OCM 2002: Welcome - Ecole des mines de Nantes
OCM 2002: Welcome - Ecole des mines de Nantes
OCM 2002: Welcome OCM 2002 Objects, Components, Models The Evolution of Software Architectures and Development Methods http://www.ocm−ouest.org March 21, 2002 École des Mines de Nantes, Nantes, France OCM 2002 1 OCM 2002: Welcome Welcome Following the scope of the previous conferences Objet XX, OCM 2000 and OCM 2001, the OCM 2002 conference aims at assessing the academic and industrial researches and applications in the objects, components and models domains. About the conference During the last decade, we have gone through procedural technologies, objects technologies, and components technologies. Nowadays, we can see an emerging use of models in the development field and Web Services in the system architecture field. « Objects, Architectures and Models engineering » is becoming more and more apparent and constitutes the OCM 2002 conference thematic. About the course of the conference Organized by different institutional, academic and industrial organisms, the OCM 2002 conference aims at having objective and critical viewpoints about progresses and prospects for objects, architectures and models evolutions in the industry. The day will be divided into three main sections: • In the morning sessions, two main inventors and actors of object technology, Bjarne Stroustrup (ATT) and Steve Cook (IBM), will give a presentation on their works. • The different afternoon sessions will be set up to run in parallel. They will prospect for new development methods and new software architectures. Each of these technologies will be developed by two presentations: (i) the first will show the concepts, the principles and the possible cases of use, (ii) the second will consist in an experimentation feedback based on an concrete industrial use. The different examples will concern different domains of use and different applications classes. The aim of these presentations is to assist the industrial participants in making coherent commercial and technical decisions about development methods and software architectures. • At the end of the afternoon, discussions will go on with a round table with different academic and industrial participants. This round table will summarize the major points of the sessions, make a link between them, and try to anticipate their possible evolutions. Welcome 2 OCM 2002: Welcome Invited Speakers Bjarne Stroustrup ([email protected]) (ATT) Talk « Multiparadigm Programming in Standard C++ » Multi−paradigm programming is programming applying different styles of programming, such as object−oriented programming and generic programming, where they are most appropriate. This talk presents simple example of individual styles in ISO Standard C++ and examples where these styles are used in combination to produce cleaner, more maintainable code than could have been done using a single style only. Biography Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementer of C++ and the author of « The C++ Programming Language » (1st edition 1985, 2nd edition 1991, 3rd edition 1997) and « The Design and Evolution of C++ ». His research interests include distributed systems, operating systems, simulation, design, and programming. Dr. Stroustrup is the head of AT&Lab's Large−scale Programming Research department, an AT&Bell Laboratories Fellow, and an AT&Fellow. He is actively involved in the ANSI/ISO standardization of C++. Recipient of the 1993 ACM Grace Murray Hopper award. ACM fellow. Invited Speakers 3 OCM 2002: Welcome Steve Cook ([email protected]) (IBM) Talk « Model−driven approaches to software development » Building and configuring software for today's e−business systems is extremely complex. The task can be simplified by using models as abstract and approachable representations of the system's structure and behaviour. This talk will discuss the structure and relationships of models and modelling languages, and the use of models in software development. A particular area of focus will be the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and related technologies. Biography Steve Cook joined IBM in 1994 to form the European Object Technology Practice. Before joining IBM he ran his own company, Object Designers Ltd, which he started in 1989 after ten years of research at Queen Mary College, London University. He was a co−inventor of OCL (Object Constraint Language) and responsible for introducing it into the definition of UML. Steve Cook ([email protected]) (IBM) 4 OCM 2002: Welcome Program 09h30 Invited Speaker: « Multiparadigm Programming in Standard C++ » Bjarne Stroustrup (ATT) 10h30 Coffee Break 11h00 Invited Speaker: « Model−driven approaches to software development » Steve Cook (IBM) 12h00 Lunch JAVA platform .NET platform MDA XML platform and Web Services (3) (1) 13h30 « Le projet Eclipse : Une plateforme universelle pour outils intégrés » Philippe Mulet (IBM) (2) « Le . sur .Net (le point sur .Net) » François Mérand (Microsoft) 15h00 17h00 Program (4) « Technologie XML appliquée à la TV numérique » Jean−Jacques Henin (Teamlog) Coffee Break (5) 15h30 « L'approche MDA: Concepts, Challenges et Opportunités » Jean Bézivin (Univ. Nantes) Jean Jourdan (Thalès) « Retour d'expérience sur les technologies J2EE − Plate−forme e−Commerce Smart−EC » Philippe Ensarguet (AQL) (6) « Retour d'expérience sur le développement d'un site Web en architecture .NET avec une approche génie logiciel » François−Régis Chaumartin (Information Technology Software) (7) « Migration vers Java : une approche basée sur le MDA » Frédéric Madiot (Sodifrance) (8) « Mise en oeuvre des Web Services avec .Net » Raphaël Mansuy (Business Design Consulting/Groupe Air Liquide) Round table: « From objects models to services models » Jean Bézivin (Univ. Nantes), Pierre Cointe (EMN), Jean−Marc Jézéquel (IRISA), Jean Jourdan (Thalès), Steve Cook (IBM), Bjarne Stroustrup (ATT) 5 OCM 2002: Welcome Committees Organization Committee Gérard Baubau ([email protected]) (MEITO) Jean Bézivin ([email protected]−nantes.fr) (Université de Nantes) Pierre Cointe ([email protected]) (EMN) Catherine De Charette (catherine.de−[email protected]) (EMN) Jean−Marc Jézéquel ([email protected]) (IRISA) Thomas Ledoux ([email protected]) (EMN) Frédéric Le Mouël (frederic.le−[email protected]) (EMN) Jean−Marc Menaud (jean−[email protected]) (EMN) Chantal Rahuel ([email protected]) (MEITO) Committees 6 OCM 2002: Welcome Co−Organization The OCM 2002 Conference is co−organized with the following group of institutional, academic and industrial organisms: École des Mines de Nantes Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires Mission pour l'Electronique, l'Informatique et les Télécommunications de l'Ouest With the participation of: Université de Nantes École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne Sodifrance With the support of: Conseils régionaux des Pays de la Loire Conseils régionaux de Bretagne Co−Organization 7 OCM 2002: Welcome Direction Régionale de l'Industrie, de la Recherche et de l'Environnement des Pays de la Loire Direction Régionale de l'Industrie, de la Recherche et de l'Environnement de Bretagne Agence française de l'innovation, délégation Pays de la Loire Agence française de l'innovation, délégation Bretagne Co−Organization 8 OCM 2002: Welcome Registration Identity Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss. Surname : First Name : Title/Position : Organization : Name/Organization for Badge (if different) : Address : Zip Code : Town/Country : Tel. : Fax : Email : Billing Address (if different) : Zip Code : Town/Country : Registration I wish to participate to : (check according to the program) 13h30 1st session choice 1234 15h30 2nd session choice 5678 17h00 Round Table yes no Lunch I wish to participate to the lunch : yes no Registration 9 OCM 2002: Welcome Registration Fees Registration fees entitle conference proceedings, coffee breaks and the lunch. Prices (VAT 19,6% included) Industrial 1st registred participant 230 Euros 2nd registered participant 150 Euros Academic Student (1) 150 Euros 75 Euros 3rd registered 75 Euros participant (1) Less than 26 years old. Join a valid student identification card. Means of Payment Cheque made out to MEITO (2). Order Form (only for French organizations) (2). Bank Transfer : MEITO − Banque de Bretagne − Rennes Bank Code Counter Code Account Number Key RIB 40168 00019 19249726811 28 (2) Registration fees must be send to the following address : MEITO 11, rue du Clos Courtel 35700 Rennes, France Registration Fees 10 OCM 2002: Welcome Pratical Information Conference address École des Mines de Nantes 4, rue Alfred Kastler, BP 20722 44307 Nantes Cedex 3, France EMN Access Click to enlarge • From Rennes: Go towards « Angers, Paris ». Take the highway exit « n°24 Nantes Est ». • From Paris or Angers: Take the highway exit « La Chapelle sur Erdre ». Take the highway in direction of « Paris, Angers. Make a U−turn. Take the highway exit « n°24 Nantes Est » (highway exit not accessible from Angers or Paris). • From Cholet: Take the beltway in direction of « Rennes, Vannes ». Take the highway exit « La Beaujoire ». Go towards « St−Joseph de Porterie » and run across the town. Go towards « Atlanpole » until the « École des Mines ». • From Bordeaux: Take the south beltway in direction of « Angers, Paris ». Take the direction of « Rennes, Vannes » until the highway exit « La Beaujoire ». Go towards « St−Joseph de Porterie » and run across the town. Go towards « Atlanpole » until the « École des Mines ». • From Vannes or St−Nazaire: Go towards « Paris ». Take the highway exit « n°24 Nantes Est ». Pratical Information 11 OCM 2002: Welcome • From the train station: Go to the north exit which is in front of a tramway station. Take the tramway towards the terminus « La Beaujoire ». Take the bus « n°72 or 76 » towards « Gachet/Carquefou » and stop at « Christian Pauc » station in front of the « École des Mines ». • From the aeroport: Take the aeroport bus and stop at « Commerce » station. Take the tramway towards the terminus « La Beaujoire ». Take the bus « n°72 or 76 » towards « Gachet/Carquefou » and stop at « Christian Pauc » station in front of the « École des Mines ». Timetables of bus and tramway are available on the TAN website. Pratical Information 12 OCM 2002: Welcome Links Previous conferences with their guest speakers: • OCM 2001 (Rennes) Philippe KRUCHTEN (Rational Software) Bertrand MEYER (ISE) • OCM 2000 (Nantes) : theme « Past, present, futur » Jean−Pierre BANÂTRE (Université de Rennes 1 INRIA) François BANCILHON (Arioso) Adele GOLDBERG (Neometron) Gregor KICZALES (University of British Columbia) Kristen NYGAARD (University of Oslo) Gerard ROUCAIROL (Bull) • Objet 99 (Nantes) : theme « Components » Patrick ALBERT (ILOG) François BANCILHON (Ardent Software) • Objet 98 (Rennes) : theme « Patterns » Jim COPLIEN (Lucent Technologies − Bell Labs) Erich GAMMA (OTI) • Objet 97 (Brest) : theme « Normalization » Richard SOLEY (OMG) Michael A. JACKSON (Software Development Consultant) • Objet 96 (Nantes) : theme « Smalltalk » Dave THOMAS (OTI) Rebecca WIRFS−BROCK (ObjectShare) • Objet 95 (Rennes) : theme « Reuse » Bertrand MEYER (ISE) Arnold ROCHFELD (Ingénia) Interesting links Les jeudis de l'Objet Club Objet de l'Ouest Links 13