CV_Chabanet 2012_Français_2


CV_Chabanet 2012_Français_2
Septembre 2012
Name: Pascale CHABANET
Position actuelle
Chercheur à l'Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) à La Réunion (France).
Expériences professionnelles en recherche
- 1990-1994 : Assistante Temporaire d’Enseignements et de Recherche (ATER), Université de La Réunion.
- 1996-2003 : Maître de Conférences, Université de La Réunion.
- 2004-2007 : Poste d’accueil Chercheur à l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), en
Nouvelle-Calédonie, puis à La Réunion.
- 2008 : Intégration à l’IRD Réunion (UR CoRéUs : Communautés Récifales et Usages dans l’Indopacifique)
Titres universitaires
- 1984 : Licence de Biologie des Organismes et des Populations, Université d'Aix-Marseille III.
Licence d'Enseignement, Université d'Aix-Marseille III.
- 1985 : Maîtrise de Biologie des Organismes et des Populations, Université d'Aix-Marseille III (dont 1 an
passé aux USA, Université de Californie, Santa Barbara, bourse du gouvernement français).
- 1989 : Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) en Environnement marin, Université d’Aix-Marseille III.
- 1994 : Doctorat en Environnement marin Aix-Marseille III.
- 2005 : Habilitation Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université de La Réunion.
Domaine d'expertise
Récifs coralliens. Poissons récifaux. Relations benthos-poissons. Impact des perturbations. Dispersion
larvaire. Gestion des ressources. Aires Marines Protégées. Indopacifique.
Localisation des récifs étudiés
La Réunion, Mayotte, Maurice, Madagascar, Kenya, Maldives, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Australie (Grande
Barrière de Corail), Polynésie Française, Vanuatu, Fidji.
Responsabilités en recherche (direction de programmes)
- 1996-1999 : Recréer la Nature "Suivi de la colonisation des récifs artificiels sur l’île de la Réunion (SO
Océan Indien)" (financement Ministère de l’Environnement).
- 1998 - 2001 : PPF Pôle mer "Environnement littoral, biodiversité et ressources marines dans le sud-ouest
de l’Océan Indien" (financement Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et Recherche).
- 2001-2004 : "Recrutement larvaire des poissons récifaux à La Réunion : phénomène local ou régional ?".
(160K€, financement IFRECOR, Etat, Europe, Région et Département Réunion).
- 2001-2003 : "Utilisation des otolithes comme marqueur environnemental" (financement Région Réunion).
- 2005-2006 : "Contribution à l’étude sur l’importance et l’évolution de la fréquentation spatiale du lagon
SO de la Nouvelle-Calédonie par la pêche plaisancière" (financement Province Sud Nouvelle-Calédonie).
- 2005-2007 : "Evolution du système récifo-lagonaire de Koné (Nouvelle-Calédonie) soumis à des pressions
anthropiques croissantes" (financement Ministère Outre Mer).
- 2010-2011 : "The future of coral reefs in the WIO region: influence of climate change on reproduction and
recruitment of reef-building corals" (financement SIDA Swedish International Development Agency et
Western Indian Ocean Marine Association).
- 2010-2011 : Biodiversité, ressources et conservation des récifs coralliens aux Glorieuses (Financement
Ministère Outre-Mer).
- 2011-2013 : Biodiversité, ressources et conservation des récifs coralliens des Iles Eparses” (BioRecIE).
(financements INEE, INSU, IRD, AAMP et FRB, Veolia).
Responsabilités administratives et collectives
Depuis 1996, participation à de nombreuses structures de décision et de protection du milieu marin dont
l’Association Parc Marin de la Réunion (conseil d’administration, comité de pilotage, commission pêche),
COI (Commission de l’Océan Indien), IFRECOR (Initiative Française sur les récifs Coralliens).
Actuellement Directrice par intérim de l’IRD Réunion et membre de plusieurs instances décisionnelles :
1 Septembre 2012
- Conseil scientifique de la Réserve Marine de La Réunion,
- Conseil d’administration du WIOMSA (Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association),
- Conseil scientifique de l’OSUR (Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers Réunion),
- Conseil de gestion du Parc naturel Marin de Mayotte.
Formation, responsabilités d'étudiants
Pour le 3ème cycle (Masters, Doctorats)
Masters (11) :
F. Lacour en 2000 (DEA Université de Provence), T. Severin en 2001 (DESS Université de la Réunion), J.
Devakarne (DEA Université de Provence) et N. Guillemot (DAA ENSAR, Agro Campus de Rennes) en
2004, A. Riou (Master 2 Université de Brest) en 2009, N. Loiseau (Master 2, Université Montpellier) et E.
Crochelet en 2010 (Master 2, Université Montpellier), M. Choua (Master 2, Université de Liège) et A. Puech
(Master 2, Université de La Réunion) en 2011, Stella Dubernet (Master 2, Université de Provence) et
Yannick Fouchet (Master 2, Université de La Réunion) en 2012.
Doctorants (9) :
- Karine Pothin (2002-2005) : Analyse de la dispersion larvaire à travers l'étude des otolithes, application à la
gestion (1, cf. localisation en fin de paragraphe).
- Emmanuel Tessier (2002-2005) : Dynamique de colonisation des récifs artificiels par les poissons,
application à la gestion (2).
- Nicolas Guillemot (2006-2009) : Peuplements de poissons et leur exploitation avant l'impact d'un projet
minier majeur, recherche d'indicateurs pour le suivi sur le long terme (3).
- Julie Scopelitis (2006-2009) : Modélisation des perturbations sur l'habitat corallien (4)
- Jamal Mahafina (2008-2011) : Perceptions des pêcheurs sur les réserves marines (5)
- Lola Massé (2009-2013) : Recherche d'indicateurs coraux du changement climatique (6)
- Antoine Riou (2010-2013) : Connectivité entre populations ichtyologiques, application à la gestion (6)
- Mathieu Séré (2011-2013) : Etude des maladies des coraux (6).
- Bemahafaly Randriamanantsoa (2012-2014) : Impact de la conservation sur les récifs coralliens (5).
Localisation : (1) Archipel des Mascareignes, (2) La Réunion, (3) Nouvelle-Calédonie, (4) NouvelleCalédonie, La Réunion, Australie, (5) Madagascar, (6) SO Océan Indien.
2008 : Elue femme de l’année (catégorie Science et Recherche) par la Région Réunion.
2011: Invitée par la Ministre de l’Outre-mer pour représenter les Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises
(TAAF) dans le cadre de la journée de la femme (Paris, mars 2011).
2011: Nommée au grade de Chevalier de l'Ordre du Mérite maritime par la Ministre de l’Ecologie et du
Développement durable (août 2011).
