Islamic Arts Department


Islamic Arts Department
12 rue Saint Maur
75011 Paris
TEL +33 (0)1 83 64 06 90
FAX +33 (0)9 65 76 98 67
[email protected]
Islamic Arts Department
2008 - 2012
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Paris, France
Permanent exhibition
Project Office for the design concept of multimedia
installations at the Islamic Arts and Three Antiquities
departments in the Louvre museum.
The Louvre had redesigned a department dedicated to the Islamic arts,
opened the 18th september 2012. This department, which is the
Louvre’s 8th and the national’s 15th heritage department, will be
housed in new spaces built in the Visconti courtyard (architects : Bellini
& Riccioti). Since the beginning, the museum had very ambitious plans
for cultural and multimedia interpretation for the visitors. The objective
is to propose a real re-discovery of the collections, an engaging and
interactive multimedia framework, a journey into art and Islamic
The Louvre ask reciproque in 2007, the initial schematic design of the
multimedia interpretation masterplan. Then reciproque, co-contracting
with Labeyrie & Associates, assisted the museum services for the
conception design and project office of all multimedia project from
2008 to 2012. The content production was delegate to Uzik and
Opixido. The digital equipement was provided by Axians.
Creative Director : Stéphane Bezombes
Project expert : François Forge
Chef de projet : Ludovic Perrot
Consultant multimédia : Labeyrie & Associés
Muséographe : Renaud Pierard
Architecte : Mario Bellini et Rudy Riccioti