Fr - New Jersey Institute of Technology


Fr - New Jersey Institute of Technology
Curriculum vitæ
Mohamed Kamel RIAHI
B [email protected]
Cullimore Hall office 619
Department of Mathematical Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights Newark, NJ 07102. USA
État civil
- Né le 12-Juillet à Medjez el Bab Tunisie.
- Nationalité Française.
2008–2012 Doctorat, LJLL/ Paris VI UPMC : Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris-Jussieu France,
Thèse : Conception and analyze of time-parallel algorithm to speed up the simulation of some
evolutionary systems..
Encadrée par Prof. Y. Maday (UPMC/LJLL) et co-encadrée par Prof. Julien Salomon (Dauphine/CEREMADE).
2007-2008 Master 2 Recherche, CEREMADE/ University of Paris Dauphine, Specialité EDP-MAD,
Equations aux Dérivées Partielles - Modélisation Aléatoire et Déterministe.
2003-2007 Licence, Sciences Mathématiques.
Faculté des Sciences de Tunis El Manar II.
Expériences professionnelles
2015-2016 Instructeur Enseignant Mathématiques, New Jersey Institute of technology.
2014-2016 Postdoc Chercheur Associé, Department of Mathematical Sciences , New Jersey Institute
of technology, Waves propagation : Regularized Combined Field Integral equation and domain
decomposition method.
En collaboration avec Prof. Y. Boubendir, Prof. C.C Turc et Prof. P. Petropoulos.
2012–2014 Postdoc, CMAP/ INRIA-Saclay and X - École Polytechnique, France, Non destructive
testing : A diffraction tomographic algorithm for eddy current testing on steam generator..
Collaboration with Prof. H. Haddar, and the team STEP : Industrial EDF-R&D Châtou France.
2011–2012 Attaché Temporaire à l’enseignement et la Recherche (ATER), CEREMADE/
University of Paris Dauphine..
Summer- Stage de Master, CEREMADE et Inria-rocquencourt, Implementation and numerical
2008 analysis of an algorithm of control by laser : application to the quantum chemistry..
Encadré par Prof. G. Turinici dans l’équipe Inria MICMAC.
Algèbre linéaire, université Paris Dauphine.
TD d’analyse complexe. Licence 1, Paris-7 Diderot.
Printemps 2012 Analyse numérique et calcul scientifique, Licence-2 MIDO, université Paris Dauphine.
Printemps 2012 Calcul scientifique avec Matlab, Licence-2 MIDO, université Paris Dauphine.
Printemps 2011
Automne 2011
Automne 2013
Printemps 2016
Analyse numérique pour ingénieurs, Licence 3, École d’Ingénieur EPF-Paris.
Calculus III, undergraduate, New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Intérêts scientifiques
Équations aux dérivées Éléments finis. Différences finies. Équations intégrales. Analyse numérique.
Physique mathématique Systèmes de réaction-diffusion. Propagation d’ondes. Electromagnétisme.
Solveur robuste Méthode de décomposition de domaines1, méthode pararéelle. Calcul numérique haute
performance et calcul parallèle.
Problèmes inverses Contrôle Optimal. Optimisation de forme.
Publications et prépublication
Journaux à
comités de (1) Parareal-intermediate target approach to accelerate time parallelized parabolic optimal
control problem.Series : International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 164, 2013, X,
215 p. 43 illus., 29 illus. in color. 5th chp, Yvon Maday M.-K. RIAHI, Julien Salomon.
(2) Parareal in time 3D numerical solver for the LWR Benchmark neutron diffusion transient model, A-M. Baudron, J-J. Lautard, Y. Maday, M.-K. RIAHI and J. Salomon. Elsevier Journal of Computational Physics (JCP). Vol 279, 2014, p. 67-79. doi :10.1016/
(3) A new approach to improve ill-conditioned steepest descent methods, application to
a parabolic optimal control problem via time domain decomposition. M.-K. RIAHI.
Springer US, Numerical Algorithm (Numa) 2015, p. 1-32 doi :10.1007/s11075-015-0060-0.
(4) A robust inversion method for quantitative 3D shape reconstruction from coaxial eddycurrent measurements. Haddar, H., M.-K. RIAHI and Zixian, J.(Conditionally accepted :
Springer, Journal of Scientific Computing (JOMP).
(5) A full efficient time parallel optimal quantum control algorithm. M.-K. RIAHI, J.
Salomon, S. J. Glaser and D. Sugny (Accepted for publication in Physical Review A).
(6) Improved non-overlapping domain decomposition algorithms for the eddy current problem,
Y. Boubendir, H. Haddar and M.-K. Riahi,(Under review, Notes aux C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris 2016) arXiv preprint arXiv :1602.00294, 2016.
