Mohamed Badr El-Dine
Mohamed Badr El-Dine
CURRICULUM VITAE Name : Mohamed Moustafa-Kamal BADRELDINE Date of birth : January 1st 1961 Nationality : Egyptian Marital status : Married with Four children Address : 36 Rouschdy street, # 6. Rouschdy. Alexandria, EGYPT. Email : [email protected] Telephone : Home (+203) 5830509 : Office (+203) 4874972 : Mobile :+2012 313 0511 Languages : Arabic (Native language) French (Excellent) English (Excellent) 2 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND : 1984 MBBCh degree with general grade Excellent with Honor. 1989 Master degree of Otorhinolaryngology with general grade Excellent. 1994 Doctoral degree of Otorhinolaryngology. OCCUPATION : Permanent Position:Professor Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alexandria, EGYPT; Consultant Otology, Neurotology and Skull-base Surgery, Main University Hospital, Alexandria, EGYPT. President of the Egyptian Society of Skull Base Surgery. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS: * Member of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. * Member of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), U.S.A. * Member of the Prosper Meniere's Society; Colorado, U.S.A. * Member of the French Society of Otorhinolaryngology; France. * Member of the International Working Group on Endoscopic Ear Surgery. * Member of the Politzer Society. International Society for Otologic Surgery & Science. * President of the Egyptian Society of Skull Base Surgery; Egypt. CLINICAL TRAINING : * Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA. (1993-1995) The fellowship consisted of performing inner ear basic science research in the Hearing Research Laboratory; also attended Surgery with Prof. Dr. William Meyerhoff, M.D, Ph.D. and the scientific activities. * Worked as a Research Fellow, in the Hearing Research Laboratory, Callier Center, University of Texas at Dallas, USA; with Prof. George Gerken, Ph.D., and Prof. Charles G. 3 Wright, Ph.D. (1993-1995) * Clinical training, as a specialist of Otolaryngology, in the Main University Hospital, and Assistant lecturer in the E.N.T. department, Alexandria University, Egypt. (Oct. 1990 - Sept. 1992). * Clinical fellowship, (Resident) working as a Resident in the University Hospital of PARIS, France; Cochin Hospital, E.N.T. department; under the supervision of Prof. Jean Marc Sterkers, M.D. (Nov 1989 - Oct 1990). * Resident in the Main University Hospital, E.N.T. department, Alexandria University, Egypt. (March 1986 - April 1989). * Clinical training: Two months in the University Hospital of Lyon, France; Edouard Herriot Hospital, otolaryngology department. Prof. Alain Morgon, M.D. (May-June 1987). Consulting Visits: * Consulting visit to Hai El Jamea Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; (1997). * Consulting visit to International Hospital of Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain; (2000). PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCES AND COURSES: • The 14th International Meeting of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology 9th to 11th May 2014 Valencia - Spain.Invited Faculty. Conference president Prof. ConstantinoMorera. • Hands-on course on Endoscopic Ear Surgery held in Arezzo at the ICLO teaching research center on May 8th 2014. Arezzo – Italy. Course instructor. • 5th International Workshop on Endoscopic Ear Surgery. 3 days live surgery. 5-7 May 2014. Modena, Italy. Invited speaker presenting: Extending indication of endoscopic ear surgery. 