Bulletin - The Learning Partnership


Bulletin - The Learning Partnership
Winter 2011
the learning
The Learning
Partnership’s Events
The 7th annual Canada’s Outstanding
Principals™ awards gala is slated for
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at the
Courtyard by Marriott in downtown
Toronto. The event honours exceptional
principals from every province and
territory for their contributions to
public education. This year’s Master
of Ceremonies is Marci Ien, News
Anchor for CTV’s Canada AM. The
Keynote speaker is Kevin Costante,
Deputy Minister of Education for the
province of Ontario. Please visit www.
fundraising events are our Tribute
Events which honour Champions of
Education, outstanding individuals
whose contributions have enhanced
public education in Canada. Tribute
Luncheons have been held three times
in Western Canada and twice in the
Atlantic Canada, while Tribute Dinners
are held in Toronto every year.
On Tuesday, May 10, 2011, we will host
the 13th annual Toronto Tribute Dinner.
The slate for the 2011 Champions of
Public Education Tribute Dinner has
been confirmed. We are thrilled to be
honouring Darren Entwistle, President
and CEO, TELUS; Dr. Jane Gaskell, former
Dean of OISE, University of Toronto;
J. Robert S. Prichard, O.C., O.Ont.,
Chair Torys LLP and President Emeritus,
University of Toronto; and Donald A.
Stewart, CEO, Sun Financial Inc. The
Master of Ceremonies will be Janice
Fukakusa, Chief Adminstrative Officer
and CFO, Royal Bank of Canada. We
invite members of the public to attend
the event, which supports The Learning
Partnership’s essential programs.
Dignitary for a Day: Our Dream Job Contest Winner
Meets the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the House,
and Other Officials on Take Our Kids to Work Day
eight weekly winners were eligible to
win a grand prize, also through online
voting. Nearly 30,000 people from
278 cities and towns participated in this
year’s contest.
Ultimate Dream Job Contest winner and
The Right Honourable Stephen Harper,
Prime Minister of Canada
Dignitary for a Day: Our
Contest Winner Meets
Minister, the Speaker of
and Other Officials on Take
Work day.
Dream Job
the Prime
the House,
Our Kids to
As a complement to Take Our Kids to
Work on November 3, we held our
second Ultimate Dream Job Contest in
partnership with Scotiabank Group®.
Students in grade nine in public
schools from coast to coast to coast
were encouraged to share their ‘dream
job’ with us. To enter, they submitted
photos and a brief written description
for a chance to win eight weekly prizes
through an online voting campaign. The
The Grand Prize Winner was Melanie
Renn, from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, who
won the contest with over 10,000 votes
in total. Her prize was a trip to Ottawa to
meet Prime Minister Stephen Harper, The
Hon. Peter Milliken, Speaker of the House
of Commons, and Greg Kerr, MP West
Nova. Melanie toured the Parliament
buildings, as well as some of the capital’s
museums and monuments. The five
schools that submitted the most contest
entries each received a $1,000 prize;
Melanie’s school, Yarmouth Junior High,
was among the winners.
The contest was supported through a
three-month media campaign. Melanie
appeared on all three Canadian TV
networks (Global, CTV and CBC), and
many stories about her day in Ottawa
appeared in newspapers across Canada.
We are pleased to congratulate all the
winners, and thank all who participated
in this year’s exciting contest.
Advisory Committees Help Impact Public Education
The Learning Partnership’s Advisory
Committees are made up of members
of the community who are enthusiastic
advocates of public education. The goal
of these committees is to promote and
support the delivery of The Learning
Partnership’s programs and initiatives.
We currently have Advisory Committees
in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary,
Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal, St. John’s,
Halifax and New Brunswick. We continue
to develop these committees with local
community members. If you would like
to get involved as an Advisory Committee
member, please contact Ellen Hunter at
[email protected].
The Learning Partnership Bulletin
Mark Your Calendar:
Upcoming Events
Winter 2011
• Welcome to Kindergarten™
Teacher Orientations
–January - March
• Turning Points Grades 7 and 8
Essays Deadline–January 14
• Atlantic Supervisory Officers,
Series 1, Module 3–January 20 - 22
• Ontario Directors of Education,
Series 3, Module 2–February 3 - 5
• Ontario Supervisory Officers,
Series 3, Module 6–February 10 - 12
• Canada’s Outstanding Principals™
Executive Training Program
–February 6 - 10
• Canada’s Outstanding Principals
2011 Gala Awards Dinner
–February 8
• 2011 Toronto Tribute Event–May 10
President’s Column
As we enter the holiday season, we at The Learning Partnership have much
to celebrate. Canadian students in publicly funded schools are performing
above international averages in reading, mathematics, problem-solving
and science, according to a recent OECD study. Nevertheless, we know
there is always room for improvement, and we are always striving to
improve student achievement through TLP initiatives.