Publications et travaux scientifiques
Entre 1993 et 2012, le récapitulatif de mes publications et travaux scientifiques est le suivant :
- 56 publications dans des revues à comité de lecture,
- 92 participations à des conférences (87 internationales et 5 nationales),
- 1 brevet (caméra autonome immergée VidéoSolo),
- 12 CD et DVD à but éducatif et sensibilisation du grand public.
Journeaux référencés au "Web of Science" [A]
[A1] Letourneur Y. & Chabanet P., 1993. Variations spatio-temporelles de l'ichtyofaune dans les récifs
coralliens de Saint-Leu, Ile de La Réunion. Cybium 18(1): 25-38.
[A2] Chabanet P. & Faure G., 1994. Interrelations entre peuplements benthiques et ichtyologiques en milieu
corallien. Comptes Rendus Academie des Sciences, Paris, III, 317: 1151-1157.
[A3] Chabanet P. & Letourneur Y., 1995. Spatial pattern of size distribution of four fish species on Reunion
coral reef flats. Hydrobiologia 300/301: 299-308.
[A4] Chabanet P., Dufour V. & Galzin R, 1995. Disturbance impact on reef fish communities in Reunion
Island (Indian Ocean). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 188: 29-48.
[A5] Chabanet P., Ralambondrainy H., Amanieu M., Faure G. & Galzin R., 1997. Relationship between
coral reef substrata and fish. Coral Reefs 16: 93-102.
2 Septembre 2012
[A6] Letourneur Y., Chabanet P., Vigliola L. & Harmelin-Vivien M., 1998. Mass settlement and postsettlement mortality of Epinephelus merra (Pisces, Serranidae) on Reunion coral reefs. Journal of the
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 78: 307-319.
[A7] Peyrot-Claussade M, Chabanet P., Conand C., Fontaine M.F, Letourneur Y. & Harmelin-Vivien M.,
2000. Sea urchin and fish bioerosion in La Reunion and Moorea reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 66(2):
[A8] Chabanet P., 2002. Coral reef fish communities of Mayotte (western Indian Ocean) two years after the
impact of the 1998-bleaching event. Marine & Freshwater Research 53: 107-113.
[A9] Chabanet P., Teissier E., Durville P., Mulocheau T. & René F., 2002. Fish communities of Geyser and
Zelee coral banks (Western Indian Ocean). Cybium 26: 1-18.
[A10] Letourneur Y., Taquet M., Chabanet P., Tessier E., Durville P., Parmentier M. & Pothin K., 2004.
Annoted checklist of fishes of Reunion Island, southwestern Indian Ocean. Cybium 28(3): 199-216.
[A11] Tessier E., Chabanet P., Pothin K., Soria M. & Lasserre G., 2005. Visual census of tropical fish
assemblages on artificial reef: slate versus video recording techniques. Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology 315(1): 17-30.
[A12] Chabanet P., Moyne-Picard M. & Pothin K., 2005. Cyclones as settlement vehicles for groupers.
Coral Reefs 24: 138.
[A13] Chabanet P., Adjeroud M., Andréfouët S., Bozec Y.M., Ferraris J., Garcia-Charton J. & Shrimm M.,
2005. Human-induced physical disturbances and indicators on coral reef habitats: a hierarchical
approach. Aquatic Living Resources 18: 215-230.
[A14] Pothin K., Tessier E., Chabanet P. & Lecomte-Finiger R., 2006. Larval life traits and larval growth of
Gnathodentex aureolineatus (Lethrinidae) before and after settlement in a sandy bay of Reunion Island
(SW Indian Ocean). Cybium 30(1): 27-33.
[A15] Pothin K., Gonzalez C., Lecomte-Finiger R. & Chabanet P., 2006. Distinction between
Mulloidichthys flavolineatus recruits from Reunion and Mauritius Islands (SW Indian Ocean) based on
otolith morphometrics. Journal of Fish Biology 69: 38-53.
[A16] McClanahan T., Graham N., Maina J., Chabanet P., Bruggemann J. & Polunin N., 2007. Influence of
instantaneous variations on estimates of coral reef fish populations and communities. Marine Ecology
progress Series 340: 221-234.
[A17] Soria M., Fréon P. & Chabanet P., 2007. Schooling properties of obligate versus facultative schooler
fish species. Journal of Fish Biology 71: 1257-1269.
[A18] Quod J.P., Barrère A., Chabanet P., Durville P. Nicet J.B. & Garnier R., 2007. The status of the coral
reefs of French Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean. Revue Ecologie (Terre & Vie) 62: 3-16.
[A19] Mc Neil M.A., Graham N., Conroy J., Fonnesbeck C., Polunin N., Rushton S., Chabanet P. &
McClanahan T., 2008. Detection heterogeneity in Underwater Visual Census Data. Journal of Fish
Biology 73: 1748-1763.
[A20] Graham N., McClanahan T., Mc Neil A., Wilson S.K., Polunin N., Jennings S., Chabanet P., Clark S.,
Spalding M., Letourneur Y., Bigot L., Galzin, Öhman M., Garpe K., Edwards A.J., Sheppard C.R.C.,
2008. Climate warning and the ocean-scale integrity of coral reef ecosystem. PLoS One Journal 3(8),
e3039: 1-9.
[A21] Tessier E., Bigot L., Chabanet P., Conand C., Quod J-P., Cauvin B., Cadet C., 2008. Coral reefs of
Reunion Island in 2007: status report and monitoring network. Revue Ecologie (Terre & Vie) 63: 1-18.
[A22] Guillemot, N., Léopold, M., Cuif, M., Chabanet, P., 2009 Characterisation and Management of
Informal Fisheries Confronted to socio-economic changes in New Caledonia (South Pacific). Fisheries
Research 98(1-3): 51-61.
[A23] Scopélitis J., Andréfouët S., Phinn S., Chabanet P., Naim O., Tourrand C., Done T., 2009. 35 years of
coral community change on Saint Leu Reef (La Reunion, Indian Ocean) from in situ and remote sensing
assessment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 84 (3): 342-352.
[A24] Lison de Lola T., Chabanet P., Ferraris J., Galzin R. & Harmelin-Vivien M., 2009. Long-term spatiotemporal variations in coral reef fish communities structure and fishing at a South Pacific atoll (Tikehau,
Tuamotu, French Polynesia). Aquatic Living Resources 22: 281-290.
[A25] Kulbicki M., Cornuet N., Mou-Tham G. & Chabanet P., 2010. Counting coral reef fishes: interaction
between fish life history and transect design. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology 387: 15-23.
