Prince Edward Island Reservation Report Rapport pour réservation
Prince Edward Island Reservation Report Rapport pour réservation
Prince Edward Island Reservation Report Rapport pour réservation à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard AOLFN 120005278 Distinctive/Distinctif: AOLFN Page 1 of/de 7 NAICS codes/ codes SCIAN: 2016-11-03 Alternate spelling/Variante orthographique: COMPANY NAME / NOM DE L'ENTREPRISE JUR NO. DATE CITY/VILLE EP TYPE STATUS/STATUT STAT.DATE/DATE STAT. BUS./ACT. AOLFN PE 120005278 2016-11-04 Prop.ON_PSP Elvenjobs Corporation CD 9187596 2015-02-14 Toronto CBCA Active 2015-02-14 2014-05-30 Waterloo CBCA Active 2014-05-30 2014-10-03 Hudson CBCA Active 2014-10-03 2011-08-30 Oakville CBCA Active 2011-08-30 2008-03-20 Caraquet Rgstn_Act Current 2013-08-26 7941986 2011-08-09 Toronto CBCA Active 2011-08-09 637895 2008-04-22 Saint John Rgstn_Act Current 2013-04-22 2015-03-06 Mississauga CBCA Active 2015-03-06 2004-08-27 SENNEVILLE CBCA Dissolved 2015-07-06 2010-10-08 Senneville CBCA Active 2015-06-30 2011-07-11 Waterloo CBCA Active 2011-07-11 2011-03-11 LORRAINE CBCA Active 2014-10-12 2015-05-26 Grand Bay-Westfield Rgstn_Act Current 2015-05-26 1983-10-26 KINGSTON CBCA Active 1983-10-26 2008-04-14 Halifax Ptnrshp Active 2009-07-21 2016-06-02 Toronto CBCA Active 2016-06-02 Eleven-X Incorporated CD 8904995 ELLEPHANT Inc. CD 9041346 ELEPHUNTS INC. CD 7958749 Alpha-Nautique NB 637198 JOELLEVENTS LIMITED CD Elavon NB ellieFun Inc. CD 9210717 ELPHIN INC. CD 4255054 ELPHIN INC. CD 7667175 Olliven Inc. CD 7914784 YULFIN INC. CD 7802650 AlphaOneStudios NB 682947 ALPHA-NOAH CORPORATION CD 1580205 ELAVON NS 3227414 Alphayn Inc. CD 9778241 The use of this report is the sole responsiblity of the applicant. / La responsabilité quant à l'usage du présent rapport incombe entièrement au demandeur. ® Valid until / Valide jusqu'au: 2017-02-01 NUANS is a product of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada NUANS MD est un produit d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada Prince Edward Island Reservation Report Rapport pour réservation à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard AOLFN 120005278 Distinctive/Distinctif: AOLFN Page 2 of/de 7 NAICS codes/ codes SCIAN: 2016-11-03 Alternate spelling/Variante orthographique: COMPANY NAME / NOM DE L'ENTREPRISE JUR NO. DATE CITY/VILLE 2005-09-13 EP TYPE STATUS/STATUT STAT.DATE/DATE STAT. MONTREAL CBCA Active 2005-09-13 1978-06-27 CHICOUTIMI CBCA Dissolved 1982-12-01 1978-06-27 CHICOUTIMI CBCA Dissolved 1982-12-01 2006-04-09 toronto CBCA Dissolved 2009-02-11 2004-03-12 MONTRÉAL CBCA Amlgmtg 2005-09-13 1977-04-07 MONTREAL NORTH CBCA Dissolved 2002-09-12 2006-08-01 Dollard-des-Ormeaux CBCA Dissolved 2007-09-28 6863523 2007-10-26 ST-LÉONARD CBCA Dissolved 2011-08-12 344441 1998-05-20 Edmundston Rgstn_Act DslvdCncl 2004-10-18 TradeName Dissolved 2016-01-02 BUS./ACT. ALPHINAT INC. CD 4323149 ALFOUNCO INC. CD 0708364 ALFONCO INC. CD 0708364 Alventel corp. CD 6550843 ALPHINAT INC. CD 6206573 ALVINYLCO INC. CD 0198846 Alventis Corporation CD 6606393 ElephantPlay Inc. CD Jolivent NB ELAVON PE 139127 2008-04-22 ALPHANOVA LTEE CD 0802069 1979-02-01 THETFORD MINES CBCA Dissolved 1994-09-23 2009-06-24 Toronto CBCA Active 2009-06-24 Toronto CBCA Active 2016-06-28 Outremont CBCA Active 2016-03-01 2016-01-01 MONTRÉAL CBCA Active 2016-01-01 2012-06-28 Markham CBCA Active 2012-06-28 2014-12-01 Niagara-On-The-Lake CBCA Active 2014-12-01 ElliePhont Creations Inc. CD 7195885 CINEFLIX (THE ELEVEN) INC. CD 9811028 2016-06-28 WOLVEN SOFTWARE INC. CD 9651357 2016-03-01 Alphanumeric Agency Inc. CD 9564730 ELEVEN NIGHT INC. CD 8238154 OLiV International Inc. CD 9104925 The use of this report is the sole responsiblity of the applicant. / La responsabilité quant à l'usage du présent rapport incombe entièrement au demandeur. ® Valid until / Valide jusqu'au: 