The fall has been a busy time for The Learning Partnership. I’m pleased
to report that last month we wrapped up our 16th successful Take Our
Kids to WorkTM Day, which brought over 200,000 students into tens of
thousands of workplaces across Canada for a day of job-shadowing. Over
the years, this program has grown to become an integral part of our public
education system. The benefits of Take Our Kids to Work are far-reaching;
it not only impacts students while they are in school, but also influences
their career options and sets them on a path to future success as adults.
Please visit our Facebook fan page at to see some of the great photos
from Take Our Kids to Work Day 2010.
At this time of year when many charities are embarking on new fundraising
campaigns, I would like to ask you to consider supporting The Learning
Partnership’s innovative programs, such as Take Our Kids to Work. All
our endeavours have a single purpose: to enhance student learning and
success. We need donations to grow these programs so that we can reach
as many students as possible. Whichever program you choose to sponsor,
every dollar makes a difference. You’ll find more information about making
a gift in the Engaging Canadians section of this newsletter.
As always, I welcome your feedback on this newsletter. Please feel free to
contact us at [email protected].
Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season.
The Learning Partnership Bulletin is a
publication of The Learning Partnership.
The Learning Partnership is a national
charitable organization.
To find out more,
or to support our programs and initiatives
across Canada, please visit
Charitable Registration Number 14075 6107 RR0001
The Learning Partnership Bulletin
Veronica Lacey
President & CEO, The Learning Partnership
Entrepreneurial Adventure Workshops Help Build Team Skills in Students
The Learning Partnership’s Regional Entrepreneurial
Adventure (EA) program instills a sense of entrepreneurial
spirit in children from Kindergarten to grade 12. The
program provides students with a foundation of knowledge,
allowing them to envision, create and operate their own
entrepreneurial undertakings. Communities also benefit from
these endeavours, which generally raise funds to support
special causes.
The involvement of volunteer business partners is a key
component of the Entrepreneurial Adventure program. They
bring a different set of experiences and expertise into the
classroom, and become role models for their younger venture
Teachers and volunteer business partners will participate in
upcoming half-day workshops designed to help the teachers
and volunteer business partners create effective teams
with their students and run an Entrepreneurial Adventure
program. The workshop is an essential component of the
Entrepreneurial Adventure program and covers the following
topics: What is an Entrepreneur? What makes a venture
entrepreneurial? What makes an Entrepreneurial Adventure
teacher/volunteer business partnership effective?
Workshop dates have been finalized for all of the centres:
Ottawa – December 2, 1010; Calgary – December 9,
2010; GTA – December 9, 2010; Halilfax – January 11,
2010; and Fredericton – January 13, 2011. For information
about EA, please contact Susan Langley at slangley@
TLP congratulates the Eager Beaver Yearbook Committee
from Upper Miramichi on its EA venture called “Best Wishes
from Umes”, which won a New Brunswick Merit Award in
the category of Volunteer Service. Their project provided
the students and staff with a wonderful memento, and also
raised an impressive $1,200 in support of the Make a Wish
Foundation. During the group’s presentation in Miramichi,
a local business owner gave a matching donation to the
A key component of each workshop is a series of carousels
where experienced teachers and business partners – and in
some cases students – share their ventures with the new
participants. Workshops will be held this year in Calgary,
Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax and Fredericton throughout
December and in January 2011 for all recruited teachers and
business partners.
Students at the 2009 Entrepreneurial Adventure Showcase in Ottawa,
Henry Munro Middle School
Excecutive Leadership:
Our Recent and Upcoming Program Offerings
The Executive Leadership courses form one of the pillars of
The Learning Partnership’s suite of program offerings. They are
integral to the development of our public education system,
and play an important role in enhancing the skills of our
education leaders. We are proud of our ongoing relationship
with the Rotman School of Management in Toronto, as well as
our continuing partnership with the Sobey School of Business
at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax.
management course will run from February 6-8, 2011. For
further details about any of our Executive Leadership Programs,
please click here.
This fall, senior education leaders from school boards across
Ontario attended the Ontario sessions. Twenty-nine attended
the third series of The Ontario Supervisory Officer Executive
Program on Leadership and Management, while 19 attended
the third course of the Ontario Directors of Education
Institute on Leadership and Strategic Impact. In addition, 36
participants attended The Atlantic Provinces Executive Program
for Educational Leadership and Management.
The Executive Leadership course for the 2011 winners of
Canada’s Outstanding Principals award will be held from
February 6-10, 2011, and the National Academy of Principals
Participants in the Rotman Leadership course in July 2010
The Learning Partnership Bulletin
Supporting Learning in Your Community Takes Commitment - and Dollars
As the end of the year approaches, The Learning Partnership
is once again launching our annual giving campaign to
support the delivery of our innovative and unique programs.
