telecant ř140 - 160


telecant ř140 - 160
Accounting & administration office
15 av. Barthélemy Thimonnier - BP 25
69641-CALUIRE CEDEX – France
Tel : 00 33 (0)4 78 23 98 54
Fax : 00 33 (0)4 78 23 07 17
Headquarters & Plant
Z.I Le minaret
Tel : 00 33 (0)5 53 52 85 48
Fax : 00 33 (0)5 53 52 05 84
TELECANT Ø140 - 160
The TELECANT is a Canter Twin with an end dogging and log positionning system.
It includes a Computer controlled optimizing process.
The logs admitted can be Maximum 650 mm or 800mm in diameter
and have length from 1.5 Meter up to 8 Meters
The system includes a cant resawing mode with motorised fences for 2 or 4 sided cants
Site Internet : - E-mail : [email protected]
TELECANT Ø140 - 160
On the first pass after dogging of the log, the machine will produce on cant and two sideboards.
An off-centring log sawing allows for an asymmetric cutting
The resawing system consists of self-centring fences with motorised rollers
It is capable of resawing 2 or 4 sided cants into 2 or 3 pieces.
TELETCANT 2004 GB 2A4 1.doc
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