2017-02-01 NUANS is a product of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada NUANS MD est un produit d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada Prince Edward Island Reservation Report Rapport pour réservation à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard AOLFN 120005278 Distinctive/Distinctif: AOLFN Page 3 of/de 7 NAICS codes/ codes SCIAN: 2016-11-03 Alternate spelling/Variante orthographique: COMPANY NAME / NOM DE L'ENTREPRISE JUR NO. DATE CITY/VILLE EP TYPE STATUS/STATUT STAT.DATE/DATE STAT. HALIFAX Ltd_Co Active 1992-07-30 Pointe-Claire CBCA Active 2012-09-19 CHETICAMP Ltd_Co Rvkd_Rqst 2006-12-05 CALGARY CBCA Dissolved 2015-10-05 BEDFORD Ltd_Co Active 1992-12-04 NORTH SYDNEY Ltd_Co Active 2006-07-04 Montréal CBCA Active 2013-11-05 Montréal CBCA Active 2013-11-05 Mississauga CBCA Active 2016-05-26 1976-09-28 MONTREAL CBCA Active 1994-12-20 2014-08-12 DIEPPE CrpBusAct Current 2016-08-04 2015-05-26 Bulls Creek Rgstn_Act Current 2015-05-26 2008-05-08 Miramichi NP_CCA Not_Crnt 2016-06-30 EP_Corp Current 2009-02-05 BUS./ACT. ELPHANED HOLDINGS LIMITED NS 2202639 1992-07-30 ALAFIA ENTERPRISES INC. CD 8300356 2012-09-19 WILF ENTERPRISES LIMITED NS 1796800 1987-10-15 WALVEN VENTURES LTD. CD 6000959 2002-06-28 ALVIN COMPANY LIMITED NS 1068316 1974-09-06 ALPHA INVESTMENTS LIMITED NS 3160454 2006-06-30 SOLUTIONS ELEVENT INC. CD 8684081 2013-11-05 ELEVENT SOLUTIONS INC. CD 8684081 2013-11-05 Alpha Nutraceutical Corporation CD 9768467 2016-05-26 ALUF INVESTMENT CORPORATION CD 0160911 Elephant Transport Inc. NB 677941 Eleven Kennels NB 682952 Jalloo Foundation Inc. NB 638203 ALPHONSE LEPAGE INC. NB 18806 1981-12-14 RIVIERE-DU-LOUP QC 2010-03-16 OTTAWA CBCA Active 2010-10-19 2006-03-03 HALIFAX Ltd_Co Active 2006-03-07 1986-06-06 TORONTO CCA_Pt2 Dissolved 2015-05-11 11 PLAYERS INC. CD 7352140 ALPHONCE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED NS 3132471 JEWEL FOUNDATION CD 2064413 The use of this report is the sole responsiblity of the applicant. / La responsabilité quant à l'usage du présent rapport incombe entièrement au demandeur. ® Valid until / Valide jusqu'au: 2017-02-01 NUANS is a product of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada NUANS MD est un produit d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada Prince Edward Island Reservation Report Rapport pour réservation à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard AOLFN 120005278 Distinctive/Distinctif: AOLFN Page 4 of/de 7 NAICS codes/ codes SCIAN: 2016-11-03 Alternate spelling/Variante orthographique: COMPANY NAME / NOM DE L'ENTREPRISE JUR NO. DATE CITY/VILLE 2000-02-21 EP TYPE STATUS/STATUT STAT.DATE/DATE STAT. Happy Valley-Goose Bay Share Active 2009-05-12 St. John's Share Active 2011-12-05 St. John's ON Fgn_Shr CnclVtry St. John's NS Fgn_Shr Amlgmtd CD Shr_Domn Active St. John's Share Active 2011-05-19 MONTREAL CBCA Active 2011-05-19 2009-01-20 LASALLE CBCA Dissolved 2015-09-30 2003-10-20 Maple CBCA Active 2003-10-20 2016-01-27 North York CBCA Active 2016-01-27 Ltd_Co Active 2016-08-04 BUS./ACT. Al-Ving Holdings Ltd. NL 42893 ELEPHANT 7 INCORPORATED NL 60173 ALPHANORTH GP INC. NL 66453 2014-08-15 ALPHA INVESTMENTS LIMITED NL 65753 1994-03-31 ECONO-MALLS #11 CORPORATION NL 64189 2010-12-01 Alpha Nutrition Inc. NL 70809 2013-08-29 WOLF INNOVATIONS INC. CD 7846096 MOTION ELEVEN INC. CD 4508823 ALLOFNET Systems Inc. CD 6151205 Elephant Kingdom Ltd. CD 9601830 16 ELEVEN INC. NS 3300503 2016-07-26 AlphaNet Canada CD 8553122 2013-12-05 TORONTO NPCorpAct Active 2013-12-05 2015-06-25 TORONTO CBCA Active 2015-06-25 Share Amlgmtd Stephenville Share Active Spaniard's Bay Share Active Fgn_Shr Active ELEVENTY CANADA INC. CD 9347224 Venture Eleven Limited NL 13720 1980-11-14 Alpha Enterprises Limited NL 18316 1984-12-03 WHALEFINN PROPERTIES INC. NL 58586 2008-07-31 ALPHA INVESTMENTS LIMITED NL 65758 