Publications - Leat - Université Nice Sophia Antipolis


Publications - Leat - Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
UMR CNRS N° 7248
2011 - 2016
Modélisation et Conception Système d’Objets
Octobre 2016
Laboratoire d’Electronique, Antennes et Télécommunications
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, UMR CNRS n°7248
Campus SophiaTech – bâtiment Forum
930 route des Colles - BP 145
06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
tél.(0), fax.(0) -
Liste des HDR et Thèses au LEAT déc. 2010 - 2016
Annexe 6 : Liste des réalisations et produits de la recherche
Equipe MCSOC
Le tableau ci-dessous présente la synthèse des publications de l’équipe E1 (MCSOC). En
couleur orange, les publications dans le cadre du CREMANT. En bleu, les publications communes à
plusieurs équipes. Le nom des membres du laboratoire est en gras et le nom des doctorants est en
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total CRE
Articles dans des revues internationales
avec comité de lecture (ACL)
Articles dans des revues avec comité de
lecture non répertoriées (ACLN)
Conférences invitées (INV)
Communications avec actes dans un
congrès international (ACTI)
Communications avec actes dans un
congrès national (ACTN)
Communications sans actes (COM)
Ouvrages scientifiques (OS)
Brevets (BRE)
Dépôt à l'Agence pour la Protection des
Programmes (AAP)
Demande d'Invention (DI)
Thèses de doctorat (THE)
Autres Publications (AP)
Habilitations à diriger des recherches
soutenues (HDR)
Tableau A-6.1 : Décompte des publications de l’équipe MCSOC
*y compris une publication ACLN de fin 2010
1 référence CREMANT
8 références communes avec E2 (CMA) et 2 références communes avec E3 (ISA) Articles dans des revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ACL)
27 références dont 1 commune avec CMA
2011 (7)
Static scheduling of periodic hardware tasks with precedence and deadline constraints on reconfigurable
hardware devices
I. Belaïd, F. Muller, M. Ben Jemaa
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, 28 p., Article ID 591983, 01/2011, hal-00661583
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
Exploitation of EDF scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks
R. Cheour, S. Bilavarn, M. Abid
International Journal on Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering, 1(2), 14-27, 02/2011, hal00661592
Hybrid Power Management in Real Time Embedded Systems: An Interplay of DVFS and DPM Techniques
K. Bhatti, M. Auguin, C. Belleudy
Real Time Systems Journal, (47), 143-162, 03/2011, hal-00819671
AADL Extension to Model Classical FPGA and FPGA Embedded within a SoC
D. Blouin, D. Chillet, E. Senn, S. Bilavarn, R. Bonamy, C. Samoyeau
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Article ID 425401, 15 pages, 05/2011,hal-00650628
Reconfiguration time overhead on FPGA: Reduction and cost model
F. Duhem, F. Muller, P. Lorenzini
IET Computers and Digital Techniques, 08/2011, hal-00661597
15 GHz quadrature voltage controlled oscillator in 130 nm CMOS technology
P. Lucchi, D. Dermit, G. Jacquemod, J.-B. Begueret, M. Borgarino
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 3(6), 1-5, 10/2011, hal-00642010
Two-level hierarchical scheduling algorithm for real time multiprocessor systems
K. Bhatti, M. Auguin, C. Belleudy
Journal of Software, 6(11), 2308-2320, 11/2011, hal-00819672
2012 (3)
Accurate energy characterization of OS services in embedded systems
B. Ouni, C. Belleudy, E. Senn
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 07/2012, hal-00770584
Using unified power format standard concepts for power-aware design and verification of systems-onchip at
transaction level
O. Mbarek, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 6(5), 287-296, 09/2012, hal-00812205
A Framework for Modeling and Simulating Energy Harvesting WSN nodes with Efficient Power Management
A. Castagnetti, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 8, 10/2012, hal-00763913
2013 (7)
Dynamically reconfigurable entropy coder for multi-standard video adaptation using FaRM
F. Duhem, N. Marques, F. Muller, H. Rabah, S. Weber, P. Lorenzini
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 37(1), 1-8, 02/2013, hal-00763904
Complete and Approximate Methods for Off-Line Placement of Hardware Tasks on Reconfigurable Devices
I. Belaïd, B. Ouni, F. Muller, M. Ben Jemaa
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 22(2), 02/2013, hal-00770589
A multichannel design for QoS awared energy efficient clustering and routing in wireless sensor networks
Z. Ali-Khan, M. Auguin
International Journal of Sensor Networks, 13(3), 145-161, 2013, hal-00779998
Online codesign on reconfigurable platform for parallel computing
C. Foucher, F. Muller, A. Giulieri
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 37(4-5), 482-493, 05/2013, hal-00748837
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
Power Domain Management Interface: Flexible Protocol Interface for Transaction-Level Power Domain
O. Mbarek, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin
IET Computers & Digital Techniques, 7(4), 155-156, 07/2013, hal-01089568
Design Space Exploration for Partially Reconfigurable Architectures in Real-Time Systems
F. Duhem, F. Muller, W. Aubry, B. Le Gal, D. Negru, Ph. Lorenzini
Journal of Systems Architecture, 59(8), 571-581, 09/2013, hal-00998839
Fast Prototyping H.264 Deblocking Filter Using ESL Tools
T. Dammak, W. Imen, S. Bilavarn, N. Masmoudi
Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices, 8(3), 345-362, 12/2013, hal-01075894
2014 (4)
Power Consumption Models for the Use of Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration
R. Bonamy, S. Bilavarn, D. Chillet, O. Sentieys
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 01/2014, hal-00941532
Effectiveness of Power Strategies for Video Applications: A Practical Study
S. Bilavarn, J. Khan, C. Belleudy, M. K. Bhatti
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Springer, 1, 01/2014, hal-00961508
A Joint Mobility Management Approach and Data Rate Adaptation Algorithm for IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee Nodes