[A26] Wilson K.W., Adjeroud M., Bellwood D., Berumen M., Booth D., Bozec Y-M, Chabanet P., Cheal
A., Cinner J., Depczynski M., Feary D., Gagliano M., Graham N.A.J., Halford A., Halpern S., Harborne
A., Hoey A., Holbrook S., Jones G., Kulbiki M., Letourneur Y., Lison De Loma T., McClanahan T.,
McCormick M., Meekan M., Mumby P., Munday P., Öhman M., Pratchett, M., Riegl B., Sano M.,
3 Septembre 2012
Schmitt R., Syms C., 2010. Critical knowledge gaps in current understanding of climate change impacts
on coral reef fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology 213: 894-900.
[A27] Guillemot N., Chabanet P. & Le Pape O., 2010. Cyclone effect on reef structure and fish assemblages
in New Caledonia, South Pacific. Coral Reefs 29: 445-453.
[A28] Chabanet P., Guillemot N., Kulbicki M., Vigliola L. & Sarramégna S., 2010. Baseline study of the
spatio-temporal patterns of reef fish of communities prior to a major mining project in New Caledonia
(South Pacific). Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 598–611.
[A29] Jollit I., Léopold M., Guillemot N., David G., Chabanet P., Lebigre J.M. & Ferraris J., 2010. The
spatial structure of informal coastal fisheries in New Caledonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 585-597.
[A30] Scopélitis J., Andréfouët S., Phinn S., Arroyo-Mendez L., Dalleau M., Cros A. & Chabanet P., 2010.
The next step in shallow coral reef monitoring: combining remote sensing and in situ approaches. Marine
Pollution Bulletin 60: 1956-1968.
[A31] Pelletier, D., K. Leleu, G. Mou-Tham, P. N. Guillemot & Chabanet P., 2010. High-definition video
transects for monitoring fish assemblages in Marine Protected Areas. Fisheries Research 107 (1-3): 8493.
[A32] Graham N., Chabanet P., Evans R., Jennings S., Letourneur Y., MacNeil A., McClanahan T., Öhman
M., Polunin N. & Wilson S., 2011. Extinction vulnerability of coral reef fishes. Ecology Letters 14: 341348.
[A33] Mora C., Aburto-Oropeza O., Bocos A. , Ayotte P., Banks S., Bauman A., Beger M., Bessudo S., Booth
D., Brokovich E., Brooks A., Chabanet P., Cinner J., Cortés G., Cruz-Motta J., Cupul Magaña A.,
DeMartini E., Edgar G., Feary D., Ferse S., Friedlander A., Gaston K, Gough C., Graham N., Green A.,
Guzman H., Hardt M., Kulbicki M., Letourneur Y., López Pérez A., Loreau M. , Loya Y., Martinez C. ,
Mascareñas-Osorio I., Morove T. , Nadon M-O., Nakamura Y., Paredes G., Polunin N., Pratchett M.,
Reyes Bonilla H., Rivera F., Sala E., Sandin S., Soler G., Stuart-Smith R., Tessier E., Tittensor D., Tupper
M., Usseglio P., Vigliola L., Wantiez L., Williams Y., Wilson S. & Zapata F., 2011. Global human
footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes. PLoS Biology
9(4), e1000606: 1-9.
[A34] Guillemot N., Kulbicki M., Chabanet P. & Vigliola L., 2011. Functional Redundancy Patterns Reveal
Non-Random Assembly Rules in a Species-Rich Marine Assemblage. PLoS One Journal 6(10), e26735.
[A35] Scopelitis J., Andréfouët S., Phinn S., Done T. & Chabanet P., 2011. Coral colonisation of a shallow
reef flat in response to rising sea level: quantification from 35 years of remote sensing at Heron Island,
Australia. Coral Reefs 30 (4): 951-965.
[A36] Kulbicki M., Beets J., Chabanet P., Galzin R., Green A., Harmelin-Vivien M, Hixon M., Letourneur
Y., Lison de Loma T., McClanahan T., Mou-Tham G., Myers R., Planes S., Vigliola L., Wantiez L.,
2011. Distributions of Indo-Pacific lionfishes (Pterois spp.) in their native ranges: implications for the
Atlantic invasion. Marine Ecology Progress Series 446: 189-205.
[A37] Ponton D., Loiseau N. & Chabanet P., 2012. What makes damselfish (Chromis viridis) swim up and
down in the water column? A long-term study with a moored video system. Journal of Fish Biology
80(7): 2623-2628.
[A38] Jimenez H., Bigot L., Bourmaud A-F, Chabanet P., Gravier-Bonnet N., Hamel M., Payri C., Mattio
L., Menou J-L., Naeem, Rilwan, Sattar, Scott L., Shiham, Vigliola L., L. Andrefouët S., 2012. Multi-taxa
coral reef community structure in relation to habitats in the Baa Atoo Man and Biosphere UNESCO
Reserve (Maldives) and implication for its conservation. Journal of Sea Research 72 : 77-86.
[A39] Chabanet P, Loiseau N., Ponton D., Join J-L, 2012. VideoSolo: an autonomous video system for high
frequency monitoring of aquatic populations. Application to coral reef fishes in the Glorioso Island, SW
Indian Ocean. Journal of Experimental Biology & Ecology 430-431: 10-16.
[A40] Séré M., Schleyer M., Quod J-P. & Chabanet P., 2012. Porites White Patch Syndrome: an unreported
disease state from the western Indian Ocean reefs. Coral Reefs 31(3): 739.
Journeaux à comité de lecture non indexés [B]
[B1] Esbelin C., Ratsifandrihamanana F., Tourrand C., Chabanet P. & Naim O., 2002. Restauration d'un
platier recifal dégradé par le biais de structures artificielles sous-marines. Journal de La Nature 14 (1):
[B2] Roos D., Bertrand G., Chabanet P., Taquet M., Tessier E. & Guébourg J.L., 2002. La pêche sousmarine à la Réunion. Journal de La Nature 14 (1): 65-70.
[B3] Durville P., Chabanet P. & Quod J-P., 2003. Visual census of the reef fish in the natural reserve of the
Glorious Islands (West Indian Ocean). Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences 2: 95-104.
4 Septembre 2012
[B4] Chabanet P. & Durville P., 2006. Reef fish inventory of Juan de Nova’s natural park (Western Indian
Ocean). Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences 4(2): 145-162.
[B5] Langlois T., Chabanet P., Pelletier D. & Harvey E., 2006. Baited video for assessing reef fish
populations in marine reserves. South Pacific Commission Fisheries Newsletter 118: 53-57.
[B6] Durville P. & Chabanet P., 2009. Intertidal rockpool fish in the Glorieuses Islands (West Indian
Ocean). Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences 8(2): 231-237.
[B7] Fricke R., Mulochau T., Durvile P., Chabanet P., Tessier E., Letourneur Y., 2009. Annoted checklist of
the fish species (Pisces) of La Réunion (SW Indian Ocean), including a Red List of threatened and
declining species. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Stuttgart, 30.IV, Neue Serie 2: 1-168.