2006-07-01 St. John's NS The use of this report is the sole responsiblity of the applicant. / La responsabilité quant à l'usage du présent rapport incombe entièrement au demandeur. ® Valid until / Valide jusqu'au: 2017-02-01 NUANS is a product of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada NUANS MD est un produit d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada Trademark Report Rapport des marques de commerce AOLFN 120005278 Distinctive/Distinctif: AOLFN Page 5 of/de 7 Nice classes/classification Nice: 2016-11-03 Alternate spelling/Variante orthographique: * This report does not constitute a Trademark reservation / Ce rapport ne constitue pas de réservation de marque de commerce TRADEMARK / MARQUE DE COMMERCE AP. NO. / NO. AP. | OWNER / PROPRIÉTAIRE | REG. NO. / NO. ENR. | REG. DATE / DATE. ENR. | STATUS / STATUT | TMA464485 | 1996-10-18 | Registerd | TMA465579 | 1996-11-01 | Registerd | TMA470233 | 1997-01-30 | Registerd | TMA589532 | 2003-09-11 | Registerd | TMA498244 | 1998-08-05 | Registerd | 2003-08-13 | Registerd | CLASSES GOODS/PRODUITS INTUITION & DESIGN 0794247 | INTUITION SPORTS INCORP | 25 Moldable sport boot liners. SPRING & DESSIN 0794568 | GDI Integrated Facility | 37 Janitorial services. Q SERIES 0794775 | MASON GROUP OF COMPANIE | 07 Vacuum cleaners. T ONLINE & DESIGN 0794887 | DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG, | 38 Telecommunication services. CMT & DESIGN 0794986 | C.M.T. Utensili S.p.A. | 07,08,09 Router bits, boring bits, chucks, router cutters, countersinks,... PROFITNESS 0795122 | PROFITNESS INTERNATIONA | TMA587129 | 02,03,05,08... Vitamins; mineral supplements; amino acid supplements; nutritional,... RESULTS INTERNATIONAL AND DESIGN 0795123 | RESULTS INTERNATIONAL S | TMA476565 | 1997-05-21 | Registerd | 42 Consulting services rendered in the development and implementation of... REALPORT 0795164 | DIGI INTERNATIONAL, INC | TMA502739 | 1998-10-23 | Registerd | 09 Computer software for telecommunications and remote access, namely... METHYDURE 0795171 | FERTI TECHNOLOGIES INC. | TMA496091 | 1998-06-16 | Registerd | TMA486274 | 1997-11-26 | Registerd | 01 Engrais pour plantes. TROPICS 0795204 | TROPICANA PRODUCTS, INC | 32 Non-alcoholic beverages, namely, fruit juices and fruit juice based... NISSAN FRONTIER 0795258 | NISSAN JIDOSHA KABUSHIK | TMA583598 | 2003-06-12 | Registerd | TMA583577 | 2003-06-11 | Registerd | TMA478154 | 1997-06-20 | Registerd | 12 Pickup trucks. FRONTIER 0795259 | NISSAN JIDOSHA KABUSHIK | 12 Pickup trucks. CERSAIE DESIGN 0795358 | Edi.Cer. S.P.A. | 35 Organization of exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes;... CROISSANT + PLUS CAFÉ BISTRO & DESIGN 0795361 | MTY Tiki Ming Enterpris | TMA472329 | 1997-03-11 | Registerd | 1997-02-12 | Registerd | 21,30,43 Plastic drinking mugs; croissants. Restaurant and... TASMANIAN DEVIL & DESIGN 0795365 | Warner Bros. Entertainm | TMA470833 | 02,03,04,05... Motion picture, video and television films; prerecorded goods, namely... ROAD RUNNER & DESIGN 0795366 | Warner Bros. Entertainm | TMA503126 | 1998-10-28 | Registerd | 02,03,04,05... Video; prerecorded goods, namely prerecorded records and prerecorded... EDELBRAND 0795568 | Siena-Foods Limited | TMA465604 | 1996-11-01 | Registerd | 29 Meat and meat products. The use of this report is the sole responsiblity of the applicant. / La responsabilité quant à l'usage du présent rapport incombe entièrement au demandeur. ® Valid until / Valide jusqu'au: 2017-02-01 NUANS is a product of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada NUANS MD est un produit d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada Trademark Report Rapport des marques de commerce AOLFN 120005278 Distinctive/Distinctif: AOLFN Page 6 of/de 7 Nice classes/classification Nice: 2016-11-03 Alternate spelling/Variante orthographique: * This report does not