The Learning Partnership’s programs are supported across
Canada by Ministries of Education, the Federal and Provincial
governments, Canadian businesses, foundations, community
organizations, educational institutions and school boards.
However, as a charitable organization, we still need financial
support to help us continue to offer quality programs that
make a difference to students.
The Learning Partnership is an official registered charity, and all
gifts over $20 are acknowledged with a tax-deductible receipt.
There are many convenient ways to make a contribution,
including pre-authorized credit card or pre-authorized
chequing gifts on a monthly basis, or a lump-sum donation.
Remember, all gifts are greatly appreciated.
At this moment, there are hundreds of schools with children
across Canada on waiting lists for The Learning Partnership
programs. As a supporter, you can demonstrate your
commitment to public education and help The Learning
Partnership expand across the country. We are striving for
100% participation by our staff, Board members and the
friends of TLP who are our Leaders In Learning.
Recently, a staff member gave a gift in honour of a friend’s
wedding, as the couple had requested donations to charity
in lieu of a gift. Making a donation is a wonderful way to
commemorate birthdays, anniversaries and other celebratory
events. It’s also a special way to honour the memory of a loved
one who has passed.
A Welcome to Kindergarten student and his mother
Building Capacity to Foster Resilience Builds our
Students’ Success
Dr. Wayne Hammond speaking on Resilience
After national consultation and a
partnership with nine provinces and
territories, several regional roundtables,
the National Dialogue on Resilience in
Youth in Winnipeg in 2008, we have
produced an excellent report. At a staff
meeting earlier in the fall, Dr. Wayne
Hammond, a national expert in the
area of youth resilience, spoke about
the importance of developing positive
personal relationships with the young
people in our schools.
The Learning Partnership has initiated
further work in this area with the support
The Learning Partnership Bulletin
of the provincial government and an
advisory board composed of school
board representatives and community
agencies. TLP is hosting six provincial
sessions this fall, Building Capacity to
Foster Resilience, for senior education
leaders in all school districts in Ontario.
The sessions are being held to raise
awareness and help build the capacity
of senior education administrators to
support vulnerable children and youth.
The initiative will gather promising
practices in the area of resiliency across
school districts in Ontario and develop
tools and resources that can be used by
senior system leaders and their staff. As
a follow-up in 2011, these resources will
be shared among Ontario school boards.
We’re also pleased to share with you the
results of another area of our research,
Early Learning. The sixth Progress
Report – The Quality of Public Education
in Canada on the Early Years is now
available for download.
Please read the latest blog post by Gerry
Connelly, Director of Policy and Research,
on Fostering Reslience among Children
and Youth in Canada.
The Ultimate Dream Job
Contest 2010 Finalists
Week 1–Professional
Week 2–Outdoor
Week 3–Neurosurgeon Week 4–Police Officer
Week 5–Archaeologist Week 6
–Registered Nurse
Head Office: Toronto
Provincial Associates: Vancouver,
Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, North Bay,
Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, Fredericton,
Moncton, Charlottetown, St. John’s
4211 Yonge Street, Suite 301
Toronto, ON M2P 2A9
Tel.: 416.440.5100 1.800.790.9113
Fax: 416.482.5311
Hiver 2011
Bulletin de
en education
À inscrire à votre
calendrier :
Activités à venir
Hiver 2011
Dignitaire pour une journée : La gagnante de notre
concours de l’Emploi de rêve rencontre le premier
ministre, le président de la Chambre des communes
et d’autres fonctionnaires lors de la journée Invitons
nos jeunes au travail
pour courir la chance de gagner un des
huit prix hebdomadaires par un vote en
ligne. Les huit gagnants hebdomadaires
étaient admissibles au grand prix, aussi
par un vote en ligne. Presque 30 000
élèves de 278 villes et villages ont
participé au concours de cette année.
• Bienvenue à la maternelleMC,
orientation des enseignants
–Janvier à mars
• Date limite d’envoi de
dissertations pour Points
tournants, 7e et 8e années –le 14
• Agents de supervision de
l’Atlantique, Série 1, Module 3
–Du 20 au 22 janvier
• Éducation des directeurs de
l’Ontario, Série 3, Module 2
– du 3 au 5 février
• Agents de supervision de
l’Ontario, Série 3, Module 6
–Du 10 au 12 février
• Directeurs et directrices
exceptionnels du CanadaMC
Programme de formation des
cadres – du 6 au 10 février
• Dîner gala 2011 des Directeurs
et directrices exceptionnels du
Canada – le 8 février
• Événement hommage 2011 de
Toronto – le 10 mai
La gagnante du concours de l’Emploi de
rêve et le très honorable Stephen Harper,
premier ministre du Canada.