[B8] Chabanet P., Durville P., Fricke P., Amir H. & Vigliola L., 2012. Checklist of the coral reef fishes of
Baa Atoll, Maldives. Atoll Bulletin Research 590: 139-157.
[B9] Criquet G., Vigliola L. & Chabanet P., 2012. Spatial variation in otolith chemistry of Epinephelus
merra in Baa Atoll, Maldives. Atoll Bulletin Research 590: 199-205.
[B10] Fricke R., Durville P., Bernardi G., Borsa P., Mou-Tham G. & Chabanet P., 2012. Checklist of the
shore fishes of Europa Island, Mozambique Channel, southwestern Indian Ocean, including 302 new
records. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Stuttgart, 30.IV, Neue Serie 6 (in press).
Actes de conférences internationales [C]
[C1] Conand C., Chabanet P., Cuet P. & Letourneur Y., 1997. The carbonate budget of a fringing reef in La
Reunion Island (Indian Ocean): external bioerosion and benthic flux of CaCO3. In: Proceedings of 8th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama 1: 953-958.
[C2] Chabanet P., Bigot L., Naim O., Garnier R. & Moyne-Picard M., 2002. Coral reef monitoring at
Reunion Island (Western Indian Ocean). In: Proceedings of 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali
2: 873-878.
[C3] Naim O., Chabanet P., Done T. & Tourrand C., 2002. Reef regeneration 11 years after the impact of
the cyclone Firinga (Reunion, SW Indian Ocean). In: Proceedings of 9th International Coral Reef
Symposium, Bali 2: 547-554.
[C4] Kulbicki M., Chabanet P., Ferraris J., Galzin R., Vigliola L., Wantiez L., 2005. Coral reef biodiversity
and ecosystem management in the south Pacific. In : Barbault R. (ed.), Le Duc J.P. (ed.). In: Proceedings
of the international conference: biodiversity science and gouvernance, Paris: 24-28.
[C5] Tessier E. & Chabanet P., 2006. Using video for estimating fish post larvae abundance after mass
installation on artificial reefs. In: Proceedings of 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Japon 5:
[C6] Conruyt N., Grosser D., Geynet Y., Faure G., Pichon M., Trentin F., Gravier-Bonnet N., Chabanet P.,
Senteni A. & Torrens V., 2006. Virtual Research and Learning Community: co-design of knowledge
bases in marine biology, applied to corals of the Mascarene Archipelago and to fishes and hydroids of
Reunion coral reefs. In: Proceedings of 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Japon 4: 1354-1381.
Brevet [P]
[P1] Chabanet P., Gallois F., Barroil P. & Join J-L, 2009. VideoSolo, an underwater autonomous video
system (IRD/ Université de La Réunion). Patent Cooperation Treaty n° WO 2011/055099.
Livres, chapitres d'ouvrage, livret [O]
[O1] Conand C., Chabanet P., Bigot L & Quod J.P., 1998. Suivi de l’état de santé des récifs coralliens du
Sud-ouest de l’Océan Indien. Manuel méthodologique. Regional Environmental Program of the Indian
Ocean Commission (PR-COI/UE), 27 p (French version).
[O2] Conand C., Chabanet P., Bigot L. & Quod J.P., 2000. Guideliness for coral reef monitoring in the
South West region of the Indian Ocean. PRE/COI, 27 p (English version).
[O3] Chabanet P., 2012. Impacts des perturbations sur les poissons récifaux (Océan Indien), Presses
Académiques Francophones (PAF) Edition, Sarrebruck, Allemagne. ISBN (978-3-8381-7217-0), 165 p.
Conférences (communications, posters) [R]
[R1] Chabanet P., 1992. Comparison of coral reef fishes between two sectors (non-disturbed and disturbed)
in St-Gilles/La Saline fringing reef (Reunion Island). 7th International Coral Reef Symposium, Guam
5 Septembre 2012
[R2] Chabanet P. & Letourneur Y., 1993. Estimating coral reef fish size using a new method. 2nd
International Limnol. Oceanogr. Congress, Evian (communication).
[R3] Letourneur Y. & Chabanet P., 1993. Spatial and temporal fluctuations of the ichtyofauna of coral reef
flats of St Leu (Reunion Island, South West Indian Ocean). 2nd International Limnol. Oceanogr.
Congress, Evian (communication).
[R4] Chabanet P., Join J.L., Cuet P. & Naim O., 1995. Spatial variability in submarine groundwater
discharge (SGD) occurrence and benthic and fish communities patterns on St-Gilles / la Saline reef: a
tentative interpretation through an hydrogeological model (Reunion island). International Society for
Reef Studies, Newcastle (communication).
[R5] Chabanet P., 1997. Research of bioindicators in St-Gilles/La Saline fringing reef (Reunion island). 8th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama (poster).
[R6] Conand C., Chabanet P., Cuet P. & Letourneur Y., 1997. The carbonate budget of a fringing reef in La
Reunion Island (Indian Ocean): external bioerosion and benthic flux of CaCO3. 8th International Coral
Reef Symposium, Panama (communication).
[R7] Chabanet P., Naim O., Gapper C., Kay T. & Choussy D., 1998. Restoration of a damaged coral reef
flat on Reunion island by the removal of buddings of corals and their associated fish fauna: preliminary
results. Annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston, USA (poster).
[R8] Cuet P., Chabanet P., Conand C., Letourneur Y., Lison De Loma T., Mioche D., Naim O. & Semple S.,
1998. Eutrophication on the St-Gilles la Saline reef complex (Reunion): a synthesis of pluridisciplinary
works. Annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston, USA (poster).
[R9] Chabanet P., Teissier E., Durville P., Mulocheau T. & René F, 1998. Fish communities on Geyser and
Zélée banks (western Indian ocean). International Society Reef Studies, Perpignan (poster).
[R10] Chabanet P., Bigot L., Naim O., Garnier R. & Moyne-Picard M., 2000. Coral reef monitoring at
Reunion island (Western Indian Ocean). 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali (communication).
[R11] Naim O., Chabanet P., Done T. & Tourrand C., 2000. Reef regeneration 11 years after the impact of
the cyclone Firinga (Reunion, SW Indian Ocean). 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali
[R12] Chabanet P., 2001. Coral reef fish communities of Mayotte. 6th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Durban
[R13] Esbelin C., Chabanet P., Naim O., Ratsifandrihamanana F. & Tourrand C., 2001. Restauration d’un
platier récifal corallien dégradé à la Réunion. Colloque Recréer la nature : réhabilitation, restauration et
création d’écosystèmes (poster).
[R14] Lacour F., Chabanet P., Tessier E., Soria M. & Jouvenel J.Y., 2001. Elaboration of a protocol for
counting fish on artificial reefs (Reunion Island, western Indian Ocean). 6th Indo-Pacific Fish
Conference, Durban (communication).