4 • EndoMilano 2014 – 6th World congress for endoscopic surgery of the brain and spine & second global update on FESS, the sinuses and the nose. Milano 14-17 April 2014. Invited speaker presenting on endoscopic ear surgery. Congress president Prof. Dr. Paolo Castelnuovo. • The 11th Annual Meeting of the ENT department, Cairo University 12-15 March 2014 Luxor. Educational activity (9.75 Credit hours by the American Academy of Continuing Medical Education). • 29th Politzer Society Meeting, Antalya 14-17 November 2013. Invited Faculty presenting and panelist in round table about Endoscopic Ear Surgery. Also presenting free paper about intraoperative monitoring for traumatic facial nerve palsy. Conference President Prof. NuriOzgirgin. • Second Meeting European Academy of ORL-HNS. Nice, France 27-30 April 2013. Invited Faculty presenting and panelist in round table about Endoscopic Ear Surgery and Powered instrumentation in Otology. Conference Chairman Prof. Jacques Magnan. • The 30th Alexandria International Combined ORL Congress. 10-12 April 2013. Invited Faculty presenting and chairing the session of the Egyptian Society of Skull Base Surgery. • First Alexandria Fresh Cadaver Live dissection Ear Endoscopy Workshop in association with the International Working Group on Endoscopic Ear Surgery. Organizing and chairing the workshop presented by Prof. Dr Daniele Marchioni (Prof. of Otolaryngology, Modena, Italy). • The 13th International Meeting of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology October 26 – 29, 2012. Naples – Italy. Invited Faculty presenting and chairing sessions. Also Moderator of a round table on endoscopic ear surgery. Conference president Prof. Antonio della Volpe. • 119 e Congrès de la SociétéFrançaised’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologieet de chirurgie de la Face et du Cou. (Paris, France ; 13-15 Octobre 2012). 5 • The 9th International Conference on Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery. June 3-7, 2012 in Nagasaki, Japan. Invited Faculty presenting and chairing sessions. Also participating in round table on endoscopic ear surgery. Conference president Prof. Haruo Takahashi • The International Seminar on Endoscopic Ear Surgery in Kyoto, June 8, 2012 in Kyoto, Japan. Invited Faculty presenting lectures and endoscopic anatomical dissection. Conference president Prof. Juichi Ito. • The 1st Endoscopic Ear Surgery Hands-on-Seminar in Yamagata, June 10, 2012 in Yamagata, Japan. Invited Faculty presenting lectures on endoscopic ear surgery and fundamental use of new instrumentations. Conference president Prof. Seiji Kakehata • 5th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base & Spine combined with the First Global Update on Fess, the sinuses & the nose. Vienna, March 29 – April 1, 2012. Presenting in the Demo Dissection panel: IWGEES Endsocopictransotic access to base of skull. Also, Presenting poster: Endoscopic transnasal anterior approach for petrous apex cholesterol granuloma. • The 28th Politzer Society Meeting, hosted in Athens Greece. 28th September to 1st October 2011. Invited Faculty presenting: The role of endoscopy as an adjunct to microscope in middle ear surgery. Also, presenting: One stage versus two-stage surgery for large jugular foramen tumors. • International meeting: ENT Endsocopy 2011. November 25 & 26, 2011. Cannes – FRANCE. Invited guest faculty presenting: Combined Endoscope and Microscope for middle ear cholesteatoma; and The specific instrumentation for ear endoscopy. • The 28th Politzer Society Meeting, hosted in Athens Greece. 28th September to 1st October 2011. Invited Faculty presenting: The role of endoscopy as an adjunct to microscope in middle ear surgery. Also, presenting: One stage versus two-stage surgery for large jugular foramen tumors. • 3rd International workshop on endoscopic ear surgery. Middle Ear Surgery: 20-21 June 2011. MODENA, ITALY. Invited guest faculty presenting: Combined Endoscope and Microscope for middle ear cholesteatoma. 