C. Chaabane, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, M. Ben Jemaa
Wireless Sensor Network, (6), 27-34, 02/2014, hal-00924486
A Joint Duty-Cycle and Transmission Power Management for Energy Harvesting WSN
A. Castagnetti, A. Pegatoquet, T.-N. Le, M. Auguin
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10(2), 928-936, 05/2014, hal-00987376
2015 (4)
Modeling and Analyzing Dataflow Applications on NoC-Based Many-Core Architectures
J.-V. Millo, E. Kofman, R. D. Simone
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 14(3), article 46, 04/2015, hal-01097315
Energy Neutral Design Framework for Supercapacitor-based Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks
T-N. Le, A. Pegatoquet, O. Berder, O. Sentieys, A. Carer
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, 12(2), article 19,08/2015, hal-01069098
Energy-Efficient Power Manager and MAC Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by
Periodic Energy Harvesting Sources
T.-N. Le, A. Pegatoquet, O. Berder, O. Sentieys
IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(2), 7208-7220, 08/2015, hal-01197045
FoRTReSS: a flow for design space exploration of partially reconfigurable systems
F. Duhem, F. Muller, R. Bonamy, S. Bilavarn
Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 19(3), 301-326, 09/2015, hal-01134008
2016 (2)
Improving Energy Efficiency of Mobile WSN Using Reconfigurable Directional Antennas
T.-N. Le, A.Pegatoquet, L. H. Trinh, L. Lizzi, F. Ferrero
IEEE Communications Letters, 20(6), 1243-1246, 06/2016, hal-01315335
Power Modeling and Exploration of Dynamic and Partially Reconfigurable Systems
R. Bonamy, S. Bilavarn, D. Chillet, O. Sentieys
Journal of Low Power Electronics, American Scientific Publishers, 09/2016, hal-01345664
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
143 Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture non répertoriées (ACLN)
4 références
2010 (1)
A Flexible Operating System for Dynamic Applications
F. Muller, J. Le Rhun, F. Lemonnier, B. Miramond, L. Devaux
XCell(73) 30-34, 11/2010, hal-00542646
2011 (1)
Compilation Modulaire d'un Langage Synchrone
A. Ressouche, D. Gaffé
Revue des sciences et technologies de l'information, série Théorie et Science Informatique, 4(30), 441-471, 06/2011,
2013 (1)
Méthodologie dédiée aux applications parallèles sur plateforme reconfigurable dynamiquement
C. Foucher, F. Muller, A. Giulieri
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, 32(2/2013), 253280, 02/2013, hal-00834136
2016 (1)
Techniques de gestion de puissance dans les systèmes sur puce
H. Affes, M. Auguin, F. Verdier
Techniques de l'Ingénieur, H8270, 2016, hal-01322321 Conférences invitées (INV)
0 référence Communications avec actes dans un congrès international (ACTI)
88 références dont 2 prix du meilleur papier, 3 communes avec CMA, 2
communes avec ISA et 1 CREMANT
2011 (19)
A Video Monitoring Application for Wireless Sensor Networks using IEEE 802.15.4
S. Bilavarn, A. Castagnetti, L. Rodriguez
2nd Workshop on Ultra-Low Power Sensor Networks, (WUPS), 22/02/2011, Como, IT, hal-00662024
Energy Efficient Multi Channel Design for ClusteredWireless Sensor Networks
Z. A. Khan, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin
Workshop on Ultra-Low Power Sensor Networks (WUPS), co-located with Int. Conf. on Architecture of Computing
Systems (ARCS), pages 257-262, 22/02/2011, Como, Italy, hal-01345665
Optimal static scheduling of real-time dependent tasks on reconfigurable hardware devices
I. Belaïd, M. Ben Jemaa, F. Muller
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications (CCCA), 03/03/2011,
Hammamet, TN, hal-00662028
Placement of Hardware Tasks on FPGA using the BEE Algorithm
B. Ouni, I. Belaïd, F. Muller, M. Ben Jemaa
International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), 05/03/2011,
Vilamoura, Algarve, PT, 498-505, hal-00662027
Open Power and Energy Optimization Platform and Estimator (Open-People) ANR Project
E. Senn, J. Guillot, D. Chillet, C. Belleudy, S. Niar, O. Zendra, C. Samoyeau
Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), University Booth, 14/03/2011, Grenoble, FR, hal-00650649
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
Fast Prototyping H.264 Deblocking filter using ESL tools
T. Damak, N. Masmoudi, S. Bilavarn
8th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Conference on Communication & Signal
Processing, 22/03/2011, Sousse, TN, hal-00662032
FaRM : Fast reconfiguration manager for reducing reconfiguration time overhead on FPGA
F. Duhem, F. Muller, P. Lorenzini
7th International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing : Architectures, tools and applications (ARC'11), 23/03/2011,
Belfast, IE, 6578, 253-260, hal-00662158
Accurate characterisation of a 60 GHz antenna on LTCC substrate
C. Oiknomopoulos, D. Titz, M. Martinez-Vazquez, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod
5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 11/04/2011, Rome, IT, 3117-3121, hal-00662237
Schedulers-driven approach for dynamic placement/scheduling of multiple dags onto sopcs
I. Belaïd, F. Muller, M. Ben Jemaa
22nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP), 24/05/2011, Karlsruhe, DE, 179-185, hal00662241
FPGA modeling for SoC design exploration
D. Blouin, E. Senn, R. Bonamy, D. Chillet, S. Bilavarn, C. Samoyeau
HEART (International Workshop on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies, 02/06/2011,
London, GB, hal-00650630
Parallelism Level Impact on Energy Consumption in Reconfigurable Devices
R. Bonamy, D. Chillet, S. Bilavarn, O. Sentieys
HEART (International Workshop on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies), 02/06/2011,
London, GB, hal-00650631
Towards a power and energy efficient use of partial dynamic reconfiguration
R. Bonamy, D. Chillet, O. Sentieys, S. Bilavarn
Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC) Workshop, 20/06/2011, Montpellier, FR, hal00650638
Low Phase Noise 130nm CMOS Ring VCO
P. Lucchi, M. Borgarino, J.-B. Begueret, G. Jacquemod