Dignitaire pour une journée : La
gagnante de notre concours de l’Emploi
de rêve rencontre le premier ministre, le
président de la Chambre des communes
et d’autres fonctionnaires lors de la
journée Invitons nos jeunes au travail.
En complément de l’événement Invitons
nos jeunes au travail du 3 novembre, nous
avons tenu notre deuxième concours de
l’Emploi de rêve en partenariat avec le
Groupe Banque ScotiaMD. Les élèves de
neuvième année des écoles publiques
de tout le pays étaient invités à nous
dévoiler leur « Emploi de rêve ». Les
jeunes devaient envoyer une photo
accompagnée d’une brève description
Melanie Renn, de Yarmouth, NouvelleÉcosse, a remporté le grand prix du
concours avec plus de 10 000 votes.
Son prix était un voyage à Ottawa pour
rencontrer le premier ministre, Stephen
Harper, l’honorable Peter Milliken,
président de la Chambre des communes,
et Greg Kerr, député de l’ouest de
la Nouvelle-Écosse. Melanie a visité
les édifices parlementaires, ainsi que
quelques musées et monuments de la
capitale. Les cinq écoles qui ont envoyé
le plus grand nombre de participations
au concours ont reçu un prix de
1 000 $ chacune, et l’école de Melanie,
Yarmouth Junior High, était parmi les
écoles gagnantes.
Le concours a bénéficié d’une campagne
médiatique de trois mois. Melanie est
apparue sur les trois réseaux de télévision
canadiens (Global, CTV et SRC), et bien
des comptes-rendus de sa journée à
Ottawa ont été publiés dans les journaux
du tout le Canada. Nous félicitons tous
les gagnants et remercions tous les
élèves qui ont participé au concours de
cette année.
Bulletin de Partenariat en Éducation
Finalistes du concours de
L’Emploi de rêve 2010
Chronique de
la présidente
Les programmes d’éducation publique;
essentiels à la réussite scolaire
Semaine 1
– Surfeur des neiges
Semaine 2
– Guide de plein air
À l’approche de la saison des Fêtes, Partenariat en Éducation a bien
des choses à célébrer. Selon une récente étude menée par l’OCDE, le
rendement des élèves des écoles publiques canadiennes est supérieur
aux moyennes internationales en lecture, mathématique, résolution de
problèmes et sciences. Mais il y a toujours place à amélioration, aussi nous
menons constamment des initiatives conçues pour améliorer le rendement
scolaire des élèves.
L’automne fut une période occupée pour Partenariat en Éducation. Le
mois dernier, nous avons conclu avec succès notre 16e journée Invitons nos
jeunes au travail , pendant laquelle plus de 200 000 élèves ont observé
le travail qui se fait dans des dizaines de milliers de lieux de travail du
Canada. Au fil des ans, ce programme a évolué pour faire partie intégrante
de notre système d’éducation public. Les bienfaits du programme Invitons
nos jeunes au travail ont une portée considérable, car ils ne touchent
pas seulement les élèves pendant qu’ils sont à l’école, ils influencent leur
choix de carrière et les met sur la bonne voie pour devenir des adultes
accomplis. Visitez-nous sur Facebook pour voir quelques photos prises lors
de l’événement Invitons nos jeunes au travail de 2010.
Semaine 3
– Neurochirurgienne
Semaine 4 – Policier
Semaine 5
– Archéologue
Semaine 6
– infirmière
En cette période de l’année où bien des œuvres de bienfaisance lancent
de nouvelles campagne de levée de fonds, j’aimerais vous demander de
considérer soutenir des programmes novateurs de Partenariat en Éducation,
comme Invitons nos jeunes au travail. Toutes nos initiatives visent le même
but : rehausser l’expérience d’apprentissage et la réussite scolaire. Nous
avons besoin de dons pour élargir le rayonnement de ces programmes,
afin d’atteindre le plus d’élèves possible. Quelque soit le programme que
vous choisissez de parrainer, chaque dollar compte.
Le Bulletin de Partenariat en
Éducation est une publication de
Partenariat en Éducation.
Partenariat en Éducation est une
organisation nationale caritative. Pour
en savoir plus, ou pour
soutenir nos programmes et initiatives
partout au Canada, visitez le
N° d’enregistrement d’organisme
de bienfaisance 14075 6107 RR0001
Bulletin de Partenariat en Éducation
Comme toujours, je vous invite à me faire part de vos commentaires
sur le présent bulletin. N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous à
[email protected].
Je vous souhaite, à vous et aux vôtres, de très joyeuses Fêtes.
Veronica Lacey
Présidente-directrice générale, Partenariat en Éducation