constitute a Trademark reservation / Ce rapport ne constitue pas de réservation de marque de commerce TRADEMARK / MARQUE DE COMMERCE AP. NO. / NO. AP. | OWNER / PROPRIÉTAIRE | REG. NO. / NO. ENR. | REG. DATE / DATE. ENR. | STATUS / STATUT | TMA503372 | 1998-10-30 | Registerd | CLASSES GOODS/PRODUITS K-1 GRAND PRIX 0795569 | Kazuyoshi Ishii | 35,36,38,41 Promoting sport and fighting sport events, tournaments, and leagues,... K-1 TOURNAMENT 0795570 | Kazuyoshi Ishii | TMA503374 | 1998-10-30 | Registerd | 35,36,38,41 Promoting sport and fighting sport events, tournaments, and leagues,... EXECUTIVE TRAVELWORKS 0795574 | US AIRWAYS, INC. | TMA535614 | 2000-10-24 | Registerd | 09 Computer software for accessing a reservation system to book and pay... TUFF-LITE 0796150 | Petelka Investments Ltd | TMA467823 | 1996-12-17 | Registerd | 1996-10-25 | Registerd | 24 Side kit panels for flat bed trailers. FIRST & DESIGN 0790551 | First Gear, Inc. (an Io | TMA465472 | 28 Collectible models; namely, replica miniature vehicles. (2) Miniature... TARPIT | Maple Leaf Sports & Ent 0790678 | TMA506314 | 1999-01-11 | Registerd | TMA474325 | 1997-04-08 | Registerd | 1997-09-23 | Registerd | 1997-06-18 | Registerd | 1997-01-21 | Registerd | 25,35,36,38... T-shirts. Entertainment... GANDALF & G LOGO DESIGN 0790832 | The Saul Zaentz Company | 09 Telecommunications hardware and software. WHALE DESIGN 0790923 | SPORTCO INVESTMENTS, IN | TMA482824 | 16,21,25,26... Clothing, namely hats, caps, t-shirts,... Entertainment... ORCA BAY SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT & DESIGN (B&W) 0790924 | TMA477981 | SPORTCO INVESTMENTS, IN | 16,21,25,26... Clothing, namely: hats, caps, t-shirts,... Entertainment... HOMEGUARD WINDOWS & DOORS & DESIGN 0791049 | TMA469266 | Allsco Windows and Door | 06,19 Building products for the residential construction industry fabricated... STYLE FILE & DESIGN 0791051 | YAMAHA CORPORATION, | TMA499616 | 1998-08-28 | Registerd | 09,15 Electronic musical instruments namely electronic pianos and electric... EYEMOUSE DESIGN 0791054 | SensoMotoric Instrument | TMA506663 | 1999-01-18 | Registerd | 05,09,10 Computerized eye tracking system, namely, computer, camera with... IL CAVALIERE 0791056 | IL CAVALIERE BANQUET HA | TMA461943 | 1996-08-23 | Registerd | 35,41,42,43... Restaurant, catering, banquet hall and convention centre services. THE EMPRESS 0791057 | BDC (Empress Hotel) Inv | TMA506070 | 1999-01-05 | Registerd | 35,41,42,43... Restaurant, catering, banquet hall and convention centre services. IICHIKO DESIGN 0791058 | SANWA SHURUI KABUSHIKI | TMA469435 | 1997-01-22 | Registerd | TMA463007 | 1996-09-06 | Registerd | TMA477609 | 1997-06-11 | Registerd | 33 Distilled alcoholic beverages. WATERSENTRY 0791583 | ELKAY MANUFACTURING COM | 11 Water filters. CRATONI 0791584 | GUNTER KRAUTER, | 07,09,10,12... Eye-glasses (spectacles), sun-glasses, protective glasses namely... The use of this report is the sole responsiblity of the applicant. / La responsabilité quant à l'usage du présent rapport incombe entièrement au demandeur. ® Valid until / Valide jusqu'au: 2017-02-01 NUANS is a product of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada NUANS MD est un produit d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada AOLFN 120005278 Distinctive/Distinctif: AOLFN Page 7 of/de 7 2016-11-03 Alternate spelling/Variante orthographique: Data provider information / Information concernant les fournisseurs des données Data provider / Fournisseur des données Data Available / Données disponibles Update intervals / Intervalle de mise à jour Latest update dates / Dernière mise à jour YYYY/MM/DD Reference / Référence Federal / Fédéral Corporate names/Dénominations de société Weekly/Hebdomadaire 2016-09-22 New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick Corporate and trade names/Dénominations de société et noms