IEEE International NEWCAS Conference(NEWCAS), 26/06/2011, Bordeaux, FR, 110-115, hal-00618591
A Performance Estimation Flow for Embedded Systems with Mixed Software/Hardware Modeling
J. Kriegel, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, F. Broekaert
11th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XI),
18/07/2011, Samos, GR, 174-181, hal-00662415
A Methodology for power-aware transaction-level models of systems-on-chip using UPF-standard concepts
O. Mbarek, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin
21st International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation (PATMOS), 26/09/2011,
Madrid, ES, vol: 6951/2011, 226-236, hal-00662427, Best Paper Prize
Open power and energy optimization platform and estimator (open-people)
D. Chillet, E. Senn, C. Belleudy, R. Ben Atitallah, O. Zendra, A. Fritsch
International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 26/09/2011, Madrid,
ES, hal-00650648
Embedded Operating Systems Energy Overhead
B. Ouni, C. Belleudy, S. Bilavarn, E. Senn
International Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing (DASIP), 02/11/2011, Tampere, FI,
Session "Low Power Design & Methodologies", hal-00662441
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
Methodology for designing partially reconfigurable systems using transaction-level modeling
F. Duhem, F. Muller, P. Lorenzini
IEEE Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 02/11/2011, Tampere, FI, Session 2
"Reconfigurable Systems & Tools for Signal & Image Processing", hal-00662439
Embedded OS services power and energy consumption
B. Ouni, C. Belleudy, E. Senn
7th Workshop on Methods for the Adaptive Distributed Software (METHODICA), 25/12/2011, Douz, TN, hal-00770605
2012 (22)
Energy Optimization For Mobile Nodes in a Cluster Tree IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Network
C. Chaabane, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, M. Ben Jemaa
IEEE Computing, Communications and Applications Conference (COMCOMAP), 11/01/2012, Hong Kong, CN, hal00666890
An Open-Loop Energy Neutral Power Manager for Solar Harvesting WSN
A. Castagnetti, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin
2nd International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS),
24/02/2012, Rome, IT, hal-00666892
Using Model Driven Engineering to Reliably Accelerate Early Low Power Intent Exploration for a System-onChip Design
O. Mbarek, A. Khecharem, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin
27th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), 26/03/2012, Trento, IT, hal-00666898
An Efficient State of Charge Prediction Model for Solar Harvesting WSN Platforms
A. Castagnetti, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin
19th IEEE International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), 11/04/2012, Vienne, AT, 122125, hal-00666904
Realistic energy modeling of scheduling, interprocess communication and context switch routines
B. Ouni, C. Belleudy, E. Senn
7th International conference on Design and Technology of Integrated systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 16/05/2012,
Gammarth, TN, 6 p., hal-00770598
Impact of Operating Points on DVFS Power Management
J. Khan, S. Bilavarn, C. Belleudy
7th International conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in nanoscale era (DTIS), 16/05/2012,
Gammarth, TN, 1-6, hal-00764407
Energy leakage in low power embedded operating systems using DVFS policy
B. Ouni, C. Belleudy, E. Senn
11th IEEE Faible Tension Faible Consommation (FTFC), 06/06/2012, Paris, FR, 4 p., hal-00770595
Energy Analysis of a DVFS Power Strategy on ARM platforms
J. Khan, S. Bilavarn, C. Belleudy
IEEE Faible Tension Faible Consommation (FTFC), 06/06/2012, Paris, FR, 1-4, hal-00764408
Waveperf : A Benchmark Generator for Performance Evaluation
J. Kriegel, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, F. Broekaert
2nd ACM SIGBED Embed With Linux (EWiLi) Workshop, 07/06/2012, Lorient, FR, 7-11, hal-00764409
A High Level Mixed Software/Hardware Modeling Framework for Rapid Performance Estimation
J. Kriegel, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, F. Broekaert
10th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference, 17/06/2012, Montreal, CA, 233-236, hal-00764436
An Efficient Mobility Management Approach For IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Nodes
C. Chaabane, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, M. Ben Jemaa
14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) - Third International
Workshop on Wireless Networks and Multimedia (WNM), 25/06/2012, Liverpool, GB, 897-902, hal-00764437
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
High-level model of sensor architecture for hardware and software design space exploration
N. Serna, F. Verdier
7th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), 09/07/2012, York,
GB, hal-00854738
Fast Integration of Hardware Accelerators for Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture
C. Foucher, F. Muller, A. Giulieri
7th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC) joint IEEE CAS,
09/07/2012, York, GB, 1 - 7, hal-00748836
Energy Characterization and classification of embedded operating system services
E. Senn, C. Belleudy, B. Ouni
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 05/09/2012, Izmir, TR, 684-691, hal-00760328
Open-People: Open Power and Energy Optimization PLatform and Estimator
D. Chillet, E. Senn, O. Zendra, C. Belleudy, S. Bilavarn, R. Ben Atitallah, C. Samoyeau, A. Fritsch
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 05/09/2012, Cesme, Izmir, TR, hal-00741610
Inter-process communication energy estimation through AADL modeling
B. Ouni, H. Ben Rekhissa, C. Belleudy
International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design
(SMACD'12), 19/09/2012, Seville, ES, 4 p., hal-00770593
GRECO :GREen Communicating Objects
O. Berder, O. Sentieys, T-N. Le, R. Fontaine, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin, G. Jacquemod, W. Tatinian, F.
