour achevement sont rembourses a 100 "ft de la vateur totale susmentionnee du crWt d'evaluation. 2. Work filed three, four or five years after completion is claimed at 50"M) of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. See calculations below: 2. Les travaux deposes trois, quatre ou cinq ans apres leur achevement sont rembourses a 50 "ft de la valeur totale du credit d'evaluation susmentionn6. Voir les calculs ckJessous. Total Value of Assessment Credit Total Assessment Claimed Valeur totale du credit d'evaluation Evaluation totale demandee x 0,50 x 0.50 Certification Verifying Statement of Costs Attestation de I'etat des couts l hereby certify: that the amounts shown are as accurate as possible and these costs were incurred while conducting assessment work on the lands shown on the accompanying Report of Work form. J'atteste par la presente : que tes montants indiques sont le plus exact possible et que ces depenses ont ete engagees pour effectuer les travaux d'evaluation sur les terrains indiques dans la formute de rapport de travail ci-joint. that as (Recorded Holder. Agent. Position in Company) to make this certification l am authorized (titulaire enregtstrt, representant, poste occupA dans la compagnie) a faire cette attestation. Signature 0212 (04/91) je suis autorise Et qu'a litre de Date Nota : Dans cette fofmule. kxsqu'il designe des personnes, le masculin est utilise au sens neutre. Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ministeredu Developpement du Nord et des Mines June 19, 1996 KTAvF n- KIRKLAND LAKE, Ontario Our File: W9680.00052 Mr. John L. Tindale 907-110 Erskine Avenue TORONTO, Ontario M4P 1Y4 Dear Sir SUBJECT: Report of Work /W9680.00052 Diamond Drilling L 1180346 et al, MacMurchy Township The above mentioned report of work was filed in this office January 19, 1996. According to subsection 6(7) of the assessment work regulations under The Mining Act, eligible assessment work shall be deemed to be approved for credit if this Ministry does not identify a deficiency within 90 days of filing. The 90 day period has expired and therefore the work submitted in your report is to be considered automatically approved and recorded as you had indicated on the reverse side of your report of work form (attached). If you have any questions please call us. Yours truly Roy^-Spoom Mining Recorder Larder Lake Mining Division Telephone (7050 567-9241 RS/lp encl. c.c.: Resident Geologist Assessment File Office ro o o 886-9 . rr .1180359 J i \ 1202806 01 -'--L J W 15 dIHSNMOl dMl —— —— —l——————n—— 01 l I— — ———L—— (D --H-- r~T~r 1204064 113ddAl 1200313 1204070 1204265 1211774 TOWNSHIP rfTT-1 CHURCHILL 1202537 06416 1205812 x s^ :^
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