(7) A fast eddy-current 3D Finite element numerical solver for the non destructive testing
in steam generator. M.-K. RIAHI (Under review, to Journal of coupled system and
multi-scale dynamics)
(8) Towards a fully scalable balanced parareal method : application to neutronics. Y. Maday
and O. Mula and M.-K. RIAHI (to be submitted to Mathematical Models and Methods
in Applied Sciences, M3AS).
Articles de
conférences & (6) An intermediate taget method for the control of parabolic systems. Proceeding of TAMTAM
rapports de
2011. Publié dans le CPU "Centre de Publication Universitaire" ISBN 978-9973-37-662-6.
TUNISIA (2011). Maday Y. M.-K. RIAHI, Salomon J.
(7) 3D direct and inverse solvers for eddy current testing of deposits in steam generator. H.
Haddar and M.-K Riahi (Inria research report)
(11) A robust DDM solver for the Eddy current potential formulation. Y. Boubendir, H. Haddar
and M.-K. Riahi (to be submitted to Journal of Computational Physics).
(12) Well-posed boundary integral equation formulations and Nyström discretization for the
solution of Helmholtz problems with impedance boundary conditions in two-dimensional
Lipschitz domains. M.-K. RIAHI, C.-C. Turc and Y. Boubendir (to be submitted to
Journal of Integral Equation and Applications).
(13) On the use of the CFS-PML as a Laplace preconditioner in the FEM solution of a scattering
problems M.-K. RIAHI, P. Petropoulos and Y. Boubendir (to be submitted to IEEE).
(14) Robust 3D hybrid E/H eddy current algorithm via heterogeneous domain decomposition
approach. Y. Boubendir, H. Haddar, M.-K. RIAHI (Near completion).
Logiciels de calcul
Une liste de logiciels de calcul libre afin de stimuler et d’encourager les
programmes industriel et académiques est disponible à l’adresse : https:
// Software).
C++/FF++ Simulation of the population of neutrons in the reactor core. Simulate a part of program
developed in the (CEA) Atomic Energy Commission of France.
C++/FF++ High performance Heat conduction control using the parareal method.
Matlab-OOP NySL++ : An Object-Oriented Programming Library in Matlab for High order Nyström
Scattering discretization for scattering problems for domain with corners.
Séminaires & Conférences
Numerical analysis and scientific computing seminar. New York, USA, Feb 19-2016
COLUMBIA Applied Mathematics Colloquium. New York, USA, Sept 27-2015
NJIT Fluids Mechanics and Waves seminars. New Jersey, USA, Mars 30-2015
Computer Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering. Thuwel, Saudi Arabia, Feb
Congres National de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles. Carry-le-Rouet , France,April
Numerical methods and algorithms for HPC. Marseille, France, July 16-2012
Congres National de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, SMAI. Guidel,France, Mai
Numerical analysis and Partial Differential equations. Orsay, France Dec 27-2012
Groupe de Travail LRC-Manon. Paris VI, France April-2012
Groupe de Travail Graphics Processing Units. Paris VI, France Feb-2012
Groupe de Travail Graphics Processing Units. Paris VI, France March-2011
Groupe de Travail des doctorants. Paris VI,France Nov-2010
Conférences internationales
The international conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of waves (Karlsruhe,
Germany July-2015)
AMMCS-CAIMS2015-Congress (Canada, June-2015)
FACM’15 New Jersey Institute of Technology (Mai-2015)
FACM’14 New Jersey Institute of Technology (Mai-2014)
PICOF’14 Tunisia, Hammamet Mai-2014
The international conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of waves. Gamart,
Tunisia Juin-2013
21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods. France INRIA RennesBretagne-Atlantique 25-29 June 2012
25th IFIP TC 7 Conference System Modeling and Optimization. Berlin, Germany sept
Trends in Applied Mathematics in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco. Tunisia, Sousse 2011
Rapporteur pour journaux à comités de lecture
JCOMP Elsevier Journal of Computational Physics
JCAM Elsevier Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
NUMA Springer Numerical Algorithms
Compétences informatiques
Systèmes Linux, Mac Os, Windows.
Langages de C, C++, Python, Bash, Fortran90.
Calcul parallèle OpenMP, MPI, MPI/IO.
Calcul scientifique Matlab, MatlabMPI,Scilab, Octave, FreeFem++, Fenics, Gnuplot.
Maillage et visualisation Gmsh, Tetgen, Netgen, Freeyams, mmg3d, Paraview, Medit
Office LATEX, Vim, Emacs, Open Office, Microsoft Office.
1. Yvon Maday, Professeur, Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions, Paris IV, UPMC, [email protected].
2. Haddar Houssem, Directeur de recherche CNRS, responsable de l’équipe DeFI Inria-Saclay à XPolytechnique France, [email protected]
3. Yassine Boubendir, Professeur, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT, [email protected].
4. Gabriel Turinici, Professeur , Centre De Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision,Université Paris DAUPHINE, [email protected].
5. Julien Salomon Maitre de Conference, Centre De Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision,Université
Paris - DAUPHINE, [email protected].