Broekaert, A. Didioui, C. Bernier, K. Ben Chehida, S. Bourdel, H. Barthelemy, P. Ciais, C. Barratt
IEEE Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 23/10/2012, Karlsruhe, DE, hal00764530
Black-Box And White-Box Early Power Intent Simulation and Verification: Two Novel Approaches
O. Mbarek, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin
IEEE Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 23/10/2012, Karlsruhe, DE, hal00764525
Open-People: an Open Platform for Estimation and Optimizations of energy consumption
E. Senn, D. Chillet, O. Zendra, C. Belleudy, R. Ben Atitallah, A. Fritsch, C. Samoyeau
Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing Conference (DASIP), 23/10/2012, Karlsruhe, DE, hal00741609
Power Manager with PID controller in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
T-N. Le, O. Sentieys, O. Berder, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy
IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things, Workshop on energy and Wireless Sensors (e-WiSe), 22/11/2012,
Besançon, FR, hal-00764554
Module Relocation in Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip using the Xilinx Isolation Design
L. Gantel, M. E. A. Benkhelifa, F. Lemonnier, F. Verdier
International conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 05/12/2012, Cancun, MX, 1-6, hal00794049
Power Consumption Model for Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration
R. Bonamy, D. Chillet, S. Bilavarn, O. Sentieys
International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGA (ReConFig), 05/12/2012, Cancun, MX, hal-00741611
2013 (12)
Power-Aware Wrappers for Transaction-Level Virtual Prototypes: a Black Box Based Approach
O. Mbarek, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, H. Fathallah
International Conference on VLSI Design, 05/01/2013, Pune, IN, 239-244, hal-00780001
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
Energy Analysis of a Real-Time Multiprocessor Control of Idle States on ARM platforms
J. Khan, S. Bilavarn, K. Bhatti, C. Belleudy
3rd International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS 2013),
09/02/2013, Barcelone, ES, Session Mobile and Pervasive Computing. Paper 39, hal-00864637
Adaptive Filter for Energy Predictor in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
T.-N. Le, O. Sentieys, O. Berder, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy
26th IEEE International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), 3rd Workshop on Ultra Low Power
(WUPS), 19/02/2013, Prague, CZ, 1-4, hal-00921309
Mobility Management Approach for IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee Nodes in a Noisy Environment
C. Chaabane, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, M. Ben Jemaa
26th IEEE International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), 3rd Workshop on Ultra Low Power
(WUPS), 19/02/2013, Prague, CZ, 1-5, hal-00839416
Active Cell for 8-zone Reconfigurable Fresnel Reflector Using PLL-based Phase Shifter
M. Lombard, J. Lanteri, W. Tatinian
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 08/04/2013, Göteborg, SE, 2942-2946, hal-00924755
Temperature-aware DVFS-DPM For Real-Time Applications under variable ambient temperature
K. Baati, M. Auguin
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, 19/06/2013, Porto, PT, hal-00839415
Algebraic Framework for Synchronous Language Semantics
D. Gaffé, A. Ressouche
International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, 01/07/2013, Birmingham, GB, 51-58, hal00841559
Duty-Cycle Power Manager for Thermal-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks
T-N. Le, A.Pegatoquet, O. Sentieys, O. Berder, C. Belleudy
24th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC),Londres, GB, 16451649, 08/09/2013, hal-01331975
Application Architecture Adequacy through an FFT case study
E. Kofman, J.-V. Millo, R. De Simone
JRWRTC2013 - 7th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing, 16/10/2013, Sophia Antipolis, FR, hal00950533
Monitoring of systems powered by new micro-batteries and energy harvesters: towards the Energy Neutral
Operation (ENO)
A. Fritsch, F. Broekaert, A. Pegatoquet, F. Gaben
European Defense Agency (EDA) - Energy IAP1 Workshop, Energy Supply for military applications, 16/10/2013,
Freiburg, DE, hal-00921339
Ultra Low Power Asynchronous MAC Protocol using Wake-Up Radio for Energy Neutral Wireless Sensor
T-N. Le, M. Magno, A. Pegatoquet, O. Berder, O. Sentieys, E. Popovici
1st International Workshop on Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys) organized in conjunction with 11th ACM SenSys
Conference, 14/11/2013, Rome, IT, Paper 10, hal-00921329
Multi-Source Power Manager for Super-Capacitor based Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
T-N. Le, A.Pegatoquet, O. Berder, O. Sentieys
1st International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSSys) organized in conjunction with 11th ACM SenSys
Conference, 14/11/2013, Rome, IT, Paper 19, hal-00921320
2014 (9)
Power Estimation Method Based on Real Measurements for Processor-based Designs on FPGA
S. Moataz, F. Verdier, C. Belleudy
International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), 10/03/2014, Las Vegas, US,
2, 260-263, hal-01024820
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
MRAPI Implementation for Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip
L. Gantel, M.E.A. Benkhelifa, F. Verdier, F. Lemonnier
IEEE 22nd Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM). 11/05/2014,
Boston, MA, US, p.239, hal-01329302
Multi-shape Tasks Scheduling for Online Multitasking on FPGAs
G. Wassi, M. E. A. Benkhelifa, G. Lawday, F. Verdier, S. Garcia
International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems_on-Chip (ReCoSoC), 26/05/2014,
Montpellier, FR, hal-00991249
MRAPI Resource Management Layer on Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip
L. Gantel, M. E. A. Benkhelifa, F. Verdier, F. Lemonnier
International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), 26/05/2014,
Montpellier, FR, 1-7, hal-00987324
Synthesis of Miniature Pattern-Reconfigurable Antennas for Smart Wireless Sensor Nodes
L. Lizzi, L. Trinh, F. Ferrero, A. Pegatoquet, J.-M. Ribero, R. Staraj
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS), 06/07/2014, Memphis, US, 1443-1444, hal01069100
N. Serna, F. Verdier
Very Fast co-simulation model and accurate on-the-fly performance estimation methodology for
heterogeneous MPSoC.
IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 02/09/2014, Las Vegas, NV, US, 210-215, hal-01328426
AUTSEG: Automatic Test Set Generator for Embedded Reactive Systems
M. Abdelmoula, D. Gaffé, M. Auguin
26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference (ICTSS), 23/09/2014, Madrid, ES, hal-01069101
A Power Manager with Balanced Quality of Service for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Nodes
T.-N. Le, A. Pegatoquet, O. Berder, O. Sentieys
International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSSys) , 06/11/2014, Memphis, US, 19-24, hal-01069099
Electronical Beam Scanning Using Integrated CMOS Continuous 0°-360° Phase Shifter
W. Tatinian, J. Lanteri
International Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications: Focus on Antenna Systems (CAMA), 16/11/2014,
Antibes-Juan les Pins, FR, Session APP4, hal-01089591
2015 (14)
Application and OS unconscious Power Manager for SoC Systems
H. Affes, A. Chaker, M. Auguin