[R15] Lison de Loma T., Cuet P., Chabanet P., Mioche D., Naim O. & Conand C., 2001. Functioning of
coral reefs: eutrophication, reinjection and regeneration of nutrients on the St-Gilles La Saline reef
complex (La Réunion). Journées de la recherche, Port Louis, Ile Maurice (communication et poster).
[R16] Chabanet P., 2002. Recherche de bioindicateurs sur les récifs frangeants de La Réunion. Colloque
Programme National Environnement Côtier (PNEC), Nouméa (communication).
[R17] Tessier E. & Chabanet P., 2004. The usefulness of video to census massive fish recruitment. 10th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Japan (poster).
[R18] Pothin K., Chabanet P., Lecomte-Finiger R. & Quod J-P., 2004. Are recruits within a massive
recruitment from the same origin? 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Japan (poster).
[R19] Quod J-P., Bigot L., Blanchot J., Chabanet P., Durville P. & Wendling B., 2004. Coral reefs of the
natural reserve of the Glorieuses Islands (Mozambique Channel, Western Indian Ocean). 10th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Japan (poster).
[R20] Kulbicki M., Andréfouët S., Chabanet P., Clua E., Ferraris J., Galzin R., Green A., Kronen M.,
Labrosse P., Mouthan G., Samasoni S., Vigliola L. & Wantiez L., 2004. Interactions between regional
and local factors in determining the local diversity of reef fishes in the Pacific. 10th International Coral
Reef Symposium, Japan (poster).
[R21] Kulbicki M., Andréfouët S., Chabanet P., Clua E., Ferraris J., Galzin R., Green A., Kronen M.,
Labrosse P., Mouthan G., Samasoni S., Vigliola L. & Wantiez L., 2004. Relationships between local
diversity, biomass and density according to regional and local factors for Pacific Ocean reef fishes. 10th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Japan (poster).
[R22] Vigliola L., Andréfouët S., Chabanet P., Clua E., Ferraris J., Friedman K., Galzin R., Green A.,
Kronen M., Kulbicki M., Labrosse P., Magron F., Mouthan G., Sauni S. & Wantiez L., 2004. Combining
6 Septembre 2012
geography, ecology and socio-economy for sustainable management of coral reef fisheries in the South
Pacific. 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Japan (communication).
[R23] Conruyt N., Grosser D., Geynet Y., Faure G., Pichon M., Gravier-Bonnet N., Chabanet P., Hallot F.,
Senteni A., Le Renard J., Tricart S., Santally M. & Cooshna D., 2004. Co-design of knowledge bases in
marine biology: application to corals of the Mascarene Archipelago and to fishes and hydroids of
Reunion coral reefs. 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Japan (poster).
[R24] Pothin K., Lecomte-Finiger R., Chabanet P. & Quod J-P, 2004. Aspects of the early life, age and
growth of Mulloidichthys flavolineatus in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius Island and Reunion Island). 3rd
International Symposium on Fish Otolith Research and Application, Townsville, Australia (poster).
[R25] Cornuët N., Andrefouët S., Kulbicki M., Chabanet P., 2005. Predicting fish communities distribution
using high resolution satellite images in coral reef environment. International Conference on Remote
Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Canada (communication).
[R26] Kulbicki M., Chabanet P., Ferraris J., Galzin R., Vigliola L. & Wantiez L., 2005. Coral reef fish
biodiversity and ecosystem management in the South Pacific. Conference Internationale Biodiversité :
science et gouvernance, UNESCO, Paris (poster).
[R27] Lison de Loma T., Chabanet P., Melin C., Ferraris J., Galzin R., Harmelin-Vivien M., 2005. Long
term spatio-temporal variations of reef fish communities in the lagoon of Tikehau (French Polynesia), an
extensively fished atoll. 7th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Taïwan (poster).
[R28] Pothin K., Lecomte-Finiger R., Tessier E., Chabanet P., 2005. Traits of early life history of Lutjanus
kasmira at Reunion Island (SW Indian Ocean). 7th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Taïwan
[R29] Tessier E., Devakarne J., Chabanet P., Soria M., Potin G., 2005. Behaviour and spatial dynamic of
Lutjanus kasmira around a coastal FAD. 7th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Taïwan (communication).
[R30] Soria M., Potin G., Tessier E., Chabanet P., Taquet M. & Timko M., 2005. Behaviours and spatial
dynamics of schooling fish around a coastal FAD. 6th Conference on Fish Telemetry, Portugal
[R31] Chabanet P., Baillon N., Ferraris J., Guillemot N., Kulbicki M., Mou-Tham G., Poignonec D.,
Sarramégna S., Vigliola L, 2005. A cost-benefit analysis for monitoring the impact of an anthropogenic
disturbance on traditionally-managed coral reef ecosystem in a rural area of a South Pacific island (NewCaledonia). 7th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Taïwan (communication).
[R32] Pothin K., Blamart D., Leconte-Finiger R., Chabanet P., 2005. Spatial and ontogenic variations in
isotopic compositions of coral reef fish otoliths (SW Indian Ocean). 4th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium,
Maurice (communication).
[R33] Bruggemann H., Guillaume M. Bigot L., Chabanet P., Durville P., Mulochau T. & Tessier E., 2005.
Effects of the future marine reserve at Reunion Island: monitoring methods and power to detect temporal
changes in coral reef communities related to management. 4th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, Maurice
[R34] Chabanet P., Andrefouët S., Baillon N., Ferraris J., Guillemot N., Kulbicki M., Mou-Tham G.,
Poignonec D., Sarramegna S. & Vigliola, 2006. Impact of an expected disturbance associated with a
mining project in New Caledonia: which methods and indicators should be used to assess fish
communities? “Using indicators to assess coral reef ecosystem and fisheries health”. CRISP Workshop,
Fidji (communication).
[R35] Chabanet P., Andrefouët S., Baillon N., Cornuet N., Ferraris J., Guillemot N., Kulbicki M., MouTham G., Poignonec D., Sarramegna S. & Vigliola, 2006. From local knowledge to management of a
coral reef ecosystem: a case study of a mining project development in New Caledonia (West Pacific). 1st
Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, Hong-Kong (communication).