6 • 12th Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology Meeting. Marseille, FranceMay 78, 2010. Invited faculty speaker presenting: Fundamental use of Endoscopy during surgery of cholesteatoma. • 3rd meeting of the Egyptian Society of Skull Base Surgery held in Alexandria, Egypt 23 April 2010; President of the meeting and presenting: Surgery of CPA tumors: A team work venture. • ENT Endoscopy 2009. GRASSE, FRANCE 27-28 November 2009. Invitedfaculty presenting: The endoscopic surgical procedure for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. • 116e Congrès de la Société Française d’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de chirurgie de la Face et du Cou. (Paris, France ; Octobre 2009) Presenting: « L’utilisation de l’otoendoscopie influence t’elle la décision entre technique de tympanoplastie ?» • Middle Ear Surgery: Controversies and Update. 24-25 September 2009 MODENA, ITALY. Invited guest faculty presenting: Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Too Valuable to Overshadow. • General Secretary organizing the 27th Alexandria International Combined ORL Conference. Alexandria 8-10 April, 2009. • Alexandria 2nd WFNS Skull Base Cadaveric Dissection Course February 2nd-3rd, 2009. Alexandria, Egypt. Organized by the International Training Center for Skull Base Surgery and the World Federation of Neurosurgery and Skull Base Training Committee.Instructor and teaching skull base approaches. • Eighth International Conference on Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery integrated with the Tenth International Congress of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology. 15-20 June 2008 Antalya Turkeypresenting lectures on Ear Endoscopy: “Does the use of surgical endoscopic techniques influence the staging of Tympanoplasty”and panelist in round table on Tympanoplasty techniques. • 115e Congrès de la Société Française d’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de chirurgie de la Face et du Cou. (Paris, France ; 12-14 Octobre 2008) 7 • 114e Congrès de la Société Française d’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de chirurgie de la Face et du Cou. (Paris, France ; Octobre 2007) Presenting: « TRAITEMENT CHIRURGICAL DES TUMEURS ETENDUES AVANCEES DU ROCHER. « UNE DÉCISION SANS REGRET » • 113e Congrès de la Société Française d’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de chirurgie de la Face et du Cou. (Paris, France ; Octobre 2006). • 112e Congrès de la Société Française d’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de chirurgie de la Face et du Cou. (Paris, France ; Octobre 2005) Presenting: « CHIRURGIE DES TUMEURS DU FORAMEN JUGULAIRE - (26 CAS) PRESERVATION DU NERF FACIAL » • 111e Congrès de la Société Française d’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de chirurgie de la Face et du Cou. (Paris, France ; Octobre 2004) Presenting: « Tumeurs malignes avancées de l’oreille : le choix du traitement chirurgical » • Ninth international facial nerve symposium. San Francisco, California, USA. July 29 – August 1, 2001. • Sixth international conference on cholesteatoma and ear surgery. Cannes – France. June 29th to July 2nd, 2000. Professor Jacques Magnan, Congress President. • World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies: International Course on Clinical Neurosurgery and Skull Base Surgery, Alexandria, Egypt, April 15-17th, 1999. ProfessorMajiidSamii, M.D. Course director. • The 105 e Congrès Français d'O.R.L. et de pathologie Cervico-Faciale. (Paris, France; Oct. 1998). • CongrèsFrançais d'O.R.L. et de pathologie Cervico-Faciale. (Paris, France ; Oct. 1996) • One week visit to the Hearing Research Laboratory, INSERM U.#229, HopitalPellegrin, Université Bordeaux II, France. (Kathlenn HORNER, Ph.D., Yves CAZALS, Ph.D., Jean-Paul ERRE, Ph.D., and Jean-Marie ARAN, Ph.D.). (Oct. 1994). • Two days visit to the Hearing Research Laboratory, INSERM U.