International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 02/03/2015, Santa Clara, US, 223-226, hal-01147379
HLS based design of a mixed architecture for H.264/AVC CAVLD
T. Dammak, S. Bilavarn, N. Masmoudi
12th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices Program (SSD), 16/03/2015, Mahdia, TN, hal01192789
Extending IP-XACT and UPF to support ESL to RTL low power design methodology
E. Vaumorin, G. Avot, H. Affes, M. Auguin, A. Pegatoquet, F. Verdier
DAC Workshop on System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis, 07/06/2015, San Francisco, US, hal-01174345
Multimodal Recognition of Emotions Using Physiological Signals with the Method of Decision-Level Fusion for
Healthcare Applications
C. Koné, I. Tayari Meftah, N. Le Thanh, C. Belleudy
13th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics Inclusive Smart Cities and e-Health, 10/06/2015,
Genève, CH, 301-306, hal-01174349
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
Asynchronous on Demand MAC Protocol Using Wake-Up Radio in Wireless Body Area Network
T.-N. Le, A. Pegatoquet, M. Magno
6th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI), 228-233, 18/06/2015, Gallipoli, IT,
An Energy-Aware Scheduler for Dynamically Reconfigurable Multi-Core Systems
R. Bonamy, S.Bilavarn, F. Muller
6th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), 29/06/2015,
Bremen, DE, 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/ReCoSoC.2015.7238084, hal-01192796
Detecting and Classification of the Basic Emotions Using a Multimodal Approach for Emotions Detection
C. Koné, I. TayariMeftah, N. Le Thanh, C. Belleudy
The Fourth International Conference on Global Health Challenges, 19/07/2015, Nice, FR, hal-01174350
Network-aware Virtual Platform for the Verification of Embedded Software for Communications
C. Barnes, J.-M. Cottin, E. Fraccaroli, S. Angeleri, D. Quaglia, A. Pegatoquet, F. Verdier
18th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design (DSD), 26/08/2015, Madeira, PT, 518-525, hal-01287666
A power management strategy for SoCs
H. Affes, M. Auguin
18th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 26/08/2015, Madeira, PT, hal-01174344
On the Scalability of Constraint Solving for Static/Off-Line Real-Time Scheduling
R. Gorcitz, E. Kofman, T. Carle, D. Potop-Butucaru, R. De Simone
13th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 02/09/2015, Madrid, ES, hal01250010
Clock Management and Analysis for Transaction-Level Virtual Prototypes
A. Ben Ameur, H. Affes, M. Auguin, F. Verdier, X. Buisson
Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL), 14/09/2015, Barcelone, ES, hal-01287652
A Methodology for Inserting Clock-Management Strategies in Transaction-Level Models of System-on-Chips
H. Affes, M. Auguin, F. Verdier, A. Pegatoquet
Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL), 14/09/2015, Barcelone, ES, 1-7, hal-01287647
Automatic Test Set Generator with Numeric Constraints Abstraction for Embedded Reactive Systems: AUTSEG
M. Abdelmoula, D. Gaffé, M. Auguin
SIMUL 2015: The Seventh International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, 15/11/2015, Barcelone, ES,hal01241868, Best Paper Prize
Safe Composition in Middleware for the Internet of Things
I. Sarray, A. Ressouche, D. Gaffé, J.-Y. Tigli, S. Lavirotte
Workshop on Middleware for Context-Aware Applications for Internet of Things (M4IoT), 08/12/2015, Vancouver, CA,
7-12, DOI: 10.1145/2836127.2836131, hal-01236976
2016 (12)
Optimizing Application Distribution on Multi-Core Systems within AUTOSAR
W. Wang, S. Cotard, F. Gravez, Y. Chambrin, B. Miramond
8th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS), 27/01/2016, Toulouse, FR, hal-01289485
Differential Pattern-Reconfigurable Antenna Prototype for Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
L. Lizzi, F. Ferrero, J-M. Ribero, R. Staraj, T.-N. Le, A. Pegatoquet, L.H.Trinh
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science (AP-S), 26/06/2016,
Fajardo, PR, hal-01343895
An ESL framework for low power architecture design space exploration
H. Affes, A. Ben Ameur, M. Auguin, F. Verdier
IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, 06/07/2016, London, UK,
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
Directional Reconfigurable Antenna for Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
T.-N. Le, L. H. Trinh, L. Lizzi, F. Ferrero, A. Pegatoquet
6th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), 27/07/2016, Ha Long, Vietnam, hal01343898
Wind Energy Harvesting for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks
A. Jushi, A. Pegatoquet,T.-N. Le
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD),Design of Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems Session,
31/08/2016, Limassol, CY, hal-01343896
Energy Modeling and Architecture Exploration for Emotion Detection Systems
C. Koné, C. Belleudy, N. Le-Thanh
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Advanced Systems in Healthcare, Wellness and Personal
Assistance Track, 31/08/2016, Limassol, CY, hal-01343899
Efficiency Modeling and Analysis of 64-bit ARM Clusters for HPC
J. Wanza, S. Bilavarn, S. Derradji, C. Belleudy, S. Lesmanne
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 31/08/2016, Limassol, CY, hal-01343904
Developing a Framework Dedicated to Wireless Protocol Property Validation during Simulation
C. Barnes, J-M. Cottin, F. Verdier, A. Pegatoquet, D. Gaffé
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD),Work in Progress session, 31/08/2016, Limassol, CY, hal01343907
Attention-based smart-camera for spatial cognition
N. Cuperlier, H. Guedjou, F. Demelo, B. Miramond
10th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), 12/09/2016, Paris, FR, hal-01343906
Towards the Verification of Industrial Communication Protocols through a Simulation Environment Based on
QEMU and SystemC
C. Barnes, J-M. Cottin, F. Verdier, A. Pegatoquet
ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Models Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 02/10/2016,
Saint-Malo, FR, hal-01344890
Generation of Schedule Tables on Multi-core Systems for AUTOSAR Applications
W. Wang, B. Miramond, F. Camut
Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing (DASIP),12/10/2016, Rennes, FR, hal-01343901
FPGA-based bio-inspired architecture for multi-scale attentional vision
N. Cuperlier, F. Demelo, B.Miramond
Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing (DASIP), Demo night, 12/10/2016, Rennes, FR, hal01343903 Communications avec actes dans un congrès national (ACTN)
1 références
2016 (1)
Distribution of Real-Time Software on Multi-Core Architectures in Automotive Systems
W. Wang, B. Miramond, F.Camut
Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système (COMPAS),05/07/2016, Lorient, FR, hal-01344279 Communications sans actes (COM)
49 références dont 4 communes avec CMA
2011 (18)
Flot de conception d'applications parallèles sur plateforme reconfigurable dynamiquement
C. Foucher, F. Muller, A. Giulieri
Symposium en Architectures nouvelles de machines (SympA), 10/05/2011, Saint-Malo, FR, hal-00648707
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
GRECO (Green communicating object): preliminary studies for autonomous system
Journée du GDR SoC/SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), axe Consommation et Energie, Campus de Jussieu, Paris,
17/05/2011, hal-01326856
A High-Level Benchmarks Generator for Multi-Core Platforms Running Real-Time Applications
J. Kriegel, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, F. Broekaert
