Program Fact Sheet
Program Fact Sheet
France International Pharmaceutical EPR Program Fact Sheet Organizing Body: Cyclamed ( is a non-profit organization1 that is organized by dispensing pharmacists, wholesale distributors and drug companies2 Program Description: Organized by dispensing pharmacists, wholesale distributors and drug companies,2 Cyclamed is a non-profit organization established in 1993.3 Funded entirely by pharmaceutical manufacturers, wholesale distributors provide and recover cartons,4 and every pharmacy is required to collect.5 Cyclamed conducts advocacy and communication with the general public, health professionals and environmental stakeholders.6 The program collects approximately 16,237 tons (14,730 metric tons) every year.7 Funding: Funded entirely by pharmaceutical manufacturers whose contribution is calculated based on the number of boxes placed on the market, with wholesale distributors responsible for collecting and transporting containers.4 Program Costs: 2012: Dues, not including tax, were USD $0.0022 (EUR €.0019) per box8,9 “Le Réseau Cyclamed (The Cyclamed Network).” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. “In English.” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 3 “Quelle est la réglementation encadrant la collecte de Médicaments Non Utilisés? (What are the regulations governing the collection of unused medicine?)” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 4 “Le Fonctionnement de la Filière (Operation of the System).” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 5 “Le pharmacien d’officine (The Community Pharmacist).” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 6 “Mission.” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 7 “Quels sont les chiffres de la collecte des Médicaments Non Utilisés? (What Are the Figures for the Collection of Unused Medicines?)” Cyclamed, accessed December 2014, Web. 8 “Contribution des différents maillons de la chaîne du medicament (Contribution of the various links in the drug chain).” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 9 XE Currency Converter, accessed January 27 2015, Web. 1 2 Last updated: 2/3/2015 France International Pharmaceutical EPR Program Fact Sheet Program Chronology: 1992: Manufacturers required to provide or contribute to the elimination of household packaging waste they place on the market (Decree No. 92337 of 1/4/1992)10 1993: Cyclamed created by manufacturers in response to 1992 Packaging Decree10 February 2007: Law No. 2007-248 of 27/2/2007 requires pharmacies to collect unused medicines11 March 2009: Order of 3/3/2009, grants approval for packaging collected with unwanted medicines10 June 2009: Decree No. 2009-718 of 17/06/2009 mandates collection and processing of industry unused medicines by pharmaceutical manufacturers12 Collection Locations: Pharmacies are required to be host collection sites13 22,400 pharmacies collect medications14 Population of France year 2014: 66,201,000 inhabitants15 Results: Data collection (2013): 16, 237 tons (14,730 metric tons) collected16 +3.2% growth of collection in 2013 compared to 2012 Awareness: 77% of the population returns unused medicines to the pharmacist, 70% of which responded “always” 16 Cyclamed collection container ( “Quelle est la réglementation encadrant la collecte de Médicaments Non Utilisés? (What Are the Regulations Governing the Collection of Unused Medicines?)” Cyclamed, accessed December 2014, Web. 11 “Y a-t-il une liste des pharmacies Cyclamed? (Will has a list of pharmacies Cyclamed?)” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 12 “Les Textes Règlementaires (Regulatory Texts).” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 13 “Le Fonctionnement de la Filière.” 14 “Quels sont les chiffres de la collecte des Médicaments Non Utilisés? (What are the figures for the collection of unused medicines?)” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 15 “Population Total.” The World Bank, accessed January 2015, Web. 16 “La Collecte Des Médicaments Non Utilisés (The Collection of Unused Medicines).” Cyclamed, accessed January 2015, Web. 10
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