[R36] Ferraris J., Andrefouët S., Baly J., Borsa P., Brenier A., Carassou L., Chabanet P., Diberg G., Dumas
P., Guillemot N., Jollit I., Kulbicki M., Lecchini D., Léopold M., Maihota N., Mellin C., Mou-Tham G.,
Poignonec D., Ponton D. & Yamano H., 2006. Biocomplexity of coral reef ecosystem: a research
program for the development in South Pacific Islands. 1st Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, Hong-Kong
[R37] Chabanet P., Guillemot N., Andrefouët S., Baillon N., Boblin P., Cornuet N., Ferraris J., Kulbicki M.,
Léopold M., Maihota N., Mou-Tham G., Poignonec D., Sarramegna S. & Vigliola L. Managing
resources in the impact zone of project Koniambo (New Caledonia). Analysis of fish communities and
their uses in elaborating a long-term monitoring program. Forum international sur la biodiversité marine
des écosystèmes coralliens (BIODEC), Nouvelle-Calédonie (poster).
7 Septembre 2012
[R38] Pothin K., Lecomte-Finiger R. & Chabanet P., 2006. Connectivity between reef fish populations
estimated by complementary otolith analysis techniques and management application to Mulloidichthys
flavolineatus (Mullidae) on the SW Indian Ocean. Forum international sur la biodiversité des
écosystèmes coralliens (BIODEC), Nouvelle-Calédonie (poster).
[R39] Langlois T., Anderson M., Cappo M., Chabanet P., Merritt D., Mouthan G., Harvey E. & Pelletier D.,
2006. Baited remote underwater video: a tool for the assessment and management of coral reef fish.
Forum international sur la biodiversité des écosystèmes coralliens (BIODEC), Nouvelle-Calédonie
[R40] Guillemot N., Chabanet P., Pelletier D., Langlois T. & Léopold M, 2007. Impact of an expected
anthropogenic disturbance in New Caledonia: which methods should be used to monitor fish
communities? 21th Pacific Science Congress, Japan (communication).
[R41] Jollit-Boniface I., Ferraris J., Lebigre J-M., Pelletier D. & Chabanet P., 2007. Recreational fishing in
New Caledonia: developing a social and spatial analysis for marine resource management. 21th Pacific
Science Congress, Japan (communication).
[R42] Jollit-Boniface I., Ferraris J., Pelletier D., Lebigre J-M& Chabanet P., 2007. Spatial characterization
of recreational fishing in a coral reef MPA network: application to the south lagoon of New Caledonia.
European Symposium on Marine protected Areas, Murcia, Espagne (poster).
[R43] Pelletier D., Chabanet P., Keleu K., Mou-Tham G., Langlois T., Hervé G. & Guillemot N., 2007.
Video-based observation techniques for monitoring fish assemblages in coral reef MPAs. European
Symposium on Marine protected Areas as a tool for Fisheries Management and Ecosystem Conservation,
Murcia, Espagne (communication).
[R44] Scopélitis J., Andréfouët S., Largouet C., Phinn S. & Chabanet P., 2007. Modelling and Mapping
Coral Reef Habitats Transitions: an Integrated Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Approach.
GEOHAB 2007: Marine Benthic Habitats of the Pacific and Other Oceans: Status, Use, and
Management. Noumea, New Caledonia (communication).
[R45] Scopélitis, J., Andréfouët S., Chabanet P., Phinn S, Naim O., Tourrand C. & Done T., 2007. Cyclone
Firinga disturbance and post-cyclone recovery on Saint-Leu Reef, la Reunion: in-situ assessment and
integrated remote sensing and modeling approach. 5th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
Conference, Durban, Afrique du Sud (communication).
[R46] Bigot L., Bourmaud A., Chabanet P., Pennober G., Andrefouet S., Frouin P., Naim O., Yamano H.,
Banton O., Join J-L., 2007. Integrated Research Program to assess vulnerability of reef islands and coral
reefs to climate change based on groundwater observation. 5th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science
Association Conference, Durban, Afrique du Sud (communication).
[R47] Graham N., McClanahan T., Wilson S.K., Mc Neil A., Jennings S., Polunin N., Chabanet P.,
Letourneur Y., Bigot L., Galzin, Spalding M., Öhman M., Garpe K., Clark S., Sheppard C.R.C., 2008.
Assessing the impacts of coral bleaching on fish across the western Indian Ocean using continuous
model meta-analysis. 5th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Durban,
Afrique du Sud (communication).
[R48] Pothin K., Chabanet P., Lecomte-Finiger R., Letourneur Y., 2008. Life history traits of the tropical
grouper Epinephelus merra Bloch, 1793 (Pisces: Serranidae) in the SW Indian Ocean. 5th Western Indian
Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Durban, Afrique du Sud (poster).
[R49] Quod J-P., Chabanet P., Dinhut V., Durville P., Mulochau T., Jamon A., Nicet J.B. & Wickel J.,
2008. Re-surveying coral reef fish communities of Geyser Bank (Mozambique Channel) after 10 years of
commercial fishing pressure. 5th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Durban,
Afrique du Sud (poster).
[R50] Bigot L., Cauvin B., Tessier E., Chabanet P. & Vianney D., 2008. Spatiotemporal trends in
biodiversity and coral reef communities structure at a decade scale (Reunion Island; Southwest Indian
Ocean). 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Florida, USA (communication).
[R51] Guillemot N., Chabanet P., Léopold M., Cuif M. & Le Pape O., 2008. Are Underwater Visual
Censuses Appropriate to Detect the Impact of Non-Professional Fisheries on Fish Resources? A Case in
New Caledonia (South Pacific). 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Florida, USA
[R52] Scopelitis J., Andrefouët S., Phinn S., Chabanet P., Naim O. & Done T., 2008. Temporal habitat
changes on coral reef in response to disturbance: approach from remote sensing. 11th International Coral
Reef Symposium, Florida, USA (communication).
[R53] Graham N., McClanahan T., Mc Neil A., Wilson S.K., Polunin N., Jennings S., Chabanet P., Clark S.,
Spalding M., Letourneur Y., Bigot L., Galzin, Öhman M., Garpe K., Edwards A.J., Sheppard C.R.C.,
8 Septembre 2012
2008. Climate warning and the ocean-scale integrity of coral reef ecosystem. 11th International Coral
Reef Symposium, Florida, USA (communication).
[R54] Join J-L., Banton O., Conte J-C, Ambrosi J-P, Bigot L., Chabanet P. & Yamano H., 2008. Water
ressources of small coral islands face climate change and disasters. 13th World Water Congress,
Montpellier (poster).
[R55] Leleu K., Pelletier D., Mou-Tham G., Chabanet P., Hervé G., Guillemot N., Guilpart N., 2008. High
defintion video system for monitoring biodiversity in Marine Protected Areas. Ecosystem approach of
fisheries Symposium, Boulogne sur Mer, France.
[R56] Jollit I., Léopold M., David G., Chabanet P., Pelletier D., Lebigre J.M., Ferraris J., 2009. Analyzing
spatial structure of recreational coastal reef fisheries in New Caledonia for management purposes. 11 th
Pacific Science Congress, Tahiti (communication).
[R57] Pelletier D., Kevin L., Mou-Tham G., Hervé G., Guilpart N., Guillemot N. & Chabanet P., 2009.
High definition video systemps for monitoring biodiversity in Marine Protected Areas. 11th Pacific
Science Congress, Tahiti (communication).
[R58] Guillemot N., Le Pape O., Léopold M., Kulbicki M., Jollit I., Chabanet P., 2009. Toward appropriate
methodologies and indicators to assess the impact of coastal fisheries on reef fish communities in New
Caledonia (South Pacific). 11 th Pacific Science Congress, Tahiti (communication).
[R59] Pelletier D., Leleu K., Mou-Tham G., Hervé G., Guillemot N., & Chabanet P., 2009. High Definition
Video Systems for monitoring biodiversity in MPA. 11 th Pacific Science Congress, Tahiti
[R60] Jollit I., Léopold M., David G., Chabanet P., Pelletier D., Lebigre J.M. & Ferraris J., 2009. Analysing
spatial structure of recreational coastal reef fisheries in New Caledonia for management purposes. 11 th
Pacific Science Congress, Tahiti (communication).
[R61] Pelletier, D., Leleu K., Mou-Tham G., Hervé G., Guillemot N. & Chabanet P., 2009. Monitoring
biodiversity and resources in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) using high definition video systems.
International Congress on Marine Protected Areas, Washington, USA (communication).
[R62] Graham N., McClanahan T., Wilson S.K., Mc Neil A., Jennings S., Polunin N., Chabanet P., Evans
R., Letourneur Y., Galzin, Spalding M., Öhman M., Garpe K., Clark S., Edwards A.J., Sheppard C.R.C.,
2009. Extinction vulnerability of coral reef fishes across the western Indian Ocean in a changing climate.
8th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Perth (communication).
[R63] Chabanet P., Ardouin N., Barroil P., Gallois F. & Ponton D., 2009. A moored video system to analyze
the temporal variability of fish populations on coral reefs. 6th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science
Association Conference, Reunion (communication).
[R64] Quod J-P., Chabanet P., Dinhut V., Durville P., Mulochau T., Jamon A., Nicet J-B. & Wickel J.,
2009. Re-surveying coral reef fish communities of Geyser bank (Mozambic channel) after 10 years of
commercial fishing pressure. 6th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Reunion
[R65] Bigot L., Bourmaud A-F., Chabanet P, Durville P., Gravier-Bonnet N., Mulochau T. & O. Beauvoir,
2009. Can coral reef communities be used as indicators or proxies to assess ecological vulnerability of
WIO small islands? The case of Glorieuses Island (Mozambic Channel, Indian Ocean). 6th Western
Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Reunion (communication).
[R66] Scopélitis J., Andréfouët S., Phinn S., Ward D. & Chabanet P., 2009. Coral reefs communities’ spatial
and temporal response to disturbance: mapping and modelling with remote sensing and cellular
automata. 6th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Reunion (communication).
[R67] Vermond S., Fabre J-N., Lecaillon G., Bosc P. & Chabanet P., 2009. Post-larval Capture and Culture
(PCC) technology: a sustainable alternative for the marine aquarium trade and the conservation of
biodiversity at reunion island (SW Indian Ocean). 6th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
Conference, Reunion (poster).
[R68] Bigot L., Tessier E., Cauvin B., Cadet C., Chabanet P., 2009. Changes in benthic communities
between 1998 and 2008 and their impact on fish assemblages at St-Gilles / La Saline coral reef marine
reserve (Reunion Island; Southwest Indian Ocean). 6th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science
Association Conference, Reunion (communication).
[R69] Frouin P. , Bigot L. , Bourmaud C. , Chabanet P., De la Torre Castro M., Gravier-Bonnet N. , Hily C.,
Pothin K., Wickel J., Andrefouet S., Blanchot J., Bourjea J., Ciccione S., Comeno R., Eriksson H.,
Mahafina D., Rabenevanana M., Ramahatratra F. & Rasoamanendrika F., 2009. HILOI, a research
program on seagrass ecosystems in islands from the Western Indian Ocean. 6th Western Indian Ocean
Marine Science Association Conference, Reunion (poster).
9 Septembre 2012
[R70] Riou A., Pothin K., Bareille G., Pecheyran C., Tessier E. & Chabanet P., 2009. Use of chemistry and
shape of otolith as natural tags to discriminate subpopulations of the grouper, Epinephelus merra, in the
new MPA of Reunion Island 6th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Reunion
[R71] Mahafina J., Lecaillon G., Chabanet P., Ralijaona C., Ranaivomanana L., Bosc P. & Ferraris J., 2009.
Capture & Culture of Post-larval fish: A possible alternative to reef fishing in Toliara (Madagascar)? 6th
Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Reunion (poster).
[R72] Mahafina J., Ranaivomanana L., Chabanet P., Ralijaona C., & Ferraris J., 2010. Acceptability and
adaptability of the fishermen communities to the Marine Protected Areas in South West of Madagascar.
World Small Scale Fisheries Congress (WSCFC), Bangkok.
[R73] Graham N., Chabanet P., Evans R., Jennings S., Letourneur Y., MacNeil A., McClanahan T., Öhman
M., Polunin N. & Sheppard C., 2010. Extinction vulnerability of coral reef fishes in response to climate
change and fisheries exploitation. Climate change effects on Fish and Fisheries: Forecasting impacts,
assessing ecosystem responses, and evaluating management strategies Symposium, Japan.
[R74] Pelletier D., Alban F., Beliaeff B., Cazalet B., Chabanet P., Charbonnel E., Coutures E., David G.,
Dumas P., Ferraris J., Francour P., Gamp E., Gigou A., Jarraya M., Le Direach L., Lenfant P., Malterre
P., Mouillot D., Pastor J., Payrot J., Pothin K., Roos D., Salaun P., Tessier E. & Vigliola L., 2009.
Constructing and validating indicators of Marine Protected Areas performance for decision-support.
International Council for the exploration of the sea (ICES), Danemark.
[R75] Mahafina J., Ranaivomanana L., Chabanet P., Ralijaona C., & Ferraris J., 2010. Acceptability and
adaptability of the fishermen communities to the Marine Protected Areas in South West of Madagascar,
2010. World Small Scale Fisheries Congress (WSCFC), Thaïlande.
[R76] Mahafina J., Ferraris J., Ranaivomanana L., Ralijaona C. & Chabanet P., 2011. Perceptions et
comportements des pêcheurs du Sud Ouest de Madagascar face à l’implantation des réserves marines de
pêche. 10e Forum halieumétrique. Boulogne/mer (communication)
[R77] Criquet G., Pothin K., Vigliola L. & Chabanet P., 2011. Croissance de Lethrinus harack dans le SO
de l’Océan Indien (Madagascar et Mayotte) : influence des activités anthropiques et de l’habitat. 10ème
Forum Halieumétrique, Boulogne/mer (poster).