47th ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC) Work In Progress, 05/06/2011, San Diego, US, hal-00663156
Dynamic and partial reconfiguration transaction-level modeling in system C
F. Duhem, F. Muller, P. Lorenzini
Colloque GDR SoC/SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 15/06/2011, Lyon, FR, hal-00663129
Towards a Power and energy Efficient Use of Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration
R. Bonamy, D. Chillet, S. Bilavarn, O. Sentieys
Colloque GDR SoC/SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 15/06/2011, Lyon, FR, hal-00650640
Approach for modeling embedded operating systems energy characterization
B. Ouni, H. Ben Rekhissa, C. Belleudy, E. Senn
Colloque GDR SoC/SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), Session Poster P1 : Consommation et Energie dans les
SOC/SIP, 15/06/2011, Lyon, FR, Paper 1.18, hal-00662464
ADS modeling of IR-UWB transceiver
O. Sparrow, S. Bourdel, G. Jacquemod
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 12/10/2011, Sophia Antipolis, FR, University Booth, Session 1, Demo
2, hal-00664162
XRFID : a 13.56 MHz RFID transceiver
J. Bartoli, S. Meillere, W. Rahajandraibe, P. Pannier, G. Jacquemod
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 12/10/2011, Sophia Antipolis, FR, University Booth, Session 3, Demo
8, hal-00664167
Transaction-Level modeling of dynamically reconfigurable systems using System C
F. Duhem, F. Muller, P. Lorenzini
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 12/10/2011, Sophia Antipolis, FR, University Booth, Session 4, Demo
12, hal-00664210
Open-People: Open-Power and Energy Optimization Platform and Estimator
E. Senn, C. Belleudy, D. Chillet, A. Fritsch, R. Ben Atitallah, O. Zendra
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 12/10/2011, Sophia Antipolis, FR, University Booth, Session 4, Demo
11, hal-00664206
Matlab/Simulink modelling of RF microphone for cochlear implant application
U. Cerasani, Y. Vaiarello, Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 12/10/2011, Sophia Antipolis, FR, University Booth, Session 1, Demo
3, hal-00664163
Low power RF ADC based on voltage to time conversion
Y. Vaiarello, Y. Leduc, N. Veau, G. Jacquemod
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 12/10/2011, Sophia Antipolis, FR, University Booth, Session 1, Demo
1, hal-00664161
Implementation of a Neural Network FPGA to Control a Phased-Array Antenna
J.-L. Fournier, D. Titz, C. Luxey, E. Dekneuvel
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 12/10/2011, Sophia Antipolis, FR, University Booth, Session 2,
Demo 6, hal-00664166
A Model for Predicting Remaining Energy for Solar Harvesting WSN Platform
A. Castagnetti, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 27/10/2011, Montpellier, FR, hal-00664252
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
A Performance Estimation Flow for Embedded Systems with Mixed Software/Hardware Modeling
J. Kriegel, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, F. Broekaert
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 27/10/2011, Montpellier, FR, hal-00664249
An Approach For Mobility Management of End Devices in a Cluster Tree ZigBee Network
C. Chaabane, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, M. Ben Jemaa
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 27/10/2011, Montpellier, FR, hal-00664247
Power optimization technique applied to real-time video application
J. Kriegel, F. Broekaert, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin
Workshop on Ultra-Low Power Sensor Networks (WUPS), co-located with Int. Conf. on Architecture of Computing
Systems (ARCS), Tutorial, 22/02/2011, Como, Italy, hal-01353310
Exploitation of power management techniques
S. Bilavarn
Workshop on Ultra-Low Power Sensor Networks (WUPS), co-located with Int. Conf. on Architecture of Computing
Systems (ARCS), Tutorial, 22/02/2011, Como, Italy, hal-01353312
2012 (12)
Modélisation et Conception Système d'Objets Communicants
M. Auguin
Rencontre SCS - Laboratoires de recherche Paca Est, 24/01/2012, Sophia Antipolis, FR, hal-00663110
High level methodology for performance and power-consumption estimation of multicore architectures
J. Kriegel, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, F. Broekaert
GDR SoC/SiP (System On Chip - System In Package): Journée Thématique "Systèmes sur Puces et Processeurs : Test,
Consommation et Sûreté", 25/01/2012, Lyon, FR, hal-00666907
A Power-Aware Design and Verification Framework at Transaction Level
O. Mbarek, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin
Ecole Thématique Conception Faible Consommation (EcoFac), 21/05/2012, La Colle sur Loup, FR, hal-00764606
A Performance Estimation Flow for Embedded Systems with Mixed Software/Hardware Modeling
J. Kriegel, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, F. Broekaert
Ecole Thématique Conception Faible Consommation (EcoFac), 21/05/2012, La Colle sur Loup, FR, hal-00764603
Une Approche pour la Gestion de la Mobilité des Terminaux dans un Réseau IEEE 802.15.4 en Arbre
C. Chaabane, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin, M. Ben Jemaa
Ecole Thématique Conception Faible Consommation (EcoFac), 21/05/2012, la Colle sur Loup, FR, hal-00764598
GRECO : Power Management and Protocol-Level Energy Reduction Techniques
A. Pegatoquet, O. Sentieys
Ecole Thématique Conception Faible Consommation (EcoFac), 21/05/2012, La Colle sur Loup, FR, hal-00764596
Context switch routines energy characterization
B. Ouni, C. Belleudy, E. Senn
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 13/06/2012, Paris, FR, hal-00770601
Modélisation fonctionnelle du système de communication RF et du canal radio
A. Castagnetti, A. Pegatoquet
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 13/06/2012, Paris, FR, hal-00764614
Power Management Architectures for Solar Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
A. Castagnetti, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 13/06/2012, Paris, FR, hal-00764611
A Reliable Instrumentation Method for Low-Power and Energy-Efficient High Level Virtual Prototyping
O. Mbarek, A. Pegatoquet, M. Auguin
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 13/06/2012, Paris, FR, hal-00764610
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
GRECO:GREen Communicating Objects
O. Berder, O. Sentieys, T.-N. Le, A. Pegatoquet, C. Belleudy, F. Broekaert, C. Bernier, S. Bourdel, K. Ben Chehida, C.
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 02/10/2012, Sophia Antipolis, FR, hal-00764520
Open-People: Open-Power and Energy Optimization PLatform and Estimator (Open-People) ANR Project
E. Senn, C. Belleudy, D. Chillet, R. Ben Atitallah, A. Fritsch, C. Samoyeau
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 02/10/2012, Sophia Antipolis, FR, hal-00741608
2013 (5)
Energy Monitor for Super Capacitor based Wireless Sensor Networks
T.-N. Le, A. Pegatoquet, O. Sentieys, O. Berder,C. Belleudy
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 10/06/2013, Lyon, FR, hal-00921284
Modélisation du contrôle de la dissipation en puissance au niveau système
O. Mbarek, M. Auguin,A. Pegatoquet
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 10/06/2013, Lyon, FR,
Hierarchically Organized Power/Energy management for SoCs (HOPE)
H. Affes, M. Auguin, E. Vaumorin, X. Buisson, A. Pegatoquet, F. Verdier
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), poster session, Sophia Antipolis, FR, October 2-3, 2013.
Power Management Techniques for Autonomous Wireless Communicating Objects
A. Pegatoquet
Power-Autonomous Communicating Objects Conference (PACO), 24/10/2013, Aix-en-Provence, FR, hal-00921343
Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks
A. Pegatoquet
3rd Conference on Ocean and Coastal Observation : Sensors and Systems (OCOSS), 28/10/2013, Nice, FR, 317, hal00921289
2014 (7)
ESL design approach of Hw/Sw wireless devices based on a Virtual Platform/Network Simulator cosimulation environment
W. Khlif, H. Affes, M. Auguin, X. Buisson
Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), University Booth, 02/10/2014, Sophia Antipolis, FR, hal-01147386
Modeling a Node’s System-On-Chip for a More Reliable Simulation of Wireless Sensor Networks
C. Barnes, J.-M. Cottin, F. Verdier, A. Pegatoquet
Journée thématique Energy Aware Network, Labex UCN@SOPHIA, Sophia Antipolis, FR, 14/10/2014,hal-01329304
Energy-aware architecture for WBAN sensor node
C. Belleudy
Journée thématique Energy Aware Network, Labex UCN@SOPHIA, 14/10/2014, Sophia Antipolis, FR, hal-01353490
Efficient MAC protocol for multi-hopping in autonomous WSN
T.-N. Le
Journée thématique Energy Aware Network, Labex UCN@SOPHIA, 14/10/2014, Sophia Antipolis, FR, hal-01353492
Modeling a Node’s System-On-Chip for a More Reliable Simulation of Wireless Sensor Networks
C. Barnes, J.-M. Cottin, F. Verdier, A. Pegatoquet
Sensors Energy harvesting wireless Network & Smart Objects conference (SENSO), Aix-en-Provence, FR, 22/10/2014,
Power Management Techniques for Autonomous WSN
A. Pegatoquet
UCN@Sophia Labex seminar, Eurecom, 30/10/2014, Sophia Antipolis, FR, hal-01353494
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
Antennes Reconfigurables en Directivité dans les Réseaux de Capteurs. Défis et Verrous Associés
L. Lizzi, L.-H. Trinh, F. Ferrero, A. Pegatoquet, J.-M. Ribero, R. Staraj
Journée thématique Inter-GDR (SoC-SIP/ONDES) "Connexion intelligente du futur : quels défis technologiques et
sociétaux ?", Paris, FR, 04/12/2014, hal-01344459
2015 (3)
The power of Power in future wireless smart systems for the Internet of Things
D. Quaglia, A. Pegatoquet, M. Poncino
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Tutorial, Grenoble, 09/03/2015, hal-01344463
Antennes reconfigurables en directivité dans les réseaux de capteurs, défis et verrous associés
T.-N. Le, L. H. Trinh, L. Lizzi, F. Ferrero, A. Pegatoquet
Journée commune CIMPACA - Labex UCN@Sophia, Campus SophiaTech, Sophia Antipolis, FR, 26/05/2015, hal01344462
Directive and reconfigurable antenna system for wireless sensor networks
A. Dihissou, R. Staraj, A. Diallo, P. Le Thuc, A. Pegatoquet
Sensors Energy harvesting wireless Network & Smart Objects conference (SENSO), Poster session, 14/10/2015,
Gardanne, FR, hal-01344461
2016 (4)
Multicore SMT scheduling of periodic task systems with energy minimization
E. Kofman, R. De Simone, A. Khecharem
Workshop on Highly-Reliable Power-Efficient Embedded Designs, 12/03/2016, Barcelone, ES, hal-01282264
Energy Harvesting : état de l’art des solutions matérielles, enjeux sur les protocoles et la gestion de l’énergie
A. Pegatoquet
Journée Inter GDR SOC-SIP/RSD sur les défis scientifiques et technologiques autour des objets connectés, 30/03/2016,
Paris LIP6 (Jussieu), FR,hal-01344466
Système de Détection des émotions : architecture et autonomie
C. Koné, C. Belleudy, N. Le-Thanh
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 08/06/2016, Nantes, FR,hal-01344464
Real-Time Software Distribution on Multi-Core Architectures in Automotive Systems
W. Wang, B. Miramond, F. Camut
Colloque GDR SoC-SiP (System On Chip - System In Package), 08/06/2016, Nantes, FR, hal-01344465 Ouvrages Scientifiques (OS)
3 références
Chapitre dans un ouvrage
2011 (3)
A New Three-Level Strategy for Off-line Placement of Hardware Tasks on Partially and Dynamically
Reconfigurable Hardware
I. Belaïd, M. Ben Jemaa, F. Muller
in Algorithm-Architecture Matching for Signal and Image Processing", Chapter 5 (Partial and dynamic reconfiguration
for signal and image processing), Springer, 2011, hal-00521210
Power models and strategies for multiprocessor platforms
C. Belleudy, S. Bilavarn
in Design Technology for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems
Edité par I. O'Connor, G. Nicolescu, C. Piguet, Springer, 2011, hal-00663164
SystemC Multiprocessor RTOS model for services distribution on RTOS platforms
B. Miramond, E. Huck, T. Lefebvre, F. Verdier
in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering - Algorithm-Architecture Matching for Signal and Image Processing, 2011, hal01174353
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
155 Brevets (BRE)
2 références
2012 (1)
Method and device for encoding symbols with a code of the parity check type and corresponding decoding
method and device
A. Voicila, D. Declercq, M. Fossorier, F. Verdier, P. Urard
International Application PCT/FR2008/051558, Patent Publication n° US20120173947 A1, 05/07/2012, hal01329301
2014 (1)
Method for scheduling with deadline constraints, in particular in linux, carried out in user space
S. Bilavarn, M. K. Bhatti, C. Belleudy
International Application No PCT/IB2013/059916, France,
Patent Publication n° WO2014072904 A1:15/05/2014, hal-01104569 Dépôt à l'Agence pour la Protection des Programmes (AAP)
1 référence
2014 (1)
CLEM version 1.0.0
Dépôt conjoint entre l’UNS (Daniel Gaffé) et l’INRIA Rocquencourt
Certificat délivré par l’Agence pour la Protection des Programmes (AAP)
Inter Deposit Digital Number IDDN.FR.001.170011.000.S.P.2014.000.10400, hal-01345667 Demande d'Invention (DI)
1 référence
2016 (1)
Librairie de modèles C++/SystemC-TLM pour la modélisation par simulation d'architectures contrôlées en
puissance consommée
O. Mbarek, H. Affes, M. Auguin, F. Verdier, A. Pegatoquet
