Sonia Prisé


Sonia Prisé
Sonia Prisé
Marketing Specialist / Technical Coordinator
[email protected]
Creative, Challenger, Enthusiastic, Result-Driven, and Customer focused. I use to work closely with
Sales Management and Operations of business development. I worked on various projects of Marketing
Campaigns, Organization of Events (tradeshows and digital campaigns), Telemarketing outsourcing project
management, Emailing deliverability consulting, Web design, Community management, Customer care,
Technical support (B2C + B2B), and Helpdesk coordination, CRM tools development. Expertise: Marketing
Communication, Lead qualification, Coaching, Training, Knowledge base coordination, Customer relationship,
Technical support.
Digital marketing specialist - Lead qualification at Leica Microsystems
juillet 2013 - avril 2014 (10 mois)
Support the Marketing and Sales team by converting Spain, France, Belgium, Middle East, and North Africa
lead prospects to qualified sales leads and pipelines. Deliver all relevant sales opportunities to the Leica
sales force via lead-tracking and CRM analyze with the objective to maximise Sales and Profitability. Key
Skill: Insight Sales and Marketing Communications, Organization of events (tradeshows, mail and digital
campaigns, Telemarketing outsourcing project management, Lead Qualification, CRM optimization, Data
Consultant - Emailing/Marketing at Emailvision
novembre 2012 - juin 2013 (8 mois)
Technical support and consulting on Cloud Marketing Platform for email marketing targeted campaigns and
improved deliverability. Optimize Customer knowledge on Email Marketing Industry and Increase ROI.
Understanding of strategies and technical challenges of multichannels services: emailing, mobile services,
social, web integration and development. Key Skill: Cloud services, SaaS, Emailing campaigns organization
and ROI strategy effectiveness analysis, Account Management, Technical support, Email deliverability
consulting, Social medias, API support, HTML, PHP, CSS
Coach at Logitech
août 2010 - mai 2012 (1 an 10 mois)
Technical Level 2 - Staff coaching, coaching and evaluation for the site of Barcelona (+30 agents) Advanced
incidents resolution (B2C) for Logitech peripherals and video security systems. Complaints and Escalations
management resolution. Supervision of calls flow and SLA’s reports. Action plan for improvement of KPI.
Key Skill: Advanced troubleshooting, Training, Coaching, Team building, Supervision and SLA’s analysis
ILC - Service Desk Coordinator at Hewlett-Packard
mars 2006 - avril 2008 (2 ans 2 mois)
Supervision/analysis of calls flow and crisis management for technical incidents encountered on Total France
working environment (+30 agents). Procedures management. Training and Coaching of new agents. Key
Skill: Team workload administration, Key point of contact, Incident Management, Training, Coaching,
Knowledge base coordinator, SLA’s awareness for new procedures
Technical support and commercial agent for customer retention at Telecom Italia
octobre 2004 - février 2006 (1 an 5 mois)
Technical support to solve critical cases (legal complaints) within the retention service. Level 2 tasks and
analysis for complex technical situation on the infrastructure according to the customer needs. Support on
Cisco and Comtrend routers, TV and VoIP. DSLAMs logs Troubleshooting. Key Skill: Telecommunication
advanced troubleshooting, Customer retention
Skills & Expertise
Technical Support
Customer Service
Call Center
Customer Satisfaction
Service Delivery
Digital Marketing
Email Marketing
Team Leadership
Technical Product Training
Help Desk Support
Team Management
Account Management
Business Development
Ticketing Systems
IT Service Management
Active Directory
Coaching Staff
Salesforce Training
Remedy Ticketing System
Lead Qualification
Service Desk
Knowledge Sharing
Digital Illustration
Cloud Computing
Maman en Espagne
May 2007 to August 2010
Membres :Sonia Prisé
Founder and Community Manager - Community of expatriate families in Spain - Forum phpbb
March 2010 to March 2011
Membres :Sonia Prisé
Founder and Community Manager - International project for expatriate families
(Bilingue ou langue natale)
(Compétence professionnelle)
(Bilingue ou langue natale)
Barcelona Academy of Arts
Digital Arts, 2014 - 2015
Volunteer Experience
Conceptual Illustrator at iConcipio ltd.
mai 2015 - Poste actuel (2 mois)
Creation of conceptual illustrations depicting psychological advices for website and social media content.
Concept Artist for Psychological Matters, Oil Painting, Computer Graphics (3D Sculpting, Digital Painting in
Photoshop), Web development, Piano
Sonia Prisé
Marketing Specialist / Technical Coordinator
[email protected]
1 person has recommended Sonia
"Ce fut un plaisir de travailler avec Sonia qui est une personne toujours souriante, professionnelle,
méticuleuse dans sa manière de s'organiser, avec un très bon relationnelle et toujours curieuse d'apprendre des
nouvelles choses. Bon courage pour la suite !"
— Thomas Muhl, Support Team Leader, Level 1, Emailvision, managed Sonia
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