#251, Faculté Xavier Bichat; Université Paris 7, Paris. (Evelynee FERRARY, M.D., Ph.D and Olivier STERKERS, M.D., Ph.D.) (Oct. 1994). • Monthly scientific conferences in the Otolaryngology department, University of Texas, 8 Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas during the years 1992-95. With visiting Professors: John House, MD; Jack L. Gluckman, MD; Thomas J. Balkany, MD; F. Owen Black, MD; Willard E. Fee, MD; Mark A. Richardson, MD; William J. Richtsmeier, MD, PhD; Newton J. Coker, MD; Irv Arenberg, MD; Hugh F. Biller, MD, PhD; James A. Stankiewicz, MD; Richard E. Hayden, MD; Paul R. Lambert, MD; Charles W. Cummings, MD. • Medical Audiology Course. Callier Center for Communication Disorders. University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. Carl Crandell, Ph.D. (Jul-Aug. 1993). • Alexandria International Conference on Pharyngeal Diseases. (23-25 Apr. 1991). • Alexandria Ear Surgery Course, Prof. Aziz Belal, MD; and Mario Sanna, MD. (27 Dec. 1990). • Congrés Français d'O.R.L. et de pathologie Cervico-Faciale. (Paris, France ; Oct. 1990). • Symposium "Tympanoplasty Today" in the honor of Prof. Jean Marquet, MD. Brussels. (16 June 1990). • Cours de Perfectionnement de Chirurgie Plastique de la Face. HopitalEdouard Herriot, Lyon, France; Prof. François Disant, MD. (29-30 Oct. 1990). • VIII Temporal bone dissection course, (Instructor & Teaching)Prof. J.M. STERKERS, MD. (21-23 May 1990). • Cours de Rhinologie medicale et de chirurgie Endo-Nasale, Prof. H. STAMMBERGER, MD. (19-20 Jan 1990). • Deux Journeés d'etudes sur Vestibule et cochleé. Faculté de Medicine, Paris, France, LARIBOISIERE-SAINT LOUIS. (15-16 Dec 1989). • Alexandria International Conference on Otological Disorders. (3-5 Apr 1989). 9 PUBLISHED ARTICLES: * Ashramy YA, Badr-El-Dine M. Multichannel facial nerve monitoring: value in detection of mechanically elicited electromyographic activity and prediction of postoperative outcome. OtolNeurotol 2014; 35: 1290-1297. * Ashram YA, Badr-El-Dine M. Surgery for traumatic facial nerve paralysis: Does intraoperative monitoring have a role? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2014; 271: 2365-2374. DOI: 10.1007/s00405-013-2712-9. * Mohamed Badr-El-Dine, Ahmed AlyIbraheim, Yasser Shewail, SamyElwany. Endoscopic transsphenoidal approach to petrous apex cholesterol granuloma. Journal of Otology & Rhinology 2014, 3:4. Doi: * Badr-El-Dine M, James AL, Panetti G, Marchioni D, Presutti L, Nogueria JF. Instrumentation and technologies in endoscopic ear surgery.OtolaryngolClin North Am. 2013; 46(2): 211-25. * M. Badr-El-Dine. One-stage versus two-stage surgery for large jugular foramen tumors. Abstract. International Advanced Otology (IAO) 2011; Vol 7 (3) Supplement 2: pp. 45. * M. Badr-El-Dine. Surgery of Sinus Tympani Cholesteatoma: Endoscopic Necessity. Journal of International Advanced Otology (IAO) 2009; Vol 5 (2): 158-165. * M. Badr-El-Dine.Lateral skull base approaches: a safe road for the neurosurgeon. Supplement abstract.Neurosciences 2003; Vol. 8 (1): 37-38. * Mourad M.; Badr-El-dine M.; Megahed H. Middle ear transmission characteristics in tympanic membrane perforations: cochlear emission and endoscopic study. 10 Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Federation of Oto-RhinoLaryngological Societies (IFOS), Cairo, Egypt, 28 September to 3 October 2002, ICS 1240. International Congress Series, Volume 1240, October 2003, pp. 263-267(5). * Badr-El-Dine M. Value of ear endoscopy in cholesteatoma surgery. Otology & neurotology 2002; 23: 631-635. * El-Meselaty K, Badr-El-Dine M, Mandour M, Mourad M, Darweesh R. Endoscope affects decision making in cholesteatoma surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003; 129: 490-6. * Abdel Baki F, Badr-El-Dine M, El Saiid I, Bakry M. Sinus tympani endoscopic anatomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 127: 158-62. * Badr-El-Dine M, El-Garem HF, Talaat AM, Magnan J. Endoscopically Assisted Minimally Invasive Microvascular Decompression of Hemifacial Spasm. Otology & Neurotology 2002; 23: 122-128. * El-Garem HF, Badr-El-Dine M, Talaat AM, Magnan J. Endoscopy as a Tool in Minimally Invasive Trigeminal Neuralgia Surgery. Otology & Neurotology 2002; 23: 132-135. * Badr-El-Dine M, El-Garem HF, El-Ashram Y, Talaat AM, Magnan J. Endoscope Assisted Minimal Invasive Microvascular Decompression of Hemifacial spasm. Abstracts of the 9th International Facial Nerve Symposium.Otology & Neurotology Suppl. 