[R78] Chabanet P., Bigot L., Durville P., Mulochau T., Nicet J-B, Obura D. & Tessier E., 2011. Coral reefs
of Eparses Islands (SW Indian Ocean), establishing a baseline for management. 7th Western Indian
Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (communication).
[R79] Séré M., Schleyer M., Quod J-P, Turquet J., Chabanet P, 2011. Identification and spatio-temporal
patterns of coral diseases on Reunion Island coral reefs. 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science
Association Conference, Kenya (communication).
[R80] Pothin K., Bigot L., Bissery C., Chabanet P., David G., Fleury P-G., Lemoigne V., Pelletier D.,
Tessier E. & Thomassin A., 2011. Validating indicators of Marine Protected Areas performance for
decision-support: the case study of La Réunion (SW Indian Ocean). 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine
Science Association Conference, Kenya (communication).
[R81] Zubia M., Cambert H., Cuet P., Nicet J-B, Fontcuberta A., Loiseau N., Chabanet P., Ovize M., Scolan
P. & Turquet J., 2011. A multi-indicator approach to assess the impact of eutrophication in La Reunion
coral reefs (Indian Ocean). 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya
[R82] Puech A., Chabanet P. & Tessier E., 2011. Post-settlement mortality following high fish recruitment
on Reunion coral reefs (SW Indian Ocean). 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
Conference, Kenya (poster).
[R83] Kolasinski J., Bigot L., Bourmaud A-F, Nicolini E. & Chabanet P., 2011. Distribution, partitioning
and fluxes of carbon and nitrogen in benthic communities from Glorious Island (Mozambique Channel).
7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (poster).
[R84] Loiseau N., Chabanet P. & Ponton D., 2011. Analysis of the influence of environmental factors on
reef fish assemblages using an autonomous video system. 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science
Association Conference, Kenya (poster).
[R85] Mahafina J., Ferraris J., Ranaivomanana L., Ralijaona C. & Chabanet P., 2011. Artisanal fishermen’s
perceptions of marine reserves in South West Madagascar. 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science
Association Conference, Kenya (communication).
[R86] Massé L., Chabanet P. & and Schleyer M., 2011. The future of coral reefs in the south Western
Indian Ocean: Influence of climate change on coral sexual reproduction and recruitment- 10th MASMA
Symposium, Mombasa, Kenya (communication).
10 Septembre 2012
[R87] Riou A., Bareille G., Pothin K., Tessier E., Lecomte-Finiger R., Chabanet P., 2011. Using otolith
chemistry to infer life history of the grouper Epinephelus merra (Reunion Island, SO Indian Ocean). 7th
Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (poster).
[R88] Massé L., Chabanet P. & and Schleyer M., 2011. Effect of temperature on larval development of a
high-latitude coral. 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (poster).
[R89] Chabanet P., Bigot L., Nicet J-B., Andrefouët S., Bourmaud A-F, Conand C., Durville P., Fricke R.,
Gravier-Bonnet N., Grellier M., Mattio L., Le Pape O., Mulochau T., Magalon H., Obura D., Poupin J.,
Quod J-P., Tessier E. & Mayalen Z., 2012. Multi-disciplinary approaches for coral reef management in
Eparses Islands (SWIO). 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Australia (communication).
[R90] Crochelet E., Chabanet P., Pothin K., Lagabrielle E., Roberts J., Pennober G., Riou Antoine, Petit M.,
2012. Modelling coral reef fish larvae dispersal for management. 12th International Coral Reef
Symposium, Australia (communication).
[R91] Kulbicki M., Arias-Gonzales E., Bellwood D., Chabanet P., Floeter S., Friedlander I., McClanahan6
T., McPherson J., Mouillot D., Parravicini V., Tittensor D., Vigliola L., Worm B., 2012. Connectivity,
species size and the functioning of reef fish assemblages. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium,
Australia (communication).
[R92] Pothin K., Bigot L., Bissery C., Chabanet P., David G., Fleury P-G., Gamp E., Tessier E., Thomassin
A. & Pelletier D., 2012. Validate indicators for performance management of the Reunion Island's MPA.
12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Australia (communication).
Divers – CD-ROM – DVD - Films [D]
[D1] CDROM : « Suivi des récifs coralliens ». Bigot L., Chabanet P., Charpy L., Conand C. Quod J-P.,
Tessier E. Programme Régional Environnement Commission de l’Océan Indien, Union Européenne.
[D2] « Vie récifale à la Réunion ». Production ECOMAR, IREMIA. Programme ETIC (Eduquer aux
Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication).
[D3] DVD « Juan de Nova, l’île de corail ». Tec-Tec Production, ARTE, FR5, IRD. Responsabilité
scientifique. Palme d’argent catégorie « professionnel » au festival international de l’image sous-marine
(Antibes, novembre 2004), 2ème place au Festival International du Film d’Environnement et de
Développement Durable (Guadeloupe, juin 2005), prix de la Fédération Française de Plongée sousmarine au Festival International du film Maritime, d’Exploration et d’Environnement (Toulon, octobre
2005), prix du public au Festival « 7ème art et Sciences » (Noirmoutier, avril 2006).
[D4] DVD «». Production Videoplancton. Responsabilité scientifique. Prix spécial du jury au
festival international de l’image sous-marine (Antibes, novembre 2005).
[D5] DVD « Les récifs coralliens : trésor en péril ! ». « C’est pas sorcier », Production FR3. Responsabilité
[D6] « Un lagon en héritage». Coproduction Néoproductions, IRD et Canal +. Prix spécial du jury au
festival international de l’image sous-marine (Antibes, novembre 2007).
[D7] DVD “L’île nickel”. Coproduction FR5 et IRD. Sélectionné pour le festival Parisciences (Paris,
octobre 2007).
[D8] « La mer vu du ciel - Les sentinelles du corail », Y. Arthus-Bertrand, Production FR2.
[D9] DVD pédagogique “Le récif corallien”. Auteur et responsable scientifique. Collaboration IRD, Centre
National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP). ISBN 978-2-35036-072-0
[D10] DVD « Télévision et changement climatique » incluant 2 films (« No coral, no Maldives » et « The
unfolding forgotten treasure », réalisés lors de la formation au documentaire scientifique « Récifs
coralliens et changement climatique » (Maldives juillet 2010). Réalisation IRD et CFI (Canal France
International) en coopération avec MNBC (Maldives National Broadcasting Corporation). « No coral,
no Maldives » a remporté « Eco film prize » au Science Film Festival.
[D11] DVD « Un projet pour un Pôle ». Coproduction IRD-Université de La Réunion. Responsabilité
[D12] DVD « L’eau des îles ». Production IRD. Responsabilité scientifique.