commerciaux Monthly/Mensuel 2016-10-24 Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-etLabrador Corporate and trade names/Dénominations de société et noms commerciaux Monthly/Mensuel 2016-09-14 Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse Corporate and trade names/Dénominations de société et noms commerciaux Daily/Quotidien 2016-09-22 Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions / Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières Corporate names/Dénominations de société Other/Autre 2016-07-18 Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard Corporate and trade names/Dénominations de société et noms commerciaux Weekly/Hebdomadaire 2016-09-22 Trademarks / Marques de commerce All registrations and applications, seeds, sections 9s/ Tout les enregistrements et demandes, semences et section 9 Weekly/Hebdomadaire 2016-10-12 Abbreviation terminology and description / Description et terminologie des abréviations Abbreviation/Abréviation English Term Terme français Description JUR. Jurisdiction Code Code d'autorité législative Place where company or trade name is incorporated or registered / Lieu où l'entreprise ou la dénomination commerciale est constituée ou enregistrée NO. Company Number Numéro de l'entreprise I.D. number attributed by the authority / Numéro d'identification assigné par l'autorité DATE Creation Date Date de création Creation date of the company / Date de création de l'entreprise CITY/VILLE City Ville Place where registered office is situated / Lieu où le siège social est situé EP Extra-Provincial Code Code extra-provincial Place where the company originates from / Lieu d'origine de l'entreprise TYPE Company Type Type d'entreprise Business structure of the company / Structure de l'entreprise STATUS/STATUT Legal Status Statut Légal Current state of the company / État actuel de l'entreprise STAT. DATE/DATE STAT. Status Date Date de statut Date when status took effect / Date d'entrée en vigueur du statut BUS./ACT. Business activity Secteur d'activité de l'entreprise Business activity of the company / Secteur d'activité de l'entreprise Names / Dénominations Trademark / Marque de commerce AP.NO./NO.AP. Application Number Numéro d'application I.D. number attributed by the authority / Numéro d'identification assigné par l'autorité REG.NO./NO.ENR. Registration Number Numéro d'enregistrement I.D. number attributed by the authority / Numéro d'identification assigné par l'autorité STATUS/STATUT Status Statut Current state of the trademark / État actuel de la marque de commerce OWNER / PROPRIÉTAIRE Owner name Propriétaire Name of trademark owner / Nom du propriétaire de la marque de commerce GOODS/PRODUITS Goods and Services Produits et services Goods and services associated with a trademark / Produits et services associés à une marque de commerce CLASSES Nice Class Codes Codes des classes Nice Classification codes / Codes de classification REG.DATE/DATE.ENR Registration Date Date d'enregistrement Date on which a trademark is registered / Date à laquelle la marque de commerce est enregistrée Reference / Référence Reference / Référence Nuans home page / Page d'accueil de Nuans : Nuans report codes / codes des rapports Nuans : NAICS codes / codes SCIAN : (in English only/en anglais seulement) Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions / Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières : Nice class codes / codes classification Nice : English: Registraire des entreprises du Québec : English: French: French: The use of this report is the sole responsiblity of the applicant. / La responsabilité quant à l'usage du présent rapport incombe entièrement au demandeur. ® Valid until / Valide jusqu'au: 2017-02-01 NUANS is a product of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada NUANS MD est un produit d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada