Kathryn Desplanque
Kathryn Desplanque
KATHRYN DESPLANQUE e-mail: [email protected] home: 2923 St Paul street, Apt. 2 Baltimore MD, 21218 work: Dept. of Art, Art History & Visual Studies. Campus Box 90764. Duke University, Durham NC, 27708 EDUCATION 2011- Doctoral Candidate (ABD), Art History Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Art, Commerce, and Caricature: Satirical Images of Artistic Life in Paris, 1750-1850 Supervisors: Dr. Neil McWilliam and Dr. Mary D. Sheriff Preliminary Exam Fields: European Art, from 1700-1850 (Neil McWilliam, Mary D. Sheriff) European Art Markets, 1700-1850 (Hans J. Van Miegroet) History of the Print, 1500-1850 (Kristel Smentek, Sara Galletti) 2009-11 Masters, Thesis Program, Art History Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario. Art World Sociability and Communication Networks: Following the Print Trail of Jean-Baptiste Greuze Supervisors: Dr. Stéphane Roy and Dr. Mitchell Frank 2006-08 Undergraduate, Major in Art History and Studio Arts Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. Graduated with High Honours. Studio concentrations: intaglio, drawing, painting, black and white photography LANGUAGES English (native), French (spoken, written, and read), Italian (read). HONOURS 2015 2015 2015 2011-15 2015, ‘14 2014 2013-14 2012-13 2011-14 2010-11 2010 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 UAAC Graduate Student Essay Prize, $250 Lewis Walpole Library Residential Fellowship Getty Research Institute Library Research Grant, $1,500 SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Doctoral Fellowship, $20,000 per annum Duke University Summer Research Fellowship, $5,500 D.W. Smith Eighteenth-Century Research Fellowship, $2,000 Myra and William Waldo Boone Fellowship for Canadian Graduate Students, $20, 000 Franklin Humanities Center, Center for European Studies Research Scholar, $1,000 Royster Society of Fellows Scholarship, declined, $22,000, per annum Ontario Graduate Scholarship, $15,000 SSHRC CGS, Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement, $6, 000 SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS, $17,500 Carleton University Graduate Scholarship, $5,000 Carleton University DGS Academic Excellence Scholarship, Domestic Students, $6, 000 PUBLICATIONS In prep. 2015 “A Satirical Image against Jean-Baptiste Greuze: Reputation, Professional Association, and the Public Woman.” “Repeat Offenders : Reprinting Visual Satire Across France’s Long Eighteenth Century.” Revue d’art Canadian/Canadian Art Review (2015). Forthcoming. 2015 2015 2009 “Le regard miroité, miroité: Le Voyage d’Encausse et le récit de voyage humoristique.” Voyages, rencontres, échanges au XVIIe siècle. Biblio 17 (2015). Forthcoming. “How to Burlesque a Burlesquer: Paul Sandby’s A New Dunciad against William Hogarth.” In Empowering Satire. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishers. Forthcoming. “Yousuf Karsh and Edward Steichen: The Art of the Celebrity Portrait.” Pamphlet Guide. National Gallery of Art, Ottawa, ON, Canada. PAPERS PRESENTED AT MEETINGS AND SYMPOSIA 2015 “L’autoréflexivité dans l’album comique. Les illustrateurs et les éditeurs contre eux-mêmes dans la Restauration.” L’Image railleuse: la satire dans l’art et la satire visuelle, 18e-21e siècles. Institut national d’histoire de l’art. Paris, France, June 25th-27th. 2015 “Cocktails and Devilries: The Intimate and Spectacular Uses of Scrap Prints in Early Nineteenth-Century Europe.” Nineteenth Century Studies Association Conference, “Material Cultures/Material Worlds.” Boston, MA, March 26th-28th. 2014 “Repeat Offenders: Reprinting Visual Satire across France’s Long Eighteenth Century.” University Arts Association of Canada Annual Conference, “Things: Their Lives, Agency, and Meanings.” Ontario College of Art and Design, October 23-26th. 2014 “Polite Caricature and Impolite Art-Worlds: Caricatura and Sociability in the Académie de France à Rome.” Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, “Revolutions in Eighteenth-Century Sociability.” Université de Québec à Montréal, October 17th. 2014 “Counterfeit Caricatures and the Agency of Things in 18th and 19th Century Paris.” Intermezzo Workshop, Art, Art History and Visual Studies, Duke University, October 7th. 2013 “Un miroir sur le regard miroité: Le Voyage d’Encausse et le récit de voyage humoristique.” Congrès NASSCFL, “Voyages, rencontres, échanges au XVIIe siècle.” Aix-Marseille Université, June 5-8. 2013 “Les Petits Métiers de l’Atelier: The Artist as Labourer in the July Monarchy Press.” AAHVS Graduate Student Symposium. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, February 7. 2013 “Paul Sandby’s A New Dunciad against William Hogarth: An Exploration of Structure and Weighting in Eighteenth-Century Visual Satire.” Satire Across Borders. Power of Satire Research Project. Utrecht University, January 17-18. 2011 “Marketing the Reproductive Engraving in Late Eighteenth-Century Paris: The Commercial Ploys of Jean-Baptiste Greuze.” 17th Annual Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, March 3-4. 2010 “Satirical Humour in Paris’ Eighteenth-Century Art World.” International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2010 Executive Meeting. Student Panel. Kolding, Denmark, 26 August. 2010 “Enjeux professionels et sociabilité13.34+12.88 artistique dans la France du XVIIIe siècle: une caricature anonyme contre Jean-Baptsite Greuze.” ACFAS, 78e Congrès. “Nouvelles Perspectives en Histoire de l’Art Européen autour de 1800. Jeunes Chercheurs et Recherches Émergentes” panel. Montreal, Québec, 14 May. 2010 “The Line between History and Genre: Jean-Baptiste Greuze’s Septime Sévère.” Institute of Comparative Studies in Literature, “Art and Culture Student Conference.” Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, 8 May. 2010 “The Social Dynamics of an Artistic Community in Eighteenth-Century France: An Anonymous Caricature against Jean-Baptiste Greuze.” 16th Annual Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium. “Community” Panel, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 4 March. 2 MUSEUM EXPERIENCE CURATION 2013-14 “Night in the City of Light: Paris’ Cabaret, 1881-1914.” Nasher Museum of Art Academic Focus Gallery, Duke University, Durham, NC. Co-curated with Alexis Clark, Emilie Luse, and Laura Moure Cecchini. February 15th-June 29th. 2013-14 “Cheap Thrills: The Highs and Lows of Paris’s Cabaret Culture, 1880-1939.” David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, Durham, NC. Co-curated with Alexis Clark, Emilie Luse, and Laura Moure Cecchini. February 18th-May 12th. 2013-14 “Reading Between the Lines: Comical Interpretations of the Nineteenth Century.” Perkins Library Student Wall, Duke University, Durham NC. Curatorial Supervisor to W101 students. November 15th-February 1st. 2012-13 “A Mockery of Justice: Caricature and the Dreyfus Affair.” David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, Durham, NC. Co-curated with Alexis Clark and Emilie Luse. 12 December 2012-9 March 2013. 2010-11 2007-08 Museum Collections Research Assistant, McAllister Johnson Donation Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario “Documentary Protocols II.” Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery, Montreal, QC. Curatorial Research Assistant to Vincent Bonin. May 3-June 14, 2008. FAMILY PROGRAMMING 2014-15 Family Programs Intern Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland 2009 Public Programming and Education Research Assistant, Monique Baker-Wishart, National Gallery of Art, Ottawa, Ontario 2008-09 Educational Programming Interpreter (bilingual) Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario 2007-08 Printshop Heritage Specialist and Educational Assistant (bilingual) Cumberland Heritage Village Museum, Ottawa, Ontario 2006-07 Tour Guide (bilingual) 2006 Interpreter/Animator (bilingual) Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Montreal, Quebec National Art Gallery and Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Ottawa, Ontario TEACHING EXPERIENCE POSTSECONDARY 2015 Instructor, Introduction to the History of Art 2, ARTHIST 102, Summer semester Art, Art History, and Visual Studies Department, Duke University 2015 Instructor, The Visual Culture of News, Past & Present, ARTHIST 290-2, Summer semester 2014 Art, Art History, and Visual Studies Department, Duke University Guest Lecturer, Caricature et satire graphique dans les arts visuels, UQAM, HAR 426B “L’artiste et le connoisseur au XVIIIe siècle: une histoire de singerie,” October 14th 2013 2013 Instructor, Laughing Matters: Interpreting and Contextualizing Modern Caricature, W101.36.F13, Fall semester, Thompson Writing Program, Duke University Teaching Assistant, History of Art Markets, ARTHIST 231/ECON 344 Art, Art History, and Visual Studies Department, Duke University 2012 Writing Tutor Writing Studio, Thompson Writing Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 2012 Teaching Assistant, History of Art Markets, ARTHIST 154/ECON 179 2010 Art, Art History, and Visual Studies Department, Duke University Guest Lecturer, Art and its Markets in Early Modern Europe (1600-1800), ARTH3809A “Reputation and Representation: The Causes Célèbres of Jean-Baptiste Greuze,” December 6th 2010 Teaching Assistant, Art and Society: Renaissance to the Present, ARTH 1101 Art History Department, Carleton University 2009 Teaching Assistant and Guest Lecturer, Art as Visual Communication, ARTH 1105 Art History Department, Carleton University “New Media: Internet Art,” lecture, November 26th, with Kari Cwynar ART and TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2013-5 “Image Databases for Art Historians.” National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC, March 2nd, 2015. Université de Lyon 2 caricature study group, November 5th, 2014 Université de Québec à Montréal caricature study group, October 20th, 2014 National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC, December 4th, 2013. Munch & Mull. Franklin Humanities Institute. Duke University. November 4th, 2013. Media Arts & Sciences Rendezvous. Duke University. October 31st 2013. 2014 “Photoshop for Art Historians.” National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC, December 9th, 2014. National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC, January 14th, 2014. 2008-12 Visual Arts Instructor, Digital arts Ottawa School of Art, Ottawa, Ontario COMMITTEE AND WORKSHOP PARTICIPATION 2014 Caricature Masterclass with Brian Maidment Yale Center for British Studies, September 4th-6th 2013 “Mapping Space & Time: Configuring Connections, Trade, & Travel, Past & Present” Duke Wired! Group, May 2-4th 2011-13 PR Committee Member and Social Chair AAHVS Graduate Student Symposium, Duke University 2010 “Decorative Arts of 18th Century France” with Helena Pickup “Five Centuries of Prints and Printmaking” with Joanna Selborne Courtauld Institute of Art, Summer Short Courses 2009-10 Student Representative, School for Studies in Arts and Culture Graduate Student Association, Carleton University SOFTWARE LITERACY OFFICE COMPUTING DIGITAL IMAGING Microsoft Office Suite Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Flash DATA MANAGEMENT FileMaker/Microsoft Access Zotero WEB TOOLS Wordpress.com Sakai and Blackboard 4