2002; 23 (3): pp 68. * El Adawy Y, Badr-El-Dine M, Saleh EA. Widening procedures in the translabyrinthine approach for the management of cerebellopontine angle lesions. Egypt. J. Neuro. Surg. 1998; 13 (1): 83-95. 11 * El Adawy Y, El Bana Y, Kanan M, Badr-El-Dine M. Surgery of petroclivalmeningiomas. Egypt. J. Neuro. Surg. 1998; 13 (1): 97-106. * Badr-El-Dine M, Gerken GM, Wright CG, Robinson KS, Meyerhoff WL. Electrocochleographic evaluation of the guinea pig model of endolymphatic hydrops.Ann OtolRhinolLaryngol.1997 Nov; 106:11, 934-42. * Abdel-Monem MA, Badr-El-Dine M, Saleh E. Surgery for glomus jugulare tumors: How to improve the results. Journal of the Medical Research Institute (Egypt) 1997; 18 (3): 108-20. * Badr-El-Dine M, Gerken GM, Meyerhoff WL. Effects of dehydration with Glycerol and Urea on summating potentials and action potentials in normal guinea pigs ears.Egypt. J. Otolaryngol. 1996; 13 (1): 9-25. * Badr-El-Dine M, Gerken GM, Meyerhoff WL. Summating potential and action potential gradients on and in the vicinity of the round window in guinea pig. Ann OtolRhinolLaryngol.1997 Feb; 106:2, 139-44. * Badr-El-Dine M, Gerken GM, Meyerhoff WL. Summating potential and action potential gradients in the vicinity of the round window in guinea pig. Poster Presented at: Eighteenth Midwinter Research Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. St. Petersburg Beach, (February 5-9, 1995). * Badr-El-Dine M, Gerken GM, Meyerhoff WL. Loss of perilymph affects electrocochleographic potentials in the guinea pig. Am J Otol1994; 15: 717-722. * Sterkers JM, Morrison GA, Sterkers O, Badr-El-Dine M. Preservation of facial, cochlear, and other nerve functions in acoustic neuroma treatment. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1994; 110: 146-55. 12 * Sterkers O, Badr-El-Dine M, Martin N, Viala P, Sterkers JM. Eds. Slow versus rapidgrowingacousticneuroma. Amsterdam: Kugler. 1992; 145-7. * Sterkers JM, Badr-El-Dine M, Hocsman E. Les potentiels évoques auditifs précoses et le diagnostic des neurinomes de l'acoustique et autre tumeurs de l'angle pontocerebelleux. Acta OtorhinolaryngologicaBelg. 1991; 45: 211-216. * Sterkers JM, Sterkers O, Badr-El-Dine M. Volumineux neurinomes de l'acoustique réveles par des symptomes mineurs. Revue officielle de la societé française d'O.R.L. # 8, 1991; 51-54. * Sterkers O, Badr-El-Dine M, Bagot d'arc M, Tedaldi R, Sterkers JM. Fibrin glue anastomosis of the facial nerve in the cerebello-pontine angle, the petrous bone and the parotid: 60 cases. Revue de laryngologie, Vol III, # 5, 1990. * Sterkers O, Belaidi A, Badr-El-Dine M, Sterkers JM. Cholesteatome et nerf facial. 3eme Congres de la Societé international d'O.R.L. et de chirurgie cervicofaciale des Pays Francophone. Marrakech (Maroc), 3-5 December 1990. * Garem FA, Farid S, Badreldine F, Badr-EL-Dine M. Evaluation of some acute phase reactants, antistreptolysin O titre and surface swab cin diagnosing the tonsils with positive core culture for group A Beta hemolytic streptococci. Alexandria Journal of Pediatrics.1989; 3: 133-46. 13 REFERENCE : * PROFESSOR JEAN MARC STERKERS, M.D. Professeur au Collége de Medecine. 4 Rue Michel Ange, PARIS. 75016. FRANCE. * PROFESSOR OLIVIER STERKERS, M.D. , Ph.D. Professeur au Collége de Medecine. Chef du Service d'O.R.L. Hopital Beaujon, Paris. FRANCE. * DOCTEUR PASCAL CORLIEU, M.D. Praticien Hospitalier d'O.R.L. Hopital Cochin. PARIS. 27 Rue du Faubourg St. Jacques. 75014 PARIS. FRANCE. * PROFESSOR SAMY ELWANY, M.D. Professor and Chairman of Otorhinolaryngology, Alexandria School of Medicine University of Alexandria. EGYPT. * PROFESSOR FAROUK EL-GAREM, M.D. Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Alexandria School of Medicine University of Alexandria. EGYPT.