Déclaration d’Invention déposée auprès de la Délégation Régionale Côte d’Azur CNRS, 06/2016, référence 09704-01,
hal-01345666 Habilitations à diriger des recherches soutenues (HDR)
3 références
2011 (1)
F. Muller
Architectures multiprocesseurs, distribuées et reconfigurables dynamiquement pour les applications temps
Habilitation soutenue le 7 décembre 2011, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
2013 (1)
A. Pegatoquet
Contribution au domaine de la conception d’objets communicants embarqués basse consommation et
autonomes en énergie
Habilitation soutenue le 28 novembre 2013, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, tel-01353348
2014 (1)
W. Tatinian
Modélisation de circuits microélectroniques analogiques et RF et application à la conception de systèmes
Habilitation soutenue le 18 décembre 2014, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
156 Thèses de Doctorat (THE)
21 références
2011 (4)
J. Guilhemsang
Test en ligne pour la détection des fautes intermittentes dans les architectures multiprocesseurs embarquées
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 8 avril 2011, tel-00640599
M. K. Bhatti
Energy-aware Scheduling for Multiprocessor Real-time Systems
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 18 avril 2011, tel-00599980/fr/
I. Belaid
Placement et Ordonnancement statique et dynamique de taches matérielles temps-réel sur plateformes
reconfigurables dynamiquement
Doctorat de l'Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 11 juillet 2011
L. Alves da Silva
Estimation du taux d’erreur par bit et de la consommation basée sur la modélisation d’un amplificateur de
puissance à 2.4 GHz pour des applications BT
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 16 novembre 2011
2012 (6)
S. Icart
Approche par simulation supervisée pour la conception système d'architectures logicielles matérielles
Doctorat de l'Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 13 avril 2012
Y. Vaiarello
Etude et conception d'un microphone sans fil très faible consommation pour implant cochléaire
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 25 septembre 2012
A. Castagnetti
Etude de la gestion de l'autonomie en énergie d'objets communicants sans fil
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 11 octobre 2012, tel-01353340
C. Foucher
Méthodologie de conception pour la virtualisation et le déploiement d'applications parallèles sur plateforme
reconfigurable matériellement
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 24 octobre 2012, tel-00777511
J.-P. Leca
Modélisation et réduction des émissions électromagnétiques dans les microcontrôleurs
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 29 octobre 2012
F. Duhem
Méthodologie de conception d'architectures reconfigurables dynamiquement pour des applications tempsréel
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 23 novembre 2012
2013 (5)
J. Kriegel
Caractérisation de la performance temporelle et de la consommation électrique de systèmes embarqués
basés sur des plates-formes multiprocesseurs/cœurs et mettant en œuvre du logiciel temps réel
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 29 janvier 2013, tel-00837867
Jadoon J. Khan
Evaluation of power management strategies on actual multiprocessor platforms
Doctorat de l'Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 25 mars 2013, tel-00838799
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017
O. Mbarek
Une Approche de Modélisation au Niveau Système pour la Conception et la Vérification de Systèmes sur Puce
Faible Consommation
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 29 mai 2013, tel-00837662
B. Ouni
Caractérisation, modélisation et estimation de la consommation d'énergie à haut-niveau des OS embraqués
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 11 juillet 2013, tel-01059814
K. Baati
Stratégie de réduction des cycles thermiques pour systèmes temps-réel multiprocesseurs sur puce
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 19 décembre 2013., tel-00947611
2014 (4)
C. Chaabane
Systèmes embarqués autonomes en énergie pour objets mobiles communicants
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 30 juin 2014, tel-01081583
U. Cerasani
Modélisation et optimisation d'un émetteur-récepteur faible bruit pour implants cochléaires
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 12 septembre 2014, tel-01191473
O. R. Sparrow
Modélisation et conception d’un récepteur non cohérent ultra large bande pour les communications ULB
radio impulsionnelle dans la bande 3-5 GHz
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 17 novembre 2014, tel-01127199
M. Abdelmoula
Génération automatique de jeux de tests avec analyse symbolique des données pour les systèmes embarqués
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 18 décembre 2014, tel-01168313
2015 (2)
T.K.H. Nguyen
Conception faible consommation d'un système de détection de chute
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 18 novembre 2015, tel-01288526
H. Affes
Modélisation au niveau transactionnel de l'architecture et du contrôle relatifs à la gestion d'énergie de
systèmes sur puce
Doctorat de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 18 Décembre 2015, tel-01295340 Autres Publications (AP)
3 références
2013 (2)
Monitoring des activités et détection de chute chez les personnes âgées
D. Zina, M. Cherif, C. Belleudy
E-Santé de Proximité (ESP), 31/05/2013, Roquefort-Les-Pins, FR, hal-00869884
Logiciels pour Pôles Santé de Proximité/Infrastructure de collecte d'information : Etudes
M. Blay-Fornarino, N. Le Thanh, C. Belleudy
E-Santé de Proximité (ESP), 31/05/2013, Roquefort-Les-Pins, FR, hal-00869645
2014 (1)
Linux Embarqué - Développement de pilotes périphériques
S. Bilavarn
13èmes journées pédagogiques du CNFM, 19/11/2014, Saint-Malo, FR, hal-01104573
Vague C : campagne d’évaluation 2016 – 2017